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How To Use Designing In A Sentence

  • Toyota Motor Corp. spokesman Bill Kwong says in an email that Toyota is also designing vehicles with 'front crush boxes, ' which are designed so they can be unbolted after a collision and replaced.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • In the process of designing courses and curriculums I re-examined how colleges do it.
  • The carefully studied hands reveal the graphic origin of his designing, confirmed from the few drawings that have survived.
  • It was designing of him, what Brother Polycarp would have called Jesuitical, and it troubled him, the deceit. At Swim, Two Boys
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  • He is also responsible for designing the new packaging for Polo mints and Fruit Pastilles.
  • One of the key elements in designing the dies used to make them is to make sure there's enough material to make whatever it is you need, but not too much.
  • Objectives are the foundation for designing both the structure of the business and the work of individual units and individual managers. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • Anticipate the need for granular SSLPEER filtering by designing a naming convention for certificate distinguished names that contains useful organizational unit fields.
  • Corporate customers get help on everything from designing Linux systems to online tutorials.
  • The efficiency distribution along blade span and the inlet and outlet velocity triangle measurement of rotor blades were made around the designing point.
  • This is the free grace and favour of God towards the man Christ Jesus — predestinating, designing, and taking him into actual union with the person of the Son, without respect unto, or foresight of, any precedent dignity or merit in him, 1 Pet. i. Christologia
  • A bitter controversy about the siting of the airport is rumbling in the designing institute.
  • When we are designing porch furniture and partition, should consider the consistency of integral style, avoid to be pursuit flowery and desultorily .
  • Extropy means designing and managing technologies not as ends in themselves but as effective means for improving life.
  • Central banks will be at the heart of designing that package. Times, Sunday Times
  • And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space.
  • In such a case, we can only reason on the principle that _like_ effects must have _like_ causes, that marks of _design_ imply a _designing_ cause, and that events which cannot be accounted for by _natural causes_ must be ascribed to a Power distinct from nature, and superior to it. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • The engineer expounded his designing ideas to the board of the directors.
  • Engineers sometimes must face the challenges of designing plastic parts that require machining because of their low quantities, close tolerances, or unusual shapes.
  • Designing Minds is a weekly column exploring home and design issues, ideas and resources.
  • Understanding the skill can also help in designing such aids.
  • Versace is working on designing planes and helicopters. Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » Designer Laptops
  • All ideas will be carefully recorded and analysed and, together with the responses from the questionnaire, will be fed into the process of designing the plan.
  • Taking use case view as an example, sequence diagrams were built up through the analyzing noun and verb of edit model, designing object and class, and iteration time after t...
  • This became vitally important during World War II in designing all kinds of instrument and control panels.
  • She has specialised in gemmology, diamond grading, jewellery designing, and computer-aided design and manufacturing.
  • The engineer designing the system needs to take into account a wide range of factors in order to assure the reliability of the electrical systems.
  • When designing a typeface suitable for television display, all of these factors have to be accounted for.
  • At home, my wife, with her talent in designing, soon mastered the art of baking cakes.
  • The project seeks to combine attention to economics and the human advantages of the redesigning of work.
  • This paper introduces a new designing scheme for multi-axial drill machine to make the friction disk of automobile clutch, the structure of the machine and the principles of its cybernation .
  • Thousands of children 12 and younger ride motorcycles, ATVs and snowmobiles, which is why a lot of effort and time has gone into designing vehicles made for smaller folks. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Reforming our cars, greening our energy, planting some trees, redesigning our cities, these are virtuous but piecemeal efforts.
  • The 2009 robotics competition, dubbed "Lunacy," required designing and building robots that would ally with others to collect balls ("moon rocks") on a slippery ("moonlike") surface. Celebrity Geeks
  • Ivivi Technologies, Inc. is a medical technology company focusing on designing, developing and commercializing its proprietary electrotherapeutic technology platform, with a primary focus on developing treatments for cardiovascular disease. News
  • A variety of examples will be presented to address the most critical issues in designing a fluorometric assay.
  • Our officers are talking with the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority about redesigning the interchange.
  • By designing and developing the mainframe and aluminum bar clamp, the clamping leaf spring can be adjusted to suit the different selection of the material or the transformation of angle.
  • Richard Cook, the project manager, said that in calculating the cost and the amount of time necessary for designing the mission, "we didn't extrapolate how much more complex it was" than the Spirit and Opportunity mission. MSL Problems Revisited - NASA Watch
  • My job involves designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the process of designing the ultimate split-level, players sometimes learn a few things about their own lives.
  • He was greatly cheered to find so many young architects designing the new classical buildings of which he so much approved.
  • The latest cash injection will be spent on redesigning the curriculum to meet the needs of a reviving local economy.
  • In designing an application, we start with a plain-English description of the overall process, using nothing more than bulleted lists.
  • For inexperienced architects joining a team designing a tall building, this book is a must.
  • We reviewed the effort on designing lens on posterior capsule opacification.
  • The creative stuff is limited to redesigning a website.
  • I think the key to avoiding unhealthy levels of groupthink has to do with designing spaces that consistently exert pull upon outsiders (or social hackers or community straddlers), so as to keep the air fresh.
  • Objective: To test the rationale for designing an occlusal rest for a distal - extension removable partial denture.
  • While designing the achromatic objective lens for a telescope, he saw the spectrum of sunlight as it passed through a thin slit and the dark emission lines. Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast: March 5-7, 2010 | Universe Today
  • Central banks will be at the heart of designing that package. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the more interesting expat stories was of a designer of golf courses, whose humble beginnings as a groundskeeper at a course in Sydney has led to him spending more than a decade designing courses through Asia.
  • It is also designing bitterness blockers that should make less palatable foods such as broccoli and soy protein taste better. Times, Sunday Times
  • More importantly, these categories give the designer a point of departure for designing an interface.
  • Conversance with mechanism drawing and designing tool and fixture, to be familiar with manufacture process, good communication skill, fluent English with writing and reading.
  • A bitter controversy about the siting of the airport is rumbling in the designing institute.
  • The club has spent wisely on the course recently in reshaping the fairways, re-designing bunkers and spinneys and treating the fairways and greens.
  • Let a professional assist you in designing a safe exercise program that has been tailored to your needs and will help you with pain management.
  • Then after the introducing of the technology of COM that to improve software flexibility, the thesis emphasizes on how to build a componential system and the role of the UML on the designing process.
  • It should be remembered in designing a control system that the earthworm transport hosts present a continuous reservoir of infection.
  • Then they'd park and write new code to make improvements, redesigning the system on the spot.
  • I try not to let them know how happy I am here, or they'll send me to Yakima or Olympia, or have me designing computer programs somewhere. FOLLY
  • In some cases, US industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products.
  • The first day of class I arrived at the studio room, and found a young man at a drawing table, sketching out different variations of the Walkman ® he was designing.
  • Much of the savings in these areas will be the result of not only reducing non-essential services but also redesigning systems utilizing sophisticated technology and cross-training of staff.
  • More than 100 of von Flotow's employees swarm around the property and at two other locations in the Gorge, building giant slingshots to launch drones, designing better gyroscopelike devices known as gimbals to support the planes 'spy cameras, and testing their engines. Site Feed
  • Were any actual young people consulted during the designing of this car? Times, Sunday Times
  • No one in the history of architecture had gone about designing a building in this way.
  • I spent my time in the CMU lab designing and building fuzzboxes and playing with a seven-head tape machine.
  • Objective: To test the rationale for designing an occlusal rest for a distal - removable partial denture.
  • Architects began designing houses that had picture windows instead of porches.
  • For example, Nina Harding gets credit for designing the wire hanger that became the symbol for Legalize Abortion.
  • Like many a teenager, he became closeted in his bedroom, spending hours on his computer as he earned some money designing websites.
  • The firm also dabbled in designing rewards and incentives for its clients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Methods of designing and fabricating integrated circuits which take into account capacitive loading by the intergrated circuit potting material
  • Back surgery is more a craft than a science, with surgeons designing the tools that Medtronic commercializes and trying out techniques on a case-by-case basis. Making Back Surgery Obsolete
  • Now, volunteers are designing a palo - powerd pedal - powered grain crusher.
  • We have to admire his ingenuity in redesigning the machinery.
  • A specialist in ergonomics will work with the team designing the production line in our new factory.
  • I was designing jeans and Babygros for chain stores, anoraks for C&A, and so on.
  • They are currently upgrading the bays with computer teaching aids and re-designing the outfield with target flags and yardages.
  • While its main task will be elucidating the complex structure of proteins, Makoto Taiji, chief of Riken's biocomputing team, believes it will also shine in nanotech: designing materials atom-by-atom.
  • In redesigning the city's zoning code, proposals are being debated that would allow seniors to rent out their upper floors, and to require that a certain amount of new housing be what's called "visitable" — with such things as ramp entrances, wide hallways and at least a half-bathroom on the main floor, she said. Aging boomers strain cities built for the young
  • The extremely rapid sales of hybrid vehicles are a great start, but a more efficient powertrain is only the start of designing efficienct vehicles. Archive for » 2006 » June : Sustainablog
  • To obtain the MIMO capacity gains in indoor NLOS environment, antenna interval and antenna structure should be considered jointly when designing the antenna array .
  • These systems are inseparable and intrinsic to the problem of designing a school.
  • While some make their mark illustrating books, magazines, product packaging and so on, grads are also designing video games for the likes of Edmonton's Bioware Corporation.
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • I went down the agenda as briskly as possible, divided up the list of women who had baked last year and ought to be approached again, stuck Sally with the job of designing the booth and the printed labels, asked Jane if she was ready to launch her savarin. Incubus
  • Lorinda begins designing by playing with different stitches and needles sizes.
  • The methods of designing and repairing porthole die on large thickness profile are introduced.
  • The designing process for the accomplishment of double axial steering of heavy loading vehicles was achieved by the use of a kind of new typed six-bar mechanism.
  • It is hard designing a personal site with more than just a weblog and has some serious stuff on it.
  • An association member is designing the huts and construction will be undertaken by groups of families.
  • While raising her family Jennifer ran textile companies, designing, printing and wholesaling furnishing fabrics.
  • If you're wondering why designers didn't anticipate this problem by simply designing fonts with larger x-heights and blobby serifs, you are not alone: you stand together with Tony Stan, designer of ITC Garamond.
  • The scientists are designing a "DNA Transistor" which is created by using an electron beam to make a nanometer-sized opening in a microchip, called a nanopore, to read DNA Molecules. - Business News
  • In designing this the engineers had to constantly keep in mind the acoustic requirements of the project.
  • To assist senior PM in designing promotional items and brochures for ostomy care marketing.
  • In 1873 he began designing andirons, grates, stove fronts, and other pieces of metalwork for the firm Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards of Norwich.
  • Forget soundproof windows; how about just designing room doors so they don't slam shut so loudly as to wake guests in the next room?
  • Born in Riverside, California, Beck was a film school graduate, whose abilities included designing special effect 'holographics' and stage illusions. Archive 2006-07-01
  • The analogy is broadly applicable: good designing is a skill developed in the field, not in a tournament.
  • Designing good keystream sequence generators is quite difficult and some advanced mathematics is required.
  • Designing elegant systems in the abstract is not much use.
  • We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
  • The designing of tea plucking machine driven by the micromotor was detailed and the performance principle of the cutter and the collector was analysed.
  • The converse held true for two additional teaching methods, designing/revising a course and preparing effective lesson plans.
  • Plus, these days people routinely become famous for appearing in advertising, designing things, being good cooks, yammering away on the internet, etc. etc.
  • Worker participation in designing these foundations should be brought into play from the very beginning. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • You no longer have to settle with existing designs, or be intimidated by the workload of redesigning your sites.
  • When people are designing their own religions and their own moral codes, is it any shock that they're designing their own politics, too?
  • The Institute has undertaken the integration of designing centres and the creation computer data base in the field of safety, ecology and ergonomy.
  • Such was the case regarding my addiction to designing microprocessor controlled circuits.
  • Now, volunteers are designing a pedal - powered green grain crusher.
  • Too many web developers get caught up with either designing for the sake of designing, or solving problems unbeautifully.
  • Designing in the shade garden offers many challenges, but the wide palette of material that is available offsets this.
  • Does Wuhan have advertizing company recruit the graphic designing probationer's?
  • They had a cleaning lady come and clean most of the time, and Sara was always ferreting around, trying to make the house look like an interior designing magazine, which again made me mad.
  • The low tensile strength and low creep strength of lead must always be considered when designing lead components.
  • The designing institute has been revamped recently to adapt itself to the new developing circumstances.
  • When designing the 8080, the lack of pins became a major limitation.
  • Also, since the target is the wedding season, designing for women makes better business sense ‘since women worry more about what they are going to wear’ and the traditional trousseau brings in plenty of revenue.
  • Designing the hitch extension for rotational forces reduced the travel mechanism's price tag by a couple of million dollars.
  • Were any actual young people consulted during the designing of this car? Times, Sunday Times
  • My claim was some lawlike mechanism could have intelligence (in the sense of designing, learning, etc). Aiguy's Computer
  • Designing target, designing program, system demand and developmental environment, system structure and visitant security are included in overall designing program.
  • The company spent a billion quid on designing the new lightweight chassis. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've been doing a lot of stuff at work which is about designing social networks and their topologies, and peterme seems similarly preoccupied.
  • It wasn't until I was thumbing through Designing Books: Practice and Theory by Jost Hochuli that the mere existence of the half-title was brought to my attention.
  • On Monday, more than 50 beauticians thronged the Purani Haveli to get a dekko of Zardozi tattoo designing and a demo of trendy haircuts.
  • By redesigning its Morrison backlist to appear as a set, the publisher encourages its consumers to purchase the entire ‘Morrison collection.’
  • In promotional spots for the show, the contestants' initial undertaking involved designing a billboard on Times Square in New York.
  • The wishful-thinking of movie script-writers when it comes to technology can be sharply contrasted with their complete unimaginativeness when designing alien life.
  • Chapter 7 tells of the detail designing of scheme two " VNA pallet rack system".
  • The launch of a space probe today on a quest to make the first ever landing on a comet will be eagerly watched by the Chippenham team responsible for designing the project's software.
  • During his teaching tenure here, he also started designing, building and offering consultancy services.
  • This article provided you with some basic knowledge of Workplace Forms Designer and stepped you through the process of designing a form that leverages the XForms open standard.
  • Hi, i am designing a sharepoint dashboard using fushion charts is it possible to drill down to a dirrent chart when clicked on the certain area of the chart The Dashboard Spy
  • The streets are being decked with bunting and wedding bows and many shops are designing special window displays. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2005, the company takes up designing and manufacturing 950 medium-width band stainless steel production lines, which will be a new leap in the field of band steel production.
  • She has teamed up with one of her former Academy classmates, Diana Calma, and is designing elegant custom-tailored formalwear for her clients.
  • In fashion designing, the colour, weave, design and texture of the fabric play a very important role.
  • Designing a massive multiplayer game has to do with a lot of technical knowledge and experience.
  • The Institute has undertaken the integration of designing centres and the creation computer data base in the field of safety, ecology and ergonomy.
  • The modern trend when it comes to building homes and designing interiors is to opt for a futuristic, spade age-styled minimalist look that borrows from plenty of whites, grays and blacks. Elegant Wooden Towel Hanger, Milan 2010
  • Molecular electronics - designing carbon-based molecules to act as wires, diodes, transistors and other microelectronic devices - is one of the most dynamic frontiers in nanotechnology.
  • Armed with objective numbers, coaches can take a more methodical approach to designing training programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designers could help by designing consumer goods with which we want to build lasting relationships. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has worked for museums, building interactive exhibits and curating and designing exhibitions.
  • There is an online service that specialized in printing and designing birth announcements.
  • Then the paper puts up the modeling and designing of functions of noise analyzer such as noise spectrum analysis, sound intensity and so on.
  • German agroforester Harald Wedig has spent years developing an agroforestry system suitable for Europe's temperate climate by designing the layout of trees in a circular dome shape that mimics the edge of a natural forest.
  • Split ( '') [0]; assuming you are having dr, a datareader to read the values and assigning textbox values from it Having around 7 years of experience in designing and implementing software products including windows, console, service oriented and ofcourse predominantly on Web with. articles
  • Orthopaedics has become a specialty because of the technologic advancements of medicine in designing successful implants.
  • Designing is better than passively waiting for free market adjustment.
  • It is fair to call the narrative a technology because it is frequently described as "artless"; that is, it seems to work without the application of a designing mind. Site Two: Salisbury Plain, Sympathy, and Historicism.
  • Were any actual young people consulted during the designing of this car? Times, Sunday Times
  • In every city where Art is practised there are old gentlemen who never touched a pencil in their lives, but find the occupation and company of artists so agreeable that they are never out of the studios; follow one generation of painters after another; sit by with perfect contentment while Jack is drawing his pifferaro, or Tom designing his cartoon, and years afterwards when Jack is established in Newman The Newcomes
  • Designing a band's digital image, whether that's for the mobile phone, emerging digital networks or the World Wide Web, is going to be as important as a gatefold sleeve.
  • Longley then set about the task of designing a hovercraft for Lake Chad, but by the time he had spent three years building it, a drought had dried up most of the lake.
  • Tobyhanna is also designing and fabricating patch panels that allow the components to be connected in any configuration necessary.
  • This is the final splashdown for students who have spent months designing, building and testing remote-controlled devices that operate underwater. Underwater Robots Compete in NASA Astronaut Training Tank
  • In addition to his writing he was well regarded as an artist and illustrator, often designing covers for his works. Times, Sunday Times
  • I finally 'birthed' the baby ... the newest largest edition of 'book repair for booksellers' now comes all the messy after birth parts like designing the cover, getting it to market and all that happy horseshit, like writing and rewriting the thing wasn't bad enough. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Just as it's essential to share protocols when designing software systems, sharing the format in which you send the data is imperative to inter-firm communication.
  • For me, drawing, designing, although coming from a very natural instinct, never has an esthetic finality.
  • When it came to redesigning this page, everyone was using blue, orange and grey and I wanted to move away from that.
  • Session topics include clean energy, LEED principles and practical applications, designing green for multifamily and affordable housing, best green practices for home retrofits, and the future of residential green building.
  • The main elevator parts which we can provide are below: Controller , Gearless machine , LED ceiling , interphone COP ; and the designing and manufacturing for some special (luxury type) cabin.
  • As a woman I feel comfortable folded up in things, you know, practical, not in the abstract, dallying with the emotional side, designing my appearance.
  • There are some traditional woodworking joinery concepts that apply, but since all of your cuts are made on a single plane, there are some that don't (such as dovetailed corners). cigar box Arduino lab, I'm designing a mobile prototyping kit. Daily DIY
  • He then turned to large-scale community murals, designing and drawing the outlines and letting local people paint the two undercoats, three coats of gloss paint and finally varnishing.
  • It ended up as a polished interface for designing letterform sequences, some of whose members are reversed out of the others. Wolfram Blog : Exploring Logo Designs with Mathematica
  • It's not the sort of creativity involved in painting a picture or designing a house.
  • After re-designing the booth and re-sorting the books, the gates opened to visitors.
  • Told of the Cogenerator prototype, outside engineer Ludwig Haber said the concept seems viable, as a number of firms are designing "hydrokinetic" turbines that don't require river diversion or damming. The Milford Daily News Homepage RSS
  • When we were redesigning our content management system, we weren't able to kill one complex feature in particular: the bulk edit function.
  • Now it depends on the creative potential of the people designing them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scandinavian architecture is all the rage these days, from Lower Manhattan, where the Oslo firm Snøhetta is finishing a much-anticipated structure on the site of the former World Trade Center, to Shenzhen, China, where the Copenhagen studio BIG is designing a crinkly textured skyscraper. Making a Mark on Sweden's Landscape
  • For the next decade he worked mainly as a commercial artist, particularly on the designing of posters, showing a keen interest in visual tricks and space illusions.
  • When designing buildings in this area, you have to make provision against earthquakes.
  • Designing multi-million pound courses can be a lucrative business - even more profitable than the winnings of many top pros.
  • Among American museums, the Met is probably the only one that could attempt as comprehensive a survey as that attempted in'Designing Nature'.
  • So somehow I will be redesigning it and starting all over again.
  • Mr Labouchere, who lives in Stratford-sub-Castle, has been at the forefront of revolutionary design for many years, building his career designing hulls for ferries and racing yachts.
  • He spent most of his life designing buildings that wouldn't fall, even worked load-bearing problems on coffee breaks. The Wonders of Wonder
  • Designing a website may be a lot of work but it's not rocket science.
  • In designing its planes one of the company's many considerations is that metal flexes and fatigues over time as cabins pressurize and depressurize on each flight. Boeing Miscalculated Risks
  • Designing a trademark is a multi-step process for us. Branding
  • Be responsible for graphic designing each kind of related product layouts and poster, sample book, brochure and POP promoting material.
  • Each barricade is an investigation of both fortification and subversion; designing for the defense of each checkpoint, while simultaneously attempting to undermine it’s perceived raison d'être through a means of confrontation, provocation, or absurdism. Programming (In)Security
  • In the meantime, staff in the Hong Kong office are designing mechanical and electrical systems for the Delhi metro in India.
  • An example she used was an online service that specialized in printing and designing birth announcements.
  • Technology Teacher requests children's help, as experts, in designing a supermarket, pet shop - plans and model making.
  • Explain the obstacles that must be addressed in designing and conducting effective performance appraisals. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Not only were there more exhibitors this year offering a range of over-the-counter facilities - copy-editing, proof-reading, designing, printing and marketing - but the sales pitch was aggressive and confident.
  • They used to be called fitters, and conjured up images of fusspots, who toiled away in dark workshops designing and constructing oil-covered dirty machines for industry.
  • I wish you to write a book on the power of words, and the processes by which human feelings form affinities with them -- in short, I wish you to "philosophize" Horne Tooke's system, and to solve the great questions -- whether there be reason to hold that an action bearing the semblance of predesigning consciousness may yet be simply organic, and whether a series of such actions are possible -- and close on the heels of this question would follow the old, "Is logic the essence of thinking? Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.

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