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How To Use Destined In A Sentence

  • Baffler editors have called commodification of dissent stretches back to Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment and is alive and well in what he calls the "alienation market" in which films like Fahrenheit 9 / 11 either already have or are destined to make bundles (relatively speaking, of course). GreenCine Daily
  • Alex's is predestined, of course, and lucky for him he's able to stand up to it. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Thus was imposed on nationalist people an undemocratic arrangement destined never to yield a nationalist majority for perhaps hundreds of years.
  • I wouldn't care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal.
  • These are troubling times we are in mired in, for the Lord is witness to the crimes of his children and has predestined us to suffer for our sins.
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  • It has become axiomatic in this country that children from deprived areas are destined to fail educationally.
  • Corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers descend in large bundles at this level, destined for the pyramids of the medulla oblongata.
  • In some respects she seems destined to remain the eternal outsider. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very soon they had passed from the realisation that in them and through them a new world of giantry shaped itself in the earth, from the contemplation of the great struggle between big and little, in which they were clearly destined to participate, to interests at once more personal and more spacious. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
  • It is zeal for the salvation of souls which makes the prelateship desired, if you will believe the ambitious man; which makes the monk, who is destined for the choir, run hither and thither, as the restless soul himself will tell you; which causes all those censures and murmurings against the prelates of the Treatise on the Love of God
  • Like many young stars, he seems obsessed with people who dare to tell him he's anything but amazeballs and destined for legend-hood.
  • Their sordid complots are destined to explode into an orgy of violence.
  • His uncles played for Belvedere and, from his first arrival, he seemed destined for good things.
  • Both are homegrown, young and seemingly destined for first class careers.
  • They were destined for big things. The Sun
  • The 50 trimmers at this clandestine grow site work 16-hour days for three weeks, hand-trimming top-grade marijuana destined for medical marijuana patients and dispensaries in San Francisco.
  • He was stretchered off with knee - ligament damage and looks destined to be sidelined for months.
  • I had some right to surmise that my illness may have been merely the effect of the hot wind; and this notion was encouraged by the elasticity of my spirits, and by a strong forefeeling that much of my destined life in this world was yet to come, and yet to be fulfilled. Eothen
  • For one test, a device called a reflectometer is used to measure the degree of whiteness in processed tuber samples destined to become chips.
  • It was destined to collapse, but it went in such a glamorous way. Times, Sunday Times
  • No wonder old Jocelyn had called her "wilding" -- she was indeed a "wilding" or weed, -- growing up unwanted in the garden of the world, destined to be pulled out of the soil where she had nourished and thrown contemptuously aside. Innocent : her fancy and his fact
  • His was not a political career predestined from birth.
  • Snap off the remainder of the capillary tube from the broad upper portion of the pipette which is now destined to form the covering tube or air chamber, or what we may term the "barrel. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • In his first run, he was the easy winner of a bumper at Naas but looks destined for bigger and better things.
  • History and geography have destined the two sides to be neighbors.
  • Once destined to take the place of the Saturn Aura, the Regal should meet a happier fate as part of the renascent Buick lineup. Driving impressions: Buick Regal
  • He always seemed destined for great things as long as he kept his focus and dedication. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a book designed for the lav but destined to be discussed for years.
  • A shipment of cupric arsenite destined for South Africa from ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The F - 1 thing, I feel that it was a program destined to fail.
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers, Volume II
  • Dyskolos you know a movie is destined for greatness when the cast includes Richard Burton and Ringo Starr beaglebot I just placed an order with one over our venders, over the phone, completely in verse beaglebot her response at the end. - fresh links
  • So if you thought of punching your little brother or owning all of the ice cream in the world, you were surely destined for an after life of eternal damnation.
  • Prince William, who is destined one day to be King of England, was spotted and photographed on the ski slopes at the exclusive Swiss resort of Klosters.
  • Of course, it all sounds a bit fanciful, perhaps even unbelievable, unpractical, but it wasn't as though I were of a brilliant mind and had a university-destined career.
  • As with that venue, which has been completely rebuilt and relaunched, the same fate is destined to happen to this one.
  • Once again he saw himself, as if in a nightmare, watching impotently as the bizarre charabanc of facts and conjecture hurtled on its predestined course. She Closed Her Eyes
  • These events were clearly predestined to happen.
  • Once she swaps stilettos for cowboy boots, scoffs on catfish and makes plum jam with her momma, you suspect that her and Andrew are never destined to make it down the aisle.
  • He looked vulnerable and the air was thick with talk of a snap election which Labour seemed destined to win. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exports from the city of Arcadia included wool, wax, silk, and kermes, destined for Venice via Zakynthos.
  • The junior leading men, admirable technicians to whom the notion of charisma is alien, don't appear destined for stardom.
  • a little Phœnix, which is destined to live as many years. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • Look with what a blushless face of triumph she eyes her poor tottering neighbour opposite, who never appears destined "to suffer a recovery. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 385, August 15, 1829
  • In some respects she seems destined to remain the eternal outsider. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was destined to remain a spinster, finding work as a domestic servant in - of all places - far-away Surrey.
  • Looking back from the year 2030 it will appear as if the world conspired to ensure that a predestined event occurred.
  • Not a person you'd accuse of indecision, she grew up in Mayfield and when she came to Christchurch in 1955 flatted at the YWCA hostel with another Mid-Canterbury girl destined to achieve in sport - Val Young.
  • The next step is to put the powder in its destined cloison, and to place the whole jewel upon a thin piece of iron, over which fits a cover to protect the enamel from the coals, and put it in the most intensely hot part of the fire. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • Fields of sugar-canes soon required the construction of a mill to crush the sacchariferous stalks destined to be used hereafter in the manufacture of molasses, tafia, and rum. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • Thus comes it that we take a final glance through two childish prison-houses, in far-separate Russian cities, wherein a youth and a maiden lie nightly dreaming the same dreams: one of them a spirit already bonded to the service of mind under the whip of circumstance: destined to storm rocky heights, from which hard-won eminences he shall command great views of sweeping plains and far-off mountain ranges; the other a pretty chrysalis on the eve of her change into a butterfly of butterflies; who is, nevertheless, to attempt flights overhigh and overfar for her frail wings; venturing to unfriendly lands whence she must return with frayed and tired pinions and a bruised and bleeding little soul. The Genius
  • I was destined to be f--ked if I wanted to commit to one thing in particular. Jon Chattman: Butch Walker: Prepare to be "Butch Slapped" With Less Carbon Emissions
  • Analysts will invent a new acronym destined to melt away by 2013. Tony Greenberg: The 2011 Cynic Measures His Predictions
  • The big mistake the author is making, of course, is that the place he is happy to be destined for in the next life will probably be chock full of the clerical salmagundi he, understandably, wants to avoid in this. Who wants to go to a heaven full of clerical flotsam? « Anglican Samizdat
  • While this car is destined only for Europe, there would likely be a place for it in the U.S. market.
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • She thought that whatever happened was predestined.
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • Before Saturday, City were two points above the drop zone, had won just twice in the last 12 games, and were playing like a team destined for the drop.
  • At full length he diverted a scorcher destined for the top corner over the bar.
  • It is destined to drown all lesser years, even as sunrise dims the morning stars with day; it is a year bright with promise and bodeful with ill-tidings also; for in the world at this moment there exist stupendous differences that this year will go far to set at rest. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • He's been writing steadily and has accumulated a bunch of fresh songs destined for his sophomore release next year.
  • 'I delivered your letter this evening and had a long conference with both the Ministers: Mr. Choiseul assured me upon his word of honour that Your R.H. should be inform'd in time before the departure of Mr. de Gouillon, {309a} so that you might go with that embarquement if you thought proper, upon which I interrupted him and told him if they were destined for the Kingdom of Ireland that it would be to no manner of purpose, for I was certain you would not go, and that you had at all times expressly ordered me to tell them so; he continued his conversation and said you should be equally informed when the P. of S. {309b} embarked. Pickle the Spy; Or, the Incognito of Prince Charles
  • He has not been named for any post in the interim government, and many analysts believe his political influence and power are destined to wane.
  • It may also be a basic question of vantage point; the view of Boulevard du Temple is arguably the kind of multifarious photograph destined to be read like scattered small print.
  • By the time I got back up the hill he had three saplings—the two hardhack runners plus a straight young ash, destined to be our tongue—felled and limbed. The Dirty Life
  • The variations for piano and orchestra, on a romance from Morlacci's opera Tebaldo e Isolina, were destined for the court at Parma.
  • Post-apocalyptic shôjo-josei about cryogenically frozen teen-agers destined to repopulate the Earth? Wanting far too much for far too long
  • The long ascending line from dead matter to man has been a progress Godwards, -- not an asymptotical progress, but destined from the beginning to furnish a point of union; and occupying that point as true God and true man, -- as Creator and created, -- we recognize the adorable Monarch of all the future! The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • In three centuries, already some outline has been sketched, rudely adumbrating the future settlement destined for the planet, some infant castrametation has been marked out for the future encampment of nations. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • The couple seemed destined for married bliss when they wed 32 years ago but then Janet's mother, Marjorie, moved in.
  • Calvin said that God sovereignly predestined everything that happens in the world.
  • I am destined never to see this film; either version.
  • But we quickly discover our emotional focus within the imaginative Geruthe, destined bride of Horwendil.
  • Destined to be a cavalla officer, to serve my king with courage, to distinguish myself on a field of battle. Renegade's Magic
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • The ruling coalition's campaign ignores criticisms and presents the image of a party destined to govern.
  • By their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they acknowledged Jesus as royal, divine, and destined to suffer and die.
  • Any attempt to imitate the stance of a stork was destined for trouble. GOODBYE CURATE
  • There are several occasions when the intrepid adventurer looks destined to fail as a result of failing health or a lack of cash, but owing to his unnerving determination he always manages to win through.
  • In the slap of waves against the rocky shore one can imagine hearing phantom brigades moving across the lakes, paddling in close line astern, their canoes piled high with beaver pelts destined for Bond Street and the rue de Rivoli.
  • Give It allows friends and relatives to donate a sum of money to a good cause instead of buying a shoddy piece of tat that's destined for the charity shop.
  • Now, take out your Bible and read 2 Peter 1, verses 1 to 11 and be encouraged about the person God has destined you to be.
  • I have cracked marrow-bones on the sites of kingly cities that had perished centuries before my time or that were destined to be builded centuries after my passing. Chapter 21
  • This was, perhaps, the first time an harangue from the baron had been thought too short; but the surprise of young Lynmere; at the view of his destined bride, made him wish he would speak on, merely to annul any necessity for speaking himself. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The forefeet of scarabs are so little destined for modelling and rolling mud balls that their tarses are worn out in the process.
  • To regain the lost glory and vigour, prosperity and happiness, to fulfil our destined role of spreading real joy and spirituality in the whole human race, let us sing with the Rishis of Rig Veda.
  • The heroes in both films were ordinary mortals destined to fight the afflictions of life.
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old - fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed — destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers
  • Look at Ephesians 1: 5, ‘He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.’
  • Some things, however, seemed destined to remain beyond my understanding.
  • Simply put, his wild imagination and inexhaustible creative energy might have been the only consolations for a life that seemed destined for meek destitution from the start.
  • Putting medicines in rubbish destined for landfill is not a good idea either. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wouldn't care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal.
  • It dawned upon me to what end the puma and the other animals -- which had now been brought with other luggage into the enclosure behind the house -- were destined; and a curious faint odour, the halitus of something familiar, an odour that had been in the background of my consciousness hitherto, suddenly came forward into the forefront of my thoughts. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • This was rather a rash venture in prognostication, for it may be easy enough to "apotheosize" the horse, but to what idyllic heights the automobile is destined to ultimately reach no one really knows. The Automobilist Abroad
  • One word, however, may still be said about that evolution of the race -- that progress which all creation, with mankind at its head, is ever destined to achieve century by century, millennium by millennium, manvantara by manvantara, and kalpa by kalpa. The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
  • Maybe he is a brother in mind to fellow Frenchman Albert Camus, who imagined Sysiphos, the mythic figure trying to roll a heavy stone uphill and destined to forever fail, as a happy person.
  • Man is destined to fall at the very moment he thinks he has attained the summit.
  • It is to be destined for a glory that reflects the glory of God our Father and Jesus our elder Brother.
  • If ever a game looked destined to end - this was it.
  • His sweet right shot looked destined for the net but just sailed over the bar.
  • Sorel is predestined to fire his fatal pistol shot at Madame de Claude Simon - Nobel Lecture
  • It seems the expedition is predestined to fail because there have been so many problems.
  • Needless to say, certain chord changes, tempi and melodies are destined to do the job. Interview: Harold Faltermeyer, Creator of Soundtrack Themes to Fletch, Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, and Kevin Smith’s Cop Out | /Film
  • The British transport, bound from Vladivostok to Hong-Kong, was destined to swing on her mudhook forty-eight hours. The Pagan Madonna
  • After a few weeks most of the men were crammed into animal carriages on a train destined for Salonika. Doug Nix
  • Destined for academic greatness, Masters says he still had time to fool about at grammar school in Richmond, North Yorkshire.
  • With the haste of a double-fee'd hostler did Julian exchange the equipments of his jaded brute with poor Dobbin, who stood quietly tugging at his rackful of hay, without dreaming of the business which was that night destined for him. Peveril of the Peak
  • Recently shorn, these offspring of mules crossed with Suffolk and Texel rams will replace ewes too old for breeding and destined for the abattoir. Country diary: St Mellion, Tamar Valley
  • A ship called the Jolly George was awaiting a shipload of arms destined for Polish troops in London's East End docks in May.
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path.
  • But whatso is predestined to a man, that needs must be, and none knoweth what shall befal him. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In the slap of waves against the rocky shore one can imagine hearing phantom brigades moving across the lakes, paddling in close line astern, their canoes piled high with beaver pelts destined for Bond Street and the rue de Rivoli.
  • Making room for new histories, that situate the events of l965 as one of many possibilities rather than as a predestined outcome, may be one way of reviving the truth and reconciliation commission in another form.
  • And Aitkin seems to be destined to be our cox, in a strange reversal of tradition.
  • City rarely looked troubled by a Darlington side renowned for their potency and seemingly destined for a higher division.
  • In 1971, the customs court found that six carved door panels destined for a church were dutiable because, as part of the doors, they were utilitarian objects.
  • In my rucksack were several film cans filled with the carefully labelled pips of wild apples, and squirrel-stashes of walnuts also destined to be sown later in my Suffolk garden, as a living reminder of the wild fruit forests I had encountered on my travels. Wildwood
  • Tenacious resistance was also demonstrated by the remnants of the First Army caught in the jaws of the German trap and knowing that the outcome was predestined.
  • He did not realise that this explanation of defeat contradicted his earlier claims that he was destined for victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The papers stated that the parrots were destined for Hämmerli's `zoo', in reality his own private aviaries. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • You tread loathingly an indescribable earthen floor, and your eye, on entering the apartment, is arrested by a nameless production of the fictile art, certainly not of _Etruscan_ form, which is invariably placed on the _bolster_ of the truck-bed destined presently for your devoted head. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844
  • Instead we can only hope that the odd fleeting moment of inspiration surfaces on what is destined to be an increasingly irrelevant continuance.
  • What needs to be understood in the debate about public liability insurance - now destined for Canberra and a talkfest between the Commonwealth and the States next month - is that nobody ever wants to get injured.
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • In the meantime Dame Elspeth assisted to disembarrass the damsel whom she destined for her future daughter-inlaw, of her hood, mantle, and the rest of her riding gear, giving her to appear as beseemed the buxom daughter of the wealthy Miller, gay and goodly, in a white kirtle, the seams of which were embroidered with green silken lace or fringe, entwined with some silver thread. The Monastery
  • Tonight there is a classic scene involving a live chicken destined for the paella dish that nobody can quite bring themselves to kill. Times, Sunday Times
  • But extreme in loco parentis protection of legal adults from their own stupid decisions is a sick and dangerous idea, and one that's destined not just to fail but to backfire.
  • Cartloads of treasures were brought to the surface, destined for the art collection of the King of Naples.
  • The lovely innocents proceeding to the destined sacrifice added not a little to the hilarity of the scene; they approached the plain full of sportiveness, some coursing butterflies, others culling flowers, or picking up the shining little pebbles that attracted their notice. The History of the Caliph Vathek
  • Violet's behavior at the ball was caused by the simple fact that she saw a chance to leave Prydyn through marriage and she took it, even if she was predestined to fail.
  • In your case, the phlogistic, or inflammatory element is abundant; if you will permit me to put it so, you generate superfluous oxygen, possessing as you do the inflammatory temperament of a man destined to experience strong emotions. The Magic Skin
  • It gives us a glimpse of the inner woman, who, although she wrote happy endings for her novels, was destined to be disappointed in love.
  • I feel sorry for the other 17, who probably delivered very fine speeches destined to be instantly forgotten. Times, Sunday Times
  • The processors were concerned that between 3,500 and 4,000 tonnes of Zimbabwean soya bean meal was destined for Zambia.
  • If the upper-middle class, with other classes, is destined to "move on" into amorphism, here, pickled in these pages, it lies under glass for strollers in the wide and ill-arranged museum of Letters. The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • When the male-female pairs aren't demonstrating strident misalliance or hopeless anomie, they confront one another as units destined for mutual inscrutability.
  • With many generations to come, the name of César de St. Auban must perforce be familiar as that of one of the greatest roysterers and most courtly libertines of the early days of Louis XIV., as well as that of a rabid anti-cardinalist and frondeur, and one of the earliest of that new cabal of nobility known as the petits-maîtres, whose leader the Prince de Condé was destined to become a few years later. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • Why would God give us freedom and free will if everything is predestined?
  • He also gave orders that a newly completed statue of Jupiter, originally destined for the Capitol, should be put up at once in the Forum in front of the rostra. CONSPIRATA
  • Of course Rhyann had absolutely no clue what exactly what predestined event her grandmother was trying to halt.
  • There is a misconception he has always been a Palace favourite, that somehow he was destined to become manager one day. The Sun
  • The dog flunked the test, the suitcase went skittling down the conveyor belt, and it was apparently loaded onto a plane destined for parts unknown.
  • His role is set to become more integral as tonight he receives a visitor who is destined to throw his family into chaos. Times, Sunday Times
  • maas," or curdled buttermilk, which a woman had brought him that very morning from a neighbouring kraal, and it was destined for Jantje's own supper. Jess
  • Are fathers destined to become redundant? Times, Sunday Times
  • These events were clearly predestined to happen.
  • The perfect child who never misbehaves or answers back, never gets ill, is destined for a life of success and doesn't cost you a penny apart from the initial outlay on the Have A Cyber Baby software.
  • That most schemes designed to introduce young people to arts and culture are destined to fail. Times, Sunday Times
  • They continued on their predestined course, and Copperhead exhaled.
  • If our personal road transport is destined to be in a futuristic bubble, then maybe our air travel could involve a similarly cosseted pod-like experience.
  • The Colonian was huge and carried steel shells destined for the Somme battlefield in northern France, as well as copper ingots, brass fuses, ball-bearings and steel billets (massive hunks of metal).
  • Not all lead coffins destined for vaults were provided with outer wooden cases.
  • Without him she seemed destined for the same kind of respectable career as fellow Australian Judy Davis.
  • All of it is destined to end in tears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medicine is her destined profession.
  • Shinoda never gave up the elements of Japanese writing - ink, brush and paper - but she no longer scrawls tightly controlled kanji on skinny scrolls destined to hang in tokonoma displays.
  • They are destined to meet again in a confrontation that will test the bonds of their brotherhood.
  • This led Harriet and me to delve into the mountains of newspapers that, mingled with Christmas wrappings, were destined for the recycler.
  • A member of staff confirmed that any bags of tin cans left anywhere other than in the skip would be destined for landfill.
  • Now it seems destined for a messy divorce. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is destined to go all the way as a manager. The Sun
  • Marija did not understand then, as she was destined to understand later, what there was attractive to a "forelady" about the combination of a face full of boundless good nature and the muscles of a dray horse; but the woman had told her to come the next day and she would perhaps give her a chance to learn the trade of painting cans. The Jungle
  • The new owners did not realise the importance of the statue which was covered in dust and was destined for the scrapheap.
  • The P protein associates with monomeric N protein destined for nucleocapsid assembly and serves as a polymerase co-factor essential for RNA synthesis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The pursuit of maximum profIt'seems destined to prevail.
  • His parents destined him for a career at the Bar.
  • Fukuyama reinvents this narrative of technology's capacity to usher in a new millennium, by suggesting that the paradise we are destined to find at the end of history is not that of Milton, but of Adam Smith.
  • Maybe we've had to invent it because we can't face the idea of a meaningful destined life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several "flivver" ambulances stood across the way, new and roughly made, destined for the front. Tom Slade Motorcycle Dispatch Bearer
  • His mind had not that reach and elemental movement of Milton's, which, like the tradewind, gathered to itself thoughts and images like stately fleets from every quarter; some deep with silks and spicery, some brooding over the silent thunders of their battailous armaments, but all swept forward in their destined track, over the long billows of his verse, every inch of canvas strained by the unifying breath of their common epic impulse. Among My Books Second Series
  • But, to be fair, Chuck was a genius and a visionary - destined for a brief run and an early flameout - while the Beastie Boys, despite their antics, were too levelheaded, too well-adjusted not to last.
  • She camped it up about her "marvy-poo" beads and dress, and I sat transfixed, destined to join legions who enjoy following the foibles of the well-to-do. Michael Henry Adams: Book Review: Admiring Rich Peoples Houses?
  • Over the next 16 years, the museum saved 16 aircraft otherwise destined for fire dumps.
  • The benign economic background since the mid-1990s is not inherently destined to continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now thoroughly assimilated into English, the word jaguar’ is borrowed from Tupi or Lngua Geral, a language once spoken by millions all over Portuguese Brazil and now probably destined to disappear, since no more than a few hundred speakers remain. Wildwood
  • In the beginning, Berry didn't seem destined for greatness.
  • Lots of things are still grown here although they are now destined for markets all round the world.
  • Now it seems destined for a messy divorce. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pursuivant made himself known to some of the household, and the Englishmen were immediately received with courtesy, though not such as to draw attention upon them, and conveyed to a neighboring tent, the residence of a general officer, which they were given to understand was destined for their accommodation, and where their packages accordingly were deposited, and refreshments offered them. Anne of Geierstein
  • Is he not destined for a pretty stellar career on the tribute act circuit? The Sun
  • He was headed for a starred double-first, and seemed destined for greatness.
  • They have also been used, by infusion, to colour milk destined for cake-making, thus giving the cake a richer colour.
  • These were but a few of the ships that left New Ross with thousands of people, some of whom were destined never to see the Land of Hope and Glory which they had dreamed about.
  • When one of them died, his son, or his nearest relative, carefully washed the corpse in water impregnated with an astringent or aromatic substance, such as natron or some solution of fragrant gums, and then fumigated it with burning herbs and perfumes which were destined to overpower, at least temporarily, the odour of death. [ History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
  • The larger female pelvis was used in parallel fashion to prove that women were naturally destined for motherhood, the confined sphere of hearth and home.
  • The archetypal gay wedding portrait -- a pair of middle-aged women or paunchy men looking uncomfortable in rented outfits worn at the wrong time of day -- is destined to be hung in the same gallery of dated images of social progress alongside snapshots of flappers defiantly puffing cigarettes and Kodachromes of African Americans wearing dashikis. When You're Desperate
  • Tithes, destined for the upkeep of the parish clergy but often impropriated by monasteries or laymen, took around another 8 per cent on average.
  • Germans are not the rod predestined for the chastening of these degeneracies, who knows whether we may not again, like our fathers in dim antiquity, have to gird on our swords and go forth to seek dwelling-places for our increase? Gems (?) of German Thought
  • He seemed destined for a career of peripheral self-indulgence, a YouTube showboater and gimmicky solo act who could not integrate his astonishing artistry into a team. QPR's swashbuckling Adel Taarabt leads ranks of second division Caesars | Rob Bagchi
  • A Labor Prime Minister ‘born to be a king’ is destined to produce a ‘powerful Governor-General’, ‘a bunyip aristocracy’.
  • This indetermination would seem predestined given the historical vagaries in defining personality and addiction.
  • Like sheep they are destined for the grave, and death will feed on them.
  • Lions, taken down from the brewery roof and destined for the knackers' yard, or an architectural salvage shed run by Bermondsey wide boys, were saved by the personal intervention of King George VI. The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
  • Haskell, like Fobes, never married, yet was a firm believer that education for women should prepare them for their destined role as wives and mothers.
  • Furthermore, "these [fragments] were destined to a noble lot ... to light another land, the quenchless ray that soon shall gloriously expand The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece

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