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How To Use Destructiveness In A Sentence

  • However, their claim in the abstract and in the quote above about "hurricane destructiveness" is not shown by a correlation with , as that does not measure "destructiveness". PDI: Elsner « Climate Audit
  • Self - destructiveness is such a pervasive human trait because civilization is built on controlling aggression.
  • Of little military significance, the city of 250,000 provided a good test of the bomb's destructiveness.
  • Nick Duerden's second novel studies the spiral of self destructiveness, and how some can fail over and over again yet still come out winning.
  • Well, I am not the sort of person to encourage illegal activity, but in the face of such wilful neglect and destructiveness, flying pickets would not seem out of place.
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  • But anyone who has experienced intense jealousy is well aware of its power and potential destructiveness.
  • A fatal disease - tuberculosis, also called consumption - provided a favorite metaphor to represent the destructiveness of feverish emotions, such as pining or amorousness.
  • Rather, the entire story of the missing insurance fraudster is seemingly a red herring, an excuse to tell a story about Bellamy and his compulsive work ethic, his off-handed destructiveness toward the people in his life and his seeming cluelessness about himself. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Inspector Bellamy
  • And Maud's, face brightened; for destructiveness is one of the earliest traits of childhood, and ripping was Maud's delight. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • There was a game reserve in South Africa in which a herd of elephants suddenly exhibited uncharacteristic, senseless violence and destructiveness.
  • The passion, if not the logic, of her argument is clear and perhaps casts a new light on the deliberate destructiveness of the motives that lay behind her literary innovations.
  • In such cases there is a history of unmanageableness at home, and, if the child is old enough, at school, of running away, destructiveness, lying, and very often pilfering in the home.
  • The wanton destructiveness of modern warfare strengthens this obligation.
  • The sheer destructiveness of the H-bomb could force the rival power blocs to negotiate and seek ways to avoid general war.
  • Seinfeld exposes the human destructiveness and lack of principle and morality that exist to some degree in all people.
  • English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people. Paul Clifford — Volume 01
  • There had been an enormous increase in the accuracy and destructiveness of all munitions, owing to the introduction of information technologies.
  • After she first leaves home, Janet's guilty sense of her own destructiveness modulates into a series of strange eating disorders.
  • destructiveness" which characterises the Badawi: he is "keen for satire as a thirsty man for water:" and half his poetry seems to consist of foul innuendo, of lampoons, and of gross personal abuse. Arabian nights. English
  • They only offer the - passingly satisfying - option of destructiveness. The Sun
  • He is remarkable for his thievishness and his destructiveness toward small animals.
  • The pictures, dramatically arrayed on the walls according to their distance from Hiroshima's Ground Zero, show landscapes of burned-over rubble, concrete and steel buildings reduced to etiolated skeletons, and close-ups of flash burns and other interesting evidence of the awesome destructiveness of the bomb. Tragedy and Comedy of Life
  • Uncle Davy must have had the organ of "destructiveness" pretty fully developed, for fowls, as well as "animils" and "sarpunts," were "smashed up" by him, as may be gathered from Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
  • His rebel army was dispersed, and Panamá City and Portobelo were saved, but because of the destructiveness of the rebellion the Darién was forever lost to Spain. The Door of the Seas and Key to the Universe: Indian Politics and Imperial Rivalry in the Dari
  • The "mild" cases showed a group of symptoms which might be termed contra-environmental, viz. allopsychic delusions, sicchasia (refusal of food), resistiveness, violence, destructiveness. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • It is said that the organ of carving upon wood is prominently developed on all English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people. Paul Clifford — Complete
  • This riveting drama speaks to our souls with its incessant probes into the importance of human choice and the degradations brought on by self-destructiveness.
  • In her character, what phrenologists call "destructiveness," in the comprehensive sense of the word, was superlatively developed. Lucretia — Volume 02
  • destructiveness" to upset one's mental equilibrium. The Reminiscences of an Astronomer
  • Extreme caution or prudence, the soundest organic health, large hope and comparison and fondness for women and children, large alimentiveness and destructiveness and causality, with a perfect sense of the oneness of nature, and the propriety of the same spirit applied to human affairs -- these are called up of the float of the brain of the world to be parts of the greatest poet from his birth. Poems By Walt Whitman
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • In fairness, the local authority have played an important part in improving the physical environment for business but their constructiveness in this regard is now being nullified by their destructiveness.
  • As against these, the stupendous increase in the destructiveness of air power has been of limited utility in guerrilla war.
  • But for the last Bushmen of the central Kalahari, all this is worthless: worse, it all brings a bullying destructiveness which could spell their end.
  • Well, I am not the sort of person to encourage illegal activity, but in the face of such wilful neglect and destructiveness, flying pickets would not seem out of place.
  • This kind of destructiveness is a false passage into a world of pseudo-communication. A Renegade Psychiatrist's Story
  • They look down upon the stage platform , thinks dirty , and disorder, has destructiveness the play.
  • The wanton destructiveness of modern warfare strengthens this obligation.
  • The sheer destructiveness of the H-bomb could force the rival power blocs to negotiate and seek ways to avoid general war.
  • The contrast between Freud's instinctual determinism and Nietzsche's contextualism and historicism parallels contemporary psychoanalytic debates about whether human destructiveness is to be comprehended primarily as a manifestation of an innate aggressive drive (later Freud and Melanie Klein) or primarily as a reaction to frustration (earlier Freud) or narcissistic injury (Kohut). Robert D. Stolorow: "Radical Evil"

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