How To Use desalinize In A Sentence
- The other contingent is implementing important hydraulic engineering projects to desalinize the Laguna de la Leche. CASTRO GIVES BANNER TO CIEGO DE AVILA CONTINGENT
- In addition atomic power plants can collaterally produce excess electricity at night to desalinize sea water to meet fresh water shortages in many parts of the country, which are growing rapidly. Frank A. Weil: Can We Obtain Energy Independence, Address Global Warming, and Help the Economy All at the Same Time? Yes! How? Here's How...
- The craft also had a supply of food - it's not like you can pull up to a row-through window and order anything - and a balky water-purification device to desalinize ocean water, plus an assortment of antibiotics and first-aid supplies. Undefined
- It can desalinize the plot, returns to life and accumulates fully, which includes the blank with opening, implication and symbolizing two kinds.
- The $3.4 billion Marafiq Independent Water and Power Project has a design capacity to deliver 2,750 megawatts of power and desalinize more than 200 million gallons of seawater per day. IMRA Middle East News Updates
- We simply forced them to build a water plant there to desalinize sea water. RETURNING FISHERMEN GIVEN HEROES' WELCOME
- But in reality if you add those costs, I believe the cost of water that you are drinking is higher than the desalinized water.
- It recklessly uses 20% of its water supply to produce coal-fired electricity , and then invests massively in using that electricity to desalinize ocean water. The Full Feed from
- A better solution than "water importation" is the implementation of hydrolysis plants to desalinize the water. Geography as Destiny, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- The island's location, in the doldrums of the Caribbean, forces it to rely on desalinized ocean water, which is very expensive.