How To Use Desolate In A Sentence

  • The huanaco, happily for it, exists in a barren, desolate region, in its greatest part waterless and uninhabitable to human beings; and the chapter-heading refers to a singular instinct of the dying animals, in very many cases allowed, by the exceptional conditions in which they are placed, to die naturally. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Aren't you a spoiled child, without the childness and the spoiling, to go and write in that plaintive, solemn way about 'help of some connexions of Jane's in Glasgow,' as if you were a desolate orphan Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Among the most desolate sandhills you may find in July acres of wax-white pyrola – like lilies of the valley splashed with pink – covering the plains between the lonely ridges of harsh, grey grass. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • From the dark streets of the city, whether lit by a single streetlamp or brazenly flashing neon signs, to the desolate coastline, where Marlowe is first blackjacked by an unknown assailant, there is no safe haven from disorder and danger. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
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  • Judah and Jerusalem desolate then this credit of the prophets, and the hopes of the people, will both sink together; the former will be found false in flattering the people and the latter foolish in suffering themselves to be imposed upon by them, and so exposed to so much the greater confusion, when the judgment shall surprise them in their security. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Sparing us all the obligatory arguments about Ford “defining the American West” with his sweeping, desolate camera shots and Wayne’s anabashedly American Americanness, there’s just no denying that Ford and Wayne — tag team partners on more than 20 films — are simply one of the most prolific duos in celluloid history. Top 10 Actor / Director Tandems In Movie History | Best Week Ever
  • But they are not being forced to stay in this desolate place against their will.
  • The name Cyclopean, attached to those desolate remains of buildings which were older than Greek history itself, attests their romantic influence over the fancy of the people who thus attributed them to a superhuman strength and skill. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • With the leaving of the cars, East Hampton transformed from the rarified vacationland it had been, to just another lonely and desolate, Long Island small town. Jack Hannibal: Running on Clouds
  • The fact that it is not an isolated art space, with its desolateness and emptiness despite its real existence, drew my interest," he said. Hoyt Hilsman: Ancient Istanbul Synagogue Reborn as Arts Center†
  • Thinking of a nice warm heated dorm as she walked through the desolate streets, her mind began to wander.
  • Close by the stir of the great city, with all its fret and chafe and storm of life, in the desolate garden of that sombre house, and under the withering eyes of relentless Crime, revived the Arcady of old, -- the scene vocal to the reeds of idyllist and shepherd; and in the midst of the iron Tragedy, harmlessly and unconsciously arose the strain of the Pastoral Music. Lucretia — Complete
  • The city was burnt to a desolate waste.
  • The little mining town was desolate and ugly.
  • It told of desolate, regretted things befallen happy cities long since in the prime of the world.
  • No fellow human being could be surprised, wrote Edward to King Alfonso as one father to another, if we were inwardly desolated by the sting of this bitter grief, for we are human, too.
  • My fellow writers if my words have left you feeling a trifle depressed and desolate, cheer up.
  • Then he placed his daughter in the one, and her dead husband in the other, and said to the palkee-bearers, "Take these palkees and go out into the jungle until you have reached a place so desolate that not so much as a sparrow is to be seen, and there leave them both. Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know
  • She had smiled at it as such when Dorcas used to hint at it; but are there no castles in the clouds which we like to inhabit, although we know them altogether air-built, and whose evaporation desolates us? Wylder's Hand
  • We had been both thrown companionless — he on the shore of a desolate island: I on that of a desolate world. The Last Man
  • From the air they seem desolate, a place where a man could find true solitude. NIMITZ CLASS
  • I did not ask him whether he was happy or unhappy - I know he is pretty desolate most of time.
  • She had conceived of a barren desolate waste, shrubless and treeless; and she saw grassy hillocks, leafy copses, and even, as she thought, patches of dwarfish woods. The Story of Ida Pfeiffer and Her Travels in Many Lands
  • We looked out over a desolate landscape of bare trees and stony fields.
  • My countrymen -- Australians -- men with whom I had hunted for silver in the desolate backblocks of New South Wales; men with whom I had scoured the interior of West Australia seeking for gold; men who had been with me on the tin fields and opal fields. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • The down was desolate, east and west, north and south; the road with its shallow ditches and white bordering stakes, ran smooth and empty north and south, and, save for that peewit, the blue sky was empty too. The Invisible Man
  • If it wasn't for a circle of gold around his neck, he would have appeared desolate.
  • The land was mostly flat and featureless; even the most desolate of the southern deserts had some rolling sand dunes and some cacti.
  • Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate, Foxes prowl in it.
  • One brown knoll alone breaks the waste, and on it a few leafless wind-clipt oaks stretch their moss-grown arms, like giant hairy spiders, above a desolate pool which crisps and shivers in the biting breeze, while from beside its brink rises a mournful cry, and sweeps down, faint and fitful, amid the howling of the wind. Westward Ho!
  • Their act of foundation was ‘the bright strong line between desolate barbarism and busy civilisation’.
  • The landscape was quite desolate.
  • Even seen through rose-tinted glasses, the 1980s were a desolate musical place.
  • It has virgin temperate woods, craggy desolate coastlines, fjords, glaciers and soft, rolling hills.
  • I have never seen a more disconsolate and desolate group than the National Party after that speech.
  • Neuerthelesse, desirous to vanquishe his indurate affections, he continued abroade for a certaine time, during whiche space, vnable to quenche the fire, he led a more desolate and troublesome life, then he did before. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • I could hardly imagine living in such a remote and desolate spot.
  • The day after her unit withdrew from Monrovia, Black Diamond's compound and the sequestered house presented a desolate sight.
  • They were a scrubby and desolate range from which bears and mountain lions streamed down to ogle and sometimes attack the inhabitants of houses gouged from the hills. Denise Hamilton discusses Sugar Skull
  • happiness is that u have food to eat, place to sleep and people to love. happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.
  • `Monsieur, I am desolated, but these -- these gentlemen insisted. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • The film follows a group of college coeds who decide to take a wild trip during spring break over to a Halloween-style rave on a dark and desolate island.
  • The house stands desolate and empty.
  • My companions glanced around skeptically at the desolate location.
  • We all felt absolutely desolate when she left.
  • September, and recalled the gayety of the season for the moment to the desolate metropolis. London Films
  • Mr. Satterthwaite floundered wildly in Italian interspersed with German -- the nearest he could get in the hurry of the moment to Spanish - He was desolated and ashamed, he explained haltingly. Autumn Maze
  • That is doubtless a very fine art which desolates countries, destroys habitations, and in a common year causes the death of from forty to a hundred thousand men. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Fortunately on this day the place is desolate, devoid of any human sign.
  • Patrice enlisted one kid, a 17-year-old boy, to paint her a postcard and then, once he'd rendered a wistful-looking coconut tree on a desolate beach, she said, ‘I don't think I'm going to send it - uh-uh.
  • Visually sumptuous, the film overwhelms with sweeping shots of the now bleak, desolate, "Potter"-dom. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The story of sacrifice, of both men and beast, when combined with the desolate scenery creates a haunting atmosphere.
  • The San Gabes were a scrubby desolate range northeast of the city, from which bears and mountain lions emerged with regularity to attack the inhabitants of tract houses gouged from the hills. Excerpt: The Jasmine Trade by Denise Hamilton
  • A ship had thrown its anchor down near desolate shores, constantly ravaged and pummeled by persistent waves.
  • Molokai -- "_Molokai ahina_," the "grey," lofty, and most desolate island -- along all its northern side plunges a front of precipice into a sea of unusual profundity. Father Damien, an Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu
  • The world sees the desert as a desolate land offering only hardship and discomfort.
  • Western Highlands, and was living in some house on the coast, how sad and still the Atlantic must have been all this wet forenoon, with the islands of Colonsay and Oronsay lying remote and gray and misty in the far and desolate plain of the sea! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
  • And most have the characteristic of Desolate Island Literature works should be Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
  • You'd go through these desolate, wet streets into this basement in King Street, just near the Opera House.
  • They carried out Richard's orders to the letter, his arches and calvary slaughtered all before them, burned villages, raided and took cattle herds and desolated the countryside.
  • When first he had glimpsed her off there on that narrow strip of rockbound coast he was mildly surprised, for it was a desolate spot and seldom frequented by bathers so late in the season. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Many coastal towns were desolated by the hurricane.
  • For a while, they indulge themselves in the now-desolate consumer's paradise, but a menacing crew of bikers is about to turn their hiding place into the venue for a bloody confrontation with the undead. John Farr: Going Bump in the Night: More Prime Halloween Movie Fare
  • It is a profoundly irresponsible approach to statecraft; the future it portends is desolate.
  • Next morning we strolled, unwashed, along the desolate shoreline of this godforsaken place called Na'ama Bay.
  • South is the desert and further south-east are more mountains with desolate plateaux and volcanic cones and craters.
  • From the air they seem desolate, a place where a man could find true solitude. NIMITZ CLASS
  • We continued, however, to ride on without pause and even when night fell and overshadowed the desolate wilds which we traversed, we were, as I understood from Mr. Jarvie, still three miles and a bittock distant from the place where we were to spend the night. Rob Roy
  • Maybe I'm just finely tuned, but right now, he just looks so forlorn, so desolate, that I don't know which way to turn.
  • In habits it is gregarious, and is usually seen in small herds, but herds numbering several hundreds or even a thousand are occasionally met with on the stony, desolate plateaus of Southern Patagonia; but the huanaco is able to thrive and grow fat where almost any other herbivore would starve. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • In case I die it would be a karmic accident sent here on earth for my forefathers sins to repent maundy thursday stations of the cross the holy month of lent desolate dissolute man he came he saw his death he need not invent an accident god sent hopes as large as mansions trying to fit in a tattered and torn tent silent scriptures bleeding sorrow An Accident « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Desolately sit over there, Air Jordan Retro 5, an on each occasion, like a sculpture of carve carvings.
  • All the ideas evident in early German expressionism are applied to the simple design of two cars roaring down a dark and desolate road.
  • The gardens were desolated and barren, and white snow flurried out of the air from incoming clouds, frosting everything it touched.
  • An out-of-towner drove his car into a ditch in a desolated area. Luckily, a local farmer came to help with his big strong horse named Buddy.
  • Fifty years ago the name Blackfoot was one of terrible meaning to the white traveller who passed across that desolate buffalo-trodden waste which lay to the north of the Yellowstone River and east of the Rocky Mountains. Blackfoot Lodge Tales
  • Erik told them that such a meal if eaten regularly could sustain them across even the most arid and desolate lands.
  • But Scriptures say a kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Proclaiming a National Fast Day in 1863, he suggested, in full prophetic voice, that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People. . . The Chosen Peoples
  • We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.
  • Now they fared over that neck somewhat east, making but slow way because the ground was so broken and rocky; and in another hour's space Sure-foot led down-hill due east to where the stony neck sank into another desolate miry heath still falling toward the east, but whose further side was walled by a rampart of crags cleft at their tops into marvellous-shapes, coal-black, ungrassed and unmossed. The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
  • Dormer suggested that she had become hopelessly entangled in the brush, which he called a "tough, desolate, tangled mess. Long Island Serial Killer: Remains Of Shannan Gilbert, Missing New Jersey Prostitute, Found Near Oak Beach
  • In such a universal scramble, the Earth will be just plain desolated, because everyone will be striving merely to survive ... regardless of the cost to the environment. Old Isaac Asimov Interview
  • Happiness is that u have food to eat, place to sleep and people to love. Happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.
  • The fireplace was unsoftened by downy ashes or by sooty brick; the brass fire-irons were of immaculate polish; and the grenadier andirons were like samples in a shop, desolate, unwanted, lifeless things of commerce. Babbit
  • The dreadful tale of the Kalmuck Tartars, in 1770, fleeing from their enemies, the Russians, over the desolate steppes of Asia in mid-winter; starting out six hundred thousand strong, men, women, and children, with their flocks and herds, and reaching the confines of History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • From their decks bronzed men in patched and ragged garments looked with astonished eyes upon the desolate scene. This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States
  • The land was mostly flat and featureless; even the most desolate of the southern deserts had some rolling sand dunes and some cacti.
  • The usual supplications were offered, with more than the usual significancy in such a place, for the fatherless children and widows, for all sick persons and young children, for all that were desolate and oppressed, for the comforting and helping of the weak-hearted, for the raising-up of them that had fallen; for all that were in danger, necessity, and tribulation. Reprinted Pieces
  • The ferocity and full-throatedness of Thom Southerland's pent-in, close-up, unfussy production, in which everyone is true and Alastair Brookshaw as the pernickety desolate victim is outstanding, means that the small Southwark Playhouse, which earlier this year had a runaway hit with the dynamic Tender Napalm, has now hosted one of the musical events of the year. Decade; The Tempest; The Kitchen; Parade – review
  • You cannot live well without a friend, and if Jesus is not your best friend, you will end up being heartbroken and desolate.
  • The desolate pine forests, craggy gullies and rugged desert country are all perfectly suited to this style of movie.
  • He missed his last session because of family commitments, this left me feeling desolate and undermined.
  • I remember I was driving from Leh to Manali and seeing the desolateness I told my wife this was the perfect place to die.
  • You can reach the mountain top and find it a desolate and lonely place.
  • Many coastal towns were desolated by the hurricane.
  • None could pierce the future; perhaps none dared to contemplate it: the wild rage of fanaticism and hate, friend grappling with friend, brother with brother, father with son; altars profaned, hearthstones made desolate; the robes of Justice herself bedrenched with murder. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • There lay the great, rolling mattress of the Moor, a vast and desolate place protected on all its sides by uprearing mountains.
  • Because of the phosphate mining, all but the very edges of the island has been turned in to a desolate, moonlike setting.
  • Pan American takes the pound cake for minimalism, and has in the past proven perfect music for driving through desolate landscapes beneath withering heat, or traversing the domain of half-asleepness.
  • Everyplace from the village proper to the fancy beach houses north of the village was spookily deserted and desolate. Magical Road Less Traveled
  • Beyond St. Agnes Beacon the coast is largely composed of clay-slates, or killas, presenting much desolate grandeur; the slate showing the jagged scars of its unending resistance to oceanic forces. The Cornwall Coast
  • What should be a quaint, lively English seaside is far more desolate than anything Tanya and her son might have left behind in Russia. Last Resort: The Film They Couldn't Guess
  • It was Christmas Day the following day and as she looked through the carriage window, she could only see a desolate blackness, the fields flying by as the train puffed and rattled towards home.
  • The billows of death overwhelmed him, and cast his exanimate body on the desolate shore.
  • The geographical position of Mexico, the arid and desolate, herbless and waterless wastes intervening, would prohibit her sending any considerable assistance overland; and, all powerful at court by that time, he would take care that the Russian navy inspired Spain with a distaste for remote Pacific waters. Rezánov
  • Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love.
  • I hold true to my belief that there is beauty in even the most desolate places.
  • He spent his summer vacation collaborating with scientists on a project involving launching small rockets into storm clouds above a desolate region to trigger lightning bolts.
  • But Scriptures say a kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • I could hardly imagine living in such a remote and desolate spot.
  • There were no carriages, and grass had sprung high in the streets; the houses had a desolate look; most of the shutters were closed; and there was a ghast and frightened stare in the persons I met, very different from the usual business-like demeanour of the Londoners. The Last Man
  • We're up on the Plains of Abraham now, a wild, desolate section of pumice through which the trail winds for three miles, slipping through eroded stream beds and across a landscape so stark it makes the moon look lush.
  • So Withers and the shroff continued their desolate journey, day by day, across the plains, over such roads as are not, save in North Civilization Tales of the Orient
  • From the air they seem desolate, a place where a man could find true solitude. NIMITZ CLASS
  • The portage was said to be only fifty acres long (the arpent is the popular measure of distance here), but it passed over a ridge of newly burned land, and was so entangled with ruined woods and desolate of birds and flowers that it seemed to us at least five miles. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • Eventually, Jasmine's more volatile emotions faded away of their own accord to be replaced by a feeling of desolate loneliness.
  • The yard and the vast prairie lands were bleak and desolate.
  • Thus were my hopes again revived that I should finally meet with an opportunity to quit the desolate island. Chapter 19
  • The pyrotechnic display that followed the performance was dazzling, and a rare occurrence in these otherwise desolate parts.
  • And, indeed, each time that I cast the stone, the noise of the stone to make a little trouble and dismalness in mine ears; for all did be so quiet and desolate and lost in night, that it to make us to need to be likewise so quiet, and to desire that we might go upward so silent as shadows. The Night Land
  • The house stands desolate and empty.
  • The world sees the desert as a desolate land offering only hardship and discomfort.
  • Jaimie Todd's timbered design successfully evokes the world of the trestle bridge and the desolate prison.
  • At the end of the trail, after a tedious gravelly slope, where I remember a close bed of the pretty mountain phlox, with thin remnants of a snowdrift no more than a rod or two above it, there remained a brief clamber over huge boulders, with tufts of gorgeous pink pentstemon growing in such scanty deposits of coarse soil as the desolate, unpromising situation afforded; the scantier the better, as it seemed; for this clever economist is a lover of rocks, if there ever was one. On Foot in the Yosemite
  • Visually sumptuous, the film overwhelms with sweeping shots of the now bleak, desolate, "Potter"-dom. ABC News: Top Stories
  • While having it fixed, she saw a small, empty, desolate theater, which was attached to an abandoned desert inn.
  • John dropped me off where the road splits, a desolate place.
  • Seaford was reported even in 1356 as ‘so desolated by plague and the chances of war that men living there are so few and poor that they cannot pay their taxes or defend the town’.
  • In the heart of a grave, a smile will become desolate, a person crazy.
  • 22 Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • It looked so sad, compared with what it used to be, so desolate and brambled up and ruinous, that I scarcely should have known it, except for the gray pedestal of the prostrate dial we used to moralise about. Springhaven
  • The harbours of the desolate sea-ports of the west of Ireland were filled with vessels of all sizes, from the man of war to the small fishers 'boat, which lay sailorless, and rotting on the lazy deep. II.9
  • The tanks chase the terrified tenderfoot across a desolate battlefield.
  • And they sacrificed all that men could provide for sacrifice on a desolate strand; wherefore when Medea's Phaeacian handmaids saw them pouring water for libations on the burning brands, they could no longer restrain laughter within their bosoms, for that ever they had seen oxen in plenty slain in the halls of Alcinous. The Argonautica
  • Thousands of people had fled from the genocidal war to exist in overcrowded, desolate refugee camps.
  • A few old trees, clustered together near the castle, gave some relief to the air of desolate seclusion; but yet the page, while he gazed upon a building so sequestrated, could not but feel for the situation of a captive Princess doomed to dwell there, as well as for his own. The Abbot
  • At the moment, that made the room seem all the more desolate. MURDER MOVES IN
  • But Scriptures say a kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • A tiny floatplane carries us for about an hour to a desolate, grassy, mosquito-ridden beach called Nunavachak.
  • It's now clear to me that the Alpha Male is a dinosaur, dragging his hopeless old carcass across a desolate desert and finding no water, no sustenance and is almost history.
  • The jurats being met to the number sometimes of two or three hundred, in this desolate place, are quite exposed to the weather and have no other place to sit upon but a moor-stone bench, and no refreshments but what they bring with them; for this reason the steward immediately adjourns the court to Tavistock, or some other stannary town. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 385, August 15, 1829
  • The Church defined heresy, and repressed it severely, as when Pope Innocent III launched the armed Crusade that brutally repressed the Albigenses and desolated much of southern France.
  • It was a barren, desolate place, but I could see a city in the distance.
  • She was now staring at a bleak and desolate landscape with nothing in the horizon but impassable mountains and valleys.
  • The chief effect is to highlight the horror of the desolate and pre-human world of purposeless suffering.
  • A community has sprung from this desolate place.
  • The smoke she'd seen, it came from here, this desolate place.
  • She was Cily whose absence left him desolate and restless, and whose return brought him the oddly combined sense of being relaxed and invigorated, which is falling in love. Runner of the Mountain Tops: The Life of Louis Agassiz
  • From the air they seem desolate, a place where a man could find true solitude. NIMITZ CLASS
  • They are confined to the unwooded shores of the Arctic Sea, rarely going far into the country, and having their proper home on the most desolate, cold, and forbidding part of the continent.
  • 'Ever smee John was killed, monsieur, I have been desolate,' she said quietly. Pied Piper
  • If, two thousand years ago, we had been permitted to watch the slow settling of the slime of those turbid rivers into the polluted sea, and the gaining upon its deep and fresh waters of the lifeless, impassable, unvoyageable plain, how little could we have understood the purpose with which those islands were shaped out of the void, and the torpid waters enclosed with their desolate walls of sand! The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • He detonates distracted droves like dynamite, desolates communities with doublespeak. The Liar
  • Oh dear me, it desolates me to inform you that I will not be able to update either of my stories for about ten days.
  • All of 11 years old, Nikosi comes across by turn as wise, winsome, overburdened, and sometimes desolate.
  • Located in the eastern part of the city on a once dry and desolate vast piece of land, today it is a fascinating beehive of activities, the dreariness having given place to eye catching greenery and multiple activities.
  • You just take me as a ferry, by the time I spent lonely desolate.
  • Thus, then, the muffled rollings of a milky sea; the bleak rustlings of the festooned frosts of mountains; the desolate shiftings of the windrowed snows of prairies; all these, to Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • It sat as an empty shell from 1965 to 1978, a vacant, desolate, boarded up old brick building.
  • After bolting from a highway cop to give the two bored drivers something exciting to do in a lonely, desolate stretch of America, Raoul Duke (Johnny Depp) calmly whips his obscenely red convertible into a standstill to allow the custodian of justice ownership of the moment. Top 10 Gary Busey Performances » Scene-Stealers
  • The unusual combination of familiar faces, and the unnerving sight of desolate domains viewed in night-vision luminescence is perfect for enjoying as the countdown to Halloween nears. Ghost Hunting with VH1: the Celebrity Paranormal Project
  • It's strange that someone who was born in London could feel at home in such a desolate place, but I like it.
  • The similitude is explained in the following words, It is a people of no understanding, brutish and sottish, and destitute of the knowledge of God, and that have no relish or savour of divine things, like a withered branch that has no sap in it; and this is at the bottom of all those sins for which God left them desolate, their idolatry first and afterwards their infidelity. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Mademoiselle Thérèse was "desolated" to hear that Barbara's visit was really drawing to a close, and assured her aunt that a few more months would make Barbara a "perfect speaker; for I have never known one of your nation of such talent in our language," she declared. Barbara in Brittany
  • He reined Eryn in and gazed at it; looked at the rugged desolateness of the camp and thought, I left Kefari for this…
  • Talking of dying, he had always been fascinated by the Barents Sea - that desolate and gloomy stretch of water between the Arctic snows and the fastnesses of Siberia.
  • At the moment, that made the room seem all the more desolate. MURDER MOVES IN
  • Amazingly, this visual effect neither turns the scene arty nor drains it of its excitement, but it does suggest that none of this violence has anything to do with the real violence that destroys people and desolates the earth.
  • happiness is that u have food to eat, place to sleep and people to love. happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.
  • Nicholas Woodeson savours every line of the rantipole, self-regarding Mr Prince who proudly announces "I am the American King Lear" and Keeley Hawes elegantly makes a case for Ben's reproving but desolate wife. Review | Theatre | Rocket to the Moon | Venue | Michael Billington
  • The house was desolate, ready to be torn down.
  • Oh very fair! smiling, cultivated, and green, like England, but far happier; for slavery which disgraces the New World, and poverty which desolates the Old, are nowhere to be seen. The Englishwoman in America
  • And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. Can America Survive?
  • He was the first to take out a gang of convicts in the ship _Scarborough_, and land them in the place which was afterwards called Botany Bay, then a wild and desolate country; this happened in the year 1788, when a new law was passed to establish a penal settlement in Australia with a governor at its head. Susan A Story for Children
  • It took him and other members of the band just a month to convert the broken-down, dirty, desolate looking room over a tailor's shop in Deansgate into a smart, colourful, ballroom.
  • About half a mile from the Desolate Borough's walls, the city dumped the by-products of dyes, tatters of textiles, and every other waste that had no use for.
  • Pansy's, far away in the garden, -- in a partly boggish, partly hoggish manner, drenched and desolate; and with something of demoniac temper got into its calyx, so that it quarrels with, and bites the corolla; -- something of gluttonous and greasy habit got into its leaves; a discomfortable sensuality, even in its desolation. Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • Northern fulmars are a keystone Arctic species, providing vital nutrients to an otherwise desolate landscape.
  • The city was burnt to a desolate waste.
  • There was no need for guards at the wall because there was no way out and it was a desolate place outside.
  • It was a desolate spit of land with a few trees and thick brush that invited a few adventurous boaters, probably kids looking to get high or have sex, during the summer.
  • I could hardly imagine living in such a remote and desolate spot.
  • This seemingly desolate expanse is home to an abundance of life, including antelope , mule deer, and Wyoming's largest herd of wild horses.
  • What a pleasure to re-encounter her sense of the classic: philosophically accusatory, desolately funny, rich and plain, timeless in itself. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Thus, there are prayer flags, wheels, mani stones and mantras everywhere - on the terraces of housing blocks and at the most desolate of mountain passes.
  • For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
  • Oh, that one had lived in the times of those New-England wretches that desolated whole districts and terrified vast provinces by their judicial murders of witches, under plea of a bibliolatrous warrant; until at last the fiery furnace, which they had heated for women and children, shot forth flames that, like those of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace, seizing upon his very agents, began to reach some of the murderous judges and denouncers! Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • With may discharge keeps wall's toxin, eliminates the nature desolately, to improve the husbands and wives to live, increases the husbands and wives sentiment.
  • The very image of the desolated metropolis was enough to dishearten me before I even entered the city itself.
  • Ali led me up a narrow path way lined with trees and brush, to a small cabin that looked desolated and dismal.
  • After a bloody conflict of eight years, the loss of some French generals was avenged by the slaughter of the most noble Huns: the relics of the nation submitted the royal residence of the chagan was left desolate and unknown; and the treasures, the rapine of two hundred and fifty years, enriched the victorious troops, or decorated the churches of Italy and History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • A few days after coming to Agra, I crossed the Jumna with this plan in mind and scouted around for places to build gardens, but everywhere I looked was so unpleasant and desolate that I crossed back in great disgust. Shadow Princess
  • Hylas, nor was the rapt of Polyxena more throbbingly resented and condoled by Priamus and Hecuba, than this aforesaid accident would be sympathetically bemoaned, grievous, ruthful, and anxious to the woefully desolate and disconsolate parents. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Will you go away, and leave Elias and me in that frightsome and desolate-looking mansion? The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • It doesn't leave you feeling desolate and destitute - it does give you hope.
  • This area is certainly pretty desolate, particularly on a dour mid-November weekend when low cloud dominated and frequent snow squalls cut visibility to less than 100 metres.
  • The railway went through some of Australia's most desolate and flood prone country, often suffering washouts with passengers marooned for several days.
  • happiness is that u have food to eat, place to sleep and people to love. happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.

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