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How To Use Detector In A Sentence

  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
  • Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
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  • Trouble signals are indicated when a detector becomes too ‘dirty’ to properly function.
  • He used radar detectors and a switch to dim rear lights to dodge the police and lots of cold coffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bottle-like chamber, called a cryostat, surrounds and cools the telescope and detectors. News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • We can modulate the detector at the same frequency as the excitation for homodyne detection - or at a slightly different frequency for heterodyne detection.
  • In the simple experiment, a converging lens focuses laser light from two pinholes onto two different photodetectors.
  • The detector itself consisted of a 100,000-gallon tank filled with tetrachloroethylene, a solvent used in dry cleaning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly, few entomologists doubt that the amazingly intricate structure of moths' antennae are specific pheromone detectors.
  • So far, we've made nanoscale lasers, photodetectors, and ribbons that serve as flexible sub-wavelength optical waveguides.
  • The new scintillating bolometer has performed excellently, proving its viability as a detector in experiments to look for dark matter, and also as a gamma spectrometer a device that measures this type of radiation to monitor background radiation in these experiments", says García Abancéns. A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer.
  • Given the polygraph's dubious record, resistance to the lie detector has started to stir.
  • This discriminator simply works on the principal that with no modulation applied to the carrier there is no output at the detector.
  • A multimode optical fiber was used to deliver the light from the tungsten-halogen lamp to the detector.
  • It was easy enough to get the small packet of powdered aconite root past the metal detectors and bomb-detection dogs. Betrayed
  • The room for the media conference was searched by sniffer dogs and security officers with metal detectors and mirrors. The Sun
  • But the treats are supposed to be subjected to a metal detector before leaving the factory. The Sun
  • The museum is heavily guarded and all visitors have to pass through metal detectors. The Sun
  • While his partner had been busy with that job, Haig had driven pegs into the ground, marked out a grid and plotted the positions of the signals from his metal detector.
  • A overview of the basic structure, operating principle and properties for a new single-photon photo-detector, called vacuum avalanche photodiode (VAPD), is presented too.
  • Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Because the dissociation is a two-body process, momentum conservation guarantees that the directions of the two atoms after dissociation are strictly correlated, so that when the two analyzer/detector assemblies are optimally placed the entrance of one Bell's Theorem
  • Improved building codes requiring smoke detectors and water sprinklers, self-extinguishing cigarettes, and overall decreased rates of smoking have probably had a much bigger impact on the number of fires and fire deaths than the flammability standard. Sarah Janssen: California's Flammability Standard Puts Children at Risk
  • Three hundred firemen and 400 policemen raced to the Hofburg after a smoke detector set off the alarm soon after midnight.
  • And the beam can't be spotted by drivers who use radar trap detectors.
  • An independent calibration, traceable to it UK national standard, was carried out on the IL1400A radiometer and detector by the Gloucestershire medical physics service.
  • If you use a more sensitive detector, such as a radio receiver, you will hear crackling sounds. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • This detector is a very delicate instrument; it'll go wrong if it's mishandled.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • The other item was a 'bulla' or a type of amulet [pictured left], discovered by Glen Camley, an amateur metal detector, on farmland at Inch near Downpatrick. Slugger O'Toole
  • The photons intersected at a prism called a beamsplitter, where they entangled, and then zipped onwards on separate paths to detectors. Zee News : India National
  • Of the passive devices, the charcoal canisters and charcoal liquid scintillation detectors are typically used for short-term tests.
  • We have radar and vision screens and telemetered radiation and other detectors here, tuned to her. Uller Uprising
  • This paper shows that under certain conditons it is possible to diminish and even eliminate the nonlinear distorsion of a peak envelope detector by biasing the diode adequately.
  • Which detector is used to measure the twin photon is left up to quantum chance. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • When the laser bear hits a detector, the laser detector records a kill or near miss.
  • The reduced remnants of the second pair of wings are known as halteres, and seem to function as stabilizers or as airspeed detectors.
  • These devices illustrate the potential for an easily constructed microchip system with a carbon paste detector that exhibits adjustable selectivity.
  • If he is that different from the present denizens, perhaps his influence may extend to more tolerance toward detector users?
  • Armed drones act as judge and executioner, employing on-board systems designed by government contractors, equipt with detectors having access to electronic voting and computer trading data. Bubble Busting, Boom!
  • The burst noise was used to characterize the degradation behavior of photodetector module radiated by the Total Ionizing Dose(TID) in this paper.
  • But the treats are supposed to be subjected to a metal detector before leaving the factory. The Sun
  • Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector.
  • By law, you must do an annual gas safety check and fit smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Armed with their trusty detectors, they searched the garden thoroughly.
  • The mission is also a gamma-ray burst detector, and has been spotting one burst per month in its field of view.
  • The diffracted beam columniation depends on the variable detector distance from the fixed scattering volume.
  • A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
  • In astronomy the transmitter is usually a radio telescope, and it usually acts also as the detector.
  • The Lightset Repair Gun has a voltage detector in the tip, an electrical continuity detector and a bult/fuse tester, all to help you find where the problem is. Archive 2006-12-03
  • The club has also introduced hand-held metal detectors for knives and other weapons.
  • This paper presents a novel double-talk detector ( DTD ) based on ra nearest neighbor line ( NNL ) classifier.
  • Smoke detectors, he learned, contain small amounts of a radio-active element called americium, while camping lanterns contain thorium.
  • The aim is to use the detector to try to observe a theoretical atomic event called neutrinoless double-beta decay - a radioactive process whereby an atomic nucleus releases two electrons and no neutrinos. PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
  • The largest hoard of Iron Age gold and silver coins yet found in Britain was found by a detectorist walking a field in Leicestershire earlier this year.
  • A thermal imager uses detectors of cadmium mercury telluride, which detect infrared radiation when they are cooled to very low temperatures.
  • Traditional lie detectors, known as polygraphs, measure heart and respiratory rates as a person answers questions.
  • The roads shall have sensory speed detectors, traffic lights and tar macadam.
  • He goes round fields and beaches with his metal detector, hoping to find buried treasure.
  • The absence of a smoke detector in the room has prompted an immediate investigation.
  • Just as the Navajo sand and clay had blocked emissions from unmined uranium, the dirt packed atop the waste had hidden its rays from government detectors. Yellow Dirt
  • MIT professor Samuel Ting, 73, said of his project "If there is an anti-universe, perhaps out there beyond the edge of our universe, our space-based detector may well be able to bring us signs of its existence". Gizmodo
  • I have used ordinary coarse fishing wagglers as bite detectors when fishing a sprat close in and believe me it catches plenty of pike.
  • We want some ultra-sensitive metal detector that will unmask any weapon, or some new x-ray machine that exposes all dangers.
  • The fourth was equipped with detectors sensitive to any minor underground tremor - in case some prisoners attempted to tunnel to freedom. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Do you have a metal detector?" — "No, I don't.".
  • He borrowed a metal detector and found the ring after a third, three-hour scour. The Sun
  • Ironically the couple had been discussing putting smoke detectors in all the rooms just the day before the fire happened.
  • The QUaD telescope is a bolometer, essentially a thermometer that measures how certain types of radiation increase the temperature of the metals in the detector. New CMB Measurements Support Standard Model | Universe Today
  • The bolometric detector is achieved by means of technologies used in the semiconductor field.
  • Programmed to move along a pre-determined path around the reactor or industrial unit, the robot sports a gas detector to sense leakages, and an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in its path.
  • For instance, all these installations have frame metal detectors apart from hand-held metal detectors.
  • The detector has active anti-condensation protection to assure trouble free operation in cold-rooms.
  • A method for separation and determination of sulfur compounds in gasoline fraction of vaccum gas oil microreactor products by gas chromatography - atomic emission detector(GC- AED) was established.
  • The museum is heavily guarded and all visitors have to pass through metal detectors. The Sun
  • If we were born with magnetic detectors, the compass would never have been invented, because we wouldn't need one.
  • The new detector can also be used to locate leaks from mains pipes in streets and in industrial complexes which may have many miles of piping.
  • During a scan, reflected IR light is picked up through the fiber and is detected by an MCT photoconductive detector.
  • There are also questions about the compatibility of lie detectors with fundamental principles in English law.
  • Greater sensitivity can be achieved using laser activated fluorescence detectors.
  • My uniform consists of a flak jacket and a helmet with a visor, and I have a metal detector. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the standard configuration, separate light emitter and detector units are used.
  • If you've ever been inside a Judaica store, you know from which I speak -- monstrous menorahs, krass kiddish cups and flashy door mezuzahs with motion detectors. Rich Siegel: Are Jew Kidding?
  • Beth McMullian will lead participants in a hands on electronics workshop where participants will built a primitive lie detector known as the galvanic skin response meter. Bettina Korek: PLAN ForYourArt: August 18-24
  • Generally, there is a main detector for the signal photon to check for interference patterns and three detectors (a fourth detector is implied) to detect an entangled twin photon. Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
  • Five air pollution detectors monitor nitrogen dioxide in the area around Heathrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternating dark and light parallel lines on the detector mark where columns of silicon atoms diffract the electrons.
  • Wagenbach rejected a bid by Elliott to introduce as evidence an offer made to Mrs Moon to take a lie detector test.
  • Now our understanding has been transformed by large numbers of artefacts from excavations (workshops remain elusive) and, recently, from detectorists.
  • If you use a more sensitive detector, such as a radio receiver, you will hear crackling sounds. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • The Broadcasting Standards Council job, as a sort of public smut-detector, demanded some acquaintance with popular taste and culture.
  • The array was as distinctive as varied - right from earthquake detectors, energy efficient stoves, to trenchers, water-harvesting machines, and corn-roasters.
  • AN ancient treasure trove of coins dubbed'the first euros' has been discovered by a metal detector fan. The Sun
  • Davis agreed, and both men were waved past a metal detector.
  • Cool the detectors with liquid nitrogen instead of solid hydrogen or liquid helium.
  • At Langtoft in East Yorkshire, metal detectorists found two Roman coin hoards in pottery containers by the side of a former Roman road.
  • As soon as the motion detectors sensed that I had entered the elevator, the door closed as rapidly as it had opened.
  • The detector bundles were mounted in fiber optic positioners attached to translation stages for accurate placement.
  • A laser transmitted faint light signals to an electronic detector.
  • The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
  • A beamsplitter mixes the returning measurement beam with the collimated local beam; the inner core component is directed to the target detector and the outer annulus goes to the reference detector.
  • The detector itself has to be near 1 degree Kelvin to eliminate noise radiation from the surrounding environment, which is why it is located at the frigid South Pole, and placed inside of a cryostat. New CMB Measurements Support Standard Model | Universe Today
  • Personnel screening in buildings also has improved with portable and fixed walk-through metal detectors, as well as X-ray package inspection units with built-in explosive sniffers and biological sensors.
  • The most common method for measuring retardance and fast-axis orientation involves placing two linear polarizers with horizontally aligned axes between a collimated optical source and a detector.
  • Now a report that handwriting tests could a competitor to the familiar, but unreliable lie detector.
  • In the simple experiment, a converging lens focuses laser light from two pinholes onto two different photodetectors.
  • The rear and front surfaces of an object are covered with a material containing an array of photodetectors and light emitters respectively.
  • Researchers looking into the problem have told Scotland on Sunday that metal detectors might have to be used to scan bodies before they are cast into the flames.
  • Wearing noise-cancelling headphones is not a flattering look, more of a metal detectorist one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
  • For the closest relative that TV has among other machines is not the cinema projector or computer, but the polygraph, aka the lie detector. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • I am thinking less of quantum cosmology than of something like a distant (kpc) X-Ray source that reliably produces a small fractional crab that (thanks to a detector and some audio gear) produces a lot of “pings” within range of our hearing when the X-Ray source is above our detector. Quantum Hyperion
  • Carry out a safety check: tidy trailing electrical leads, plug electricity points for young children and make sure your smoke detectors work.
  • Smoke detectors are cheap and easy to put up.
  • Sensitive detectors called seismometers record waves emitted by the smallest earthquakes.
  • A tuner, a detector, and an AF amplifier comprise the radio.
  • Unless a site produces metal finds that can be collected by detectorists, it will be destroyed unnoticed.
  • Their ‘toolbox’ now includes nanoscale lasers and photodetectors, in addition to the nanoribbon waveguides.
  • The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer.
  • It includes a set of 52 bolometric detectors, which work by converting radiation to heat.
  • The relative gamma ray emission probabilities of 87 Kr were measured by HPGe detector.
  • The three sets of delay lines allow discrimination of multiple ions arriving at the same time at the detector.
  • We slipped through the metal detectors when a loud ringing sound went off.
  • Computerized detector modules translate those light shifts into stress units, providing advance notice of failure.
  • This is an improvement over earlier systems that depended on the use of a stand-alone gas detector with alarm, which experts had to monitor continuously so that the reaction to any malfunction could be instantaneous.
  • Conferees deliberated over issues like the moral questions raised by new brain scanning techniques, which some believe will lead to the creation of truly effective lie detectors.
  • The open loop characteristic of the double detector is calculated in theory and the double magnetic detector comparator is constructed for testing and performance evaluation.
  • It also included plastic weapons designed to evade metal detectors. The Sun
  • One such invention was the rotating cruciform gravity gradiometer mass detector, which measures Earth's subsurface mass variations or gravitational multipole moments.
  • Detectors were installed to monitor pedestrians only on the crosswalk but not on the footpath.
  • The field of study began in the 1970s with research into the effectiveness of metal detectors against skyjacking.
  • Found in Staffordshire by a metal detectorist in 2003, it has been bought jointly by the three museums.
  • We do not back security guards and metal detectors, aside from in the most troubled inner-city schools. The Sun
  • An integral solenoid and detector switch stops the card from being removed until it is safe to do so.
  • Luckily, the smoke detector automatically alerted the fire brigade who extinguished the blaze and moved the couple, and their pets, away from the house.
  • Smoke detectors are cheap and easy to put up.
  • Inc. Images of zircon in cross section, as imaged by cathodoluminescence detector on a scanning electron microscope. NYT > Home Page
  • Then she heard a cracking noise and shortly afterwards the smoke detector sounded.
  • On the other you had police squads, sniffer dogs and queues to get past metal detectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers speculate if they could genetically modify the bacteria to fluoresce when they purify the gold, the bugs could become something even more important: Microbial metal detectors.
  • If two photons from two different points on a source reach a homodyne detector they may enter into a quantum entanglement with some interference pattern. Unprecedented Images Show Betelgeuse Has Sunspots | Universe Today
  • The camera system contains not only the detector but also , and very importantly, a lens system.
  • The room for the media conference was searched by sniffer dogs and security officers with metal detectors and mirrors. The Sun
  • The main benefit of a radar detector is to make you aware of police officers or state troopers in the area.
  • The conventional detector follows a single-user detection strategy can not reject MAI. In this paper many important technologies to reject AIAI are described and analyzed.
  • The inability of Americans like Gene to get the joke makes it quite difficult for me to sell the line here in London that not all Yanks come without irony detectors.
  • Using these calibrated isotropic light detectors both direct light and reflected light could be measured.
  • The pulse.shaped output from the detectors have a slight phase displacement, the sign of which depends on the direction of rotation.
  • And plutonium is difficult to handle — sufficiently radioactive to require shielding, awkward to transport without setting off radiation detectors, and extremely dangerous even in minute quantities if it is breathed in, swallowed, or absorbed through a cut or open wound. How to Get a Nuclear Bomb
  • Consequently, all katharometer detectors must be carefully thermostatted and must be fitted with reference cells to help compensate for changes in pressure or flow rate.
  • The proteins are instantly released from the substrate (desorbed) and directed to the detector Sandwalk
  • One was setting up a polygraph, laying out the lie detector's telltale wires and cords.
  • The estuary and Khawr waterway have been combed by helicopters hauling mine detectors on sledges, and by minesweepers and minehunters, while Chatham's helicopter provided air support.
  • Heat detectors are fitted in the nose of the missile.
  • There were just a few doleful looking people sitting in chairs who were outnumbered by the armed security guards protecting the X-Ray machine and metal detector while striving to provide quality service to their customers.
  • Typically, all of the passive devices, except electret ion detectors, are available in hardware stores or by mail; electret ion detectors are usually only available through laboratories.
  • In a gesture that life must go on, the management has decided not to install metal detectors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newly developed handheld gamma-ray spectrometers based on cadmium zinc telluride detectors are currently being used to detect and identify radioisotopes in a variety of security and defense applications.
  • Or who don't have smoke detectors in their house. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pulse detector is classified as a monostable multivibrator because it has only one stable state.
  • The Government's treasure valuation committee is understood to have split the undisclosed sum paid for the jewellery between the metal detectorists responsible for the finds and the owners of the land where the discoveries were made.
  • This paper analyzes the formation of the output wave from a dynamic detector, the relation between the output wave and the magnetic field distribution and the effect of the armature reaction on them.
  • A SIMPLE blood test that works like a smoke detector and spots cancer before symptoms appear could save thousands of lives. The Sun
  • It's not cheap ($30 to begin with, $12 for refills) but it is TOTALLY worth it if the spray bottle method doesn't work. ssscat is essentially a can of unscented compressed air (no liquids or anything else involved) with an aim-able, battery-operated motion detector on top. Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • Safety measures include metal detectors, closed circuit video, employee 'safe rooms' during emergencies, furniture arrangement to prevent entrapment of staff, and good lighting.
  • The detector is housed in a vacuum assembly, cryogenically cooled to -320 degrees F.
  • The causes of disturbing electron current in quadrupole mass filter with Farady cylinder as an ion detector are described.
  • Unwieldy items like metal detectors, coolers and grills were cursed as they were portered in the dark, and cursed a second time surrounded by milling vehicles attempting to reverse direction over the ruts of a one-lane dirt road. Stalin's Ghost
  • If you use a more sensitive detector, such as a radio receiver, you will hear crackling sounds. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • The controller contains photodetectors and a broadband infrared source such as the type of small incandescent lamp used in pocket flashlights.
  • They will be looking for a characteristic spectrum to emerge from the detectors when a neutrinoless double beta decay is detected - "like a rounded curve with a bump at the end on top of background noise" is how Kouzes put it. - latest science and technology news stories
  • We avoid the interfere of different elements with the multiple linear regression Gamma - ray detector.
  • The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors.
  • The 19th century finds were supplemented during the 20th century by a smaller but equally interesting series of chance discoveries, most recently by metal detectorists searching on the beach.
  • To amplify the signal, we use a transimpedance amplifier, which also converts the output current of the photodetector to a voltage.
  • It is a pocket smoke detector but also contains a motion sensor. Times, Sunday Times
  • An analytical differential refractive index detector was used.
  • I would take a lie detector (sic). The Sun
  • My escorts exited the bus and a testy female officer instructed them to walk through a metal detector.
  • Behind that is a photon detector, placed so as to detect the light from only one slit.
  • The standard requires detectors to sound before carbon monoxide levels exceed 100 parts per million for 90 minutes.
  • Lie detectors do little more than measure some variables (such as skin conductivity, or how sweaty one's fingers become) to detect the emotion of anxiety that arises when one is lying. Archive 2007-12-01
  • The only detractor is the metal detector in the lobby. Federal bookstore rebrands itself for policy wonks in and out of Beltway
  • For peace of mind, the properties come with wiring for a security alarm, and two inter-connected smoke detectors on the landing.
  • This dynamic interferometer with a holographic optical element produces four phase-shifted interferograms imaged on a single detector.
  • These eyes use a single lens to focus images onto a light detector called a retina.
  • To isolate harmful food, inspectors from 82 municipal laboratories armed with spectroscopes and radiation detectors comb the city's 69 open-air markets.
  • Bomb detectors seem to be popular devices that are being installed in many buildings these days.
  • SpyFinder hidden camera detector / locator, which is described as "the most reliable and easy-to-use technology on the market for making sure you are not being watched. Defense Review
  • Not to mentionthe fact that this teenager has to pass through metal detectors every day inschool in order to make sure that he is not carrying an Uzi machine gun.
  • Low self-discharge NiMH is miles away from the awful NiCD stuff of the 90s, and it works well enough that I only need to buy 9v batteries for the smoke detector. What Items Do You Stock Up On? | Lifehacker Australia
  • With the uniquely designed detector and six vesication-removing methods, the system can adjust the number of vesications to be removed according to the actual conditions of each patient.
  • On her left were the weird heart rate detectors and blood pressure monitors.
  • I said to her, "You are a palmist, not a facialist," and she said,"And an emblem-detector. Healing Arts
  • No doubt the electrode detector registered trace ions of limonene (found in orange peels), but none of the cocaine, heroin, PCP, TNT, nitrates, Semtex, or other ions that the screener was looking for.
  • One problem with using a metal detector to identify buried metal artifacts is that when the metal is dug up, the context, or what archaeologists call provenience, is lost. Interactive Dig Mt. Vernon - Ask an Archaeologist

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