
How To Use Destroy In A Sentence

  • Shake them to bits and you are destroying more than property. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It's been destroyed and redone a couple of times since then.
  • They use cheap materials and actually destroy a lot of decent furniture and fittings in the process - if something is considered unfashionable it gets taken out or painted over.
  • There had been formerly on the pathways of Dardilly calvaries built by pious forebears; destroyed on order of the revolutionary proconsul of Lyon, the famous Fouché, the crosses lay in the grass. Archive 2008-03-09
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  • Sjogren's syndrome "targets and destroys over time the exocrine glands responsible for tear production and saliva -- and is characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes," said Dr. Michael Belmont, an associate professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and medical director for Hospital for Joint Diseases. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • The structure that was destroyed was a barn used for foaling mares and prepping yearlings.
  • Often the burial site is destroyed, or there is a differential representation of habitats.
  • The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.
  • On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily.
  • Using the manual option allows you to attempt to disable the enemy boat's sails with chain shot, destroy the boat's hull with cannonballs, or kill off the crew with grapeshot.
  • It was a marriage and a lifestyle that almost destroyed him.
  • Thomas had a mission, to destroy the missile and prevent the shapechanger from carrying out his criminal activities.
  • The failure of the monsoon would destroy harvests on which 1000 million people rely.
  • The missile is aimed specifically to destroy military targets.
  • Exhaust fumes from the Apache engines are also cooled as they emerge to make it difficult for heat-seeking missiles to seek and destroy the aircraft.
  • Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her. Cecilia
  • Shiva the destroyer is a necessary part of the trinity because, without destruction, there can be no recreation.
  • A rail system can reroute traffic around destroyed tracks, repair sections of damaged rail, or even transfer freight from boxcars to trucks.
  • Obj. 2: Further, filiation, which is said of a man as being the son of someone, his father or his mother, depends, in a way, on him: because the very being of a relation consists _in being referred to another; _ wherefore if one of two relatives be destroyed, the other is destroyed also. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The last 15 minutes are particularly soul-destroying.
  • At least when you are home you can sit in your own Cadillacs for hours in the rush traffic and pollute the air as much you like, destroying the ozone layer and blame it on us smokers.
  • We believe he, either, is turning his Nelson's eye to the scientific reports, or, is plain oblivious of Peter Bergen's cogent and coherent articulation of the demerits of EITs as image destroyers for the US. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • Once the bacterium is within the macrophage, the macrophage's bactericidal mechanisms destroy the microbe.
  • Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.
  • Gore then devised a plan to burn down the house, destroying any forensic evidence he might have left behind.
  • Could butterflies resolve to destroy the Russian Army?
  • The anthill is well built that even the heaviest storm will not destroy it.
  • His escape meant that he had to be figuratively executed, with the result that the people, ideas, and culture associated with him were outlawed and destroyed in his stead.
  • It destroyed his tenor voice and his familiar cracked, husky tones took over. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blame rests with successive weak and myopic Cong govts whose stupid policies destroyed the economy, leaving India pauperized, unable to help anyone as she herself was abegging for aid. India vs China SnapShot
  • The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all! Boing Boing
  • I have completed a monument more lasting than bronze and higher than the decaying Pyramids of kings, which cannot be destroyed by gnawing rain nor wild north wind, or by the unnumbered procession of the years and flight of time.
  • A cruiser and a destroyer, both badly hit, thus became the only survivors to escape. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • These committees can only destroy pictures that are being passed off as something they are not. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following a fire in October 2000, the roofs were completely destroyed and all timber roof supports in the building were badly charred.
  • The issue could be eased if retailers used systems which blocked out at least some numbers on credit card receipts, or systems to destroy spare counterfoils after use.
  • a colossal tsunami destroyed the Minoan civilization in minutes
  • In 1998, just before then President Suharto stepped down, unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic Chinese in Solo.
  • He begins a race against time to find the real killer - fighting his way through a tangle of lies and deceit to uncover an act of evil which has destroyed the life of more than one young person.
  • Spread 2 separate diseases are these dropping destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa.
  • Just why the politician who destroyed his premiership crusading against dictators wilfully became a servant to them remains unanswered. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Stamford there was a Presbyterian Church, built in 1791, and another church built for the use of all persuasions, a kind of free and common soccage church, in 1795, which was destroyed in the subsequent war. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • There are various classes of Secular Abbots; some have both jurisdiction and the right to use the pontifical insignia; others have only the abbatical dignity without either jurisdiction or the right to pontificalia; while yet another class holds in certain cathedral churches the first dignity and the privilege of precedence in choir and in assemblies, by reason of some suppressed or destroyed conventual church now become the cathedral. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The castles which had sprung up during the civil war without the licence of the king -- the 'adulterine castles,' as they were called -- and there were no less than 365 [10] of them -- were to be destroyed, and order and good government were to return. A Student's History of England, v. 1 (of 3) From the earliest times to the Death of King Edward VII
  • Earth is such a beautiful, unique, unbelievably complex planet and yet humans are simply hellbent on destroying it and everything on it. Death by Plastic
  • While the most damage and destroy is attribute to the vehicles load recapitulate impaction.
  • In short, I told them that U-13 should be destroyed and that we should not attempt to deliver Marburg by aerosol. CHAMELEON
  • The goddesse of warre, called Bellona, had these thre handmaids ever attendynge on her: BLOOD, FIRE, and FAMINE, which thre damosels be of that force and strength that every one of them alone is able and sufficient to torment and afflict a proud prince; and they all joyned together are of puissance to destroy the most populous country and most richest region of the world. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Lady Macbeth has nothing personal against the men, women and children she must destroy to clear her husband's way to power - her purposefulness is pure.
  • This is a pathetic argument, as everybody knows drugs like heroin and cocaine destroy lives.
  • Even more important, they might fail to notice a menace or threat which if not guarded against might harm or even destroy them, their regime, and possibly even the state as well.
  • There was an item on Dustbury last week about refineries post-Katrina, linking to Hatless in Hattiesburg's suggestion to replace refineries which were destroyed or disabled by Katrina with new refineries on military bases slated for being "realigned," and to Engine of the Future's suggestion to lift for three years the EPA regulations requiring different fuel blends for different regions, so that gasoline can be shipped wherever it's needed, avoiding artificial shortages. Oily residue - BatesLine
  • A lead trader in a bank, he is complicit as his company tries to divest itself of toxic holdings before they destroy it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had the makers of Junior Scientist included chemicals so deadly they might destroy a house?
  • The dispute has destroyed unity among the workers.
  • There's a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred.
  • The programme will explore how angry exes have destroyed lives by sharing explicit images of their previous partners. The Sun
  • Within minutes of interspecies transplant, antibodies attack the new organ and destroy it, a process which is called hyperacute rejection. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. 
  • But both were destroyed after he ended his three-year stint as a search and rescue chopper pilot last week. The Sun
  • Clostridium (meaning spindle shaped bacterium) botulinum comes from the soil and makes spores (survival packages) that are very hard to destroy.
  • The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. Jim Morrison 
  • Are these textiles Baroque draperies, shrouds or the curtains of a luxurious four-poster bed defiled and destroyed?
  • The city's historic center, which had been largely spared massive bombing raids until then, was almost completely destroyed during this attack.
  • We know from her letters that Frances destroyed the original, so that it would not injure her husband's reputation.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • Castoffs such Mullock, waste water and exhaust gas produced by coal mining pollute environment , destroy zoology and lose economy.
  • And bids can be destroyed or go unrecorded so that a low bid from an agent's accomplice wins, to the detriment of the seller. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of destroyers, frigates and submarines each in the Pakistan navy are approximately half that of India.
  • It requires ground forces to be decisive to be able to destroy and defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Jiading factory will be able to burn at 850 degrees centigrade, hot enough to destroy dioxin, a poisonous chemical compound found in some waste, said the engineer on that project.
  • The building was set ablaze in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence that could condemn a former mayor of involvement in a payroll scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks and an electricity substation.
  • His conclusion also was that our next operation must be an all-out effort to destroy the enemy carriers.
  • The Balinese tourism industry would be destroyed and the island, now poor but developing, would be plunged into primitive semi-starvation.
  • That so forbearant a people as Canadians have virtually destroyed two of their three parties is convincing evidence that they realize that that policy has failed. Post-Election Prospects in Canada
  • The cause of a blaze which destroyed a three storey mill in Radcliffe is under investigation.
  • Opponents said more traffic would be generated and that the car park would destroy the look of the grade II Listed hospital building.
  • The use of physical or chemical means to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores.
  • Seven astronauts perished when hot exhaust gas leaked from one of the booster rockets, destroying the vehicle less than two minutes into the flight.
  • Mine action since 1999 had removed 2.2 million "emplaced" antipersonnel mines; destroyed ReliefWeb - Headlines
  • She destroyed my collages and stuck sharp objects through my notebooks when Susannah and me weren't around to stop her, which wasn't often, but often enough.
  • And Allah vouchsafed him children by her, and they both lived the gladdest and happiest of lives, till there came to them the Destroyer of delights and the Severer of societies and the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He wrote up a report (on a typewriter, whose ribbon he destroyed afterwards) and sent it to the US embassy in Bonn.
  • I suspected that as soon as he left the boatyard the chart would be similarly destroyed.
  • There are trials of drugs to cut toxic protein that destroy healthy brain tissue. The Sun
  • The motive is to destroy all those in the south who might threaten the oil revenues that sustain the regime's grip (it came to power by deposing an elected government and enjoys very little popular support).
  • He's going to bring in a whole new batch of people rather than these political hacks who've destroyed our economy.
  • Taggers are sociopathic maladjusted, angry misfits who need attantion a the cost of whatever they destroy. South African Reverse Graffiti Artists Tag Up Walls By Scrubbing Them Clean | Inhabitat
  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • Thus a succession of closely connected environmental and anthropogenic events destroyed the bison.
  • If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly.
  • At the start of World War II, he entered the Royal navy and served with distinction on mine sweepers, destroyers, and rocket launchers.
  • What destroys us most effectively is not a malign fate but our own capacity for self-deception and for degrading our own best self. George Eliot 
  • Hamsun's hero is set on a one-way road to suicide and although he does not kill himself he destroys himself.
  • But now, with the discovery of Sally Buckland’s body in the master bedroom closet, the house had become a crime scene, its warm domesticity destroyed by everything the term entailed. Tough Customer
  • That bridges and barges were being destroyed to impede their progress. Man of Honour
  • Kansas City's offensive line, nearing a record for most consecutive starts as a group, destroyed Minnesota's front seven during two days of scrimmages in August.
  • There is barely anything more soul-destroying than a no-frills flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • This represents fantastic progress in combating the disease which destroys so many lives. The Sun
  • Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad. 
  • Garlic helps prevent and eliminate infections as well as destroys parasites, worms and viruses in addition to stimulating the immune function.
  • Dotty was destroyed after savaging one of the Queen's corgis at the Sandringham estate shortly before Christmas two years ago.
  • The earthquake destroyed several stores in the business district.
  • Not only had my thyroid gland been unable to release normal amounts of hormones, it had actually been totally destroyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • At about one second into the life of the universe, the majority of existing particles and antiparticles had been destroyed to produce photons of electromagnetic radiation.
  • My viperous tongue had nearly destroyed me again.
  • The former involves damage to the outer layer of skin the epidermis and the underlying dermis; the latter involves damage to all three layers of skin—epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis—and often destroys underlying fat, muscle, nerve, and bone tissue. Healed by Horses
  • Another mysterious incident, which happened six months later, destroyed his mental balance completely.
  • Royal Navy destroyer HMS Nottingham has been holed by rocks off Australia.
  • Alexander was planning to destroy the Temple.
  • Almost 2,500 homes and other buildings have been destroyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The village was destroyed by a landslide.
  • Nothing in this regulation prevents the killing of furbearers actually found destroying livestock or poultry.
  • The aim of the bombers was to destroy public property and get maximum publicity.
  • Any company that advertises itself as ‘fun’ is simply making a desperate and futile attempt to distract attention away from the soul-destroying mundanity that is the reality of its day-to-day life.
  • At what point does the application of such procedures destroy the order itself?
  • If blind eyes are turned to some drug use, such as cannabis, on the (utterly mistaken) assumption that it is relatively unharmful, this destroys the consistency that is the absolute requirement to hold a moral and behavioural line.
  • Eighteen years after their mad cow epidemic was first diagnosed, the British are still destroying all cattle over 30 months of age.
  • In addition, if China removes its missiles but does not destroy them, this would only be of minor military significance.
  • It survived the epidemic grape phylloxera in the second half of the 19th century, which destroyed much of Europe's vineyards.
  • The same network of gossipers that are used to destroy reputations can also be used to increase your rapport with someone.
  • He could see a massive row of cruisers and destroyers, accompanied by a single battleship.
  • It appears that the director made use of actual WW2 era (American?) destroyers and added some smoke stacks and flying bridges to them – to simulate Japanese pre-dreadnought ships. 2009 August 21 « Third Point of Singularity
  • Its naval forces since then have emphasised the importance of aircraft carriers, defended closely by submarines and destroyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle.
  • The agency made a decision to obstruct the course of justice by systematically destroying evidence which the practices of the court might require to be produced.
  • When, as the newest member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Webb praised those military men "of moral conscience" whom the Bush administration had "demeaned" and "destroyed" for their opposition to the war, Newbold was among those he had in mind. The Night of the Generals
  • An angry pharmacist says Government moves to allow supermarket chains to provide dispensing services may destroy the community.
  • Repairs can be acceptable provided the proportions are not destroyed.
  • It would destroy any tentative revival of confidence and spending.
  • War was declared, nests destroyed and birds hunted. Times, Sunday Times
  • These ships were to be supported by six torpedo-boat destroyers, two submarines and support ships.
  • The devastating fire, which was fanned by strong winds, destroyed approximately 850 of the 7300 hectares of pine plantations and left more than 400000 pine trees destroyed.
  • Nascar and mayfield are destroying the sport by prolonging this situation. have mayfield take a drug test immediately and if he passes require that he take one prior to testing for every race and let him pay for it! if he fails kick him out of the sport forever. the best driver i knew, gary balough, was banned for life for drugs and mayfield should also be banned for life! Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • Lou, behind us, they have floodlit the almost destroyed remains of the front of the U.N. headquarters.
  • One of these fatty acids, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is present in high concentrations in the nerve cells in the retina, the part of the eye that gets destroyed in AMD. Looking for an excuse to barbecue this summer?
  • Deforestation and overgrazing destroy productive land, while acid rain damages crops.
  • Meanwhile, there are deadly viruses to be destroyed and burning buildings from which to escape. Times, Sunday Times
  • A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity. Baltasar Gracian 
  • They bombed granaries and rural villages, destroyed crops and irrigation systems, mined pastures and fields, destroyed herds and launched sweeps through rural areas - conscripting young men and destroying the infrastructure.
  • Until we achieve this level of coordination of effective fire and movement, the enemy will use their superior firepower to attrit us before we can close with and destroy them.
  • It must really irk you guys that Mccain and bush pretty much agree with the democrats on illegal immigration. and you are scared dems will destroy oil companies? wont unrenewable fossil fuels do the job anyways? Duck, It's Hillary!
  • War was declared, nests destroyed and birds hunted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor, of course, can individuals, families, and communities, survive if the order of the natural world or the ecosphere is destroyed, as even the most extreme adept of the cult of selfishness will soon realise.
  • Jules Galdea explained to us that these revolving fan-like wheels on top of the cars destroyed atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood by the term gravitation, and with this force thus destroyed or rendered nugatory the car is as safe from falling to one side or the other from the single rail track as if it were in a vacuum; the fly wheels in their rapid revolutions destroying effectually the so-called power of gravitation, or the force of atmospheric pressure or whatever potent influence it may be that causes all unsupported things to fall downward to the earth's surface or to the nearest point of resistance. The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World
  • There are abandoned temples, coliseums, amphitheaters, ruins of old, ruined Greek-Roman fortresses - there are even alleyways of destroyed ancient cities.
  • It's an insidious game of gotcha that attempts to destroy the private lives of celebrities.
  • The farmers, to the fury of conservationists, say that sea eagles have been targeting their lambs and destroying their already meagre income. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their thirty and forty - thousand-ton battleships slowed down half a dozen miles offshore and maneuvered in ponderous evolutions, while tiny scout-boats (lean, six-funneled destroyers) ran in, cutting blackly the flashing sea like so many sharks. Goliah
  • `You destroyed her, and then pirated her thoughts," Huntley said. A DEATH IN TIME
  • He'd gone to considerable trouble to set up that lever to force Rickmore to recant or, if he wouldn't, to destroy his value as a witness. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • After enough clusters of dots form (every third turn), you'll take control of an aiming reticule and be able to shoot three times to destroy what you think are the biggest formed clusters.
  • In his work, which has just gone on sale in Italy, Tornielli explains that the “Führer” was livid after the signing of the armistice between the Badoglio government and the Allies on Sept. 8, 1943, and ordered the SS to destroy the Holy See with “blood and fire.” Giving God a bad name « BuzzMachine
  • Joe Trippi is right, the Republicans are hell bent on destroying the presidency, not in cooperating to move the country forward. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • Seen in that light,(Sentence dictionary) sanctioning a surge in the currency that could destroy export jobs and expose tens of millions of farmers to competition from cheaper imports would be a risky option.
  • Only a ring of macrocarpas is left to mark the spot where the building was destroyed by fire.
  • If Israel accepts the maximist Palestinian proposals: a state on the 1967 armistice lines, removes all Jews from the west bank, and agrees to have east Jereusalem as the capitol of a palestinian state; Hamas and the 1.5 million Gazans it represents will still want to destroy Israel and Hamas would still wage war against Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • It was exclusively a _commercial_ city, there was nothing ecclesiastical (Babylon _ecclesiastical_, the religious system had been destroyed, when all _religious_ head-ship had been summed up in Apleon). The Mark of the Beast
  • By now the lives of all four siblings have been damaged or destroyed by their mother's legacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gorillas' natural habitat has been gradually destroyed to make way for farmland and cash crops for sale on the global market.
  • The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.
  • It's just that, a setting with instant recognition that allows them to have all kinds of crazy but recognisable enemies that can be destroyed in 'colorful' ways. Welcome To Hell
  • One problem is that the calculation gives perverse results when companies have destroyed shareholder value. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ending is as bleak as any in the history of tragic drama - death, rape, slavery, fire destroying the towers, the city's very name effaced from the record of history by the acts of rapacious and murderous Greeks.
  • If he voted the impossible the disastrous possible happened instead — and responsibility was forced on him willy-nilly and destroyed both him and his foundationless temple. Police Need Intelligence Shock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.
  • That way one can avoid the sick-making moment when the desire to protect starts to destroy: the smooth lawn that you're not allowed to play on; the window locked shut in case of burglars; the child prevented from learning from any adult who isn't government approved. Children don't require protection. They need to learn to trust intuition
  • Many smaller tremors had rattled the area in the months before the quake, which destroyed much of the historic centre of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will destroy the fragile institutions of international law built up over the last few decades.
  • To your left you pass Cho Oyu, Mount Everest, and Makalu, each summit spiking in a web of frosted snow and giving way to yet more distant summits, the shining whiteness becoming a filigree of ice trails as your eyes fall to the lower ridges and then to stepped fields and trees—the last great undestroyed forests of the Himalayas. Vanity Fair - Enter the Dragon King
  • In dozens of cities, empty shells of destroyed buildings were clouded with smoke from fires that still smoldered. Burial for a King
  • A recent 500 ha hazard reduction burn in the area did not stop the fire jumping Warragamba Dam and destroying businesses and homes in the township.
  • Having reached the abutments we excavated a chamber to accommodate explosives in readiness to destroy these bridges. Alan Glass
  • Long time periods do not help the evolutionary theory if biochemicals are destroyed faster than they are formed.
  • Law ordains universally that neither Man nor Woman shall be approached so closely as to destroy the interval between the approximator and the approximated. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
  • As Baker repeatedly told jurors, the intent of punitive damages is to punish, not destroy.
  • Any compromise with this scourge of majoritarian roguery, or any delay in quashing and quelling it out of existence, would only destroy democracy.
  • But fears abound that the dams will actually increase floods or at least their effects, by destroying the protective surrounding forests.
  • The World Bank's damage assessment in Sri Lanka found about 90,000 homes fully or partially destroyed by last December's tsunami.
  • The trend where church authorities spend large sums of money gutting old churches and destroying original features is also mentioned in critical terms.
  • Every single one had to be vanquished, killed, destroyed, obliterated, and dead.
  • No, the luser and perv was getting even by destroying her looks. Roadside Crosses
  • Lismore's minor outfit were beaten 21-14 by Notra Dame to destroy chances of a clean sweep.
  • We may have to give up saying, for instance, that a piece of paper is simply destroyed when it is burnt to ashes, or even that a human being simply ceases to exist upon undergoing a fatal accident.
  • Now that scientists understand that brain cells can regenerate, there may finally be a glimmer of hope in treating the horrible ailments that destroy them.
  • As a venture capitalist, Mr Romney created jobs as well as destroying them.
  • Exposure to some pesticides, particularly the organophosphates, destroys important enzymes in the nervous system.
  • If the sinful bath were destroyed the well would flow again.
  • But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Ernest Hemingway 
  • -- If the appropriation were so given the University would be destroyed and the public school term lengthened a day and a half. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed
  • August 1 he French fleet is destroyed by the British in the Battle of the Nile at Abukir. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
  • They must retain the calm spaciousness of movement if they are not to destroy the essence of the classical style.
  • Part of the building was destroyed in the fire.
  • In 1863 Debus transformed hydrocyanic acid into methylamine with platinum black; however, this reaction is fugitive and soon ceases because cyanidation of the metal rapidly destroys its capacity to induce the reaction. Paul Sabatier - Nobel Lecture
  • Imperialism, which has always been chummy with and supportive of its fascist kin, will play its historical role in degrading the people, dividing the society, and destroying the nation.
  • Most importantly, this kind of feudalism coupled with monopolism destroys the open commons nature of the internet. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Telcos Lobbying For 2 Tier System
  • And it was India that was forced to absorb the goods produced while its flourishing textile industry was destroyed. Times, Sunday Times

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