
How To Use Detach In A Sentence

  • The house was a semi-detached with a couple of children playing in the front lawn and his son was just arriving home from his days work.
  • One of our current projects is to convert a couple of bungalows in south London into a five-bedroom detached property. Times, Sunday Times
  • This done the tournette is set into motion, and when the film is equalized, which is done in a moment, the plate is detached, placed on a leveled stand and slowly dried with the spirit lamp. Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • These new forces have synchronized with the conscious policy of a certain sector of Canadian opinion which has persistently sought to detach us from that quarter of the world's orbit and the world's people comprised in the British federacy. Whither Canada
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  • To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • The detached house is still the dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • His other key weakness is his inability to detach himself from his players and put them under pressure.
  • And it is in the elicitory processes of both personal attachment and detachment wherein social agency lies.
  • But you don't pay the bill for your semi-detached on your Barclaycard.
  • Each casemate mounted a three-gun battery of either 100mm or 150mm, and the southern side received additional cover from a detached fort mounting three 100mm gun turrets. Steel Victory
  • This, Stuart was told, would give enough time to detach the hooks from their mouths and let them free, with relatively little danger to the catcher.
  • Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - Nobel Lecture
  • The two unsold detached villas have asking prices of 19,350 and 19,651 yuan a square metre.
  • It kinks, detaches itself from actin, unkinks, and reattaches, and thereby ratchets along the actin filament in a series of power strokes.
  • Contemporary drawings show that the cookhouse was badly cracked as was the barracks and one of the caponiers had completely detached itself.
  • The loosely articulated head detaches upon removal of the carcass from the vessel.
  • They have ventilation features, detachable ankle guards and a quality snug fit. The Sun
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • Try to take a more detached view .
  • For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big detached houses a few streets inland on Victoria Road go for about a million. Times, Sunday Times
  • We saw a range of military regalia such as detachable leather hoods, three-quarter-length fatigues with cargo pockets (also shown in leather), flight pants, and the four-pocket jacket, to name a few. - HOME PAGE
  • The four bed detached two storey house enjoys many extras and has a walled garden to the front and rear.
  • In some cases a scleral buckle, a tiny synthetic band, is attached to the outside of the eyeball to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina.
  • The region leads the way in both detached and semi-detached houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • January 29th, 2010 at 9: 17 pm if the stickiest and least ameliorable environmental problems are jet air transportation, animal-based agriculture, and large detached single-family residences with large yards, then perhaps we should talk about “limits to jet air transportation, animal-based agriculture, and large detached single-family residences with large yards.” Matthew Yglesias » The Limits to Growth
  • The shadows warped and distorted as a humanoid shape detached itself.
  • The region leads the way in both detached and semi-detached houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first release comprises four-bedroom detached, five-bedroom detached and five-bedroom split-level houses.
  • Anaxagoras compounded this heresy by alleging that the stars were insensate bodies as well, stones carried in orbit by the rapid movement of the heavens and that occasionally a stone might detach itself to become a falling star.
  • If I ever use these features at all, I want them optional, totally attachable/detachable .... extensions I mean. Firefox 3.5 Gets Geolocation, Powered By Google | Lifehacker Australia
  • The Lusitu community police post project, estimated to cost a total of US $110,000 will have an office block, two semi-detached houses, a communication must, a soakaway and a septic tank.
  • However, the neovascular, exudative form results in serous or hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium and choroidal neovascularization.
  • Flow velocity increases, and the increased energy detaches more soil particles and transports them in tiny channels called rills.
  • If you have a semi-detached or terraced house, you will need a party wall specialist surveyor to check the work is done correctly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Morris chair has padded armrests and detachable cushions on the seat and back.
  • He subsequently developed a left retinal detachment and was referred to the vitreoretinal unit for surgery.
  • The Christian could not be tolerant or detached for the Christian could not remain indifferent to something which inevitably meant the loss of his soul and perdition for others.
  • A detachment of armed police had also arrived. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you don't pay the bill for your semi-detached on your Barclaycard.
  • She said: 'He said he was detached from things. The Sun
  • The bride wore a duchess satin gown - by Christiana Cature - with a detached train and bow detail, and a two-tier veil.
  • They were unable to pull the 3,000-pound anchor to get separation between the two vessels and thus needed to detach the anchor.
  • A glance up the hatchway showed the giant that the arms he had planned to seize were defended by ten firelocks, and that, behind the open doors of the partition which ran abaft the mizenmast, the remainder of the detachment stood to their arms. For the term of his natural life
  • We detached with difficulty a fragment of cyanite from a block of splintered and milky quartz, which was isolated on the shore. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.
  • But a kind of ironic detachment was always evident too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Detached translations also exist in Italian, Flemish, and Bohemian. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Three leaves were detached from the plant and cut along the mid vein into two halves.
  • His mask of detachment cracked,(Sentence dictionary) and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.
  • Like all air signs, Aquarians carry the double-edged gift of being able to detach their reason from their emotions, allowing them to rationalise their feelings and override base instincts or lustful passions.
  • Woodview, a four-bedroom detached house, is situated on a third of an acre and covers an area of 2,150 square feet.
  • The young are in debt mortgaged up to the hilt, and the middle-aged are in clover, sitting on a semi-detached gold mine.
  • Detached action along with the fruits of this action is consecrated to God and this forms the basis of karma yoga.
  • It was originally part of a large detached property which had been converted into one semi and two flats. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had felt detached from all the open grieving and eulogizing and commiserating as though she had been watching events unfold from the director's chair behind the camera. The Painter's Wife, a short story
  • These functions must be carried out with objectivity and detachment and the institution must therefore be structured in such a way as to facilitate this goal.
  • Sand is commonly met with at the depth of three or four fathoms, and beneath this a stratum of napal or steatite, which is considered as a sign that the metal is near; but the least fallible mark is a red stone, called batu kawi, lying in detached pieces. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • The mechanism has needed little repair in 220 years - except for a notable occasion 30 years ago when time stood still after the bob on the end of the pendulum became detached and dropped into the pit.
  • ‘The city is much the same as many others in my time,’ she said looking at a perfumery shop window, the expression of her eyes were not so detached from reality as before.
  • He was, too, essentially and curiously the son of his father -- even to his minor tastes, such as his connoisseur's palate for a good wine and his judgment in "smokes" -- and this feeling of a certain detachment from the larger emotions of life was always his father's pose -- the philosopher's. A Student in Arms Second Series
  • Movement along the P detachment may have resulted in the final separation of the crust and the exposure of mantle at the sea floor in the south of the study area, although here the nature of basement has not yet been determined.
  • In order not to be consumed by it, I have to approach difficult problems with a healthy detachment.
  • Between twelve and one that Sunday night Katharine lay in bed, not asleep, but in that twilight region where a detached and humorous view of our own lot is possible; or if we must be serious, our seriousness is tempered by the swift oncome of slumber and oblivion. Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
  • You may have to encourage the seeds to detach from the pith quite vigorously, but you end up with a very munchy pile of purplish nibbles. Culinary adventures
  • She talks about her past with a certain amount of detachment, even objectivity.
  • With this clue we recognise that the big pink splodge that occupies the rest of the paper must be Venus - Twombly's inept attempt to paint a recumbent nude; if, however, we read the breasts as heads, the splodge could equally well be interpreted as the lovers sexually engaged, the detached penis now a superfluous synecdochism. Evening Standard - Home
  • Adrenalin had burst into her system and yet she found herself detached -- both on the horse and yet looking on, too. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Sounds much bigger than a three-bedroom semi-detached, doesn't it?
  • But I will not badmouth the detachable magazine option. Why I Hate Detachable Magazines
  • My findings turned out to be less positive than I expected, and it's an indicator of how much more detached I feel from my job these days than I used to that this doesn't bother me unduly.
  • Roosevelt announced, "The Government of the United States has decided to withdraw the America Marine detachments now remaining ashore in China at Peiping, at Tientsin, and Shanghai... Beth Crumley: 1st Battalion, 4th Marines Does "Whatever it Takes"
  • Upon a wooden rest or chevalet the cylinder was now laid and detached from the pipe by placing a bit of cold steel against the part of the glass that still clung to the blow-pipe. The Story of Glass
  • A regimental musician who had become detached from his unit, he followed in the wake of the attack as a spectator.
  • Those same statistics also show that terrace builds have been declining and it is detached and semi-detached houses that are on the up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five destroyers were detached to carry out a bombardment of the port.
  • A crest much above this level effectively converts a reef to a detached breakwater, introducing the potential for the formation of harmful tombolos and disruption to longshore processes.
  • The versatility of the detachable sling is great for packing the gun to and from the blind. A391 Beretta Xtrema2 Synthetic
  • These ligaments can be sprained, disrupted, detached, or separated, depending on the severity of the injury.
  • I even saw myself, detachedly, falling down unconscious, nerveless. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Firefighters had to force an entry through a side door of the semi-detached house in Chorley Old Road, Johnson Fold.
  • Â The flame arrester screen can become detached from its mounting ring, preventing the throttle valve from returning to the idle position when the throttle lever is released, causing the rider to lose control of the ATV. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • Nearly 40 new homes will be incorporated into a modern development consisting of semi-detached houses, mews houses and bungalows.
  • Thiessen said hundreds of grow-ops are currently under surveillance by the detachment's dedicated pot-busting five-man unit.
  • While her thoughts were occupied with these melancholy reflections, a shadowy figure seemed to detach itself from the copsewood on her right hand. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • From the lapse of time, and the action of the vapours, the inside walls are detached, and have covered the basin with great blocks of lithoid lavas. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Yet if anywhere in England should feel ripe for semi-detached regional devolution it would be us in the northeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditional models define successful mourning in terms of detachment from the loved one who has died; the ability to cut the strings of grief, and to step into the roles of mothers and fathers vacated by the dead. 2009 March 10 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • We parbuckled him out by means of the Alpine rope, which was quickly detached from the sledge, South with Scott
  • Planners have approved the building of 27 new homes to replace four detached houses in an exclusive leafy enclave.
  • She tries to remain emotionally detached from her patients.
  • Prothero's genius had liberated itself for the time being in his last poem; it was detached from him; it wandered free, like a blessed spirit invisible, while Prothero's brain agonized and journalized as Laura said. The Creators A Comedy
  • However, she caught in post-modernism, she can not be detached from it and can not be rational criticism.
  • There is also a single detached garage with up-and-over door.
  • Sotho huts, which have pointed, detachable roofs on walls of mud and wattle, are found throughout the country; these huts have window frames and full doorways.
  • In the effort to avoid the charge of elitist arrogance they are in danger of abandoning the only commodities which they have to sell: detachment and objective judgment.
  • Suddenly the whole oaty lump fell, detaching itself from my metal utensil.
  • There is 'good' coping (problem-focused, rational, seeking support) and 'bad' coping (avoidant, emotional, detached). Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're able to stay emotionally detached from your investments, this can be a good strategy to follow.
  • Patients with symptomatic retinal tears are at high risk of progression to retinal detachment.
  • The square was then modified so that an element could be detached, marched to be adjacent to the enemy, and the enemy flanked.
  • He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.
  • Detachable sleeves, reversible jackets, transformable caps, drapes held up with snap buttons are not only user-friendly, but give people freedom.
  • The lid is fully detachable.
  • But doesn't the combination of an Oxford academic workload and a Blue Boat training regime leave him socially detached from anyone outside the tiny rowing bubble?
  • It is a detached bungalow on a leafy lane in an affluent area. The Sun
  • Why are the custodians so detached from the true meaning of the Olympics? Times, Sunday Times
  • The postmaster pursued the car but the trailer detached itself from the car in the chase.
  • Red House today stands secluded behind a pleasantly weathered red-brick wall surrounded by a forest of bungalows and semi-detached houses.
  • I only once saw him without his stiff white detachable collar: at once a symbol of perpetual elegance and expendability.
  • The holes are still there but things do not detach neatly around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • When all support is disrupted or detached, the distal clavicle loses all ligamentous connection, allowing it to rise superiorly.
  • The coat has a detachable lining inside.
  • This four bedroom detached bungalow is located in a mature and highly regarded residential area of the town.
  • Already, a detachment of Vanguards was on its way to intercept the Wings.
  • Through such experiences and spectacles, the modern, detached, moderate rationality of the narrator, and often the hero, is linked to a restored sensorial excitement, as the novel connects the reader vicariously to a passional self momentarily free from habitual restraint (although in practice, still carefully insulated from any action that would seriously offend conventional proprieties). Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism
  • When all the clams and mussels have opened up, detach their meat from the shells. Times, Sunday Times
  • A detached property with an acre can hit 800,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • The epistemological ideals of clarity, detachment and objectivity have silenced nature's voice.
  • My post was on a circular prefecture, in some degree detached from the body of the hill, the brow of which continued in a straight line, uninterrupted by this projecture, which was somewhat higher than the continued summit of the ridge. Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
  • The offending fire alarm was now completely detached from the wall.
  • Once the DNA has been transcribed, the mRNA (messenger RNA) detaches from the DNA.
  • It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
  • I have also acquired a degree of detachment over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • During surgery, we observed partial or complete detachment of the trapezoid and deltoid muscles from the lateral clavicle in all patients.
  • The coupon is not valid if detached.
  • The line, which is preferably a flexible combination wire-and-cord cable, is stretched between the winding-drum on the track and detachably secured to the flying or gliding machine, preferably by means of a trip-hoop, or else held in the hand of the operator, so that the operator may readily detach the same from the flying-machine when the desired height is attained. Flying Machines: construction and operation; a practical book which shows, in illustrations, working plans and text, how to build and navigate the modern airship
  • Note that my concept of God here is a completely detached and uninvolved entity, which, if there was a god, is the only form I could see it taking.
  • Here, the author is conscious of balancing between the anti-Spartan bias current in the speeches of contemporary Athenian rhetors and the detached tenor in the writings of democracy's elite critics.
  • One of the panels had become detached from the main structure.
  • A poetically intense awareness of life was coupled with a cool detachment from his characters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white, almost gleaming walls of the semi-detached houses spelt wealth and comfort.
  • It's an odd, detached thing to do. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aerial bombs or radio beacons are suspended from external bomb racks on detachable pylons.
  • Nearly 40 new homes will be incorporated into a modern development consisting of semi-detached houses, mews houses and bungalows.
  • His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.
  • The tender moments could not compensate for the detachment and morose oversensitivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cables for the front bezel and speakers to be connected to the motherboard are detachable at their mid point.
  • For the ultimate feeling of adventure, the three-door comes with a detachable rear hardtop.
  • Supported by not very many Russians the Bulgarian volunteer detachment drove off dozens of frontal and flanking attacks by an enemy far superior in terms of manpower and equipment.
  • There's a fishpond, a swimming pool and a one-bedroom, one-bathroom detached guest house. Home With Presley Ties Asks Nearly $7 Million
  • Their dream was of an improved quality of life, centred on a detached four-bedroom house with a swimming pool within walking distance of the beach. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stares detachedly into the middle distance, towards nothing in particular.
  • For musical purposes a wide variety of different bowing gestures are used, such as martelé (hammered bowing with a sudden release) and spiccato (rapid detached notes with the bow bouncing off the strings).
  • This rather undermines his credibility as a detached observer.
  • But on his way back to the tender he unfortunately uncouples the mortar truck, detaching it from the rest of the train.
  • A fair portion of contemporary poetry over-relies on self-reflexive irony, tonal detachment, and an often irritating allusive erudition.
  • Goethe viewed the debate rather detachedly, he was, during his lifetime, fast becoming the German Klas - siker or at least one of the two great Klassiker. CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE
  • The large semi-detached is to undergo major alterations and a makeover so that youngsters can have somewhere to meet apart from street corners.
  • Shortly afterwards the fire brigade arrived, and a detachment of special constables. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gingiva detaches from the tooth, the periodontal membrane and alveolar bone are damaged, and an abnormal gap develops between the tooth and gum.
  • I just know that when my money and my capacity to earn have just about sputtered out, I will be hobbling on my lame grasshopper legs to Cooper, begging for a corner in his semi-detached utility room/laundry shed where I can lay me doon and die. The bums haven’t lost. | clusterflock
  • The detachable batten is, of course, the norm for the Tabel school.
  • Many of the semi-detached houses to the north-east of the town centre were built for Vickers' workforce.
  • This, of course, does not factor any of the weapons seized by any of the other municipal police forces or any of the RCMP detachments in the Lower Mainland in the same period.
  • Walpole's more aristocratically-detached contemplation of Gothic paraphernalia is precisely what gave rise to the unprecedented amount of Gothic romances in the Haunted Britain in the 1970s
  • Ashford Court is a development of semi-detached houses in Grange near Douglas.
  • Other epodes take up motifs from other contemporary genres (elegy in 11 and 15, pastoral in 2) but with significant alterations of tone: Horace ironically breaks the high emotional level of the models with a detached and distant closure.
  • We removed the doors and the hotplates and everything that would detach, soaked them in acids and then hosed them down.
  • This is a truly delightful detached home in an excellent location.
  • Although he looks back at his own daring exploits with remarkable detachment, he realises how captivating they are to other people.
  • Journalistic norms call for the same attempt at objectivity and detachment.
  • While he says he thoroughly enjoyed working with members at the detachment, especially those who worked for him in Highway Patrol, he says there are aspects of the job he definitely won't miss.
  • On rainy days, you can resort to the detachable battery pack.
  • The grade 3 concussion and the retinal detachment were the most serious injuries observed.
  • It was by no means the last type of association to detach itself from the state by such a process of abstraction.
  • The house is a four-bedroom semi-detached built in the 1960s.
  • One shadow detached itself from the floor and seemed to become solid.
  • Latin casa, cassa, cassina; the Italian cassina, A small detached house in the fields, often whitewashed and of mean appearance. Travels through France and Italy
  • It towered incongruously high above modest semi-detached roofs, built on a peculiar design which blended elements of many different ages and cultures in a bizarre heterogeneous mix.
  • The Snow Factor is big enough for a down coat and a bivy sack, and the closed-cell foam framesheet detaches and unfolds to form an emergency sleeping pad.
  • It's a notebook computer with a detachable keyboard and voice and pen input.
  • Shortly afterwards the fire brigade arrived, and a detachment of special constables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ven mutants exhibit gross anatomical defects in the nerve cords, including their complete detachment from the body wall.
  • Other features include a large louvered power sunroof and detachable, translucent door pockets.
  • The five riders were picked up by a chase group which detached itself from the sluggish peloton.
  • You mean you're actually detaching yourself from him for a week?
  • Perceptron is a kind of useful neural network model and can classify the classification of the detachable linearity correctly.
  • But a steaming hot one with a detachable nozzle wouldn't go astray.
  • The structure is attached to the couple's first-floor bedroom window with a detachable elastic bungee cord. Times, Sunday Times
  • Due for completion in February, Ridgewood is situated at Forrest Road in Swords and has a mix of two-bedroom townhouses, four-bedroom semis and four-bedroom detached houses.
  • Conservatives tend to see this as detached from the deep theological wells of the tradition.
  • She realized how detached he and his friends were from the realities of making a living. DANSVILLE
  • There must be more to things than just conditional attachment or unconditional detachment.
  • It is debatable whether he ever envisaged trailer operation in its accepted sense, with trailers being detached at off-peak times.
  • Detachment has a small reserve stock which the Camp Leader has complete authority in allotting. Work Camp 924 GW
  • I state this so that you will recognise that when we sat down with one of those Euro 2000 wallcharts we approached our customary major tournament forecasting exercise with nothing but detached interest and honest endeavour.
  • Sometimes he challenges conventional notions of literary propriety or detachment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The line, which is preferably a flexible combination wire-and-cord cable, is stretched between the winding-drum on the track and detachably secured to the flying or gliding machine, preferably by means of a trip-hoop, or else held in the hand of the operator, so that the operator may readily detach the same from the flying-machine when the desired height is attained. Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
  • He depressurized the walkway, and then detached it from the transport.
  • In a poem about humility, she writes, with her usual reserved mildness - misread, at times, as detachment and depersonalization - that she would rather think of humility than anything else.
  • The site was previously occupied by a vacant detached bungalow.
  • Though we were planning our response to the death of friends and the widowing of their wives, our conversation was clinical and detached. Riding Rockets
  • Therefore, when collagen dissolves, necrotic tissue detaches and granulation can occur, providing the surface needed for proper epithelialization.
  • [The women] had detached the two ashplants from their baggage and were making good use of them as aids to the ascent of the hill.
  • In their detachment and mobility, these characters personify the movements and uses of capital as they enter speculatively into representations of different cultures.
  • Successes by these Celtic troops against the Romans were usually gained in surprise attacks, in ambushes, and when overwhelming detached units by sheer numbers.
  • On the top of the massifs, the survey imaged flat-lying corrugated and striated surfaces up to 10 km across that are considered to represent detachment faults exposed at the sea floor.
  • Sgt. Beikirch, medical aidman, Detachment B-24, Company B, distinguished himself during the defense of Camp Dak Seang. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz

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