How To Use Destructible In A Sentence

  • To many baffled voters he must seem indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction. The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
  • When large-scale resistance movements remain grassroots they are thus indestructible.
  • Revolutionary cadres are not indestructible.
  • This type of plastic is almost indestructible.
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  • But the reason it's virtually indestructible is that it won't take off. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appeared I had an indestructible parasite, which didn't bother me too much as long as it stayed in my ankle.
  • Their shells are so hard they are virtually indestructible.
  • A young scientist invents a material that is indestructible and repels dirt.
  • Yamauchi said the team at Polyphony Digital has been working on several different areas of late, including a new physics engine and damage, as well as adding moveable objects on the track (such as destructible tyre walls on the Tokyo Route 246 track, playable on the show floor of TGS 2009). CNET Australia
  • That acid-spewing, multiheaded, indestructible thing was aboard Ripley's spacecraft -- and another beastie is hatching in Ripley's gut. Saint Ripley And The Dragon
  • The fundamental argument for its existence was the immediate appeal to self-consciousness; and it was further defined as indestructible on the ground of its being utterly discontinuous and incommensurable with its material environment. The Approach to Philosophy
  • Thus, once again, a moment of rebirth occurs, a new shining nativity of a new soul, not as a physical entity vulnerable to decomposition, but a living memory to the immortal and indestructible nation.
  • The new levels and goals are excellent, with plenty of variation and more destructible environments.
  • When you have a bank of people on your side, you're almost indestructible. The Sun
  • They were used to a living environment where they didn't need to be cautious; their numerousness made them indestructible. Archive 2007-09-01
  • His chronicle evokes in all its wooliness the storied past and indestructible spirit of a crucial American subculture, when folks on the stroll "worked all week, and Saturday night was their night to howl. On the Midnight Special
  • So far, the rope is one of the few surviving toys available to these two; little wenchface has recently chewed through TWO so-called indestructible Kong toys and I want my money back… Photo Friday « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
  • As far as interactivity is concerned, there are some partly destructible objects but there are no totally destructible objects for the sake of size and detail.
  • And she'd be dolled up for it, too, her dyed red hair shellacked into an indestructible coif, resplendent in a velour maxi lounging gown and jewel-encrusted slippers.
  • It is the same land, which stands firmer than any rock in the world, with its undying vigour, indestructible life.
  • Given the destructible environments and all the problems a developer runs into with uncertain terrain, the camera works very well, but there are occasions when it can become stuck or feel unresponsive.
  • Fired clay, such as pottery and baked mud-brick or adobe, is virtually indestructible if well fired.
  • For the most part, the team did a pretty good job making the settings look decent with destructible buildings and pseudo-realistic fire effects.
  • I'm pretty indestructible; it takes more than a bout of flu to lay me low.
  • A man once asked, " What is the secret of the indestructible Jew?
  • She was also seemingly indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • He states that although some Mendelians have spoken of genetic factors as permanent and indestructible, he is satisfied that they may occasionally undergo a quantitative disintegration, the results of which he calls subtraction or reduction stages. Hormones and Heredity
  • Things were going well until the arrival of the Borg, a multi-armed, part-organic battleship that was virtually indestructible.
  • The pages seemed lost and all the more precious, all the more destructible.
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • Even as many cringe and start at what must hurt, and hurt badly, some may dream that the average man is indestructible.
  • They also raved about the spiffy appearance and the virtually indestructible treads.
  • Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.
  • Their indestructible cars helped destroy the environment in which they lived.
  • Another indestructible plant that grows directly in the sand is the yucca.
  • But in the second meaning of the word "corruption," we confess that our Lord's body is incorruptible, that is, indestructible, for such is the tradition of the inspired Fathers. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Gold is virtually indestructible.
  • Fired clay, such as pottery and baked mud-brick or adobe, is virtually indestructible if well fired.
  • Whatever the degradation, the human spirit can be indestructible.
  • Their bodies are nearly indestructible, and can twist and turn into any design, like taffy.
  • Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.
  • The first is something billed as a virtually indestructible model aeroplane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once we started looking at solutions for car simulation we realized how amazingly cool it would be if we integrated full physics to create a completely destructible world.
  • The human spirit is virtually indestructible.
  • These plastic cups are virtually indestructible.
  • He was buoyed up by the somehow indestructible hope.
  • Asbestos fibres are indestructible - they are resistant to chemicals and heat.
  • The world is incredibly destructible - you've seen bullet-marks in walls before, but not like this.
  • Remember when you were an indestructible little kid and you knew that hitting the pavement wouldn't kill you?
  • A milder form of sorrow finds its inexpensive and lasting remembrancer in the coarse and ugly but indestructible 'immortelle' -- which is a wreath or cross or some such emblem, made of rosettes of black linen, with sometimes a yellow rosette at the conjunction of the cross's bars -- kind of sorrowful breast-pin, so to say. Life on the Mississippi, Part 9.
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • To many baffled voters he must seem indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stone tools are virtually indestructible, whereas organic materials - bone, antler, wood, leather, sinews, cordage, basketry, featherwork, etc. - decay under most normal conditions.
  • Is not the admiration of people of all ages for our Tarzans, Supermen, Lone Rangers and indestructible detectives the result of a love for romanticism?
  • I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living Seed of the Word of God.
  • Massive bass, huge noise, and a virtually indestructible headband make these unbeatable value. The Sun
  • The first is something billed as a virtually indestructible model aeroplane. Times, Sunday Times
  • I must admit that I love this new note that seems to be indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • That country had come to France's aid in the past and the resulting ties that had formed between both nations were indestructible.
  • All substances occur in atomic form, each atom being eternal and indestructible.
  • If you feel betrayed by a spouse or family member, the row is contained by the existence of the almost indestructible bonds tying you to each other.
  • For older neuroscientists, resistance to the return of psychoanalytical ideas comes from the specter of the seemingly indestructible edifice of Freudian theory in the early years of their careers.
  • Rather, Jesus adjures them to seek a heavenly treasure that, although it cannot be grasped or understood by the usual human standards of success, is nonetheless indestructible.
  • One common beer misconception is that this fermented malty brew flavoured with aromatic hops is indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the term "substance," meaning the indestructible stuff of the universe, was retained by Descartes in his discussions of res extensa, the mechanical philosophers were committed to a corpuscularian theory in which objects were temporary aggregates of solid, indestructible particles with various figures and motions, and all change occurred through their collisions, entanglings, and so on. Kant and Leibniz
  • When I was younger I was indestructible, immortal, now it would appear that I am not.
  • All participants please alert The FMB here at the address on our site and we will eagerly post a link to your entry and add it to our dedicated destructible blog-a-thon roster. Heads Up, Dummy!
  • Each obstacle has unique properties, like being static, mobile, invisible, destroyable and indestructible. IGN Complete
  • The doors, they presumed, were completely soundproof and indestructible as well.
  • But where this game excels is the destructible environments that interact with the action. The Sun
  • Lucy said it was called indestructible, because nobody could destroy it, but I've taken my new knife to it. The Young Step-Mother
  • Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.
  • What is truly impressive, and should be standard in war games, is that most of the environments are destructible.
  • Yamauchi said the team at Polyphony Digital have been working on several different areas of late, including a new physics engine, damage, adding moveable objects on the track (such as destructible tire walls on the Tokyo Route 246 track, playable on the show floor of TGS 2009), as well as the inclusion of hybrid and electrical vehicles into the ever-growing roster of cars. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • I still cling to my indestructible angler's hat, and it still resists time and wear to an incredible degree.
  • Whatever has been called existent and non-existent, whatever is manifest and not-manifest, whatever is destructible and indestructible, all have me for their soul. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • He did not know that what he called her flabbiness was the inertia in which they stored their strength, nor that in them there remained a vigilant and indestructible soul, biding its time, holding its own against maternity, making more and more for self-protection, for assertion, for supremacy. The Combined Maze
  • Clark's vision was of ‘an indestructible union of indestructible states’ that preserved the autonomy of local regional life.
  • Most people want to believe that humanity is indestructible, that our species cannot be eradicated or eliminated or negatively impacted in any truly widespread or nonreversible way by anyone or anything. What God Wants
  • It was much needed, as the attacking team got to play with the new, destructible vehicles.
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • Cross 13 miles of perilous prehistoric terrain , smashing the classic foes you've come to love and hate with Bonk 's indestructible cranium .
  • People - and by no means professional philosophers only - often have experiences which they describe as astonishment at the fact of existence, awe in the face of 'Nothingness', apprehension of the unreality of the world or the feeling that whatever is impermanent must be accounted for by what is indestructible. Inside Higher Ed
  • Molded plastic is almost indestructible, but scuffs easily.
  • From the ashes of every pyre sprang the Jewish Law in unfading youth -- that indestructible, ineradicable mentality and hope, which opponents are wont to call unconquerable Jewish defiance. Jewish Literature and Other Essays
  • It pains us to see a formerly stalwart promoter of the corporate agenda side with what we at Murray Hill Inc. call the "bodied humans,", even if Schultz' idea makes a hell-bound snowball look positively indestructible. Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation
  • Even more than the ramps, cars or destructible items for the Stunt Arena, the replays feel like a greater reward when you look at them.
  • He didn't use any destructible force or laser waves or something; he just used the willpower to meet his demands.
  • The Chicago-Lake intersection was teeming with indestructible hip-hop kids and nervous cops, and all around me, tough guys and gum-chewing flirts were nodding to the rhythm of their bass-booming vans, low-riders, and convertibles.
  • Do they really think that by riding nine abreast, they are indestructible?
  • No other classical festival in the world has an audience that's quite so enthusiastic, knowledgeable or seemingly indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their indestructible qualities mean they are often used in many a park. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the cosmic mind is one, though it contains infinite aspects of being within its fully integrated and indestructible unity.
  • What they have let loose is an almost indestructible creature that threatens everyone aboard.
  • The 3D engine allows for detailed vehicles (yet the human soldiers look pretty basic) and beautiful landscapes filled with swaying tress and destructible buildings.
  • This type of plastic is almost indestructible.
  • Last, but not least, gamers can also acquire a heat-sensitive visor which allows detection of power-ups and secret items behind destructible walls or in hard-to-reach places.
  • He M was virtually indestructible and devoid of human f laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • To understand the decline of the feudal system and the transformation of the feudal tenure into the land tenure of modern Christendom, it must first be clearly understood that what I have called the indestructible idea of private property in land survived, paradoxical as it may seem, throughout the whole long reign of so-called tenure. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The lattices were a Ydrisian invention for storing in-formation, practically indestructible and with unlimited capacity, it seemed. Timegod's World
  • He is no longer the feared opponent, the fighting machine that seemed indestructible throughout the 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the Union is truly indestructible, then states cannot secede even if the national government is willing to let them go.
  • These textures can be so generic that they mask many of the destructible items as they blend into the environment.
  • I mean the restoration of oxygen to the atmosphere from the surface of the earth in dewy mornings, as well as from the perspiration of vegetable leaves; which atmospheric oxygen is hourly destructible by the respiration of animals and plants, by combustion, and by other oxydations. Note XII
  • He M was virtually indestructible and devoid of human f laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is something billed as a virtually indestructible model aeroplane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers found that so-called indestructible plastics actually decompose in the ocean, releasing potentially toxic substances throughout the seas. News
  • What had happened was that man had begun to devise and use chemicals that were virtually indestructible. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • Krishna also relates {FN26-3} that it was he, in a former incarnation, who communicated the indestructible yoga to an ancient illuminato, Vivasvat, who gave it to Manu, the great legislator. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • military-grade, virtually invisible, and indestructible film" which is currently adorning thousands of gadgets as it prevents bumps, scratches, and dings from "defiling" the iPad, so to speak, thanks to a lifetime guarantee. Ubergizmo
  • Your wish was to be remembered as vital and indestructible by your public and your family, and you will be.
  • On top of the great graphics, all objects in the game are destructible.
  • destructible glassware
  • On Monday the company announced an effort called Frustration-Free Packaging that seeks to put an end to “wrap rage,” the condition of buying a product and then finding it is entombed in indestructible plastic or permanently trapped in unbreakable wire fasteners. Cuts Packaging to Combat ‘Wrap Rage’ - Bits Blog -
  • The sounds of unloading a missile and watching it crash into a destructible structure gives off a sense of visceral excitement that the first game couldn't touch.
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • The first is something billed as a virtually indestructible model aeroplane. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has padded shoulder straps, the covering material is indestructible with a centered carrying handle.
  • I always thought the U.S. was the most indestructible and powerful nation in the world.
  • In the environment there is a dimension that resists and escapes us: to reduce the world to a storehouse of materials for limited human purposes is thus to put in question any serious belief in an indestructible human value.
  • They are not only flattering and warm but also virtually indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • For decades Titanic buffs and academics have argued over whether the White Star Line company ever claimed the ship was unsinkable or if the legend of an indestructible ship was a hangover of media speculation and hype from the 1910s.
  • Just about everything's destructible, which is a nice touch because you'll be smashing through all sorts of crap, but none of it looks that good. IGN PS3
  • We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell. Pablo Picasso 
  • It's what a watch should be: waterproof, nearly indestructible, accurate, and radically legible.
  • As of today, every letter, and especially every E-mail and web-post are indestructible documents, fully acknowledgeable by courts. Measuring Precipitation on Willis' Boots « Climate Audit
  • Being, I will tell thee in brief about that seat which persons conversant with the Vedas declare to be indestructible, which is entered by ascetics freed from all longings, and in expectation of which (people) practise the vows of Brahmacharins. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • It was a bunker, virtually indestructible, symbolic of the Conch spirit. A KING'S RANSOM
  • They are practically indestructible, outlasting anything that mere mortal men can do to them.
  • She could not have described what it was in her that all the men she had met, the men with whom she had golfed and ridden and yachted, had failed to satisfy: but, ever since she had acquired the power of self-analysis, she had known that it was something which was a solid and indestructible part of her composition. Piccadilly Jim
  • They were colored red, with heavy bindings and were made of indestructible plastic.
  • Many of Wintergrasp's buildings are destructible, meaning that siege vehicles such as catapults can damage and eventually destroy them. WarCry Network : Latest News
  • The human spirit is virtually indestructible.
  • Thundering across fields remains the preserve of a small band of well-built, farm-ready workhorses with indestructible axles.
  • Also, the world is incredibly destructible - the inclusion of parallax mapping really helps to make the destructible world look incredibly real too.
  • Meanwhile, the indestructible burial mound would shrug off the tempest like a great, ageless whale.
  • Almost opposite the combe was a stack of tall, ragged rocks, part of the island before some natural cataclysm had created the combe and left some indestructible granite in the form of a hazard so dangerous to shipping that a light-ship was anchored half-a-mile to the east of the rocks to warn vessels of their proximity. The Murder of Busy Lizzie
  • Meanwhile, the indestructible burial mound would shrug off the tempest like a great, ageless whale.
  • One of my favorites is horehound, a robust plant that is nearly indestructible and produces clusters of small white flowers that draw tiny flies like magnets.
  • Once again it emerges from the sea and seems indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the deity is omnipotent, can It produce a truly indestructible object?
  • And that lies in the simple fact that his very existence is a testament to the indestructible pluralism of our country.
  • His power is through telekinesis and his mind; he's virtually indestructible.
  • Above the sink was a yellowed cabinet made from some indestructible plastic.
  • Inexactly energotechnological guilty destructible complect ditch centration conflate trash westwards alexejevite drumhead linked unflatable doyenne. Week in Review
  • But then, to date the integrity of Beckett's genius has survived all the fashions and the fads, and thankfully great art like his survives behind the times, ageless and indestructible.
  • All substances occur in atomic form, each atom being eternal and indestructible.
  • It seems as if the great men of every age in this city "have found no better way of immortalizing their memories than by the shifting, indestructible, ever-new, ever-changing upgush and downfall of water. Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo Comprising a Tour Through North and South Italy and Sicily with a Short Account of Malta
  • This car might be rubbish, but it's also indestructible.
  • The arenas contained interactive elements such as destructible crates that can be used as weapons. POWET.TV
  • Whatever the degradation, the human spirit can be indestructible.
  • Whatever the degradation, the human spirit can be indestructible.
  • The first is something billed as a virtually indestructible model aeroplane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massive bass, huge noise, and a virtually indestructible headband make these unbeatable value. The Sun
  • I mean it certainly has it s defensive value (I'm pretty sure it's the most indestructible thing in the marvel universe), but in the world war 2 sense, imagine the experience of hiding in a trech with your squad pinned down and all of a sudden the NAzi turret is knocked down by a red white and blue disc with a star in the middle of it. Joe Johnston on Why Chris Evans was Cast as Captain America | /Film
  • And we must acknowledge that as there are two kinds of knowledge, so there are two kinds of being corresponding to them; the one uncreated, indestructible, immovable, which is seen by intelligence only; the other created, which is always becoming in place and vanishing out of place, and is apprehended by opinion and sense. Timaeus
  • Though really unmanifest, she is called indestructible Prakriti and dwell in all manifest forms. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Big anaphylactic hospital jobs in illinois big pismire protamine big eclampsia fat fat goncourt in microscopium somnambulation www bbw com www big hevea com www episcopal unsounded. of wayfaring and the unplayful guiana of snoring and engrossed romanticization is wartlike apteryx when it is asymmetrical by barye from smart, destructible, or chalky blank. Rational Review
  • She is a virtually indestructible performer with the presence of a true star. Times, Sunday Times
  • Away in smoke go the lordships, the Rabbi-hoods of the world, and the man who acquiesces in the burning is saved by the fire; for it has destroyed the destructible, which is the vantage point of the deathly, which would destroy both body and soul in hell. Unspoken Sermons Series One
  • a finer substance, and our body is rebuilt and fashioned from the indestructible _substance_ of the Universe. Freedom Talks No. II
  • We prefer to think of ourselves as healthy and indestructible, and we disown our ailments and frailties.
  • These plastic cups are virtually indestructible.
  • What's new, however, is that the vehicles are destructible.
  • The environments are for the most part fully destructible, which is a great touch for throwing enemies through trees. Loot Ninja
  • A top Federal Reserve official blasted the Senate's financial reform bill Thursday night, arguing that it does little to end the perception that megabanks are too big to fail while lambasting the regulators and policymakers who "tiptoe" around financial behemoths and who have fostered the growth of "indestructible" large banks. Richard Fisher, Top Fed Official: Too Big To Fail Lives On, Only Way Out Is To Shrink Megabanks
  • The hardest rock is worn into impalpable mud, the ordinary metals oxidate, and both are removed; but gold, platina, and a few others are nearly indestructible, and from their weight, sinking to the bottom, are left behind. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • It has been stated that each city will be destructible.
  • Grown in the middle of an immense atoll, a long coral bridge was the only thing connecting it to the land; easily destructible and just as quickly repaired.

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