
How To Use Desist In A Sentence

  • Let the term geoid apply to the natural irregular surface of the earth and the term spheroid to the ideal regular sur - face of the geodesist which coincides nearly with sealevel and is necessarily a level surface. Transactions - American Philosophical Society
  • We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • For example who would ever think of a carpet installer, optician, construction estimator, geodesist, and agricultural-engineering technician as having the same aptitudes? Discover What You’re Best At
  • The obvious reason is that the debates became so acrimonious and bitter, that the Generals ordered him to desist.
  • We drew our battle-axes at the same instant, and rushed at each other, but before either had an opportunity to strike, the pipe was thrust between us, compelling us to desist, to disobey which is instant death. The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth
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  • The West, from Rome to Britain, was called into action; the kings of Poland and Bohemia obeyed the summons of Conrad; and it is affirmed by the Greeks and Latins, that, in the passage of a strait or river, the Byzantine agents, after a tale of nine hundred thousand, desisted from the endless and formidable computation. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • These figures are the most valid argument yet that they should cease and desist and retire from the field immediately.
  • Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.
  • The shop has now put up a sign of its own - politely requesting that fans desist. The Sun
  • He always savoured the chance to quash interviewers with one of his favourite put-downs: ‘Please desist from your perfervid questioning.’
  • She said the police officer ordered the two bickering women to cease and desist, but the women ignored him.
  • The management warned the group to cease and desist from using this name.
  • William F. Whelan was a cartographer and geodesist for the Army Map Service who played a mean, nay, a wild cornet. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • It appears that it was not until several shots had actually struck her that the Star of the West desisted from the attempt to convey reinforcements to Fort Sumter. Foreign and Colonial News.
  • Mrs. Mirvan then advanced to him, and said in French, that she was sure the Captain had not any intention to affront him, and begged he would desist from a dispute which could only be productive of mutual misunderstanding, as neither of them knew the language of the other. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • Or if it desisted from all rhetoric suggesting that it can solve its budget woes by further cutting Pentagon spending. A Republican Foreign Policy
  • The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.
  • An inability to suffer fools gladly or desist from partisan argument left him vulnerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus they may be motivated to continue to sell drugs even as they desist from use because of the deterrent effect of bioassay screening.
  • And so I informed her and asked to to stop and desist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The attorney general was authorized to request only a cease and desist order, which, if not followed, could be punished as contempt of court.
  • The courts have fined them, given them a tongue-lashing in the hope that they will grow up, learn from their foolish behaviour and desist from anarchical acts.
  • It could be funny and a touch mischievous - one self-regarding, supposedly glamorous female TV anchor frostily asked her to desist from addressing her as ‘ma'am’ during a live interview.
  • The committee has been "ordered to cease and desist from the use of campaign literature" from Fenty's primary campaign. Write-in supporters ordered to stop using Fenty signs
  • The high winds are expected to desist tomorrow.
  • I have been gaily putting your name forward - if you would like me to desist, please say so. The Sun
  • We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which any one held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fief claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things. The Magna Carta
  • And for the last time cease and desist from sending anymore of these decrepitly incoherent four-hundred year-old fossils from its ex-vice presidency outpost who did not have the balls to run for president crapping all over the one who had the stones to seek victory and claim it. James Campion: 2010: Year of the Faux Revolution
  • There is a growing body of evidence that individuals can be assisted in their efforts to desist from crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you wish to preserve his life, desist from the assault, and depart in peace; and bear this message to the Countess your mistress: – the Baron Malcolm will accept no other ransom for the life and the liberty of the Earl, than her beauteous daughter, whom he now sues to become his wife. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story
  • Please cease and desist all such harassing calls. Christianity Today
  • Unruly patients will begin with an informal warning from a senior manager, but failure to desist will result in a yellow card being issued.
  • Engineers and geodesists today would use the Global Positioning System or laser range-finding theodolites to do this sort of work.
  • But they differ from normal girls in the extent to which they pursue these activities and their inability to desist from them.
  • All other followers are threatened or enticed to cease and desist.
  • He also ordered that they were to desist from causing obstruction to council workers or trespass on council offices.
  • Soft Skull Press has been subject to three copyright and trademark cease-and-desist letters (one from an AAP member) in the past two years, letters that I could only defend against because my fiancee is an intellectual property lawyer. - Boing Boing
  • Signorelli said that she and other chaplains were told Feb. 23 to “cease and desist from using God in prayers.” To improve decorum, hospice chaplain is not allowed to use the word “God” « Anglican Samizdat
  • The carrying away of the crojack and the blowing away of the mizzen-lower-topsail gave me freedom to see and aim, and when the tiny messengers from my rifle began to spat through the canvas and to spat against the steel of the yard, the men strung along it desisted from passing the gaskets. CHAPTER XLVI
  • He was tried and found guilty by a British Consular Court: his punishment was a stiff fine and probation with a stern warning to desist.
  • In a few moments the clanging of the bell ceased, for the marquis had discovered the old sextoness in her cell, and compelled her to desist. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • The shop has now put up a sign of its own - politely requesting that fans desist. The Sun
  • I think your question is completely irrelevant unless we define some terms and desist from universalising the experiences of ‘us’ ‘here’ as something important or even philosophically interesting.
  • When the besiegers saw that their efforts availed nothing, they sent messengers to Mummolus in secret, saying: Acknowledge thy true lord, and desist even at this late hour from thy frowardness. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Episodes of Medieval Warfare from the History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours
  • On Monday, Colonial announced it "consented" to a cease-and-desist order from Alabama and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors related to "the issues of capital, liquidity and allowance for loan losses. Regulators Are Getting Tougher on Banks
  • They did not desist from the work until the Wazir ordered a number of his people to remove to this city with their families. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The earthquake at Koyna, with a magnitude of 6.9 on the Richter scale, contradicted this belief and evoked interest on the part of geologists, geodesists, dam experts, and engineers.
  • Shortly before Mr. Move's first performance of Martha@, he received a cease-and-desist order from Ron Protas, Martha Graham's estate holder-himself no stranger to controversy when it comes to Graham. More of the Right Stuff
  • Would he not have as strong a reason to desist from parking in a disabled bay? Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think they used the term 'cease and desist,' " Mr. DiFeliciantonio said, "although they may have used the word 'desist.' NYT > Home Page
  • Levity so unfeeling, and a spirit of extravagance so irreclaimable, were hopeless prognostics; yet Cecilia would not desist from her design. Cecilia
  • Please cease and desist immediately from using my name, or the Office of the City Contr oller, in conjunction with the Proposition R campaign. NO on Prop. R Argument (Copy and Send To Others)
  • Before a storme flewe neuer Doues so fast, As _Spanyards_ from the furie of his fist, The stout _Reuenge_, about whose forlorne wast, Whilome so many in their moods persist, Now all alone, none but the scourge imbrast, Her foes from handie combats cleane desist; Yet still incirkling her within their powers, From farre sent shot, as thick as winters showers. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • God, and therefore they might as well desist from the building of the temple. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • And so I informed her and asked to to stop and desist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would he not have as strong a reason to desist from parking in a disabled bay? Times, Sunday Times
  • But let them also desist from their futile campaign to make it an indispensable badge or emblem of our sense of ‘Irishness’.
  • However, he said he would desist from doing that now that motions to change the policy have been submitted to Congress.
  • Touch him if thou dare; remember the battle, how unable thou art to encounter such a force, and what is therefore likely to be the issue of the battle, and do no more, but desist from the attempt. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The geodesist from Bonn is co-author of a scientific paper, which has just been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Triangulation, first proposed by the sixteenth-century Dutch geodesist Gemma Frisius, was until the development of satellite geodesy the main method by which regional geodetic networks were measured.
  • Alaric had faithfully asserted the just pretensions of the republic to the provinces which were usurped by the Greeks of Constantinople: he modestly required the fair and stipulated recompense of his services; and if he had desisted from the prosecution of his enterprise, he had obeyed, in his retreat, the peremptory, though private, letters of the emperor himself. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • ` ` Woman, '' said Saddletree, assuming an elevated tone, to which the meridian had somewhat contributed, ` ` desist, --- I say forbear, from intromitting with affairs thou canst not understand. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • But they differ from normal girls in the extent to which they pursue these activities and their inability to desist from them.
  • Which insignificancy of language, though I cannot note it for false philosophy, yet it hath a quality, not only to hide the truth, but also to make men think they have it, and desist from further search. Leviathan
  • Grace untied her nice clean coil of rope, while Madaline besought her in every kind of cabalistic sign she could summon to her aid, to desist in her reckless intention of tieing the man to the tree. The Girl Scout Pioneers or Winning the First B. C.
  • There is growing evidence that individuals can be helped to desist from crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in the past, the geodesists, the surveyors, and all who want to have the most-robust and precise Global Navigation Satellite System will again be denied.
  • Engineers and geodesists today would use the Global Positioning System or laser range-finding theodolites to do this sort of work.
  • They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign.
  • He had even confronted him with an ultimatum to cease and desist or find a new job.
  • _Nej tack, nej tack_" (no thank you), she apparently understood and desisted. Through Finland in Carts
  • Though she was not unattractive, Ben had spurned her several times simply because she always came on too strong and would not desist her coquetry.
  • Before we go any further, we should note that the term netbook has come under fire from Psion, which once marketed a netbook called the cease and desist notices. Low End Mac
  • The eager Confederates drove them with horrid carnage a mile across the plain, and only desisted from the pursuit when they came under the fire of the Federal batteries across the river. The Battle of Fredericksburg
  • We hope that the military regime will desist from its acts of violence.
  • There is growing evidence that individuals can be helped to desist from crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • But now, so uncertain are our tempers, and so much do we at different times differ from ourselves, she would hear of no mitigations; nor could all the affected penitence of Honour, nor all the entreaties of Sophia for her own servant, prevail with her to desist from earnestly desiring her brother to execute justiceship (for it was indeed a syllable more than justice) on the wench. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • Their knowledge and experiences can only add to the validity of the text in providing a thorough exploration of desistance.
  • So let's all put a stop to this tomfoolery and cease and desist from giving these Ministers pats on the back for their poor behavior.
  • There is a growing body of evidence that individuals can be assisted in their efforts to desist from crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jesus's death on the cross was Pilate's way of telling Jerusalem's Jews, who had gathered in the holy city for the paschal holiday, to desist from any thought of rebellion.
  • Sometimes, I just write to the person involved and ask them nicely to cease and desist.
  • Until now, GPS has been primarily the preserve of those who know what they're doing - the surveyors, navigators, geodesists, and cartographers.
  • Since toddlers are largely unsusceptible to cease-and-desist letters, it fell to the cassette makers to stop abetting the kids' illegal behavior.
  • He was warned to cease and desist, but now, he insisted that he had to perform that way!
  • Please cease and desist all such harassing calls. Christianity Today
  • The scientist is a geodesist at the University of Bonn, and also a coauthor of a new scientific paper detailing the findings which appears in the latest issue of the respected Journal of Geophysical Research. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Send out sease and desist Letters adressed from your compeatitors to your other competitors. then when they start bashing each other on the internet step in and bye the voice of reason…the peace maker warning each party to shake hands and be mature and professional. Alan Moore as a Neil Gaiman character
  • Would he not have as strong a reason to desist from parking in a disabled bay? Times, Sunday Times
  • The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.
  • One of the basic cellular courtesies is desisting from using the cell while driving.
  • He commanded all law violators to cease and desist.
  • A practicing chemist and geodesist by profession, he nevertheless considered scientific philosophy, and especially logic, to be his vocation. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • So can you please now cease and desist with your ever-growing trend to try and yuppify the names of dull, everyday things?
  • Nor yet will the sun shine upon the earth, nor the stars send down any good influence, because the terrestrial globe hath desisted from sending up their wonted nourishment by vapours and exhalations, wherewith Heraclitus said, the Stoics proved, Cicero maintained, they were cherished and alimented. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • I never did sue anyone, certainly not the ACLU, for flagrantly using freedom of expression without permission, though there were a couple instances when I strategically targeted an "infringer" with a Cease and Desist letter. Kembrew McLeod: The Day I Killed Freedom of Expression
  • Constantine, as the barbarians of the Euxine, who in the preceding age had poured their armaments into the heart of the Mediterranean, soon desisted from the exercise of piracy, and despaired of forcing this insurmountable barrier. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The new elevation came in at only a few inches different than the previous observations," said Larry Signani, team geodesist for all three expeditions. KOMO News - News
  • The parents' aim is straight forward: to get the child to desist from potentially dangerous behaviour, not to teach alternatives.
  • Frankly, I hope that he desists from knocking on my door at seven in the morning with some trivial problem, but I am not over-optimistic.
  • We've asked magicJack to immediately cease and desist running all commercials with our name tagged in the spot on FNC," Hamlin continued. James Rucker: Healthy Choice, Radio Shack, Roche and Sanofi-Aventis pull ads from Glenn Beck
  • I do not think people would desist from lodging an employment appeal case if they did not think the organisation was taking them seriously.
  • The shop has now put up a sign of its own - politely requesting that fans desist. The Sun
  • He has no permission under the law to do so and I would advise him to cease and desist.
  • Builders and developers should desist from destroying lakes and trees to make room for residential layouts.
  • The shopping centre agreed to desist from false advertising.
  • For some time she endeavoured to outbrave me; neither the fiddler nor she desisted; but at last she gave over, and the musician laid aside his instrument. . . A Renegade History of the United States
  • Cease and desist with your delusional self-worth and self-view within every one of your insipid little posts, twerp …. Think Progress » Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand?
  • The high winds are expected to desist tomorrow.
  • For some time she endeavoured to outbrave me; neither the fiddler nor she desisted; but at last she gave over, and the musician laid aside his instrument. . . A Renegade History of the United States
  • Perhaps if those who reviled and insulted Said could have read this book, they might have desisted.
  • Again he desisted from the egg, studying them with sharp eyes as if to fathom their financial status. CHAPTER I
  • I am currently obtaining signatures on a petition to the Home Secretary, to ask him to desist from imprisoning pensioners.
  • In spite of an interminable row of contrabassi, with which a conductor usually coquettes at musical festivals, his performance was so expressionless and inane that I turned away in disgust as from an alarming and repulsive problem, and desisted from all attempts to explain the impassable gulf which, as I again perceived, yawned between my own vivid and imaginative conception of this work and the only living presentations of it which I had ever heard. My Life — Volume 1
  • He appeals to them to desist from a war which can only, after greater sacrifices, terminate in a treaty of peace. Foreign Intelligence
  • Sacrifice no longer serves to "placate" the divinity, but rather to placate man and to make him desist from his hostility toward God and his neighbor. Latest Articles
  • Mr. Griffith Donne's principal trial was the existence of an elderly maiden aunt, who did not approve of him, and was in the habit of expressing her disapproval in lengthy epistolary correspondence, invariably tending to severe denunciation of his mode of life, and also invariably terminating with the announcement that unless he "desisted" (from what, or in what manner, not specified) she should consider it her bounden duty to disinherit him forthwith. Vagabondia 1884
  • Perhaps if anyone caught dumping litter had a delivery from the refuse collection wagon instead of a collection, they might desist.
  • They were persuaded, however, to desist from the former design, and to agree in the latter. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.
  • The courts have fined them, given them a tongue-lashing in the hope that they will grow up, learn from their foolish behaviour and desist from anarchical acts.
  • Guidelines have been issued to them on the point at which they must desist from the chase because of danger to the public.
  • The dream of achieving such strategic parity is more powerful than any pressure to cease and desist.
  • An inability to suffer fools gladly or desist from partisan argument left him vulnerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • Only then do they desist, becoming immobile in a hard chrysalis suspended from a leaf or stem of the larval host plant until emerging as an adult butterfly.
  • We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fee claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things. The Magna Carta
  • We have received a letter to desist from the creation of the Stargate: Source mod. Boing Boing: April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005 Archives
  • Sometimes, I just write to the person involved and ask them nicely to cease and desist.
  • He said discipline was cardinal, adding that civil servants should desist from activities like drinking beer during working hours and involving themselves in partisan politics.
  • I have noted his appeal to doctors to desist from industrial action in their current impasse.
  • He did well to desist: it is impossible to imagine him as the crushed, shuffling Willy Loman, a tragic hero designed for a lowly democratic society.
  • These two vulgarians were politely asked to desist, but resumed their irritating chatter one minute later.
  • Frankly, I hope that he desists from knocking on my door at seven in the morning with some trivial problem, but I am not over-optimistic.
  • It is becoming clear that we are receiving good information for the regions that are of interest from a geophysical point of view," says TUM geodesist Prof. Reiner Rummel, chairman of the consortium, who presented the first interim results of the mission on May 7 at the Space Business and Industry News at
  • He desisted from the attack, and began to withdraw.
  • The usual disputation has followed over which side's firing made it worse, but at one stage Johnston ordered his men - agitated, often inexperienced and probably terrified - to desist from a shooting spree.

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