
descriptive adjective

  1. an adjective that ascribes to its noun the value of an attribute of that noun (e.g., `a nervous person' or `a musical speaking voice')

How To Use descriptive adjective In A Sentence

  • While I haven't read this directly, I would presume that the Latin name in turn formed, as many Latin cognomina do, from a descriptive adjective. Sentina, an Etruscanized Latin name
  • Although there are some neutral descriptive adjectives used with the word, such as 66 year old, disabled, or American, the majority of words collocating with spinster are negative.
  • As the number of negative descriptive adjectives increased, so did the youths' self-reported involvement in delinquency.
  • Firstly I think one of the big problems is the use of descriptive adjectives as nouns.
  • Freud recognized that the term ‘unconscious’ was better used as a descriptive adjective rather than as a topographical noun.
  • As stated earlier, the present study utilizes a semantic differential scale which was comprised of six contrasting descriptive adjectives.
  • In my opinion Peter is a good and consistant Lib Dem blogger - and I find the descriptive adjective 'Lib Dem' to be far more insulting than 'speccy', and than the derivative of 'tosser' for that matter! What place for Sharia Law.
  • The first drawback of using a handful of qualitative descriptive adjectives instead of numbers is that we are limited to just that, a handful, perhaps 5 or so, before it becomes hard to manage..
  • ‘Vibrant’ is actually one of the rare descriptive adjectives which I have never turned into an adverb.
  • John's mind had to speculate vaguely whether or not Desmond knew the nature of the tight place -- _tight_ was such a very descriptive adjective -- out of which he had pulled Scaife. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
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