How To Use Despising In A Sentence

  • No longer will he take his daily enjoyment in despising the wife of his bosom – because nature has decreed that she shall be the wife of his bosom and not the husband of some one else's. Marriage as a Trade
  • We also need to recognize that there is a dangerous boldness of great consequence in despising whatever we cannot understand. True or False? « So Many Books
  • The Times proclaimed that the prime cause why the Irish peasantry have been reduced to their present level must be sought for in the neglect and unthrift of past generations of claret - drinking, writ-despising, landlords. 15 Ed Lengel: "A 'Perverse and Ill-Fated People'"
  • I tried to work out if they were pitying or despising me but, hell, it made no difference.
  • I know all about despising other nationalities.
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  • It didn't stop him despising her for leaving him to face the fate she had escaped. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • He shook his head, angry with himself that he should feel shame at the confession when his savage reasoning told him he was right in despising work. THE HOBO AND THE FAIRY
  • Saine, insomuch that when the capteins of that armie did linger out the time, by reason the seas and aire was troubled, they cried to haue the sailes hoised vp, and signe giuen to lanch foorth, that they might passe forward on their iournie, despising certeine tokens which threatened their wrecke, and so set forward on a rainie and tempestuous day, sailing with a crosse wind, for no forewind might serue their turne. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England
  • It is therefore not me, but Christ, whom ye wrong: it is His patience that ye try in despising my admonitions, and derogating from my authority [Calvin]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • France nurtured what was essentially a myth of a united people, secretly despising and plotting against the occupiers for five years.
  • He focuses his fury on his father, refusing to visit him and despising his mother for her desperate attempts to keep the family united.
  • For Erik, the brother of Harald, despising his exceedingly tender years, invaded the country with rebels, and seized the crown; nor was he ashamed to assail the lawful infant sovereign, and to assume an unrightful power. The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Powhatan, for the purchase of his place called Powhatan, which he was willing to accept; but the disorderly spirits he had sent thither, who were dreaming that the country immediately above them was full of gold, to which they wished no one to have access but themselves, refused the place or to ratify the contract, despising alike his kindness and his authority. Historical collections of Virginia
  • They were not burning and slaying indiscriminately, but while despising the Romans, as they called the Gauls, for their cowardice, they were in awe of the superior civilization and the knowledge of arts. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • O'Shanter, we "skelpit on through dub and mire, despising wind, and rain, and fire," and singing "John Brown's Body," or whatever else came handy. The Story of a Common Soldier of Army Life in the Civil War, 1861-1865
  • In this age of steam and electricity there is danger of growing wantonly wasteful in the use of coal and of despising and neglecting the natural water resources of the country.
  • He never quite grew out of despising his audience.
  • Within two days I started despising them and feeling slightly guilty about my earlier reaction.
  • The law prohibits murder and hate speech, but also harder-to-define offenses such as "despising" or "stirring up ill feelings. Remembering Horrors in Rwanda
  • When he visiteth me for despising _their cause_, what shall I answer him for _despising mine_? Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • David's sin was classified as despising the commandment of Yahweh and doing evil.
  • In this chapter the apostle condemns a sinful regarding of the rich, and despising the poor, which he imputes to partiality and injustice, and shows it to be an acting contrary to God, who has chosen the poor, and whose interest is often persecuted, and his name blasphemed, by the rich, ver. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He claims to hate his celebrity status, yet he is Hollywood's A-list party boy, a generous tyke with an eye for beautiful people and good times, who likes to play with the press and paparazzi while despising their every move.
  • Excellency, despising the Mahratta chieftain, had allowed him to advance about two thousand miles in his front, and knew not in the slightest degree where to lay hold on him. Burlesques
  • “You will observe, Sir,” Morris summed up, that “we set out in this war without arms, ammunition, clothing or stores of any kind, without money or credit except with our own people, that despising the practices of the most experienced Nations, We determined to pursue the purest principles of Economy in our own way, until we have by dear-bought experience learned that we knew almost nothing about the matter.” Robert Morris
  • No longer did he smile and laugh as she performed cantrips and illusions, now he frowned, despising all magic, therefore despising her, she being a student of the magic arts.
  • Accordingly a backbiter is a murderer _occasionally, _ since by his words he gives another man an occasion for hating or despising his neighbor. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Despising this latter sort of thing is not despising Mr. Wells, but only some cheap atheist in a billycock hat whom he had the bad luck to meet when he was a boy. G.K.'s Weekly - On Mr. Wells and Mr. Belloc
  • Most of the comments i''ve read thus far are perpetuating the very thing they "allude" to despising and yet it is The continued self defeating attitudes that this is where it is. The Lens with Which We View This Election
  • Then, fair sister, I doubt that if we abide in virginity that we shall make the word of God vain, and be also despising and inobedient, by which we shall fall into a grievous judgment, where we shall have no hope of reward, but shall run in great torment and pain. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • My dear Ida, I wish to encourage no young lady of the hoydenish age of thirteen, in despising nice dressing and pretty looks and manners; or in neglecting to pick up any little hints which she may glean in such things from older friends. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • This shall abundantly satisfy all the hearty well-wishers to God's interest, who will be glad to see themselves mistaken in despising the day of small things. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Only bad ends appear: the poisoning, the calumniation, the denial of life, the despising of the body, the degradation and self-contamination of man by the concept of sin -- therefore, its means are also bad. The Antichrist
  • By not having kids, not working in a ‘conventional’ way, and despising consumerism and materialism, I often feel very much on the outside of everything.
  • I have found that once an anti-gunner is convinced to go to the range, (No mean feat to be sure) and is taught by one that knows how to safely handle a weapon they become budding enthusiasts and no longer gun despising, freedom hating, fear mongers of the liberal left and the media. More on the Media (Sorry)
  • What we have here is a kind of intellectualized Ponzi scheme: The suckers are baited by a quick payoff in the form of the cheap, transient satisfaction that goes with despising those of another class, race or political persuasion. Latest Articles
  • They still fondled her with a child-like simplicity – these her almost grown-up sons; who had never been sent to school for a day, and had never learned from other sons of far different mothers, that a young man's chief manliness ought to consist in despising the tender charities of home. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • In which case, maybe despising that humanity makes sense after all.
  • That cut and paste of Shakespeare earlier should have read 'despising'. Why Science Fiction Authors Can't Win
  • Consequently, they often went about doing things they resented doing, and then went home despising themselves for behaving as they had done.
  • She is an absolutist, despising those opportunists who take time out of normal life for a little promiscuity.
  • They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content.
  • It is possible to fault the ruling class without despising the entire people.
  • Gervase is said of gerar, which is as much to say as a vessel, or holy, or of gena, that is to say strange, and of syor, that is little, for he was holy by merit of his life; a vessel for to receive virtues in himself; strange by despising of the world, and he was little by despising of himself. The Golden Legend, vol. 3
  • She suffered agonies of guilt for neglecting and despising her father.

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