
How To Use Determinable In A Sentence

  • Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes. Books in 2009, #5
  • Survey, those of the Pallaballa range as mica schist and quartz; those of the Sierra del Cristal as “probably schistose grit, but not definitely determinable by inspection,” and Travels in West Africa
  • If, to give an unlikely scenario, there had been no take-over and the shares had been delisted but continued to trade in the over-the-counter market, the conversion right would still have a value determinable in the market place.
  • matters determinable by law
  • It's these tiniest details - the uneasy click of indeterminable percussion, the distant half-heard rumble of thunder from a distance - that make this music so worth hearing.
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  • The pro-life representatives make a distinction between the lives lost to direct abortion, and the "hardly determinable number of victims" of "diverse contraceptives capable of killing human beings in their first days of life," such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), the "morning after" pill, systemic use contraceptive pills, injectable or subdermal implants, and the chemical abortifacient drug misoprostol. Pro-Life With Christ
  • The statutory meaning of notice to quit covers a notice exercising a break clause and clearly contemplates that a fixed term tenancy determinable by such a notice is still a ‘term of years certain’.
  • All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
  • But even if I referred to a table for example, whether I were talking about a figure in a book or an item of furniture would only be determinable from the context and not solely from my use of the word itself.
  • I slept badly that night: long, indeterminable periods of uneasy wakefulness interspaced with dreams.
  • I have remarked in the beginning of the foregoing letter that there is a twofold condition of determinableness and a twofold condition of determination. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • There are no such things as ‘true’ objectively determinable works of art. Sunday Salon: “What Good are the Arts” by John Carey: Some musings Part 2
  • This conveyance appears to be a longwinded fee simple determinable, which are generally valid and enforceable. Saltzman looking for easy way out on Paulson stadiums? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I HAVE remarked in the beginning of the foregoing letter that there is a twofold condition of determinableness and a twofold condition of determination. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • It may be no more than a licence determinable at any time, or a tenancy at will.
  • And as seemingly indeterminable day, dwindled to a close, Work Camp 10760 L
  • Obviously their hiring standards plummeted to indeterminable lows when he joined it: Pennock on postmodernism in ID creationism - The Panda's Thumb
  • The difference between anxiety and fear is that we fear a particular and determinable being, whereas anxiety lacks a determinable object.
  • Susan's expression went indeterminable, then she wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing, took it off and walked over to Emily, giving her a big compassionate hug.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • The Dodd-Frank law is so vaguely written that, as former top Fed lawyer Michael Bleier points out, 'the overall economic and financial circumstances in which a hypothetical failure will occur are not determinable, even where many aspects of a firm's structure and operations are': Without knowing what caused the distress leading to the 'failure', it will be difficult for a firm to establish that its resolution plan will actually prevent further distress. Are 'Systemically Important' Institutions Too Big To Fail?
  • A reminder to all — insurance involves sharing financial risk based on objectively determinable factors. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
  • Sufficient original contacts between lithologies can be locally observed such that the original stratigraphie succession is determinable with reasonable confidence.
  • Monies were due by a determinable date without demand.
  • Moreover, any one determinable is a literal summum genus not subsumable under any higher genus; and the absolute determinate is a literal infima species under which no other determinate is subsumable. Determinates vs. Determinables
  • The storm truly is deterministic (an event causally determined by prior events) in that the hurricane winds really were the consequence of a beating butterfly wing, but indeterminable because in practice the cause can never be discerned. Jeff Schweitzer: Myths of Wall Street, the Sequel: Fat Finger Fandango
  • an unpredictable (or indeterminable) future
  • Her eyes were focussed on an indeterminable spot somewhere to the right of her.
  • Thus we only arrive at reality by limitation, at the positive, at a real position, by negation or exclusion; to determination, by the suppression of our free determinableness. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
  • In his attempt to explicate the determinate-determinable relation, he uses the notion of predicate entailment.
  • I mean if something is "profoundly and disturbingly evident" why is the hour "indeterminable"? Archive 2007-04-01
  • Throughout Part III, he distinguishes the ‘occurrent’ from the ‘continuant’ and often discusses change, cause, and continuants with reference to determinates of determinables.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • For the investments that have a readily determinable market price, the auditor can check the market value by using various market listings that show the last bid price of stocks and bonds and government obligations.
  • Just in the same manner the aesthetic determinableness comes in contact with the mere want of determination in a single point, by both excluding every distinct determined existence, by thus being in all other points nothing and all, and hence by being infinitely different. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • In this manner, it was argued that at the core of economic perseity, are non-predeterminable institutional innovations that act as channels of policy/regulatory circumvention. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If the costs are to be capitalized, then the next issue is to determine the asset's determinable useful life, if any.
  • Via this unbounded body, we encounter flows and vibrations and pulsations and undulations and strange sounds and indeterminable sights.
  • We're eating burgers, pizzas, kebabs, sweeties, pies, crisps and assorted pre-packaged pap of indeterminable origin.
  • A young person of undeterminable gender propped themselves up against the bar whilst trying to inject something into a wasted arm with a trembling hand.
  • The road to extinction may be of indeterminable length, but the final destination of that road is not in doubt.
  • In emphasizing the objectively determinable market value, Bueckner ignores the value of the dogs as companions and as beloved pets.
  • The room was of indeterminable size, and directly in front of him lay an altar, looking as if it were fifty feet away-regardless, he was able to reach it in three steps.
  • Although, it was hard to tell, on a day when social status appeared to be determinable purely by the size of your sunglasses.
  • Upon discovering it was empty the group moved on, passing portraits and tapestries far too grimy to be determinable.
  • The former is only a want of determination—it is without limits, because it is without reality; but the latter, the æsthetic determinableness, has no limits, because it unites all reality. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • Clean shaven and bald, save for a jet black goatee upon his chin, his age was nearly indeterminable.
  • The former is only a want of determination -- it is without limits, because it is without reality; but the latter, the aesthetic determinableness, has no limits, because it unites all reality. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • Displacements are for the most part not determinable, although some faults displace dykes by distances of up to 20 m.
  • Alice Kettilby was a substantial woman of an indeterminable age, warm and wholesome and yielding as a fresh steaming slice. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • But even more fundamentally, he believed that nature exists independent of the experimenter, and the motions of particles are precisely determinable.
  • In Mattheus v Doego a contract's continuation was determinable by the entry of Spain, Portugal and Greece to the Community.
  • That which, in the previous state of determinableness, was only an empty potency becomes now an active force, and receives contents; but at the same time, as an active force it receives a limit, after having been, as a simple power, unlimited. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XIX.
  • In any case where a residential contract is determinable by notice given by either party to the other, a notice so given shall be of no effect unless it is given not less than 4 weeks before the date on which it is to take effect.
  • The language of the grant was conditional, but not durational, so what we have is a fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and not a fee simple determinable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Mojave Cross Decision (Salazar v. Buono) Handed Down
  • The dark corridor made the distances indeterminable.
  • It was a day where the sky was not quite blue, but more a shade of indeterminable grey, with few clouds scattered around like cotton wool stuck on a painting.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • It seemed that somehow, amidst the reminiscing, the laughs, and an indeterminable amount of liquor, he and Jessie had fallen asleep.
  • There are so many wonders to behold, but your gaze will perhaps first be drawn up to the ceiling, which offers a singular treasure: an herbarium, depicting 578 acribically exact and botanically determinable plants, mostly medicinal, but also decorative plants, painted between 1614 and 1617, when the new nave was vaulted by Lazaro Agostino after a devastating fire in 1610. Catholic Bamberg: St. Michael's Abbey
  • Some indeterminable element or substance on a great, ultramacrocosmic world! "He Who Shrank" by Henry Hasse, part 1
  • Each of two parties owes the other determinable amounts.
  • Why not get it done to save all concerned an indeterminable, indefensible amount of time, money and credibility?
  • If the costs are to be capitalized, then the next issue is to determine the asset's determinable useful life, if any.
  • This expansion is a microcosm of the U.S. financial sector, with ballooning assets of indeterminable true economic value.
  • One of these determinables is number of cotyledons under which fall the determinates acotyledon, monocotyledon, and dicotyledon. Determinates vs. Determinables
  • The orthodox theory is that conditions and warranties are determinable as such at the date of the contract.
  • Light pains in my chest, the indeterminable gurgle in my stomach, a swaying before my eyes. Books in 2009, #5
  • determinable velocities
  • But as to the reparation to the woman, so far as it can be made, it will be determinable as the unhappy person may or may not know, that her seducer is a married man: if she knows he is, I think she neither deserves redress nor pity, though it elevate not his guilt. Pamela
  • Measures of test accuracy are often thought of as fixed characteristics determinable by research and then applicable in practice.
  • A black haze parts in the middle of the composition, offering a view of indeterminable distance vibrating with yellow, orange and light blue.
  • After an indeterminable period of frantic slipping and sliding, I called out to a youthful gray haired man who was walking firmly up the hill for help.
  • Upon discovering it was empty the group moved on, passing portraits and tapestries far too grimy to be determinable.
  • My mother's participation in the mandate has been indeterminable. Jason Kitchen: To My Dearest Mumsy: Thank You for Not Being a 'Tiger Mother'
  • In summary, we found that several easily determinable clinical characteristics are independently associated with bacteremia in patients admitted to the hospital with pneumonia.
  • Investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are valued at their fair values in the statement of financial position.
  • Incidentally, one should, of course, concede that scarlet itself is only a determinable relative to a more specific shade of it, so that more accurately one should speak of a scale of determinateness from most to least.
  • The same schools also debated whether concepts such as justice are determinable objectively by reason or exclusively by revelation.
  • Thereafter, the reader penetrates further and further into a disturbing labyrinth of changing or indeterminable gender.
  • During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable.
  • One of these determinables is number of cotyledons under which fall the determinates acotyledon, monocotyledon, and dicotyledon.
  • The number of uninstantiated determinate disjuncts involved by many other determinables such as alloyed with more than one gram but less than a metric ton of gold is certainly huge. Determinates vs. Determinables
  • I caution you to realize that neither the first or second true statement means that the Israeli leadership has neither a “Grand Strategy” or a set of determinable goals. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Israeli Incompetence
  • Just in the same manner, the æsthetic determinableness comes in contact with the mere want of determination in a single point, by both excluding every distinct determined existence, by thus being in all other points nothing and all, and hence by being infinitely different. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • For an indeterminable length of time, she wandered between sleep and semi-wakefulness, later remembering the noise of the plane once and then silence.
  • Accordingly the æsthetic constitution is in relation to determinableness what thought is in relation to determination. >Letters upon the Aesthetic Education of Man. Letter XXI.
  • Accordingly the aesthetic constitution is in relation to determinableness what thought is in relation to determination. The Works of Frederich Schiller
  • A girl of indeterminable age stood behind her, a grin on her face.
  • The case is subject to the Revenue Commissioners appeal procedure and as a result the timing of any outcome is indeterminable,’ the accounts say.
  • There are so many wonders to behold, but your gaze will perhaps first be drawn up to the ceiling, which offers a singular treasure: an herbarium, depicting 578 acribically exact and botanically determinable plants, mostly medicinal, but also decorative plants, painted between 1614 and 1617, when the new nave was vaulted by Lazaro Agostino after a devastating fire in 1610. Catholic Bamberg: St. Michael's Abbey
  • All contradiction disappears," Kant writes, "if I say: the judgment of taste does depend upon a concept ... but one from which nothing can be cognized in respect of the Object, and nothing proved, because it is in itself indeterminable and useless for knowledge Contention and Contestation: Aesthetic Culture in Kant and Bourdieu
  • After all, the answers to large-scale questions are in many cases not determinable by the evidence we have before us.
  • Cal's new doctor was a tall Indian of indeterminable age, anywhere from late twenties to equally late forties.
  • The law of karma, just like the Will of God, exists beyond the sensible human world, and therefore is not objectively determinable, and therefore any ethic based on it is not criticizable on an objective basis. Latest Articles
  • He sneered and began to chant an indeterminable language.
  • Only the latter has any objectively determinable market value.
  • I think Rosenberg's theory of ingression offers a good ontological place for universals: as determinable effective properties and as certain sortals - the latter corresponding to receptive relations.
  • In the case of triads, RyRs are already identifiable, and their coordinates and orientations should be determinable with high reliability and precision.
  • The problem of fitting the relation between determinates and determinables into a purely “conjunctional” logic might be summarily described as the problem of justifying the inference from Determinates vs. Determinables
  • All contradiction disappears," Kant writes, "if I say: the judgment of taste does depend upon a concept ... but one from which nothing can be cognized in respect of the Object, and nothing proved, because it is in itself indeterminable and useless for knowledge Contention and Contestation: Aesthetic Culture in Kant and Bourdieu
  • All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
  • Incidentally, one should, of course, concede that scarlet itself is only a determinable relative to a more specific shade of it, so that more accurately one should speak of a scale of determinateness from most to least. Ontological Dependence
  • In the Meno (74ff), Plato develops the notion of determinable and determinate. Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology

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