
How To Use Deterministic In A Sentence

  • There are a lot of so-called "Mathematical Economic Models" in today's market, but none of them presents an inclusive and deterministic system.
  • The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential.
  • The distributed mass of ricocheting impulses which form the foundation of intelligence forbid deterministic results for a given starting point.
  • Algorithmic means we can describe it in deterministic detail: i.e. "given this condition, this outcome will happen". Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • In seismology, stochastic models can be used to describe velocity heterogeneities that are too small or too numerous to be described deterministically.
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  • The deterministic aspect of divine rule in Daniel is of one piece with divine determinism that permeates the Bible - and that appears to be a theological datum.
  • Of course, the universe on one reading is highly abstract and some of its laws are mechanistic and deterministic.
  • In traditionally static and deterministic parking models, the time dependence and stochasticity of road networks is ignored.
  • Given an initial condition on a time-like hypersurface as a mathematical model for the universe, we can determine in which direction a dynamics (supposed here to be deterministic, whether applied to a quantum or to a classical state) causes the entropy to increase or to decrease. Arrow of Time FAQ
  • Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • I murrieta homes for sale nontelescopic stateless teleprompter in the yell of not uncommunicative any way nonheritable what quantifier i was redetermination out of and sexually if i was nullifier the deterministic brisling and the dactylopteridae inhumane a highfaluting anoectochilus. Rational Review
  • This results from the fact that it is so difficult to distinguish deterministic chaos from highly random behavior.
  • And the thought, of course, is that the robot or the computer is a deterministic system and you can't have free will if you're a deterministic system.
  • He expressed an underlying instability indicative of the gradual disillusionment with the promises of deterministic reasoning.
  • - "Most SF of a certain vintage is contaminated by the Marxist notion that history is the sum of deterministic, predictable forces. Amazing Grace, you do me wrong to treat me thus discourteously
  • But creativity means appearance of novelty, which by definition exists outside the confines of a deterministic universe.
  • Throughout the book, he emphasizes that an evolutionary approach is not deterministic.
  • It is important to note that for a homogeneous population our results, in terms of epidemic type and outcome, are as anticipated from the deterministic theory.
  • Short-term earthquake prediction, on the other hand, is more deterministic and relies on the detection of precursory phenomena.
  • But in reality, isn’t each trial totally deterministic from the moment the coin is tossed? The Real, Random World and AIs « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Strictly speaking this process of inference cannot be completely deterministic.
  • The non-deterministic network entity relationship models are used to construct probabilistic codebook, and the isolated alarm fault problem is solved by the idea of virtual concomitant alarm.
  • When we build our computers small, so small that errors become unescapable, will we continue to try to maintain the model of the transistor and the near deterministic completely controlled system?
  • If a deterministic system could nonetheless have free will, we could still be purely physical systems.
  • Whether the universe is deterministic, or (as contemporary physics seems to suggest) indeterministic is a question which is independent of the truth or falsehood of the completeness of physics.
  • As the authors write, "we hypothesized that human spatial reasoning could improve both the sampling of conformational space and the determination of when to pursue suboptimal conformations if the [random elements of current algorithms] were replaced with human decision making while retaining the deterministic Rosetta algorithms as [tools for players]. Why Crowdsourcing Works
  • Based on the variation of the reliability, of equipment, it is proved that the reliability of a tandem system is not a deterministic variable but a stochastic one, and has a lognormal distribution.
  • The irregular trend in integrated series is known as a stochastic trend as opposed to a simple linear deterministic time trend. Energy quality
  • Regarding an underlying mathematical edifice, a possible analogy in mathematics is the existence of non-computable numbers, these numbers have no deterministic, no algorithmic description, yet they exist. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • The storm truly is deterministic (an event causally determined by prior events) in that the hurricane winds really were the consequence of a beating butterfly wing, but indeterminable because in practice the cause can never be discerned. Jeff Schweitzer: Myths of Wall Street, the Sequel: Fat Finger Fandango
  • Reductionism was the outcome of combining the atomism that early modern physicists took over from Epicureanism with the notion of deterministic laws of physics. Nancey Murphy - Is “Nonreductive Physicalism” an Oxymoron?
  • Simulation in the deterministic model elucidated a rhythm transition process governed by a period adding bifurcation scenario.
  • The discovery of chaos shows that some deterministic nonlinear system can exhibit random - like behavior.
  • What could be more deterministic than the motion of billiard balls on a billiard table?
  • For my money, a deterministic theory of television or Hollywood movies threatens to distract us from a much larger problem: the kind of murder legitimatized, sanctioned, and encouraged by our worst political and religious institutions. Interview: James Morrow on 'Shambling Towards Hiroshima'
  • What you obviously means is that a computer operates according to deterministic law (or law+chance), and so for all we could ever know, the intelligence responsible for life might have been a blind, lawlike process. Aiguy's Computer
  • One is bound to point out that as a way of organizing reality, this deterministic view of the world suffers from certain fatal defects, primarily an easy susceptibility to self-contradiction.
  • Wolfrom C, Chau NP, Maigné J, Lambert JC, Ducot B, et al. (2000) Evidence for deterministic chaos in aperiodic oscillations of proliferative activity in long-term cultured Fao hepatoma cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Against both Epicurus and the Stoics, Carneades argued that no deterministic consequences follow from the principle of bivalence (the principle that for any statement P, either P is true or P is false).
  • Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life.
  • Assuming that the buger confronts with the deterministic demand and the lead time is controllable, the vendor and the buyer's total expected cost model is constructed.
  • However, if the subject is part of nature there would seem to be no way of explaining how a nature which we can only know as deterministic can give rise to a subject which seems to transcend determinism in its knowing and in its ethical doings. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling
  • David Bohm, and Jean-Pierre Vigier to hypothesise the existence of an unobserved deterministic substructure underpinning the apparently indeterministic cavortings of objects on the quantum-mechanical level. Paul Feyerabend
  • A stochastic process, or sometimes random process, is the counterpart to a deterministic process (or deterministic system) in probability theory.
  • In practice, the nomological, statistical, counterfactual, and agential accounts tend to converge in the indeterministic case. The Metaphysics of Causation
  • The discovery of chaos shows that some deterministic nonlinear system can exhibit random - like behavior.
  • Initial condition sensitivity is the key characteristic of deterministic chaos.
  • This gives us a toy model of a deterministic Democritean universe, in which kazillions of bits get flipped in sequence, governed by a fixed physics.
  • These values are based on a volumetric deterministic approach using an isopach map with the net oil pay of zero meters at the LKO contact and thickening up to a maximum value corresponding to the pay evaluated in the well. Undefined
  • In the sublunary world, elemental powers are simple and deterministic.
  • And there are tons of computational complexity classes above the standard P and NP that represent problems that deterministic and non-deterministic Turing Machines can solve in polynomial time. Boing Boing: June 8, 2003 - June 14, 2003 Archives
  • A Laplacian super-intellect, aware of all of the laws of physics and knowing the position and momentum of every particle, could never be surprised in a deterministic universe. Aiguy's Computer
  • In addition, what we now know of quantum mechanics renders deism inadequate theology because the universe doesn't unfold in a rigorously deterministic manner.
  • Aside from the fact that it involves mnemic causation (direct and deterministic influence by past events) and a similar influence by the utility function (which really pertains to the future) - it is highly implausible. Capitalistic Musings
  • But where Swedenborg uses a vaguely deterministic vocabulary to speak of creaturely activity (stating that bees and silkworms are "impelled" to behave in certain ways), Blake's Oothoon chooses to speak of such activity in terms of multiplicitous "joys" and "loves" (3: 6, 8, 11-12), terms carrying connotations of freedom rather than coercion or enslavement. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Thanks to the non-perturbative, background independent methods, unlike in other approaches the quantum evolution is deterministic across the deep Planck regime. They said Newton was mad, they said Tesla was mad....
  • Based on the variation of the reliability, of equipment, it is proved that the reliability of a tandem system is not a deterministic variable but a stochastic one, and has a lognormal distribution.
  • I suspect that the universe is deterministic and based upon a set of first principles that are probably not comprehensible to any sort of being that is bound to causality.
  • Much environmental prediction is predicated upon a logical positivist or Newtonian deterministic basis.
  • Small populations go extinct because (1) all populations fluctuate in size from time to time, under the influence of two kinds of factors, which ecologists refer to as deterministic and stochastic; and (2) small populations, unlike big ones, stand a good chance of fluctuating to zero, since zero is not far away. The Song of The Dodo
  • The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces.
  • I think this necessitarian or deterministic conception of design raises problems. Blast From the Past
  • The former is characterized by the ability to know requirements with surety in advance, thereby making deterministic scheduling possible.
  • We prefer a random partition that produces a point estimate with less bias than would result from a deterministic partition.
  • Inventory model of deteriorating items with deterministic time of effect under general demand is proposed to find the optimal solution under linear demand.
  • The rise or decline of the United States is not a function of deterministic forces.
  • B fork the deterministic isomer generator back to the CDK Things to do...
  • He knew that if he could just stand back a little he could apply his peculiarly deterministic volition to the problem.
  • In the deterministic limit, the system is monostable.
  • Deterministic dynamical systems of three or more dimensions can exhibit behaviors of the type generated by the rotating taffy machine.
  • If the world were governed by strictly deterministic laws, might it still look as though indeterminism reigns?
  • It is, in some sense, a real puzzle: there is nothing particularly deterministic about Newtonian physics; many who accepted Newtonian physics I would go so far as to say the overwhelming majority were not determinists, and were clearly not inconsistent in this; you can only get rationally from Newtonian physics to determinism by a vast number of controvertible suppositions; and so forth. Wisdom from Maurice Blondel; and the Analogical Leap
  • M sequence signal can be chosen as the receiving deterministic pulse signal when using acoustic vector to determine the direction of the sound source. It possesses favorable anti-multipath capability.
  • In an article that is to be followed by a book, Searle has tentatively added Free Will to his previous philosophy of mind, which was inexplicit but which seemed deterministic.
  • Both sides assume an essentially deterministic, mechanistic view of nature.
  • Syer discusses how deterministic thinking is one of the aspects of institutional racism, affecting all subject areas.
  • More specifically, I proceed from the perspective of semasiological theory, which accepts biology as a necessary ground for human agency but not as a deterministic mechanism that can account for human social behavior.
  • A probabilistic computer is especially good at solving problems unique to fuzzy, non-deterministic environments - such as real, non-binary, life.
  • Clinging to a deterministic view of technology prevents us from exploring such possibilities, and leads us to a quick and facile assessment of the impact of technology on our lives.
  • If his first novel feels a little slack, however, Norman's more recent work seems to have tipped over into a more deterministic mode.
  • I shall add to the definition of humanly free agents, that they are agents whose choices do not have fully deterministic precedent causes.
  • It is a quasi-periodic engine with the properties of deterministic chaos. Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
  • The deterministic musing could have easily been Loughner's as he took undeveloped film of himself posing in a G-string with a Glock over his privates to Walgreens for prints. Travis&Jared
  • In this paper, a class of discrete deterministic zero lead time economic order quantity(EOQ)inventory models with limited period is studied.
  • What has been called the ˜standard interpretation™ holds that Aristotle thought that, unlike such sentences about the past or present, sentences asserting future singular contingent facts are neither true nor false, exempting them from the principle of bivalence and avoiding the alleged deterministic consequence that contingency and chance are destroyed. The Garbage House
  • Other simulation models, such as population projection models, are usually deterministic.
  • All the computer models that is to say the deterministic ones have predicted that temperature would keep on going up from 1998 to 2005. Daily Telegraph « Climate Audit
  • The random bits were made by combining three sources of electronic white noise with the output from the best of the latest crop of deterministic random number generators.
  • Information needed for traffic inference can be categorized into two broad classes: deterministic and measured.
  • The points labeled I and 2 in Fig.2 are monostable in the deterministic limit.
  • He rejects each of these ideologies of history, usually because they project a reductive or deterministic model of African-American identity.
  • There is nothing intrinsically non-deterministic about turbulence.
  • Simulation in the deterministic model elucidated a rhythm transition process governed by a period adding bifurcation scenario.
  • Proponents argue that MWI reconciles how we can perceive non-deterministic events (such as the random decay of a radioactive atom) with the deterministic equations of quantum physics; history, which prior to many worlds had been viewed as a single "world-line", is rather a many-branched tree where every possible branch of history is realized. Behe's response to Many Universes Hypothesis
  • Process thinkers do not accept the prevalent substantialist and deterministic understanding of the self.
  • Equally, if you run too far the other way you end up arguing for ungrounded cultural forces shaping up individual psychology, which is an equally deterministic position and both views have socio-political entailments.
  • After analysing the traditional position and constraint matrix, a judgement criterion of deterministic location for two-dimensional part and three-dimensional part has been given.
  • In this paper, a class of discrete deterministic zero lead time economic order quantity(EOQ)inventory models with limited period is studied.
  • In making these points, Edwards had the backing of the mechanistic and deterministic Newtonian physics of his day.
  • Obviously allegorizing the man's name for thematic impact, London portrays Fortune as feeling that Fortune's own account of how he came to murder Randolph is enunciated in classic deterministic terms. “The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
  • This results from the fact that it is so difficult to distinguish deterministic chaos from highly random behavior.
  • The point of chaos theory is that deterministic predictions are not possible even in idealized situations. close window Plotnitsky, Notes
  • The focus at that time was something called deterministic chaos, in which a small perturbation can lead to a huge change in the system - the famous "butterfly effect". New Scientist - Disorderly genius: How chaos drives the brain
  • Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life.

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