
How To Use Designation In A Sentence

  • The correct designation of the early naturalists who tried to reconcile their observations with Genesis is "diluvialist. Vulcanists & Neptunists
  • The common employment of the designation carbuncle for a precious stone and also for a boil was usual from ancient times. Shakespeare and Precious Stones Treating of the Known References of Precious Stones in Shakespeare's Works, with Comments as to the Origin of His Material, the Knowledge of the Poet Concerning Precious Stones, and References as to Where the Precious S
  • But unlike Karl Barth or Paul Tillich, for example, who saw themselves as fusing philosophy and theology, Rosenstock-Huessy refused to see himself primarily as a philosopher or theologian ” though when the term philosopher was qualified by the preceding ˜social™, he was more willing to accept that designation. [ Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
  • Many are labelled PDO protected designation of origin, indicating that the cheese has been produced in a traditional way. Insiders' guide to Greece
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  • Both have been called icons, and although it is a vague designation it is given to very few. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the names of these principles have been variously translated, I shall rely on my own designations in explaining them.
  • To emphasize the fact that the zikkurat was the temple for the god, a small room was built at the top of the zikkurat, [1341] and it was a direct consequence of this same distinction between a temple for the gods and a temple for actual worship that led to assigning to zikkurats special names, and such as differed from the designation of the sacred quarter of which the zikkurat formed the most conspicuous feature. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • One benefit that comes from a city receiving such a designation is that money begins being spent on the maintenance and rehabilitation of various sites. The Two Continents Of Istanbul
  • He chose Sazanka because, in Japan, the plant represents the ideal of “never giving up”—a designation earned by the way that the flower survives the cold, even after snowfalls. First Contact
  • Today, he challenged Bush's self-designation as the decider:A Senate Republican on Tuesday directly challenged President Bush's declaration that "I am the decision-maker" on issues of war. 01/30/2007
  • Other trees at Anderson Cottage will be considered for historic designation along with those nominated by communities across the country.
  • It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
  • These aircraft were converted to target drones with the designation of F4B - 4A and most met an inglorious end while being fired at by Navy gunners.
  • The common designation in his day was 'manufactories'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new designation ‘Tuberculin Tested’ which, when the Order comes into force, will be the only designation for raw milk from tuberculin-tested cows, will indicate this characteristic more clearly than the existing designations.
  • On your datapads is a copy of the Flight roster and your individual designations.
  • The most basic of all Burgundy appellations, this designation can be used anywhere throughout the region.
  • For her, the designation of godparent is a sacred trust.
  • The designation curbed private logging on millions of acres of federally owned timberland in the West. First It Takes, Then It Gives
  • Designation as an enemy combatant is a classic example. Balkinization
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • The designation freezes any assets or property he may have in U.S. jurisdictions and barring Americans from providing him with material support. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • In order to understand the subtle emptiness, one must understand the subtle dependent origination, that is, the dependent designation. Shantideva's Compendium of Precepts (Laptu) and A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Chod-j
  • Each linocut commemorates the legislative designation of a state representative - animal, vegetable or mineral.
  • Following the designation process, Halpern and Long see an underlying mythos that ritual unction ought to be followed by a battle in which the designated individual demonstrates his worthiness to rule.
  • Ambassador Duddy was expelled last year and declared a persona non grata by Venezuela, a designation rescinded in June. Undefined
  • About the year 1728 the territory now known as Dahomey was subject to three native dynasties, one of which at that date conquered the other two and set up its own despotism under the present territorial designation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Chronometer is a designation given to a watch that has the highest standard of precision.
  • Equally, where derelict or neglected Green Belt sites could better serve the community for example, as a new school or surgery changes in designation could be sought after consultation.
  • Critical habitat designations are far more time consuming and costly than listings.
  • This is more than just legal hair-splitting - this designation carries a litany of legal implications, from his ability to be interrogated to his rights at trial.
  • This designation shows the beginnings of organization and sharpening skills of the children.
  • It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
  • Also, list the beneficiaries on the accounts since the beneficiary designation overrides a will and determines who will get the asset (s). Paula Bruno: The Untold Story of Financial Infidelity
  • Any attempt by the UUP to move "leftwards" (as an aside I find the designation of hard line unionism as right wing and its opposite left wing irritating and inaccurate but it is a useful shorthand) resulted in segments of unionism moving towards the DUP or else the UUP splitting and moving back rightwards. Slugger O'Toole
  • Orphan drug designation entitles AVI to 7 years of market exclusivity for AVI-4658 for the treatment of patients with DMD. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Such a designation wouldn't automatically stop mining, but it could complicate and slow down the review process. Front Page
  • The nickname punned on CinCEur, which had been General Haig's designation as commander in chief of US forces in Europe, a position he held from 1974 to 1979. Top Stories
  • The speed and force and resistlessness of him justified the designation. Heart of the Blue Ridge
  • But where you and I diverge is this fear that consumers might somehow be led astray by these designations. Cautiously Raising a Glass to Single-Vineyard Finger Lakes Wines
  • The Old Masters owed their designation not only to superlative technique but also to their ability to represent the right subject.
  • England (following Brooke and Miller, 1852) these designations have been reversed, calamine being used for the carbonate and smithsonite for the silicate. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • They have decided to remove the Harlequin designation from the brand. More thoughts on RWA and Harlequin Horizons — Fusion Despatches
  • For example, what can be more irrational than the general term allegro, which only means lively; and how far we often are from comprehending the real time, so that the piece itself contradicts the designation. Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Vol. 1 of 2
  • Public designations must be well placed and located even when displaying flower wreaths at the mortuary.
  • This designation also followed the state of Florida's highway beautification program, when the coreopsis was widely used for roadside plantings.
  • Designation does not mean that the country is considered to be universally safe or free from persecution.
  • Some little time would be necessary to accomplish all the routine of official designation.
  • The problem lies in the fact that as the field grows, more and more people want to get in on the trend and the designation "coach" is being adopted by just about anyone looking to sell their services -- no matter how far from legitimate their claim. James M. Lynch: 5 Signs They're Probably Not a Coach
  • The advent in 1851 of Hofmeister's brilliant discovery of the changes proceeding in the embryo-sac of flowering plants, and his determination of the correct relationships of these with the Cryptogamia, fixed the true position of Gymnosperms as a class distinct from Dicotyledons, and the term Angiosperm then gradually came to be accepted as the suitable designation for the whole of the flowering plants other than Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The designation freezes Bermudez's assets in the United States and prohibits him from engaging in any financial transactions with any U.S. company or individual. USDOJ: Justice News
  • The coin you mentioned was a pattern coin and the Judd-229a designation is a reference number identifying this particular pattern, namely a Dual Obverse Mule. $27 Million Realized in Price Collection and Platinum Night Sessions : Coin Collecting News
  • Erik's official designation is Senior Developmental Director.
  • More than that, it's not just a PSP Go style smartphone, it's the first PlayStation Certified phone, a designation implying that there will be more of them. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • When you get bonus money, you keep getting it annually as long as you keep your designation application active," Brawley said. Front Page
  • Three unshared genes in rice and one unshared gene in maize were given alphabetical designations.
  • Lorimer; she was not more than seventeen when the poet made her acquaintance, and though she had got a sort of brevet-right from an officer of the army, to use his southron name of Whelpdale, she loved best to be addressed by her maiden designation, while the poet chose to veil her in the numerous lyrics, to which she gave life, under the names of "Chloris," "The lass of Craigie-burnwood," and "The lassie wi 'the lintwhite locks. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • The Avia B. 135 (RLM designation Av-135) was a modern Czechoslovak fighter aircraft. Avia B-135 Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • This was not an easy thing, this was a tough thing, they applied, so the title designation is master patrol officer," Dagnan said. Carthage Press Homepage RSS
  • The Forest's designation as a National Park will not affect the rights of common, the New Forest Acts or the role of the verderers.
  • Sure, each of these objects has an official numerical designation in a formally compiled catalog.
  • During the Bush years, the designation encompassed not just members of Al Qaeda and the Taliban but also anyone who associated with them, supported them, or supported organizations associated with them, even if unwittingly. Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union
  • Diana and I are, by self-designation, "Zócalo lizards" (kind of like lounge lizards, only less nocturnal). Letters from Mexico - everything comes to those who wait... in the Zócalo
  • However used or modified, I believe stilts have earned the designation of a legitimate and very unusual tool.
  • Both the political and social-class designations no longer seem appropriate, and the resizing of broadsheets will undoubtedly add to the difficulty of deciding which paper serves a given audience.
  • In the northeast these famous swords are called mandau, but the designation parang is more extensively used, and I shall employ that name. Through Central Borneo; an Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters Between the Years 1913 and 1917
  • Africans were required to carry a passbook, which gave their racial designation, their place of dwelling, the identity of their employer, and whether they were permitted to be in a white area.
  • There is no one game with the name mancala; instead mancala is a type, or designation, of game. KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en]
  • Whether these designations be taken as referring to growth and maturity of Christian experience, or of natural age, they equally carry the lesson that no age and no stage is beyond the danger of being drawn away by the world's love, or beyond the need of the solemn dehortation therefrom. Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • The area qualifies for designation as a site of special scientific interest.
  • The Rikhiasan Mahatwar subtribe of the Bhuiyas in the Central Provinces are named after this hero Rikhmun; the designation of Mahatwar signifies that they are the The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations.
  • If, in the evolution of the future, a third division of the human race is to be formed by subtracting sex from woman, -- a retrograde development, -- I venture to propose the term agene (+a+ without, +genos+ sex) as an appropriate designation for the new development. Sex in Education or, A Fair Chance for Girls
  • The Eastern and Western Atlantic stocks of bluefin tuna have been so severely plundered that they were proposed for listing as an endangered species in 2009 - a designation strongly opposed by Japan, which consumes around 80 percent of the bluefin caught in the world. Corbin Hiar: Why Did One Japanese Blufin Tuna Sell for $736,000
  • In my graduate lab, the designation of Golden Child was typically given to a senior graduate student, one whose research was going particularly well and who was preferably working on a very fundable project. The Golden Child that Wasn't
  • FEMA is also creating a new generation of 'grandfathered' properties—properties that are mapped into higher-risk areas but may be eligible to receive a discounted premium rate equal to the nonsubsidized rate for their old risk designation. Literary Warrant [21]
  • Sea Dart now has a antimissile missile designation after it was used against some Styx clones in the gulf Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • A ‘T-AO’ designation indicates that the ship is an underway replenishment oiler.
  • Golden Horde, or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation for the western part of the Mongol empire.
  • This is extremely important: That Settlement says that designation entitles Google to sell the book, and authors who opt in have no legal recourse for harm caused by Google’s competition with their in-print book except an arbitration board controlled by Google. BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » Le Guin on the Google Settlement: Continued Discussion
  • Few structures have that designation, according to Caltrans' Douglas Coe, resident engineer for the "skyway" portion of the project. When a Bridge Becomes a Lifeline
  • The letter designation assigned to the process can be used for identification on drawings, tables, etc.
  • And I suspect that the box office return for the film will make that designation an even higher honor than it is today.
  • The difficulty of sustaining the regulations of our commerce and of other important interests from abuse without such designation furnishes a strong motive for this measure. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • The lawsuits also charge that economic impact studies that accompanied the critical habitat designations were insufficient.
  • Apple's "What's Hot" designation affirms the fact that TourNarrator is meeting its objective to help real estate agents succeed. Current News - Top Stories
  • The “five-tool” designation understates his skills by ignoring his intelligence, preparation, and guile. WILLIE MAYS
  • Everything on the menu is Greek, with the emphasis on protected designation of origin status. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the model minority designation heralded upon the AAPI community in 1966 had less to do with celebrating student achievement, and had more to do with reinforcing negative stereotypes of African-American students as underachievers at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The Truth About 'Model Minorities'
  • Another important provision of the new charter was that it eliminated party designation for candidates running for office.
  • In Tibet, there is a separate designation for those who can detach themselves from their physical bodies.
  • The petition requests the designation coincide with land in Hendry, Collier and Lee counties that the U.S. Undefined
  • The alliance and others are also lobbying the City Council to confirm the building as a landmark and supporters of the designation plan to turn out in large numbers at Thursday's meeting of the landmarks subcommittee. Bowery Building Set as Landmark, or Maybe Not
  • The designation APG-63 (V) 3 for the airborne radar in the F-15 Eagle fighter doesn't seem to jibe with the table that says G designates a Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • It is true that the subjected church does not lose its parochial rights, yet its dependence on the parish priest of another church and its administration by a vicar has led to its being included loosely under the designation filial church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • These process groups are shown by the Table, along with each process name and letter designations.
  • Results presented call into question differences in mandible shape recently used to distinguish Gigantopithecus giganteus from Gigantopithecus blacki and to justify resurrecting a different generic designation, "Indopithecus," for the former. Archive 2009-02-01
  • H2 immune responses, with specific "allergenic" potential (thus the "Asp f" designations). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This interval between the first and third tones consists of four half-steps in the major scale and of three half-steps in the minor scale and this difference in size has given rise to the designation _major_ for the scale having the larger third, and _minor_ for the scale having the smaller one. Music Notation and Terminology
  • The target designation data can be supplied by a radar or optronic surveillance system.
  • The residents say they are prepared to occupy the land round the clock unless the Council agreed not to submit its planning application for the home until their bid for village green designation had been considered.
  • A common antebellum designation for the country, these United States survived in the 20th century in folksy idiomatic usage.
  • Whatever its original designation might have been, without the key that would free Koa and restore it to new life in orbit around Mu Arae, only one descriptor now seemed appropriate: prison. Creative Couplings
  • The State Department is marking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month - a designation instituted by President Obama last year - with something much more lasting than a parade. - Articles related to Is homosexuality in hip-hop trapped in the closet?
  • The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval.
  • The Forest's designation as a National Park will not affect the rights of common, the New Forest Acts or the role of the verderers, who manage the commoning system.
  • A sample housing allowance designation can be found on Page 13 of this edition. Christianity Today
  • I claim that they are a heavy metal band, he thinks the designation absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note also though that the judge who dissented from the 6th Cir. decision was a trial judge, too – a senior district judge sitting by designation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sixth Circuit Now 0–4 in Habeas Cases This Term
  • This process has resulted in the designation of many psychotherapy treatments as being efficacious.
  • Or, voilà plusieurs semaines que le Parti démocratique gabonais actuellement au pouvoir tergiverse sur la désignation de son candidat aux futures élections présidentielles. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Presidential Candidate Uses Social Media in Historic Election
  • When the monument designation scotched that plan, predictions of economic doom rang through the county seat.
  • Birds, especially field fares, eat the berries with avidity; and a botanical designation of the tree is _aucuparia_, as signifying fruit used by the _auceps_, or bird catcher, with which to bait his snares. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • In indirect contexts sense, and not designation, matters and so we may know the well-ordering principle for natural numbers, but not know the principle of mathematical induction because, while they are equivalent in truth value, they have different senses. Intensional Logic
  • The present statutory scheme for critical habitat designations is broken.
  • Professional certification is a designation earned by a person to assure they meet the minimum knowledge requirements of the profession and is transferable from state to state and company to company. Michele Nash-Hoff: Why We Don't Need a New Program to Train America's Manufacturing Workers
  • Such a designation wouldn't automatically stop mining, but it could complicate and slow down the review process. Front Page
  • Those cut today do receive a paycheck and pension credit, but also an "MDF" designation - Missed the cut, Did not Finish. The Charleston Gazette -
  • Scott Gration told lawmakers at a Senate hearing that the U.S. sanctions linked to that designation hinder his and others 'work to rebuild the war-torn African country's infrastructure and to help people suffering in camps. Undefined
  • Again, William Kristol is not a “Neo” consrvative; his daddy Irving was, by self-designation! The Volokh Conspiracy » Dahlia Lithwick on Conservative Opposition to Mukasey:
  • _alligator_ is a designation of the _genus homo_; in fact, that it is customary for a man to address his fellow-man as “old alligator,” instead of “old fellow.” The Englishwoman in America
  • The sweeping designation muddies the issue for parents trying to make sense of it all, and threatens to make the federal standard irrelevant. - News
  • Their last names are both easily understood derivatives of verbs that became professional designations.
  • The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area.
  • However, before long physicians will discard much from our present medical onomatology that is ridiculous, absurd, incorrect, in short, unscientific, as, for instance, the designation typhoid fever. Napoleon's Campaign in Russia Anno 1812
  • I think the designation is arbitrary, but it should still stand. Electrifying Muzzleloaders: CVA's New Electronic Ignition System
  • In 1991, when Susan was 21, she became the first woman ever to earn the designation Grandmaster, the World Chess Federation's title for top-ranked players. Psychology Today
  • When tasting and purchasing port, keep in mind that not every year is declared a vintage since vintage port is a designation saved for the best. A Year of Wine
  • He also specifies what hypotyposes are not: mere characterizations, i.e. designations of concepts by accompanying sensible signs Seeing Is Reading
  • The designation Good Samaritan has become so associated with the idea of mercifulness, that I doubt not there are many persons who have the impression that Samaritans in the ancient Hebrew days were people specially noted for their benevolent disposition. The Essentials of Spirituality
  • The 80-11 designation underlines just how limited these luxury British convertibles will be with Bentley building only 80 examples of each drophead in Auto Motto
  • Looking back, the designation appears and sounds absurdly portentous.
  • The designation process, which is mandated by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law, will require firms designated as systemically important to hold additional capital and be subject to heightened regulatory scrutiny. Financial Oversight Panel to Delay Guidance
  • Tobits denied she ever signed the designation beneficiary form, according to court documents. PhillyDeals
  • An advisory panel had concluded that salt should no longer have a blanket designation as safe, which "would normally trigger F. D. A. action," Michael R.
  • The arbiter appears to the undersigned to have viewed the rivers St. John and Restigouche as possessing both a specific and a generic character; that considered _alone_ they were _specific_ ', and the designation in the treaty of "rivers falling into the Atlantic" was inapplicable to them; that considered _In connection with other rivers_ they were _generic_ and were embraced in the terms of the treaty, but that as their connection with other rivers would bring them within a principle which, according to the views taken by him of other parts of the question, was equally realized by both lines, it would be hazardous to allow them any weight in deciding the disputed boundary. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 3, part 2: Martin Van Buren
  • The combat data system carries out automatic threat evaluation and weapon assignment, target designation, and hard and soft kill co-ordination.
  • The designation ‘faux bourdon’, or one of its variants, was usually placed in either the discantus or the tenor part – more often the latter, especially in the earlier years, perhaps because the tenor directed the ensemble; it might also appear in both parts, or elsewhere on the page. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Courts have held that this part of the designation is an unreviewable political question. The Volokh Conspiracy » Peter Spiro on Lieberman’s Citizenship-Stripping Legislation
  • Dwellers on Funen got the designation “unworried and jolly”, but the Zealanders were “slow and over-cautious”. Archive 2009-05-01
  • They are also known as coypu, Greek for mouse and beaver and the preferred designation of biologists. Into the Story
  • This island is now usually called Holy Island, a designation dating back to the eleventh century. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The possibility of getting a state or local historical designation for the ranch house and other buildings on the property.
  • The correlatives _noetic_ and _dianoetic_, says Hamilton, would afford the best philosophic designation of these two faculties; the knowledge attained by the former is an "intuitive principle" -- a truth at first hand; that obtained by the latter is a "demonstrative proposition" -- a truth at second hand. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • The designations of the title differ; what is stated above was probably the fact. Jeremiah : Being The Baird Lecture for 1922
  • The designation of ordinary compressed earth blocks is specified by the standard «ARS 671: 1996 - Compressed earth blocks - Definition, classification and designation of compressed earth blocks». Chapter 6
  • The designation Zend-Avesta, which is often employed to denote the sacred code, is not strictly correct. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The designation of ‘rheumatism’ appears to have included any condition which prohibited movement, such as coxalgia.
  • These include the ability to acquire land at values that take an account of development gain arising from their designation and activities.
  • These standard color designation names such as deep yellow and dark grayish yellow are hereafter printed in boldface.
  • Specifically, although the CF confusingly uses the C2 designation for our Leos, the tanks we currently operate are Leopard 1's, not Leopard 2's the C2 is a Leo 1. Archive 2007-04-01
  • That the Anglican churches are episcopal churches is on the way to becoming a semi-official designation as well as a fact.
  • The letter rejected concerns that granting TPS would cause a massive "boatlift" and bring thousands of Haitians to the United States, arguing that TPS is only available to Haitian nationals already in the United States at the time of the designation. Spero News
  • The designation requires a change to legislation by the Ontario government, something Councillor Thompson said he believes is overdue. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • When you're buying a used shotgun or a shotgun without removable chokes, don't believe the choke designation on any barrel until it has been measured with a bore gauge.
  • For if both premises be affirmative, _all_ their terms are undistributed, the subjects by predesignation, the predicates by position; and therefore the middle term must be undistributed, and there can be no conclusion. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • He is always "roading", as he calls it, down the criss-crossing tracks that quaintly preserve their A-road designations. Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban
  • The importance of the reserve for wildlife is acknowledged in its official designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
  • His official designation is Financial Controller.
  • The 392 designation comes from the engine's size in cubic inches, a measurement familiar to those of us raised in the muscle car era, many of whom are the Challenger's target demographic. Chrysler previews factory hot rods ahead of SEMA show
  • The definition of ordinary compressed earth blocks is specified by the standard «ARS 671: 1996 - Compressed earth blocks - Definition, classification and designation of compressed earth blocks». Chapter 6
  • emerged as a powerful force Technically, it is inaccurate to call the Armstrongs a “clan,” a designation reserved for Gaels from the Gaeltacht, that is, Highlanders, with a recognized chieftain-based dynasty thought to be descended from the heroes of the Celtic past and with customs and traditions of governance, law, and society all of their own. First Man
  • In order to get a permit-only parking designation, 67 percent of affected residents in a six-block radius must sign a petition.
  • Of course, that designation would be vulnerable to manipulation (the airport is currently zoned as parkland, though it is of course not being used as such).
  • For this study, ‘winter’ and ‘spring’ designations were based on the presence of semi-subterranean habitations.
  • Therefore, taxonomic designation based on only manus prints would be premature without associated pes impressions.
  • I know it is the accepted designation for eighteen-year-old human females, the legally correct word, a word sanctioned by the restroom doors at some of the nation’s finest institutions of higher education. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • The definition of compressed earth block masonry is specified by the standard «ARS 673: 1996 - Compressed earth blocks - Standard for definition, classification and designation of compressed earth block masonry». Chapter 6
  • Our buildings survive more than a century only if they are given a special historical designation.
  • The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval.
  • The designation adhered to a group of which Stanley was himself a type. An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant
  • Not all financial institutions or qualified plans will accept customized beneficiary designations.
  • The concept 'folkish' seems as vaguely defined, open to as many interpretations and as unlimited in practical application as, for instance, the word 'religious,' and it is very hard to conceive of anything absolutely precise under this designation, either in the sense of intellectual comprehension or of practical effects. Mein Kampf
  • Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations.
  • It bears the designation Sm 3 after its findspot, which has yielded two other fossils -- Sambungmachan 1 a skull and Sambungmachan 2, a tibidal fragment. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • Hardened and embittered by the selfish treasons that had beset his early boyhood, and which had forced him into manhood before his time, he came to England as one called thither by the late king's designation, and, therefore, the lawful heir. Cameos from English History, from Rollo to Edward II
  • “Bhante Ngasena, I speak no lie: the word ‘chariot’ is but a way of counting, term appellation, convenient designation, and name for pole, axle, wheels, chariot-body, and banner-staff. There Is No Ego. II. The Doctrine. 1. Translated from the Milindapañha (251).
  • Lorimer; she was not more than seventeen when the poet made her acquaintance, and though she had got a sort of brevet-right from an officer of the army, to use his southron name of Whelpdale, she loved best to be addressed by her maiden designation, while the poet chose to veil her in the numerous lyrics, to which she gave life, under the names of "Chloris," "The lass of Craigie-burnwood," and "The lassie wi 'the lintwhite locks. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • Treasury were equivalent to κοδράντης, the Latin _quadrans_? — and in chap.vii. 4, 8, introduced the Roman measure _sextarius_, (ξέστης)? — and who volunteered the information (in chap.xv. 16) that αὐλή is only another designation of πραιτώριον (_Prætorium_)? — The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
  • He questioned whether thought had been given to how St Lucia's designation as a top honeymoon destination would be affected by making the destination indirectly more expensive.
  • It borrowed the designation ecclesia from the old popular assembly, and liturgy from the services required by law of the richer citizens in the popular festivities. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • All of these designations can help you ensure that what's on the label is also what's in the bottle.
  • «ARS 671: 1996 - Compressed earth blocks - Definition, classification and designation of compressed earth blocks». Chapter 6
  • I've never seen anyone with their designation as ‘diva’!
  • This concern is evidenced by the very designation of the movement as Realism-a name significantly awarded by its own progenitors rather than by literary historians.
  • Instead they used the designation":war between the states, " which seemed to justify the southern emphasis on states' rights and local autonomy.
  • the 600nitro throws a 900gr bullet at 1900fps. it doesnt use black, thus the "nitro" designation. the 4bore throws a 1750-1950 grain ball or bullet at 1350-1450fps with 400-600gr of Fg black powder Want to See a Real Man's Gun?
  • Both custodians are required to fill the form when re - designation is applicable.
  • There is a designation strip on the front panel, useful for giving the buttons a meaningful description.
  • What are the internal components and stylistics that require these designations?
  • I suspect Walleyes Unlimited is preparing for the potential listing of sauger as threatened or endangered, alhtough I don't really see the advantage of having an erroneous, legislated designation of native should listing occur. Trout Unlimited Vs. Montana Walleyes
  • The new A-class range features both five and three-door models which it labels deceptively with Saloon and Coupe designations, boasting a completely new look designed to distinguish the new model from its controversial predecessor. Australian Car Advice | News Blog
  • The Bengal name Hari is supposed to come from _haddi_, a bone; the Hari is the bone-gatherer, and was familiar to early settlers of Calcutta under the quaint designation of the 'harry-wench,' [229] In the Central Provinces sections of the The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • He earned the certified management consultant designation in 1994.
  • The latter designation is a misnomer, because a mild degree of ketosis often is present, and a true coma is uncommon.
  • Since this showing would have given him an absolute majority in the 313-seat constituent assembly, it could have led to his designation as Prime Minister.
  • Medical gamasid mite is a general designation of a kind of non-insect arthropod and it can transmit many diseases.
  • Therefore, it is crucial issue on how to comprehend the designation theory and method of logistic system, the management conception of logistics organization, logistics rationalization and so on.
  • Noah and his three sons, in his "Purana," under the designation of Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)

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