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  1. serving to designate

How To Use designative In A Sentence

  • In the East Riding of Yorkshire the term is designative of a petition, in which all the names are signed radiating from a centre, so as to render it impossible to discover who was the first to sign it. Notes and Queries, Number 79, May 3, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • In other words, expression becomes a designative rapport between the intentionality of a subject and the phenomenality of such a transmission of information. Mute - ‘The Simple Expression of Complex Thought’: For a Media Theory of Expression
  • Moreover, even substituting co-designative terms for ˜the earth™ may not preserve truth. Pragmatics
  • The Triple C corridor that was given Federal DoT designation is just part of the Ohio Hub, which in addition to the DoT designative Triple C and Lakefront corridors also includes Buffalo to Cleveland, Pittsburgh to Columbus, Toledo to Detroit, Columbus to Toledo and Columbus to Fort Wayne, and Pittsburgh to Cleveland (though whether using the existing Amtrak alignment or a Youngstown/Warren alignment is not yet settled). Matthew Yglesias » Boehner Slams Mythical Vegas HSR Project, Ignores Ohio Rail Opportunity
  • Nida said: On the designative level of informative function on can only aim at the closest approximation and in general it is possible to obtain a functionally satisfactory correspondence.
  • But in course of time these words have lost their force -- their meaning has been forgotten -- and they have come to be mere proper names, designative but not significative. History of Phoenicia
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