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  1. the quality of being predictable with great confidence

How To Use determinateness In A Sentence

  • This determinateness of arrangement is the structure of a state of affairs.
  • There are alleged asymmetries of "determinateness" of reality: It is sometimes claimed that past and present have determinate reality, but that the future, being a realm of mere possibilities, has no such determinate being at all. Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics
  • Impressed to the point of awe by the precise structural determinateness of all living things, Swammerdam went in fact to the oppo - site extreme of doubting the possibility even of epigenesis. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • Moreover, the very indeterminateness of the dialect, the possibility of using varying degrees of "broadness," increased the facility of rhyming, and added notably to the ease and spontaneity of composition. Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Rather, this determinateness derives solely from the fact that at some future time the cause in question will be determined in its action to a given free effect. Determinate Future
  • By reason of this freedom the form of its determinateness also is utterly free - the externality of space and time which is absolutely for itself and without subjectivity.
  • Nevertheless, he assures us that whatever happens by chance is "determined and ordered according to this type of determinateness and order" (Wars, II. 2, p. 34). Gersonides
  • For present purposes, one may reply briefly that the determinateness of the truth in a future contingent proposition does not have to derive from its being the case that the cause from which a given effect will proceed is already, in its own power and ability, determined to that effect at the time or instant when it is true to say that the effect is going to occur. Determinate Future
  • The phrase ‘course of action’ and its property of ‘determinateness’ refers to the human realization of ultimate ends; that is, ends that are not reducible to, nor explained by, the natural world of the environment-human or nonhuman.
  • Bollert argued that relativity theory had "clarified" the Kantian position in the Transcendental Aesthetic by demonstrating that not space and time, but spatiality (determinateness in positional ordering) and temporality (in order of succession) are Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity
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