
How To Use Desensitize In A Sentence

  • Living by a prison was a culture shock at first for many of the families, but as time rolled on, everyone became desensitized by it.
  • Once the cause of your allergy has been ascertained and a positive skin test obtained, then a specific vaccine can be created to desensitise you against the allergen that is triggering your symptoms.
  • Over time, these over-excited receptors become desensitized to the effects of norepinephrine, largely due to the effects of a second molecule, beta-adrenergic receptor kinase.
  • Are we being desensitized to these graphic pictures?
  • And so, in America we desensitize ourselves to what is about to occur.
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  • And yet, as a whole, people are so desensitized to the whole idea of explosions and molecules that they barely even stop to think about how this could effect the world.
  • Could it be that we oppress and kill each other so readily because our abuse and slaughter of animals has desensitized us to the suffering and death of others?
  • Army Ranger Handbook and the Transportation Security Administration's standard operational practices for airport screening, and encouraged conducting "fake operations" such as leaving bags that appear to be suspicious packages in public places to "desensitize" federal agents. Judge orders Fairfax terror suspect to remain in jail until his trial
  • By watching these clips to see how they are achieved you probably no longer find them so shocking - you've become desensitized to them.
  • I mentally made myself a reminder to desensitize her to balloons.
  • Allergy shots are used to desensitize you to certain allergies.
  • The war desensitized many soldiers
  • Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.
  • A child who repeatedly sees violence or insensitivity towards himself, other human beings or animals becomes desensitized himself.
  • People at high risk for flu complications may be able to work with an allergist to be desensitized so they tolerate the vaccine.
  • It's -- there's no shock value to individuals anymore and with all the media and press we've gotten about child pornography over the years, it's kind of desensitized the public to what child pornography really is. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2007
  • a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities
  • Or, conversely, they may become "desensitized" to the opt-in process, mindlessly agreeing to every user consent agreement page, as do consumers when it comes to software license agreement forms. Ars Technica
  • Capsaicin first activates the pain receptors, causing a mild burning sensation, but upon repeated application to the skin it desensitizes the receptors and relieves the pain.
  • That quote is from Scientists look to 'desensitise' kids to food allergens by Stephen Daniells on the FoodNavigator-USA. com site. Desensitizing Food Allergies Possible in New Study
  • In the same way, most of us are desensitized to the pervasive presence of the written word in our daily lives.
  • The transcript of a therapy session briefly alludes to the use of relaxation to block or desensitize painful imagery during a therapeutic reliving of a traumatic event.
  • Third, why do you think that people that didn't like it are "desensitized"? J.J. Abrams Says No Cloverfield 2 Anymore? «
  • They also review the theoretic mechanisms by which preemptive analgesia might desensitize the nervous system and thereby reduce pain perception and other untoward effects that can persist far beyond the recovery period.
  • In some cases, an allergist may recommend immunotherapy (allergy shots) to help desensitize your child.
  • Of course, once you start watching it, you'll have to get desensitized in a hurry.
  • During the next few days, Tom used the island's facilities to work on a desensitizer. Golden State
  • Also, those with egg allergies who need the vaccine can be "desensitized" to the egg proteins contained in the vaccine. Influenza Vaccine
  • Ice cold beverages desensitize the taste-buds and prevent the evaporation of the volatile components that contribute aroma.
  • With this area desensitized, it is only a matter of time before the sensitivity of faith's communication is also numbed.
  • When you're a nurse, you see so much sadness and pain on a daily basis that you almost have to desensitize yourself to it just to stay sane.
  • The goal is to desensitize you to specific allergens and decrease or eliminate your need for medications.
  • We've been so desensitized by the increasing annoyingness of the Internet that we've grown completely oblivious to how absolutely obnoxious Internet advertising has become.
  • We apparently have been desensitized and need to increase our awareness of the effects violent programming can have.
  • Transportation Security Administration's standard operational practices for airport screening, and encouraged conducting "fake operations" such as leaving bags that appear to be suspicious packages in public places to "desensitize" federal agents. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • If it were possible to "desensitize" all such bad words, what do you then have to take their place in communication? Congratulations to Jane Fonda!
  • If your symptoms are especially difficult to control, your doctor may recommend allergy shots to desensitize you to dust mites.
  • This might 'desensitize' him by taking the object of his fear and converting it into something that he would look forward to. Daily News & Analysis
  • This is, at least, a far more interesting debate than the unfounded fear that computer games, like gory films, cause violent behaviour over time or at least 'desensitise' the young to violence. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The research team also believes that the new, safer peanut could also be used to help desensitise sufferers. New Peanut Created That Could Free Millions of People from Fear of Deadly Allergic Reaction | Impact Lab
  • Its portability allows the desensitizer to be placed on either side or any position from the operator.
  • The potassium acts as a desensitiser in cases of dental hypersensitivity.
  • We apparently have been desensitized and need to increase our awareness of the effects violent programming can have.
  • The commenter who mentioned the stress of taking children shopping, because they are desensitized is right on. Blue Dress Painting
  • We should roll the credits right now on this desensitised approach to the important responsibility of appropriate timing by Hollywood towards such shattering world events.
  • People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.
  • It also desensitizes young people about the world they live in,’ she says.
  • But one wonders if they could wind up exploring cyberspace more as they become "desensitized" to security protocols. Ars Technica
  • After watching five or six competitions I was desensitized to the disgustingness of it.
  • I cringe, but I'm desensitized to most of the stuff I hear.
  • Achieving good flavor qualities in an ice cream presents specific challenges: low temperature desensitizes or dulls the taste buds, so a potent flavor is required.
  • I personally believe the gods used the most favored people from the Mediterreanean and western Europe to accomplish this goal that was the Holocaust for multiple purposes::::::: Defiance clue, acted as desensitizer, foreshadowing, disposed of Jewish-European clue, etc. Saturday morning rant (story v language)
  • And with all the media and press that we've gotten about child pornography over the years, it's kind of desensitized the public to what child pornography really is. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2007
  • At this time, the patient is open to suggestion, and can be desensitised towards fears, phobias, pain and personal issues.
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that if we desensitize ourselves enough, we can condone any immoral action.
  • Many patients have purposely put off dental work until this desensitizer is available.
  • As violence of any kind is legalized, the society becomes desensitized, resulting in an increase in violence and crime.
  • The war's cruelty has shocked a country that thought it was desensitized to violence.
  • The photographic plate was desensitized
  • This was the seventh day of my visit and so desensitised was I that my first response was, "You have a Walmart?
  • The goal is to desensitize you to specific allergens and decrease your need for medications.
  • The ionic desensitizers apparently interfere with the operation of the nerve in the tooth, reducing the nerve activity, and thereby reducing the sensitivity of the tooth.
  • We are so desensitized, so overwhelmed, so brain dirtied, that we feel helpless so much of the time … Boycott, boycott, boycott! Think Progress » Americans’ Confidence In Direction of U.S. Plunges; 21 Points Lower Than Iraqis’ Confidence In Iraq
  • Well, what happens is that that even when - in experimental models, when they give this capsaicin, which is the active ingredient, chronically, you do become desensitized to it, eventually. New Frontier For Geeks: The Kitchen
  • Evidence suggests that youth who are chronically exposed to community violence can become desensitized to its effects.
  • The goal is to modify dysfunctional cognitions and to desensitize patients to the fear and anxiety associated with certain situations.
  • Slapping the injection site accomplishes two things: it mildly desensitizes the area and it reduces the chance of the horse reacting to the prick of the needle.
  • With increased exposure to such scenes, we become desensitized to the fear of blood which has been instilled in us.
  • CHRIS LARSON-FERGUSON: It was hard at first, but I kind of desensitize, got better at it and you know, ended up having fun on my dates and actually meeting people that were interesting. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2008
  • His military training desensitized him
  • The weird part for me - well, the two weird parts - were that this training was also developed, in part, to "desensitize" soldiers to certain aspects of war. Boing Boing
  • At this time, the patient is open to suggestion, and can be desensitised towards fears, phobias, pain and personal issues.
  • We apparently have been desensitized and need to increase our awareness of the effects violent programming can have.
  • However he wondered whether by using the metaphor of rape, Zapiro was not "cheapening" the horror of the act and helping to desensitise people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But the easy access to guns in a culture where they've been exposed to lots and lots and lots of violence, and there are literally scores and scores of serious studies which show that the younger you are and the more you're exposed to it, the more kind of desensitized you are to it. Remarks By The President To Thurston High School Community
  • People are desensitized to violence - you see so much of it on a regular basis on TV and in the movies, or you see these stories on the news about people dying from gun crime, but it doesn't sink in.
  • Rather the reverse: the more money people acquire, the more they seek to cocoon and desensitise themselves from the broader community. Zero-sum World: Politics, Power and Prosperity After the Crash by Gideon Rachman – review
  • He dabbed the tooth desensitizer on the edges of the wound Dark Oracle
  • Young people, he said, share a common culture that has been shaped by television shows that desensitize youth to violence and often have revenge as a central point in the plot.
  • A perennial criticism of violence in films is that it's liable to desensitise the viewer. Film violence fails to deliver the shocks
  • With fewer receptors, the dopamine system is desensitized, and the now-understimulated addict needs more and more of the drug to feel anything at all.
  • We elected not to add desensitizers to our formula for very simple reasons.
  • the patient was desensitized to the allergen
  • Does TV desensitize people to violence?
  • The idea: to gradually "desensitize" her to situations that produce anxiety, from sitting in an aircraft on the runway to flying through turbulence to landing on a bumpy airstrip. Fear Of Flying? Take The Train.
  • However he wondered whether by using the metaphor of rape, Zapiro was not "cheapening" the horror of the act and helping to desensitise people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I imagine that would desensitise them to the presence of people nearby, but I think in this case that step has already been passed. Time for a parrot
  • The constant plague of dreams had desensitized him to its images, and so he now only saw the visions fly past his eyes without actually feeling anything.
  • Do your think your children are becoming desensitized by what they see and hear?
  • The theory is that industrial alcohol can desensitize some one to all synthetic organic chemicals, because it is derived from oil.
  • But their desensitizer is almost worthless," Tom concluded. Golden State
  • Time, that great desensitizer, has not diminished my feelings for Rickie. Miracles, Inc.
  • For example, the highly potent opioid receptor agonist etorphine is not a medically useful drug because it can only be used a few times before the body becomes desensitized to the drug.
  • That militaristic enviornment is a desensitizer, ensuring a lack of emotional depth. Only The English are British
  • Many of them have also been desensitized to acts of extreme violence.
  • In an email, Cohen told Shots that repeat deployments don't "desensitize" troops. NPR Topics: News
  • But in the new study, the researchers found that after an average of 13 stings a week, beekeepers quickly desensitise to the bees 'attacks, which delivers a large dose of several venoms, including a membrane-busting protein called phospholipase A. News Feed
  • Blau's help, though, was indispensable to Wambacher in completing her dissertation on the impact of photographic desensitizers to the imprints of alpha, beta, and gamma rays on photographic plates. 16 In 1931, Wambacher published her work in the Mitteilungen, arguing mainly that the organic dye pinakryptol yellow functioned as a desensitizer on photographic emulsions while the effect was smaller with chromic acid. 17 Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • This finding may have therapeutic applications; however, it may also be applicable in advertising to desensitize fear of a dangerous product, such as cigarettes.
  • On one hand, they are gradually desensitized by the increasing popularized and professionalized humanities.
  • Just as cruelty to animals on an individual level brutalises and desensitises, cruelty on an institutional level must similarly damage our collective psyche.
  • However, for those at highest risk of severe influenza infection, a method is available to "desensitize" people to the egg proteins in the vaccine (see Egg Allergies). Influenza Vaccine
  • I think that government and police are doing these things quite deliberately to desensitise and cower the population. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Don't let Hollywood glamorization and a trip's worth of old buildings desensitize you to a structure which once had its floor covered in sand in order to soak up the fluid of countless exsanguinated animals and human beings, martyr and gladiator alike. Michael Yarbrough: A Student's Guide to Backpacking: Rome
  • Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.
  • Sexual offenders often begin this process with nonsexual physical contact and may proceed with sexual discussions in order to desensitize the victim.
  • Violence and repression work to desensitize people, leaving only a numbing wish to forget what is happening all about them.
  • As a nation, we have become so desensitized to the immoral and the reprehensible that ads like these can run in not one, but at least two (that I know of) national women's magazines.
  • Where I had the operation,the skin has become completely desensitized.

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