
How To Use Desperation In A Sentence

  • The burden of his espionage responsibilities gives him a distinct air of desperation.
  • We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.
  • whatsit", and then Dr Watson may decide that dumpreg. exe is itself unresponsive so it launches further instance (s) of dumpreg. exe to report the failure (s) of the previous instance (s), and the system suffers a fatal embrace and hardly ever looks at the mouse and keyboard to see me hammering away in desperation. Forum
  • He is alone with his terrors gripped by feelings of desperation and living at the limits.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
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  • Perhaps acknowledging this incongruity, he spoofed his desperation in a series of photographs that mock his suicide.
  • Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.
  • It was a gesture of sheer desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • MCINTYRE: General Jones says he did not use the term reinforcements because that connotes a panic and desperation he says is unwarranted. CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2006
  • This would be an extreme act at one end of the spectrum of economic desperation.
  • Oh, but the French do loneliness and desperation classily. Underground Time by Delphine de Vigan – review
  • The visuals of the two of them put over a mood of desperation and unpleasantness that doesn't come over in the records so much - its better just to hear it.
  • I can feel anger and bile rising in me, rising up out of the years of desperation and hollow fury.
  • In fact, neither Cathy nor Frank express anything that might resemble an emotion until their bedroom door is locked and the neighbourhood of gossiping gnats is safely locked out of the hidden desperation of their unhappy marriage.
  • The Republicans, in the face of Obama's ascendancy and the indefensibility of their policy decisions in the last eight years, have just pulled a desperation maneuver and hijacked what is perhaps the most important election in America's history by demoting it to an emotional cat-fight between pro-choice and pro-life women, over the one issue where neither side can be reasonable. Cintra Wilson: It's the Freedom, Stupid
  • Love spells are on the whole rather unsubtle, heavy handed pieces of work and they're usually born out of desperation.
  • We feel the man's pomposity and age, taste the heat and sweat of his desperation in the grip of beauty and decay. Times, Sunday Times
  • If suicide operations reflected Japanese desperation, it could not be claimed that they were ineffectual. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • My disappointment with Christian rock has always been its lack of extremity, of the aching sorrow or joy, the celebration or desperation that fuels the best rock and traditional black gospel music.
  • The other city is one of desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • That might sound worthy to the point of torpor, but this study of desperation and acute poverty is as tightly wound as a thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not for him the lingering death of an elder statesman, waiting in desperation for the telephone to ring, for someone to remember. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • She had been experiencing an increasing sense of desperation over the preceding weeks, and she didn't really know why. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • Shareholder suits are designed to be a final, desperation remedy, not a knee-jerk reaction.
  • While desperation was clear on their faces, his visage betrayed nothing.
  • The release of this statement from conservative evangelicals is really a sign of desperation on the part of Republicans concerned that their political reign in Congress may end come November. Eco-Justice
  • It was a gesture of sheer desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in those parts of des where peculiar means are used to get rid of the dead – the Tibetans, for example, grind up corpses into keema which is fed to the local vultures – it is an act of desperation, in this case a reaction to the unfortunate habit corpses have of refusing to decay at high altitudes. Ways of Dying
  • The very slow action and scene progression of Rainmaker may appear overly ponderous, but is quite effective in conveying the desperation of the characters.
  • Musharraf spent much of his time talking about what he called the desperation, hopelessness, and powerlessness of Muslims around the world, who see disputes like the one over Kashmir and the Palestinian people going unresolved. CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2001
  • For many people it keeps getting harder to bear their desperation quietly.
  • But in their economic desperation, many business and middle-class people have slipped backward, politically.
  • Desperation lent an edge to her voice.
  • As an example, one thing we teach is what we call a desperation trench. CNN Transcript Dec 8, 2006
  • Both stories capture the hopelessness and desperation of grinding poverty, but in very different ways.
  • We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation. Jim Rohn 
  • Anyway, they had kindly been offered cool drinks to relieve the heat of the day and they wouldn't leave until, in desperation, I told them that the neighbor across the street had once asked me about the Godhead.
  • At least then I could spot them in good time (clipboard, sensible cardie and wild-eyed look of desperation) and take avoiding action without looking too obvious.
  • I returned to my old way of life, out of desperation, loneliness, isolation, I was supposedly a hermit and what is called 'acedia' - something many people today think is the 'dark night' - it's not. Archive 2006-07-09
  • There is an almost endless stream of Con loving chunder heads with their hackles all raised, swearing up and down that this is desperation. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Masculine desperation is rapidly evolving into the vogue cinematic theme of the new millennium.
  • What makes communalism explosive is the psychology of mass-desperation that creates the ideal climate for inventing scapegoats and hypothetical enemies.
  • In desperation, the ambassador asked the naval attaché and me to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suspect that there's a mindset behind it of either desperation or just plain meanness that leads to this. November 2004
  • The idealism and incorruptibility of "Ransom Stoddard" is embedded in Stewart's iconic role as the idealistic young senator in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and other movies like You Can't Take It with You, from his pre-World-War-II career, particularly his Frank Capra movies, yet also inflected with the toughness and desperation he brought to his own post-war Westerns such as The Naked Spur. Mira Schor: Will Obama Shoot Liberty Valance?
  • This needn't have happened if not driven by Morgan's sudden monomania and desperation to be right.
  • Its a mirage, a figment of some businessman's dream or an economists momentary flash of desperation.
  • Everything about director, Steven Brill's movie, smacks of desperation, though, given the laboured quality of most of the jokes, and the overall lack of subtlety.
  • The whole thing stinks of desperation - desperation to seem cool, to seem relevant, to be popular.
  • The crowd surged forward, driven by sheer desperation and fear.
  • The great perils in the life of man, which endangered him in this world and the next, were the superficial elation of superbia, when by whatever acci - dent Fortune favored him, and the ruinous desperation of accidia and dolor, when Fortune frowned. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Rear Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo what drives human beings to take their own lives, whether it be through suicide bombing or just plain suicide, is desperation, fueled by a belief that nothing less could possibly make a difference … Think Progress » ThinkProgress is leaving Las Vegas.
  • The washing machine wasn't draining, and, in desperation I lay my head down on the dasher inside what the kids call the 'chugger' to bemoan my fate before looking for a free washer on craigslist when I noticed a bit of metal poking down. Duct Tape
  • Using wry wit where melodrama would have sufficed, she externalises her character's grave desperation with mettle.
  • Starring Linda Griffiths as Ripples, a boozing floozy with a weak spot for a pimp who throws her out, The Blues is darkly comical as it plays out the desperation and dreams of four characters in a dingy New York bar.
  • It was a measure of the desperation of the situation that such valuable ships should be used in such a dangerous role. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared — more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade. LOVE OF LIFE
  • In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.
  • The people have a government of crooks, cronies, liars, thugs and psychopaths who offer no leadership or positive vision and so lead their people to a life of squalor and desperation.
  • But more than made up for their hilariously awkward bottom-of-the-line routines with a palpable, hollow desperation that permeated every artless move which pleased my black bitter soul greatly.
  • In desperation, under pressure from a tight Defence Ministry deadline, they consulted Oengo.
  • Against extraordinary odds Davie and Alan fight their way out of their ship's cabin - and in a moment of desperation Alan recklessly scuppers the ship when he ignites a barrel of gunpowder in the hold.
  • They are driving a frustrated people to desperation.
  • In desperation, under pressure from a tight Defence Ministry deadline, they consulted Oengo.
  • Yet, the New York Times fails to make that distinction and pretends that the the desperation was overblown.
  • When I think of the old Allen Street school, with its hard and ugly lines, where the gas had to be kept burning even on the brightest days, recitations suspended every half-hour, and the children made to practice calisthenics so that they should not catch cold while the windows were opened to let in fresh air; of the dark playground downstairs, with the rats keeping up such a racket that one could hardly hear himself speak at times; or of that other East Side “playground” where the boys “weren’t allowed to speak above a whisper, ” so as not to disturb those studying overhead, I fancy that I can make out both the cause and the cure of the boy’s desperation. XIII. Justice to the Boy
  • Amid the rambling dialogue and semi-lucid metaphors we become privy to a sense of the director's desperation to conjure up some kind of meaning.
  • Each day the bloggers get up at long past dawn to practice their calisthenic hysterics before ambling off to their lives of quiet desperation, which get louder with each passing day. Scraping the Bottom of the Tar Barrel: James Wolcott
  • The reader can appreciate her desperation as her love for Macbeth becomes hopeless.
  • Wisconsin regained possession with nine-tenths of a second left, but a desperation shot by Kirk NCAA Men's Basketball - Georgia State vs. Wisconsin
  • In desperation Mahoney went to the market pl ace and bought seventeen tons of pineapples, as his own cargo. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • I picked up the Sunday paper that weekend and saw a double-page spread full of interviews with the childless couples who had written to the woman in desperation.
  • courage born of desperation
  • The simmering tension between them is played out against the sweep of world events as Shanghai fears a Japanese attack and the city becomes a hotbed of political intrigue, secrets and desperation.
  • It smacks of desperation because, as analyst Michael C. Ruppert notes, ‘As water is forced under pressure into the reservoir, the oil is forced upwards toward the well heads and extraction is thereby increased.’
  • Desperation abounds, especially among the young and those beyond the gilded circle of the Parisian elites.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • Sometimes you pray out of sheer desperation. Christianity Today
  • In a fit of desperation, he faced round upon Bruin and lifted his cane; at the sight of which the instinct of discipline prevailed, and the animal, instead of tearing him to pieces, rose up upon his hind-legs and instantly began to shuffle a saraband. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The panicking passengers who trampled on the dead in their desperation to flee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, lawlessness, poverty and desperation were the norm.
  • Miss Drexel, seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers, ran along the sand and dropped the skirt for a foothold for the slowly revolving wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • Out of sheer desperation I jumped out and ran to safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, out of desperation, even mainstream politicians began to search for new approaches.
  • In desperation, she tried to force her unwilling feet to move, but it was as though she were mired in quicksand.
  • I am sorry to say that such is my desperation for caffeine that I have been forced into drinking cupful after cupful of what is, in all honesty, the coffee equivalent of tramp cider or meths.
  • Throughout the album, Dead Prez move from bitter reportage, recounting tales of poverty and desperation, to impassioned calls to action.
  • You can almost smell the panic and desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It smacks of sheer desperation. The Sun
  • I had to go and rewatch Aliens and it was fun, definitely a summer popcorn action flic but not as strong as Alien..then I had to watch the third one and I think it worked well! there was nothing really new added but the desperation was real and a good twist to anticipation and suspense.. Alien Prequel Going 3-D and a New Trilogy on the Horizon? «
  • Except in certain rural areas, ‘to go for a sodger’, ‘to take the King's shilling ’, had for ordinary people been an act of desperation in a time of unemployment or personal catastrophe.
  • From now on, pizza will just be a circular abomination we order out of desperation, when there isn't time to make anything good.
  • Halici captures all the quiet desperation of his character, but the unvaried delivery can be monotonous and the acoustics of the space are not sympathetic.
  • Fifty runs were assembled in the first 15 overs, but even maintaining that rate required a certain air of desperation.
  • [6796] He calls that other tenet of special [6797] election and reprobation, a prejudicate, envious and malicious opinion, apt to draw all men to desperation. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In desperation, Novalee camps in the Wal-Mart store, keeping a tally of all the food and goods she has borrowed.
  • There is a rueful self-deprecation at play here, at odds with a quiet desperation.
  • This was nothing to do with the scrabbling desperation of a starving people, but a highly ordered, solemn and even reverent religious ritual.
  • The latest threats are acts of desperation born out of hatred and incompetence.
  • Lwi stopped listlessly, and he slid down in desperation and took the reins and began to lead him, insisting he keep moving, up and up the hili. The Goblin Mirror
  • His family, meanwhile, insisted he acted out of desperation to save himself and his pregnant fiancee from an angry crowd.
  • Beneath the bubbling sixteenths an obsessive rhythm, a rat-a-tat on a repeated note with a semitone fillip on the end, adds to the feeling of desperation.
  • I am sure non-smokers do not know the feeling of desperation after having gone without a ciggy for three or four hours.
  • Spurling tells of a life plagued by desperation, self-doubt and nervous anguish, which required an assuaging art of calm.
  • He had committed the crime out of desperation and a complete lack of judgement.
  • There was a second lighter dark patch up there that rivaled the first one and I almost laughed at my odd desperation to see nature's celestial beauty.
  • Suicide is an act of desperation by a mind at the end of its tether. Times, Sunday Times
  • In desperation, WordPerfect has let Borland International, a Californian rival, bundle its word-processor into a software package.
  • We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.
  • Sometimes you pray out of sheer desperation. Christianity Today
  • March 19th, 2010 at 11: 09 am spearNmagicHelmet says: dudes are just flat out flailing in flop sweat desperation. Think Progress » Rep. Paul Broun: The ramifications of health reform will be like ‘the Great War of Yankee Aggression.’
  • I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
  • As the half wore on, Oban's desperation became clear as first Fraser Inglis and then Dougie MacIntyre headed to full forward in an attempt to pull back the score and wrest momentum from the holders.
  • Frank sang aggressively, peremptorily, without really expecting an answer; there is desperation and neediness in Nora's voice, but I don't hear her as genuinely asking a question either.
  • Secondly, the continuing decline in living standards has led to a level of desperation and social degradation that provides a fruitful basis for the emergence of right-wing demagogues.
  • In an individual sport like tennis or golf, desperation to get results can often be counterproductive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The captain fizzed an attempt just wide in his desperation for parity, his industry succeeding at times in masking the sloppiness of his team-mates in possession. West Ham United spring to life to overrun Stoke City in extra-time
  • In desperation Mahoney went to the market pl ace and bought seventeen tons of pineapples, as his own cargo. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • It is a movie that wants to show the venality, shallowness, bitterness, paranoia, mean-spiritedness and general desperation that most of us know lurks beneath the surface of Hollywood life.
  • As elastic bands pinged across the classroom, I reached in desperation for a book.
  • I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them - there's only us. Oprah Winfrey 
  • Non pauci se cruciant, et excarnificant in tantum, ut non parum absint ab insania; neque tamen aliud hac mentis anxietate efficiunt, quam ut diabolo potestatem faciant ipsos per desperationem ad infernos producendi. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Acting on his own desperation, he begins to brutally beat Jamie.
  • You can almost smell the panic and desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently it is a heady mix of desperation with underlying scents of money and old rope topped off with the faint whiff of sanctimonious windbaggery.
  • Administration had caught Dakar, and accrediting it to desperation to do better in school by doctoring his grades, had let him go with a warning.
  • Her story is one of poverty and desperation typical of a country that has known nothing but war for the past decade.
  • Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.
  • The film has a real apocalyptic feel to it, and the sense of doom and desperation is saturating this movie.
  • These strike me as slightly schoolboyish--"Well, you say yes, but your friends say no, nyah, nyah"--perhaps reflecting the growing desperation of a government increasingly anxious to extricate itself from what is, in fact, clear involvement in a war crime. Harper's last stand
  • In desperation, they jumped out of the window to escape the fire.
  • The husband belongs to Scarlet, a woman whose life of quiet desperation threatens to overwhelm her.
  • I'm reluctant to say too much about it, or even to explain it let's just say that a combination of doctorly advice and husbandly heroism and sheer desperation and luck and blessedness probably have much to do with it. Archive 2009-02-22
  • These atmospherics dominate the track's entirety, sometimes swelling to a crescendo of volume, but often maintaining an uncomfortable stasis - one borne of quiet desperation and longing.
  • They may have over-eaten, in their desperation to assuage their hunger, or drunk themselves silly.
  • Such abuse of language is possible only to the drivelling desperation of venomous or fangless duncery: it is in higher and graver matters, of wider bearing and of deeper import, that we find it necessary to dispute the apparently serious propositions or assertions of Mr. Whistler. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
  • You struggle up in the dark, focusing your eyes in desperation on the digital alarm clock, which tells you that it's 7.30 am.
  • A player's desperation to represent his country can and will override rational judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dazzling, rapid-fire prose and fast, dry dialogue lend tragicomic humour to these tales of individualists who nosedive inevitably into degeneracy, despair, desperation and disillusion.
  • Suicide is an act of desperation by a mind at the end of its tether. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wanted to assuage her desperation as keenly, almost, as he wanted to atone to Nuala for the misfortune which had befallen her. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Most, especially men, drank to escape deplorable housing conditions and the desperation of a life going nowhere.
  • Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.
  • His voice was laced with desperation as he blacked out, his arm dropping.
  • We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation. Jim Rohn 
  • In desperation I had a toasted ham sandwich in brown bread which was fine, but I should have liked a serviette.
  • Desperation can make a person do surprising things. Veronica Roth 
  • That's not so much the case for the book people, and there's a whiff of desperation to the coverage, as if the Kindle is adeus ex machina that will help them maintain relevance. The Kindle: Books Don't Need Saving
  • Some have prospered but most lead lives of quiet desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the ones living a quiet desperation: The woman with cancer, seesawing in and out of remission. THE STAPLE STREET GANG: MANDY AND THE PURPLE SPOTTED HANKY
  • Old people are more likely to commit theft than other age groups, and they often do so out of poverty and desperation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a level of desperation provided in the performances, and the monochrome image sells the desert swelter very well.
  • Sometimes the handful of mothers who attend show their desperation by trying to grab the present bags, terrified that there won't be enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some reason this jolly soul has become one of the main media spokespeople for the creed that disputes man-made global warming, and this encounter was informative because it illustrated how the balance had tipped, and it was they who had to learn a list of dubious facts and recite them with desperation to anyone whose arm is grabbable. What's Going On
  • All but constantly on the verge of losing it entirely, he delivers his lines in sweaty desperation, lines like "I don't talk to ordinary people unless there's an election on. David Finkle: First Nighter: Yes, Prime Minister Prime Stage Comedy Meat
  • The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation.
  • Physical abuse can leave scars; economic abuse, on the other hand, can lead to desperation and eventual ruin.
  • The title suggests Lynchian grotesquerie, but the horrors in this Calcutta-set drama are far more straightforward: hunger, poverty, and desperation.
  • In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.
  • Both stories capture the hopelessness and desperation of grinding poverty, but in very different ways.
  • People in such bleak circumstances often acted upon desperation.
  • In a state of financial desperation, the camera captures Christophe hocking his musical instruments, the things he loves the most.
  • Sure, Crudup's teasing sexuality during the first act is entertaining, but it's his desperation and her uncertainty that makes the rest of the film so enjoyable.
  • Double substitutions exude desperation and rarely turn games on their head. Times, Sunday Times
  • The show melds modern dance techniques and poetic prose narrative to illustrate her desperation.
  • Boredom and isolation were driving Polly to desperation.
  • In desperation she went to a plastic surgeon and had a face - lift .
  • Their Munich-based overlords have tried in desperation to impose sanctions on both players and officials, ordering national associations to banish what they regard as defectors to an unauthorised competition.
  • ‘We went from full-on desperation to routing the enemy in under ten minutes,’ I say, mostly to convince myself that that is what had occurred.
  • Wild returns to the more familiar themes of quiet desperation and messed up lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result was a work of such desperation I feel morally obliged to give it coverage.
  • Snatching a hold of his shirt, black material captured in her relentless grip, she clung to him, her knuckles white in desperation as she declared, ‘I'm in love with you, you ungrateful wretch!’
  • In response, he cries out for her not to leave him, desperation depicted on his face.
  • So, the political irrelevance of our subjects did not diminish our desperation.
  • And the young actress doesn't rely on hysterics and overacting (as others might) to convey Maria's desperation.
  • I was conscious that a moment's mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties, and, like any other rebel slave, I felt resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.
  • The jaunty melodies sugar over the desperation of the lyrics.
  • In desperation, you attempt to use the useless tome as an impromptu projectile weapon.
  • Yet agents and buying agents, with unusual coyness and some desperation, are reporting a lack of stock and turning away buyers.
  • Critics will no doubt mock the idea, asserting perhaps that it is a sign of weakness or even desperation.
  • After that, the boat began drifting out to sea and it was then that desperation began to set in.
  • What the minister, in his ignorance and desperation, called "anomie", political and legal theory examines under the term "civil disobedience". The Guardian World News
  • The orisons of fury will be sung… with a new found desperation Zaile sprinted into the dark.
  • A big red bus rolled past, around a curve, and out of sight as I waved in pathetic desperation.
  • A desperation call lured Boitano, who had already skated an exhibition that evening. Still Carrying A Torch
  • Sometimes you pray out of sheer desperation. Christianity Today
  • Many feel desperate to return to city life because of the feelings of desperation and loneliness they experience in a countryside setting.
  • Following a tinny peace agreement this week, allegations have arisen that there may have even been a $6 million bribe to encourage Taliban leaders 'cooperation, revealing the extent of the government's impuissance and desperation. Stuart Whatley: Pakistan's Presidential Putz
  • And with drought come hunger, desperation, disease and death, said Kanayo Nwanze, head of IFAD, the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Emergency Meeting Held on Horn of Africa Famine and Drought
  • The warning that I try to remember, every day, is to resist the advance of the impotency, of the insensitivity, of the desperation, of the nihilism. Flowers in the Desert
  • Her voice echoed the desperation I could see in the tear-stained eyes of her children.
  • They grasped in desperation at such vacuities as progressive, radical, inclusive and pro-change. Times, Sunday Times
  • The state of being installed at a computer for an extended period of time without purpose, characterized by a blurry anxiety undercut with something hard, like desperation. Top Stories
  • In desperation, one apple grower used thousands of oil lamps to save his crop from freezing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are glimpses of smoky rooms, rolling seas and fiery skies, all conveyed with the desperation of a man who clearly realizes his escapism is also his undoing.
  • The panicking passengers who trampled on the dead in their desperation to flee. Times, Sunday Times
  • In desperation, the ambassador asked the naval attaché and me to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • As happens with emotional people, her voice filled with desperation.
  • To be honest, the Informix purchase reeks of desperation to me.
  • We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.

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