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How To Use Desperately In A Sentence

  • I wanted, desperately needed for him to reach across the line that he had drawn, and so it was with dumb horror that I watched him retreat, his expression turning lawyerly even as I read the helplessness in his eyes. Dreaming in French
  • None of us wanted to ‘need’ cigarettes almost desperately and to feel insecure and anxious without them.
  • She always seems to be desperately busy!
  • I clung onto bits of ice and tried desperately to remove the harness attaching me to the sledge.
  • I've followed this story from the time Blaise and her boyfriend went galavanting around Marseilles, when you and your husband were desperately trying to find them both and fearing the worst. Une plaie - French Word-A-Day
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Master English with Ease
  • Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the area shattered by the hurricane.
  • I groped for the gear stick, sobbing desperately as the car lurched forward.
  • The defense desperately needs him to be the run stopper in the middle.
  • However, there was no sign of desperately needed rain and a westerly roared in from Australia's arid outback, fanning flames and scattering red hot embers to start new blazes.
  • Smoking and sputtering, the glider zoomed away, with the Green Goblin desperately trying to pull the webbing from his eyes. SPIDER-MAN®: THE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER-MAN
  • The central problem is that these two institutions are desperately undercapitalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm desperately trying to recall examples to illustrate any of this, and completely failing.
  • The very idea of Chef's Theater is so risible that we cannot be sure that the whole thing isn't merely an elaborate, brilliant hoax - indeed we desperately hope it is one.
  • The punitive actions include economic sanctions, which are certain to deal a severe blow to the North, which desperately needs global aid.
  • The second beneficiary, the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, relies totally on charitable donations for its desperately-needed equipment.
  • I've been in and out of jail and round in circles for years - desperately wanting to get off drugs but finding no way to get off the merry-go-round of smack, stealing and the nick.
  • Upon the dryasdust intricacies of grammar; and it is not as though he had already attained; he only desperately follows after: Robert Browning
  • Another population of Asiatic lions is desperately needed in order to safeguard the survival of this subspecies.
  • But before that happens, she desperately wants a decent game.
  • Livia is desperately ambitious that her son, Tiberius, become Emperor on Augustus’s death, never mind that there are quite a few other heirs before him, or that neither Augustus nor Tiberius himself is very keen on Tiberius being Emperor. Dissecting the Devil «
  • He leaned against the wall desperately trying to clear his mind but the memory proved elusive.
  • He gave me several chances to quit - "‘Do you give yet?" - but I flailed about, trying desperately to get out of his viselike grip.
  • We desperately need a budget process in which respected, nonpartisan experts have real standing to publicly evaluate budget numbers, with less focus on meeting immediate spending or deficits and greater focus on long-term accrued obligations. - News
  • His hard, tough, unsentimental mind gave to the weak young republic the guidance it desperately needed.
  • I had to grin, she looked kind of cute with red cheeks, shoveling food in her mouth while hugging herself and desperately trying to avoid my gaze.
  • He rocked for a moment on the edge, his arms circling wildly, desperately trying to regain his balance.
  • Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.
  • Crumb has never made any bones about his hatred for rock, and rock and roll, and indeed anything that wasn't pressed on shellac by desperately obscure bluesmen and jazzers in the twenties and thirties.
  • We continue to believe that interest rates will head higher as a desperately overheated economy fuels unprecedented borrowing demands.
  • Although she followed this with hit after hit, she was desperately insecure and hid herself under thick make-up and a beehive hairdo.
  • I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter.
  • By now my igloo had become a small lake, and I was trying desperately to stay afloat. RESCUING ROSE
  • Add some desperately unfunny writing and a guy who doesn't really know how to be madcap and… well, we've all learned a lesson.
  • Contracted police trainers often cannot or will not operate in nonpermissive environments, thus confning their training to the capital city or secure areas while leaving unsecured remoter areas of a country without desperately needed police trainers and mentors, as is often the case in Iraq and Afghanistan today. David Isenberg: The Liability of Using a PMC to Do Foreign Police Training
  • Anzheluo to revive her, tearing her clothes, will be in the spirits dumping her body, with hands desperately Guozhao, the exhaustion of a night time, he finally saved her life.
  • He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
  • Outside, the once splendid Nevski Prospekt (St. Petersburg's O'Connell Street) is in need of a lick of paint and seems to be trying desperately to become European, but its people are grey and wan.
  • I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long[Sentencedict], lonely nights.
  • Grandeur in appearance now that it had been smartened up, I desperately tried to avoid it.
  • And you, Tanis Half-Elven, have degenerated into a liar," Elistan remarked, smiling at the pained expression Tanis tried desperately to keep off his face. Test Of The Twins
  • He is a desperate character, and in other lands might be dangerous; but he is safe enough here, for the bastinado is a terrible instrument of torture, and the man is now not only desperate in wrath, but is sometimes desperately frightened. The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
  • I desperately tried to paddle away but the canoe move and I was wedged in.
  • Citizens in inner-city areas are desperately worried and rightly so.
  • Hortensio desperately wants to marry Bianca; however, Baptista will not allow his younger daughter to marry any man before his older Katherine has first wed.
  • He was always falling in love, and I want to see an analogy between his falling in love so desperately, so intensely, and his fascination with tigers.
  • The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair.
  • Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.
  • When traveling in heavy rush hour traffic I mentally tag a few cars desperately tailgating and weaving.
  • Just where Faceman was ice-cool, desperately shallow and slightly horny all the time, Dirk Benedict also appears to be ice-cool, desperately shallow and slightly horny all the time. Big Brother Celebrity Hijack Betting Odds: Can John Win?
  • She tried desperately to engage him in conversation.
  • That was Jessica's voice, slightly nasal, desperately advertising the fact that any pity would be welcome.
  • She looked desperately around for a weapon.
  • The prince sat in his ridiculous outfit strumming a lute that desperately needed to be tuned.
  • The Daily Telegraph said Capello desperately needs to shake up his team to get the best out of players like Frank Lampard and a "dispirited" Rooney before the final group C game with Slovenia. The Age News Headlines
  • His right hand, clenched into an iron mallet, battered desperately at the fearful face bent toward his; the beast-like teeth shattered under his blows and blood splattered, but still the red eyes gloated and the taloned fingers sank deeper and deeper until a ringing in Turlogh's ears knelled his soul's departure. People of the Dark
  • It starts with the observation that Major is struggling desperately to gain stature and authority.
  • Although in other poems Leapor shows that labouring class women can be desperately unhappy in marriage, she is not unequivocal.
  • Later his teams carried desperately needed supplies for the starving diggers at Milparinka.
  • Despite spots of tempering demand, global growth is accelerating and the US economy remains desperately overheated.
  • He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
  • Each attack requires a costly clean-up, using money which is desperately needed for other purposes.
  • All the fish of these jungle rivers demonstrate a desperately tenacious grip on life.
  • the Germans were desperately trying to contain the Anzio beachhead
  • She tugged desperately at her restraints as memory came flooding back, but the chains seemed to be unbreakable.
  • British journalists are apparently consensually beguiled by the former, while the latter beat desperately on the door of the media, which will not open. Lobbyists can do good but they need to be on a register | letters
  • He quests for a trophy to call his own, hoping the Kartoon King ice cream contest might gain him the conspicuous congratulations he so desperately requires.
  • Now we have a system that will help us reduce or even eliminate the tillage and cultivation that adds to our labor and harms the soil resources we so desperately want to protect.
  • He was a boy who desperately needed affection.
  • Most other people would be pretty well-advised to stay away, unless you're desperately seeking an indie-approved gateway into the world of lite FM.
  • He was really desperately, desperately nervous and of course, he went on stage and the curtain went up and a ‘star was born’ can I say.
  • I flailed around trying desperately to grab hold of something.
  • I desperately tried to paddle for the shore.
  • And when she was talking about the clash between her feelings and her principles, she had been desperately serious.
  • The trial had started on the Monday and by this time there was a flurry of black-cloaked ushers briskly walking through the building, desperately looking for a policeman.
  • The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
  • The amateur dramatic society are desperately seeking men for the chorus of its April musical Anything Goes.
  • She was trying desperately to stay afloat.
  • Gravesham Borough Band is busy with its season of summer bandstand engagements but desperately needs a dedicated permanent conductor and cornet, trumpet and clarinet players.
  • He raised his eyes to the heavens, clinging desperately to the only remaining physical reminder of his past life.
  • Suddenly they all seem desperately flimsy for the job.
  • Adam cried desperately, crossing his fingers behind his back in the childish belief that such a gesture would absolve him. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • East Greenwich is desperately in need of a proper greengrocers within a few minutes walk.
  • She was desperately lonely at school.
  • Not only was this a festive celebration, but I wanted so desperately to impress Zeek.
  • Pendle desperately needs an MP who will work closely with the council on behalf of local people, instead of trying to use the council as a political punchbag.
  • It is most important (and many unpractised performers fall down here) to relocate to a simply awful site - at the very least, a desperately uncomfortable sofa but, ideally, under a thin towel on the hard, freezing floor of the bathroom.
  • There was one TV image that I wish I hadn't seen - of some man jumping off one tower, arms and legs pinwheeling desperately in his last moments.
  • We desperately need age, experience and character on the backbenches of our parliament.
  • There is hope at last for all those poor souls who desperately crave some winter sunshine.
  • When her expectations are sadly disappointed, she crashes a chic Montreal party and desperately tries to fit in.
  • They eagerly, even desperately, seek to create or receive such interventions.
  • In trying to stave off this fate of being dated, he has clung desperately to remaining youthful.
  • It buys us the time to examine how the hospital works, so we aren't always desperately scrambling from day-to-day, patching things together as best we can.
  • The flood has left villagers and animals desperately scavenging for food.
  • The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair.
  • I also desperately need to defrost my freezer so I can have some meat in the house.
  • United desperately need to win at the Riverside Stadium to maintain their faint hopes of clawing their way back into the title race.
  • Once the questions mount, experts said, insurgents desperately need prominent party officials to send a cue to voters by vouching for them.
  • In another room, I heard the little wail of the child; and the wail of the child waked my wife back into this life, so that her hands fluttered white and desperately needful upon the coverlid. The Night Land
  • The new king's first task will be to prevent the desperately poor country of 23m from sliding into civil war.
  • The team desperately needs a capable quarterback.
  • He cut desperately at me rope in an attempt to free his foot.
  • We desperately need a culture that values teamwork at all grades in the profession.
  • He was desperately eager to be back after more than a week's absence from school.
  • In our accelerated world of time, we seek desperately to harness whatever we can and try even harder to use it sedulously.
  • And then ... * boom* something I desperately needed to hear from someone I respect and admire, is His answer to me. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Suddenly she desperately wanted him to know the truth.
  • The average foreigner is a tortured soul, trying desperately to discern any logic in the squirms and squiggles of an Indian road map.
  • Chekhov died in Badenweiler, a German spa town which he described to his sister as ‘desperately boring’.
  • Built in Glasgow in 1910, this vessel tramped her way around the globe for the next three decades, until she was requisitioned by an Admiralty hurriedly preparing for a war it was desperately unready to fight.
  • It was overturning cars and knocking over down buildings, trying desperately to catch Jordan.
  • It should be noted, regarding Hammett's disinclination to sell out his employer in this story, that this desperately ill, lifelong claustrophobe, an old man at the age of fifty-seven, spent twenty-two weeks in federal prison during the Red-baiting fifties because he refused to give up the names of men who had trusted him. Locked Rooms
  • Dagano was denied again by the goalkeeper as Angola, who resorted to blatant time-wasting, were forced to defend desperately. Mateus and Manucho score as Angola see off Burkina Faso
  • It is unsurprising, then, that the exchange led to this, a bloated tear-stick of a song that desperately wrings emotion from the blandest of platitudes. This week's new singles
  • Thierry Henry was desperately unlucky not to score when his shot hit the post.
  • We desperately wanted her to utter some unguarded remark about ‘flies’ but that didn't happen either.
  • She needed desperately to be alone for a little while - to think.
  • Snatching the eternal out of the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence.
  • Some plantation families tried desperately to maintain their traditional lifestyle by pretending they still had slaves.
  • Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.
  • Robyn put the bottle to her lips again - defiantly, desperately.
  • Like every year that has come before, it has left an indelible mark, a permanent footmark on our perception of reality as we try to comprehend the events that have taken place, and desperately try to organize these events into a scenario that we can understand, one that makes sense. The Reform That Enables All Other Reforms
  • With just a fortnight to go before it will be implemented, the Scottish Executive is desperately trying to dampen down public expectations.
  • Our province desperately needs a party to once again position themselves in the middle where most of the voting block is.
  • It may have seemed callous to the nurses, but I desperately needed that time to myself.
  • Giles tugged desperately at the manacles, his fingers scrabbling upward against the chain dangling them from the ceiling.
  • We are trying desperately to keep to our schedule.
  • She cast around desperately for a safe topic of conversation.
  • A certain ecuyer, or horsedealer, belonging to the king, being one day under the hands of a barber, who happened to cut the head of a pimple on his face, he started up, and drawing his sword, wounded him desperately in the shoulder. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • She was desperately trying to calm the inferno raging within her.
  • In the resulting power vacuum, the Vigos desperately sought to carve up the criminal empire.
  • He says relief agencies desperately need more help from international organizations and donor countries.
  • Now he needed desperately to be rooted deep inside her.
  • Joe resigned, which was a severe blow because we needed him desperately.
  • Desperately seeking a change of fortune, the Cardans moved to Milan, but here they fared even worse and they had to ignominiously enter the poorhouse.
  • He loved her now, desperately, deathlessly, knowing from her own lips that she was worthless -- loved her the more because he had felt her terrible shame. To the Last Man
  • For even if those who raped and killed his family could be brought to trial, as Ngabu so desperately wants, no such grief could be assuaged or horror undone. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • India was desperately hungry for international cricket in those days, but foreign teams were not keen to come here.
  • Dozens of family members wandered desperately between hospitals and morgues where they looked over badly burned bodies.
  • Infrastructure improvements are punishingly expensive and desperately needed in a place where, for instance, people travel by boat or plane because there are no roads connecting towns.
  • The crops desperately need rain.
  • She shouted desperately, but her voice was lost against the backcloth of night and the ravine. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • But beneath the smile, the elegantly coiffed hair and the expensive Harvey Nichols clothes she was desperately unhappy.
  • Recurrent dreams are normally significant as they are usually a message your subconscious mind is desperately trying to get to you.
  • The world desperately needs an effective WTO.
  • His do-or-die bid failed when Optiebeurs Felix refused after a desperately close turn into the second fence.
  • He waved desperately to his companion.
  • She desperately wanted to rest, avoid the salacious Tinseltown gossip, and take control of her life.
  • But they want Americans to keep believing in coequality, because it sounds good and adds an aura of respect for government that politicians desperately want. Constitutional Rubbish
  • I was desperately unhappy, almost suicidal.
  • So the little girl whose mother wanted so desperately to be rid of her will likely have a good and safe family life after all.
  • The lion mauls the warrior, who is desperately trying to fend him off with his knees and shield.
  • An anonymous donor had given 20 gallons of cooking oil, desperately needed in the stricken country.
  • Castleford desperately need Coyne to lift their fortunes after three opening defeats.
  • Suddenly, as the young woman nears the summit of the tent, her foot slips, and she struggles, desperately, to secure her footing.
  • Rivers are desperately low, but given a healthy lift, things could become most interesting over the coming weeks.
  • It is desperately sad news and I am absolutely shattered to hear it.
  • As this is going on, the angry men are desperately trying to play a full set of marching band wind instruments.
  • What gets me is when a real-life scientist friend says something uninformed, or vacuous, or just plain needy and I desperately want to refer them to the DrugMonkey blog. On the Nature of Bloggy Relationships
  • Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the area shattered by the hurricane.
  • With the increasing popularity of low-carb diets, the word carb somehow started to stand in for calorie, the thing dieters have been told they desperately need to avoid. THE HIGH SCHOOL REUNION DIET
  • The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.
  • They desperately wanted to convey to us the soulfulness of their jobs.
  • As it drew nearer to Corrie's fifth birthday she began desperately seeking a way in which to keep her in Chertsey.
  • Easington desperately need three points from their last home game of the season against bottom club Whickham.
  • Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the area shattered by the hurricane.
  • Not only does she inspire respect and reverence from the kids, they see her as the mother they never had, indeed the mother they ran away from at home, even as they desperately need her in the impersonal streets of Johannesburg.
  • Completely ignored is all the time between 1948 and now, during which time Israel frequently desperately tried to make peace and was met with a constant and unending No, Never from its neighbors. Wonk Room » Netanyahu: Arabs And Jews Unite…Against The Persians
  • The Eastern bloc desperately needed Western goods but had no hard currency to pay for them, even if they were available legitimately.
  • Instead of working their way back into the game as reigning champions should be expected to do, they constantly bombarded Quirke with high balls as they desperately sought a lifeline through a goal.
  • The hospital is desperately short-staffed.
  • A mother may try desperately to calm her angry crying seven-month-old with hugs and offers of juice and toys.
  • He put all his powers into sending a stronger wind into the sails of his own boat while his bewil - deled comrades in the suddenly becalmed ships called over the water, inquiring desperately the rea - son for his act. The Weird of the White Wolf
  • On one occasion, in 1535 , an English ship arrived in Newfound - land with its crew desperately ill.
  • Unable to swim, he watched helplessly as the child struggled desperately in the water.
  • Speeding through the city's deserted streets, I realised that I desperately needed to have a pee and pulled in, as I thought, to the side of the road.
  • Swamped with requests for authorizations, statistics that had to be evaluated, decisions that had to be approved, subordinates who had to be coddled, and delegations of Deyzara desperately in need of reassurance, she barely had time to leave her office long enough to say hello to her family before collapsing into the cooled, dehumidified airbed alongside her husband. Drowning World
  • We were having our half-yearly exams and I remember desperately memorizing something for a Sanskrit exam in the school bus. A Note From Amulya Malladi
  • Passengers clung desperately onto the lifeboats.
  • Climbing out of the glen was desperately hard work - knee-deep snow was the norm and occasionally I'd sink into drifts up to my thighs.
  • But a lot of you namby-pambies, who try desperately to put forth your conservative, pro-liberty credentials, are denying everything that the man has said and done within his life and his campaign. The Reality Check
  • I searched desperately for a toehold in the rock face.
  • Some parts of the city are desperately overcrowded while others are relatively empty.
  • Burying his face into the warm living darkness of Wolf's fur, he tried desperately to wall away the sickening pulse.
  • Whether you are an entrepreneur with an idea, or an intrapreneur working inside of a small or large company looking to grow, or maybe just a mother of two children, desperately trying to figure out how to balance a family budget with too much month left, at the end of your money, then this vision is for you. John Hope Bryant: Silver Rights and Generation Entrepreneurship: What a President With Vision Can Do
  • The characters are either utterly hideous or desperately beautiful.
  • He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm.
  • The days of desperately trying to escape the clutches of some crashing bore in the corner of a nightclub are long gone.
  • Thinking that morning in the garden had gotten me no where and I was still searching desperately for some answers.
  • All the dad-blasted whippersnappers will be effortlessly streaming multisense through their inter-cranial brain-to-cloud hookups, while you try desperately to find some information formatted for your treasured, antique 2D touchscreen. here. The Register
  • We'll begin with vertical scrolling because that's what we desperately need.
  • The money was desperately needed to expand the system to accommodate an ever-increasing population.
  • It is impossible to hate, like the earnest child in a schoolroom who desperately wants to understand long division, but just can't master the logic.
  • Desperately needed aid from around the world began arriving in quake-stunned Haiti on Thursday, while rescuers struggled to save the trapped and injured. Chaos in Haiti as rescue teams arrive
  • Francis, rapidly running out of striking options, is still desperately hoping Watson can play a part.
  • The description "a creature of the left, with little ability to make moral distinctions" is the sound of a empty-headed conservative phrasemonger who has used up all the negative polemic in the store and is desperately searching for a new insult. The New Republic - All Feed
  • Sounding her siren and firing distress rockets the ship tried desperately to make the beach but as the lifeboat crews assembled the steamer gave a final lurch and went down.
  • I desperately squirted water on the flames.
  • According to Steinbeck, most political placemen have neither the wit, nor compassion for such a profound responsibility that so desperately requires both. Thomas Steinbeck: John Steinbeck, Michael Moore, and the Burgeoning Role of Planetary Patriotism
  • The new house had a back garden, 100 foot long and desperately overgrown.

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