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How To Use Detect In A Sentence

  • One can only guess at the research and detective work that has gone into the bald details recorded for each piece.
  • To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected.
  • Difenacoum, detected in her blood samples, can be absorbed through skin, with prolonged anticoagulant effects.
  • RF, cryoglobulins and anti LKMI antibodies were the most frequently detected markers.
  • The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
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  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • Impacts may create undetectable cracks that, because of the continuous loads, could result in structural damage.
  • It checks bank account numbers before accepting them and will detect many common transcription errors, including incorrectly entered and transposed characters. Times, Sunday Times
  • A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
  • So far, this scribe detects two "fortissimo" candidates -- people palpably impatient to get in office and shake things up. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • She said two of the remaining three, unsighted threatened species had not been spotted since 1965 while the other had gone undetected since 1891.
  • The year-long investigation has five detectives and two police staff working on it full time. Times, Sunday Times
  • A senior detective who led the hunt for two armed robbers behind a series of terrifying raids across Bradford today told of the desperate race against time to catch them before someone was shot.
  • Some nights I dance, but when I am in Cannes then I can detect.
  • Nobody, not even the young actress girlfriend of the main detective, is dressed to impress. Tin Boxes
  • Sometimes, they can detect the plastic implanted in my abdomen to repair a hernia from a prior surgery, but other times the miss the plastic. Former Asst Police Chief Gives TSA a Failing Grade
  • The British set up dedicated warning nets to detect the incoming V1s and then sent out interceptors.
  • I could still detect the faint smell of bleach.
  • Ultrastructural examination failed to detect viral inclusions, although the tissue exhibited a sizable degree of postmortem autolysis.
  • No other abnormalities were detected in the cervix, uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes.
  • The tests are designed to detect the disease early.
  • Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
  • Curtains that can prevent flying glass shards from injuring people, and new sensors for detecting biohazards activity are among the newest developments.
  • The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.
  • In this paper , the framework of network intrusion detection technology Based unsupervised outlier detection is discussed.
  • Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
  • He also outlined plans to use more sniffer dogs to detect explosives. The Sun
  • Scully: Do I detect a hint of negativity?
  • The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.
  • Bose and Home show mathematically that whenever one electron is detected in each path, they will be entangled.
  • A new ELISA method was developed to detect Growth Hormone Releasing Factor ( GRF ) in this study.
  • Trouble signals are indicated when a detector becomes too ‘dirty’ to properly function.
  • Sometimes crime investigation is so difficult, like the real stumper for Fort Worth, Texas, detectives.
  • Criticism that police may have been slow in responding was rejected by detective inspector Watson.
  • Therefore, this study applies the results to generate a preliminary IR-CPU Detecting System.
  • The letter is believed to be the first which appeared signed "ATTICUS," and was written many months before the author became known as Junius, and before any necessity had arisen for the exercise of that habitual caution which he afterwards evinced in the mention of any circumstance at all likely to lead to his detection. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • By analysis the distribute of the data in subspace, the speech and non - speech can be detected.
  • Her house was fitted with a device to detect suspicious packages and a button to alert police. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main work of this thesis is research tire bubble detection algorithm for filling up the blank of this area.
  • Hanne's physical restriction gives new meaning to the term "armchair detective. Mystery
  • The little silver bell tinkles at a wayside shrine, calling the labouring man to propitiate the idol for the carelessness and detected dishonesties of his day's labours, and goodly Hindus, men and women, stream down the busy thoroughfare, responsive to the call. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • In several brain regions associated with "sensorimotor" learning, the researchers detected a gray-matter boost on the order of 3.5% to 5% for the new golfers. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • The detection rate for motor vehicle theft that year was just 11.7 per cent.
  • As demonstrated in the literature, lymphangiography combined with CT is the standard procedure for detecting the obstruction site of the thoracic duct or a tumor mass in the mediastinal area.
  • Genes are submicroscopic segments of DNA and cannot be detected by chromosome analysis.
  • The scheme became a common trope in detective fiction, but there are almost no documented cases of a criminal forging another person's fingerprint.
  • His father, David Ashworth, is wanted for questioning by murder squad detectives but yesterday he was still missing.
  • Detectives who searched his home found a holdall, items snatched from the post office, a police scanner and his bingo membership card.
  • He ran a long way, until finding that he had not been detected, he skirted a small wood, dug a hole in the soft moss, put in the "tawse," and covered them up. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • The two appendages hanging from the insect's mouth are used to detect and taste food.
  • This enables great whites to detect a heart beat of prey buried in sand from a faint electrical field or the action of a gill or a swimming muscle of another animal. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
  • Detectives have launched a massive poster campaign to help in the search for the two killers.
  • It appears that the regulatory authorities are extremely slow at detecting fraud.
  • He used radar detectors and a switch to dim rear lights to dodge the police and lots of cold coffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bottle-like chamber, called a cryostat, surrounds and cools the telescope and detectors. News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • It's important to note how badly a script doctor was needed for The Singing Detective.
  • Women manifestly have the ability to detect rivals and to employ a variety of tactics to place themselves at an advantage over them.
  • Stanford will develop new megavoltage X-ray detection hardware and image reconstruction software, and will validate the new technology in a clinical trial to be conducted by Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
  • The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward. A corresponding prototype is developed and its running process is described.
  • Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.
  • The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can). AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
  • The fifth is the detective working one last case before his imminent retirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can modulate the detector at the same frequency as the excitation for homodyne detection - or at a slightly different frequency for heterodyne detection.
  • One of the more interesting paths Donoghue sets out to traverse is what she terms the borderline territory of "murkily criminal" lesbian sex as found in mystery and detective fiction. Edmonton Sun
  • The lack of cash went undetected for two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • And "gobs" -- do I detect some kind of Texas connection? An Angeleno’s Ultimate Literary Workout: LAT Festival of Books Part II
  • In continuous light, circadian growth rhythms were detectable for up to 2 weeks.
  • The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition, glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
  • An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal abnormalities.
  • Antipredator Behavior. Detection; Tricking the Predator; Defenses -- Individual, Social; Other Adaptations.
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • IT is more than a hundred years since the elementary principle of the storage battery or "accumulator" was detected by a Frenchman named Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • In the simple experiment, a converging lens focuses laser light from two pinholes onto two different photodetectors.
  • The deer was ravaging the man's fields, and he had killed it in sudden passion, and not for gain; and he had carried it into the royal forest in the hope that that might make detection of the misdoer impossible. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • Just this week, infrared cameras detected 15 people wending across the desert.
  • Fallopian tube patency can be confirmed by detecting an enhanced signal after instilling microbubbles into the uterine cavity.
  • Detection rates and wet weight concentrations varied widely for organochlorine pesticides and PCB congeners.
  • The detector itself consisted of a 100,000-gallon tank filled with tetrachloroethylene, a solvent used in dry cleaning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Detectives are keen to trace a white camper van and its occupants.
  • There was no one at the beamdown point, which was close to where the undetectable barrier kept the swamp from encroaching on the habitat, but there was a road nearby that took them to the village in less than half an hour's walk. The Beast That Resembles A Poem(A Handy Resource for Architects,Engineers, and Students)
  • The title industry plays a particularly dynamic role in efforts to deter, detect, and report mortgage fraud. The Cult of Plausible Deniability
  • A strain of bird flu has been detected on a turkey farm in Lincolnshire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recording/reproducing device which receives an FM multiplexed signal comprising a subcarrier or a darc signal and outputs traffic information after detecting an intermission.
  • Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said the consultant in charge of Pringle had told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
  • Security has to be the optimum for a ragtop and here a microwave intrusion detection system is fitted along with a handle lock rod protector.
  • Others include Vontu and Patron Systems, whose software also detects potentially explosive e-mail and messages and either allows senders to "remediate" them or takes action like blocking messages from being sent. Stop That E-Mail!
  • Each of the slave nodes has a timer programmed with a separate failure mode detection time period.
  • Today we get another issue about a bug which could not detect a leap year (what immatureness by Microsoft). Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • The researchers realised that their equipment was detecting minute frequency changes resulting from the pulsing of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now," he continued, "if we lower the sail and unstep the mast, we may remain here as long as we please, undetected. Two Gallant Sons of Devon A Tale of the Days of Queen Bess
  • Because while we may find a snippet of moral fibre here and detect evidence of it there, somehow it seems to be far less plentiful these days.
  • Innocent have-a-go hero in cells for ten hours - As a former traffic warden and store detective with two police commendations to her name, Wendy Challis-Jones is all too familiar with tackling lawbreakers. Waterloo Sunset « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Life on patrol means months permanently beneath the surface of the sea to avoid detection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nearly 30 uniformed cops and detectives took part in a search of the property. The Sun
  • This can be very helpful in detecting one possible cause of your symptoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have to say, the one year I was on a high detectability plan _ I had to cover the first $6000 of family medical expenses before the insurance would pick up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Why Obamacare 2.0 is Like Cap-and-Trade
  • The biggest laugh is that after all this tooing and frowing, paperwork, negotiation and time spent the offence still has to be recorded and then closed UNDETECTED as no CJ disposal is recorded. Complete Utter Shambles « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Detectives suspect the van bombing was a revenge attack.
  • TSA bought a bunch of so-called puffer machines to detect explosives by blowing air on passengers, but they didn't work very well. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • Haddock, the explosive, semi-sozzled scion of Marlinspike Hall; Cuthbert Calculus, the nearly deaf genius inventor; Thompson and Thomson, the bumbling identical-twin detectives; and opera diva Bianca Castafiore, aka the Milanese Nightingale, who is the sole female character to recur in Hergé's Tintin stories. Tintin & Co.
  • He was best known for his role as the dishevelled and eccentric television detective Columbo, which he played for more than 30 years.
  • Some problems may be detected-and treated-early by examining your pet weekly for lumps, bumps and skin irritations.
  • A. P. D. Detective in Oren Moverman's Rampart is known as Dave "Date Rape" Brown, because years ago he killed a man suspected of being a sexual predator.
  • As Vitaly Fedchenko explains in this excellent article environmental samples are first screened by the IAEA using high resolution gamma ray spectrometry to detect radioactive particles-and that ain't much help in looking for magnox alloy. ArmsControlWonk
  • This can be very helpful in detecting one possible cause of your symptoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would mean faster and more accurate detection and identification of substances.
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
  • The other object is SN 2007gr, which was first detected in August 2007 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058, some 35 million light-years away it's one of the closest Ic supernovae detected in the radio waveband. GRB Central Engines Observed in Nearby Supernovae? | Universe Today
  • The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.
  • A common feature of cryptobiotic processes is the production of large amounts of saccharides triggered by the detection of stressful conditions.
  • Cyclone detection doppler radars are replacing the conventional analogue radars in important locations along the east coast.
  • I need design web site for detective agency.
  • Kantorow M, Kays T, Horwitz J, Huang Q, Sun J, et al. (1998) Differential display detects altered gene expression between cataractous and normal human lenses. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • After 40 minutes I'm sure I detected a ripple of discontent.
  • The lesions in the lung and lymph nodes were often grossly inapparent and seen only on histopathologic analysis, meaning that their detection with conventional imaging techniques would be unlikely.
  • I will discuss the types of substellar mass companions which can be detected around young stars and present the early findings of my current radial velocity search for substellar mass companions around young stars.
  • Therefore, the interval between cancer detection and death is longer in screened patients than in unscreened patients.
  • Immunohistochemical detection by, for example, alkaline phosphatase or peroxidase has been utilized in some papers.
  • Tired of writing detective novels, she began to explore new territory.
  • Later, it was revealed that a steam generator detected a lowered water level as the result of the leak.
  • We had been involved in an historical adventure as gripping as any detective tale or spy thriller.
  • In the leaf, Ca-HGO was detected in all chlorenchyma cells; in the stem, it was observed in the same sites described for Ca-TDC1; in the root, no expression was detected. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In the event of a power outage, the inverter is no longer able to detect the grid and will not produce power.
  • Certainly, few entomologists doubt that the amazingly intricate structure of moths' antennae are specific pheromone detectors.
  • Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting early curable cancer.
  • It's a classic noir detective tale but as well as a crime to be solved there's a philosophical mystery in the making.
  • Our aim is the early detection and treatment of all cancers.
  • So far, we've made nanoscale lasers, photodetectors, and ribbons that serve as flexible sub-wavelength optical waveguides.
  • Other chips may detect the presence of moulds or harmful bacteria.
  • The question is, who is liable for the cost of repairs if, for example, an undetected slow leak in a geyser causes a ceiling collapse and water damage to interior paint work, carpets and furniture?
  • The incident came close on the heels of a series of robbery detections made by four police stations of South Mumbai early last morning.
  • A suite of infrared, wide-field telescopes installed along the length of the aircraft's fuselage detects the missile plume at ranges up to several hundred km.
  • The new scintillating bolometer has performed excellently, proving its viability as a detector in experiments to look for dark matter, and also as a gamma spectrometer a device that measures this type of radiation to monitor background radiation in these experiments", says García Abancéns. A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • Women who experience these symptoms often should be offered a blood test that detects a protein produced by the cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • If such warning signs are detected early enough, doctors can sometimes successfully treat people suffering from primary immunodeficiencies.
  • To summary the recent advances on analytical detection for acrolein and the detections of acrolein in wine.
  • In mammals, neurons located in the nose detect scents using special odor receptors, and shuttle the information to the olfactory bulb, which is the integration center for smell.
  • At the same time, he is by a call mark Wenborn detective revenge.
  • Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer.
  • By detecting how far apart the partners are and how rapidly they orbit each other, scientists can determine the mass, volume, and composition of the binary asteroids.
  • Given the polygraph's dubious record, resistance to the lie detector has started to stir.
  • Early detection of cancer improves the chances of survival.
  • If drusen, the hallmark of AMD, are detected, your doctor may give you an Amsler grid, which looks like a checkerboard. Fading Of The Light
  • This review of chemical monitoring of agents that induce OA emphasizes the progress being made in developing highly sensitive detection methods for certain compounds such as diisocyanates, formaldehyde, and anhydrides.
  • He knew this was unfair, that Hollis ' job as a detective had excluded him from military call-up. AMAGANSETT
  • LONDON — Coast guards are hunting for a pair of missing American balloonists last detected piloting their craft over the Adriatic Sea in rough weather, officials said Wednesday. Richard Abruzzo And Carol Rymer Davis Missing In European Balloon Race
  • The detective watched him closely , waiting for a reply.
  • They quickly detect changes in the visual image and tend to exaggerate them.
  • He added, "The only way to detect the presence of the trait is through a blood test called haemoglobin electrophoresis. Institute for War & Peace Reporting:
  • This discriminator simply works on the principal that with no modulation applied to the carrier there is no output at the detector.
  • The discovery offers hope for a blood test to detect heart and brain diseases before symptoms appear. The Sun
  • Detectives discovered the proxy voters had been in the country after all. Times, Sunday Times
  • We detected a note of apology undermining his pride. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The drama has been heavily trailered on the main channels, focusing on the shocking behaviour of one of the younger detectives, but there is more to it than that.
  • A multimode optical fiber was used to deliver the light from the tungsten-halogen lamp to the detector.
  • I have thought it, for example, not humane to variegate the text of an Anthology with despairing obeli: and occasionally I have covered up an indubitable lacuna by artifices which I trust may pass undetected by the general reader and unreproved by the charitable critic. Preface
  • Murder squad detectives have warned that Mr Ashworth should not be approached.
  • The older travellers were certainly not blasés; they seemed to find pleasure and beauty wherever they looked: Ca da Mosto (1455), visiting the Senegal, detected in this graveolent substance, fit only for wheel-axles, a threefold property, that of smelling like violets, of tasting like oil of olives, and tinging victuals like saffron, with a colour still finer. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • Carrying submarine bombs, torpedoes and Harpoon missiles, it can offer outstanding surface and submarine detection equipment, and it has more applications than a submarine.
  • It cannot identify vehicles, detect surface-to-surface missiles, or build large mosaic images.
  • The man stopped at one door among the many, opening it and gesturing the detective inside with a nod of his head.
  • He was like a thick-witted detective at a crime scene, unable to make sense of clues right before his eyes.
  • Transparent species are susceptible to detection by reflections from their body surface, particularly at shallow depths.
  • Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) assumes a dominant position in the current research of the depth detection of anesthesia.
  • Detecting the spy behind the curtain and mistaking him for King Claudius, Hamlet plunges his sword into the arras and slays Polonius.
  • There has been no detectable change in the patient's condition.
  • It was easy enough to get the small packet of powdered aconite root past the metal detectors and bomb-detection dogs. Betrayed
  • As expected given low levels of wild codling moths, release of sterile males, and treatment with pheromone, there was no detectable codling moth damage in any orchard.
  • Method Improved periodogram (Welch procedure), AR model and Wavelet transform techniques were used to detect the Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions signal.
  • The room for the media conference was searched by sniffer dogs and security officers with metal detectors and mirrors. The Sun
  • The returning light would be detected by an imaging spectrometer to create a spectral image of the apple on a computer screen.
  • In these respects, MRI is superior to ultrasonography or plain-film radiography in detecting tissue inflammation and necrosis.
  • Fortunately, Tosatti's infallible ear could detect an ‘out-of-tune’ microtone in the midst of any situation.
  • Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of whose senior executives have already been arrested.
  • Mr. Silber argues that humint has proven even more valuable than sigint in detecting and thwarting homegrown threats—the fastest-growing category of militant Islamist terror. How the NYPD Foiled the Post-9/11 Terror Plots
  • But the treats are supposed to be subjected to a metal detector before leaving the factory. The Sun
  • The Reconciler's thread starts when its listener detects a new Document.
  • He said full body scanners will be installed at all airports as well as advanced X-ray machines and devices to detect explosives. The Sun
  • I hope that this kind of bibliographical, aesthetic, and technical information, as well the ability to manipulate images on one's home computer to detect what has heretofore required examination of the originals, stimulates new ways to teach, research, and think about art in general and Blake in particular. Introduction
  • So we do not see a gap in the UK regime for detecting money laundering. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fork structure of a subcutaneous blood vessel is used as the portion which is to be detected, for example.
  • The voices of the two lawmen were low, undetectable with the exception of Gordon's shouts, but when he realized that his voice was turned up, he would lower it again.
  • The change in current is detected and the sensor's output is energized.
  • So the seeds are individually detected after each of it is placed in the prostate followed by the ultrasonographer performing a volume sweep on each of them. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Maybe the boffins could have detected a trace of irony in the way she said it. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you are aiming almost for pure comedy, then your detective will need only the smallest core of toughness or commonsense.
  • He was a storehouse of anecdotes, too young to detect the whiff of embellishment clinging to them. AMAGANSETT
  • The noise is barely detectable by the human ear.
  • It resembled a nineteenth-century spiritualist picture, those pale blurs of ectoplasm in which believers detected the forms of the dead. SACRAMENT
  • While more sophisticated methods of detection have evolved over the years, the UCI still conducts regular hematocrit checks both in and out of competition. Mosquera says he has no reason to dope and has a clear conscience
  • The museum is heavily guarded and all visitors have to pass through metal detectors. The Sun
  • The vibration sensor is used to detect movement of the vehicle.
  • While his partner had been busy with that job, Haig had driven pegs into the ground, marked out a grid and plotted the positions of the signals from his metal detector.
  • At present the public have few reliable ways of detecting whether reporting is deceptive or not.
  • After the deed is done, the time has arrived for the appearance of the detective.
  • Everything depended on what kind of man the detective would be.
  • A overview of the basic structure, operating principle and properties for a new single-photon photo-detector, called vacuum avalanche photodiode (VAPD), is presented too.
  • Testing experts seem certain that athletes who cheat often evade detection.

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