
How To Use Descendent In A Sentence

  • The modern-day Sikkimese are descendents of the Mi-nyag people who intermarried with the local Lepcha population. A Brief History of Tsurpu Monastery
  • The modern sherry is a descendent of Falstaff's sack, though shortly after his day it began to be made by the more complicated modern process which includes adding brandy.
  • Descendents of the redoubtable frontierswomen who could shoot the testicles off a stampeding buffalo, reshingle the roof, chop wood, milk the cows and still have time to have a hearty meal on the table for her carrousing gun-totin 'husband when he got home. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He is a descendent of Queen Victoria.
  • We showed how the terms used to name marriage have varied in descendent Ruvu communities, yet each of them has origins in antecedent Bantu root words that meant "to marry," "to take/receive," and "to choose. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
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  • A descendent of a famous eunuch of the Ching Dynasty is suing a Taipei hospital for medical malpractice.
  • _Unchanged: _ chaunted [chanted] cotemporary/ies [contemporary/ies] descendent [descendant] devest [divest] monkies [monkeys] mystries [mysteries] pedler [pedlar] surprize [surprise] wo [woe] wonderous [wondrous] then "hear him, hear him," loudly rings, [final comma is unclear] assuage their wrath or heal the wound, [comma is unclear] _Corrected: _ The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Vol I, No. 2, February 1810
  • Et illa planicies, tota irrigabatur ad libitum aquis descendentibus de montibus, quæ omnes recipiuntur in illud mare. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Helix perinflata, Pfr.T. umbilicata, globosa, solida, striis incrementi rugosis et lineis impressis antrorsum descendentibus decussata, isabellino-albida; spira convexo-conoidea, apice obtusa; anfr. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • If we posit descent along uncrossed lines, it forms a nested hierarchy based on clades, that is, each ancestor grouped with all of its descendents. About 'What Darwin Got Wrong'
  • Darwin then used this data as evidence that rates of cladogenesis are autocorrelated between ancestral and descendent branches within the evolutionary tree (and, by extension, he used his data as evidence against special creation). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At grammatici saltern omnes in hanc descendent rerum tenuitatem, desintne aliquae nobis necessariae literarum, non cum The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • Though named for a town in Spain, the Padron pepper is descendent from plants the Spaniards encountered in the New World.
  • Shuffling penitentially on your knees, bending and scraping with dustpan and brush while vicious pine needles perforate your's almost enough to make you feel like Christmas might, in a twisted way, be the descendent of some sort of primitive religious festival. After the Binge Must Come the Purge
  • And the moon was in Scorpio, the sun and Mars opposed it, and we have the same void from the Midheaven to the Descendent … Cassie punched a few keys, and the current transiting map overlaid the historical mundane one. Rogue Oracle
  • I am also a Blood descendent from the Lumbee Tribe, being a Dave M Murphy
  • They thus not only compare populations with others that existed at the same time; they also compare them with both ancestral and descendent populations.
  • These are the forces of Transnational Progressivism at work...and they in turn are the descendents of Communism who regrouped from that failure. and since the People rejected Communism..are trying to use mechanisms of Law and unaccountable NGOs staffed by Elites that bypass democratic institutions. "Koh's writings—especially when exaggerated—will add to charges from the right that Obama is a closet socialist."
  • If we look at the definition of clade - A clade is a group, consisting of a single organism and all of its descendants. - my premise is correct as aves are a descendent of reptiles - that is if we go by the cladogram … A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Perfumer Daniela Andrier describes the scent as a "descendent" of Prada's Exclusive Scent No. 4, Fleur d'Oranger and the house's popular ShopDiary
  • As defined as a descendent of people who were captured by their own people and sold to Arab slavers and transported across the Atlantic in holds of ships, in chains, to be auctioned off in the United States? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • For skull lengths, neither descendent population differs significantly from its progenitor population.
  • With no direct descendent, who will succeed to the title?
  • As the great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I, she was the last royal descendent of the ruler. Hawaii Local's Inside Play
  • It was sold by a descendent of 5th Earl of Rosebery, who acquired the work in 1878. J.M.W. Turner's "Modern Rome -- Campo Vaccino" Sold To Getty For $45 Million
  • (If you'll permit me a moment of gentle absurdism: It strikes me that this is the 21st Century 'folk process' in action - a 'cyber tradition', no less - wherein 'descendent' of field recorder passes material BACK to original performer 40 years after ...) Word Magazine - Comments
  • Africans and their American-born descendents had to acquiesce - at least in the presence of Anglos - to white hegemony and languish as subjugated docile beings.
  • This explains why primates are the only mammals who have trichromatic vision - it is a trait mostly found in birds and reptiles (dinosaur descendents). Drunk On Color
  • The government should offer to send everyone who is the descendent of slaves back to West Africa. Senate to take up resolution apologizing for slavery
  • With no direct descendent, who will succeed to the title?
  • Power was a descendent of a long line of theatrical actors: his great grandfather was a nineteenth century comedian; his father, Tyrone Power Sr., was a London stage actor; while his mother, Helen Emma Raeume (stage name Patia Power), often acted opposite her husband in Shakespearean productions. Five People Born on Cinco de Mayo | myFiveBest
  • We might use phylogeny to support a proposed cladistic classification, but a clade is * defined* as an organism and all its descendents. A New Book
  • He said that we of the South had descended from the royal and aristocratic blood of the Huguenots of France, and of the cavaliers of England, etc.; but that the Yankees were the descendents of the crop-eared Puritans and witch burners, who came over in the Mayflower, and settled at Plymouth Rock. "Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
  • Harue call me, I have 15 years of age, I'm Brazilian student of Japanese descendent.
  • The American titled aristocracy was short-lived, though there is still an association of descendents of landgraves and cassiques in South Carolina today.
  • An adopted child is deemed to be a descendent of his adoptive parent or parents.
  • Events of ancient gene transfer can transmit genetic novelties to descendent lineages and subsequently shape their genetic systems.
  • Territory held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political entity, one with other descendents.
  • With no direct descendent, who will succeed to the title?
  • Within a few generations Hera's pitiful descendents were mating with preverbal cavemen. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • A clade is a parent and * all* of its descendents. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Understanding Evolution: A clade is a grouping that includes a common ancestor and all the descendents (living and extinct) of that ancestor … Clades are nested within one another — they form a nested hierarchy. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • My husband Scott and I joke that he is such a physically robust child, he is our wee viking, a clear descendent from the Danish side of my family. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Father, it would not require much stretch of imagination to believe that, by some descendental metempsychosis, I had become an exhumed member of the sacred gnomides, torn ruthlessly from my sisterhood in Cerro do Frio or the cold dreary caverns of the Agathyrsi. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • The Faroese, descendents of the Vikings, vigorously defend the tradition to hunt pilot whales, which dates back to the 10th century.
  • Japanese Wheat Noodles The standard thick Japanese noodles 2–4 mm in diameter, called udon, are descendents of the Chinese white salted noodle. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • A clade is a common ancestor and all its descendents. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Americans need to get one thing straight: The Central Intelligence Agency is a spiritual descendent of Hitler's Gestapo. Obama May Let CIA Torturers Walk
  • At grammatici saltern omnes in hanc descendent rerum tenuitatem, desintne aliquae nobis necessariae literarum, non cum The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • Other people may simply want to verify whether they are actually descendent from a specific group or a certain person for legal reasons or peace of mind.
  • It was an unguided ballistic missile and the forerunner of today's intercontinental ballistic missiles and tactical ballistic missiles (the Scud is a direct descendent).
  • She was very excited to hear the idea of teaching Japanese to their Japanese descendent children, since she herself had always thought about teaching Japanese to her daughters when they were school-aged.
  • Learning upon a mischance that I am a direct descendent of the line of Syed Shah Abd'al Razzak Banswi, she would always kiss my hands and touch them to her eyes in a salute upon visiting.
  • Ceylon’salmost time-lapse shots of falling faces and collapsing moods have aneorealist patience that’s seldom seen anymore, even in neorealism’slatter-day descendents. On the Scene at the Toronto Film Festival: 'Barley,' Bong, and Borat |
  • To me, the most important work in metrics-based viral marketing came from these companies below - I've listed the companies along with "descendent" startups who took the culture, playbook, and to build the next group of viral companies Igniting Startups - nPost
  • descendent gene
  • Four of the descendent pairs were eventually imported into the United States in 1954.
  • When displaying a shared menu, the menu for the active leaf (that is, the descendent window that has input focus) is displayed in the top of the container, and no other menus are displayed in that container (not limited to immediate children) - "take all" mechanism. KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en]
  • In case the deceased has left no ascendant or descendent but has left the uterine brother and sister, each of the two inherit one sixth.
  • He was the great-grandson of John of Gaunt, the third son of Edward III, himself the great-great-grandson of King John, who was descendent from William I on the distaff side via his grandmother Matilda.
  • The Cittern, a Renaissance instrument that may be a descendent of the citole, is equipped with metal strings.
  • Long before the term cowboy was coined in the 1700s, free and enslaved Africans and their descendents were herding cattle on Florida's prairies. Daytona Beach News-Journal Online

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