How To Use Derv In A Sentence
Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.
To explicate this relation, Searle and Vanderveken define weak illocutionary commitment: S1 weakly illocutionarily implies S2 iff every performance of S1 commits an agent to meeting the conditions laid down in the septuple identical to S2 (1985, p. 24).
Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
Caps are 12.5 oz. wool blend and have buckram-backed front panels, pre-curved visors, and grey undervisors.
In a few minutes the flagstaff was well washed, and the derveesh too, and put to flight in discomfiture.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia

The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.
It is that maelstrom that gives our galaxy its spiraling, dervishly outflung arms.
Coleman Barks: Rumi's Poetry: 'All Religions, All This Singing, One Song'
Mr. Icahn's offer reflected a view that merchant power generators like Dynegy, which owns 18 coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, are undervalued because of current low power prices.
Dynegy Top Officers, Directors to Leave
We also fall prey to the fundamental attribution error, where we overvalue "dispositional" elements "She's bad at money" and undervalue
NYT > Home Page
He is also a hardworking and undervalued writer.
It is not evidence of a sale at an undervalue in November 2000.
There are two sure ways of making a fortune in art: buy an undervalued old master, or a Cremona stringed instrument.
Jackson has successfully realised the most monumental movie-making feat in recent memory, yet the scale of his achievement seems undervalued and unrewarded.
The Broward County Canvassing Board was able to identify a vote for president in essentially 1 out of every 4 of the ballots that the canvassing board looked at that had started out as an undervote or nonvote.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Gore Legal Legal Team Holds News Briefing - November 30, 2000
The manager has a preference for undervalued stocks and favours mid and small-cap companies.
Times, Sunday Times
Given the scarcity of examples of bird painting on Niderviller faience or porcelain, it is impossible to say what Gerverot's birds may have looked like.
It begins with snowdrops and ends with blackbirds celebrating choral evensong, and the rookeries, in whirling dervish mood.
Times, Sunday Times
Education is currently undervalued in this country.
Investors were looking at an opportunity to buy an undervalued currency.
Times, Sunday Times
The privilege afforded famous scientists, Surowiecki argues, has undervalued the genius of the scientific ethos: its commitment to meritocracy.
There's a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.
Better is it, in a life like ours, to be even a howling dervis or a dancing
The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have.
The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy
By contrast, the best way to invest is to pick managers who buy undervalued stocks, hold them until they are overvalued and then sell them.
Times, Sunday Times
Searle and Vanderveken suggest, in light of these seven characteristics, that each illocutionary force may be defined as a septuple of values, each of which is a “setting” of a value within one of the seven characteristics.
Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
Why It's Undervalued: If you need a tough, durable, comfortable twin for high and hot, there's not much else you can buy for the same money.
As she sewed she sung in a low undervoice, not looking up.
The Emigrant Trail
Cromer feared losing Kassala to the Mahdists, but that did not mean he wanted to fight the eight thousand Dervishes at Dongola.
Three Empires on the Nile
_howling_ dervishes; all our religion consisted in howling like jackals or hyenas, with all our might, until we fell down in real or pretended convulsions.
The Pacha of Many Tales
Nevertheless let no one think that because sanitary nursing is the subject of these notes, therefore, what may be called the handicraft of nursing is to be undervalued.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
While real estate seems still to be undervalued compared to stocks and bonds, this is a year for careful selection.
Arjen Zondervan just presented a fascinating paper with the acknowledged long title "Effects of contextual manipulation on hearers' assumptions about speaker expertise, exhaustivity & real-time processing of the scalar implicature of or.
Archive 2009-04-01
And remember, do not undervalue the element of surprise.
Aaschik Pasha, who was a dervis and celebrated ascetic poet in the reign of Murad (Amurath) I. Ahmed, the author of the work, lived during the reign of Bajazet I.., but, he says, derived much information from the book of Scheik Jachshi, the son of Elias, who was I.aum to Sultan
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
He sold the watch at an undervalue to Trevor and asked William to look after the lighter for him until he wanted it returned.
He argued that this situation came about because the fixed exchange rates overvalued the European currencies and undervalued the dollar.
Tzadik has done a typically great job of recognizing and recording an undervalued piece of music.
He should also visit a forensic science lab to see the marvellous work they do in solving crime while underfunded and undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
Analysts claim that the firm's assets were undervalued by £300 million.
Indeed, you probably feel underpaid and undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
The police complain bitterly about being undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
Caps are 12.5 oz. wool blend and have buckram-backed front panels, pre-curved visors, and grey undervisors.
Also according to the IMF research the peso is remarkably undervalued in comparison to the USD, they exstimate the exchange rate at PPP (purchase parity power) should be 7.6 instead of current 13.2, meaning living cost in Mexico is about 43% lower than in the USA.
Mexican pesos bonds
Even if the ass or derv may be better for a given build or tactic, overall they are far less flexible.
We clearly undervalued him as a member of our team.
While Pakistan beckoned us with its antique wooden chests, Turkey had me mesmerised with its flying dervishes.
It is also ludicrous to suggest - as has often been argued during this dispute - that doctors are undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
In those circumstances, allegations such as those relating to alleged sale at an undervalue ought never perhaps to have been made.
There, often with Susan Einzig as his partner, his nervous energy became concentrated, dervish-like, into a trance-like state.
The offer significantly undervalued Spice, it said.
Times, Sunday Times
The inspection is aimed at helping curb smuggling and undervaluation practices and to nab corrupt customs officials.
This is a quandary that never traps veteran adventuress Dervla Murphy, in a new edition of her epic 1983 trek through the Peruvian Andes with her small daughter and a mule.
Even multinational corporations, resentful of China's undervalued currency and protectionist streaks are voicing their displeasures.
China: The Big Free Rider
We're undervaluing and underpaying young adults, including potentially breadwinning fathers.
A hand count of undervotes could be organized and carried out in a matter of days.
Ordinary gentlewomen, daughters not of lords, but of local knights and squires, showed moreover the same sort of awareness of the dignity of their blood and arms as did great ladies like Dervorguilla of Galloway.
Can liberals accept that an undervote usually reflects either voter carelessness, for which the voter suffers the condign punishment of an unrecorded preference, or reflects the voter's choice not to express a preference?
BECK: And my only concern, Your Honor, is this: I was told that in addition, these same county employees were actually going through undervotes, what the machine spit out as a nonvote, and doing their own little manual recount.
CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2000
We're undervaluing and underpaying young adults, including potentially breadwinning fathers.
Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
VanDerveer has documented the whole experience, taping a personal journal and writing down a workout log.
Identifying previously unrecognised or undervalued treasures was the Roadshow's stock-in-trade.
Bacon not only despised the syllogism, but undervalued mathematics, presumably as insufficiently experimental. He was virulently hostile to Aristotle, but thought very highly of Democritus.
A jury has recommended that hand rails or banisters be installed in houses at an inquest into the tragic death of a former member of Dervish on Christmas Day.
In an undervoice softer than the murmur of the winds from the marshes, he breathed, "There are no lights in the house.
The Silent Tower
The rest of the tree will be created during the Render Response phase, when the JSF implementation calls the renderView() method of the view handler.
I am continuing my search for undervalued or oversold quality stocks and have been watching Rio Tinto.
For some voters, that undervote or overvote is their decision.
The "Monthly Review" sneers at me, and asks "if 'Comus' is not _good enough_ for Mr. Lamb?" because I have said no good serious dramas have been written since the death of Charles the First, except "Samson Agonistes"; so because they do not know, or won't remember, that "Comus" was written long before, I am to be set down as an undervaluer of Milton!
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors.
The Chinese renminbi is widely considered by economists to be undervalued - perhaps by as much as 40 percent, representing a hefty subsidy for Chinese exports.
House slaps China on currency policy, deepening trade dispute
Ull we right off stamp dem flat, or pluck derv apart slow?
The Queen of Air and Darkness
When he would quench his thirst, he disdains to apply the earth-born beaker to his lips, but lets the water fall into his solemn swallow from on high, -- a pleasant feat to see, and one which, like a whirling dervis, diverts you by its agility, while it impresses you by its devotion.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
His analysis of the Derveni papyrus shows that there were two distinct Orphic theogonies of classical date, that were later modified and finally amalgamated into the ‘24 Rhapsodies’ from which the Neoplatonists quote.
Five dollars would make me chirk up; ten would start a slight smile; twenty would put a beam in mine eye; fifty would cause me to utter shrill cries of unadulterated joys and a hundred would inspire me to actions like unto those of a whirling dervish.
The Valley of the Giants
The general opening triumph remains largely in tact, but he dampens the drums, doubles certain passages, equalizes, and transforms it into a loping choral dervish.
We have presented a compelling offer to Pure shareholders, including Arrow scrip, which is significantly undervalued, particularly if you use the BG offer for Pure as a valuation guide," said Arrow Managing Director, Nick Davies.
BG Launches Rival Bid for Pure Energy
Singers Cindy Wilson (wearing a belted mini-dress and whipping her curtain of cornsilk hair like a dervish) and Kate Pierson (old-school burlesque in hot pants, flamingo-pink ruffled blouse and corset) have lost none of their vocal power, even if they both seemed a little exhausted by the idea of trotting out their 1990 hit "Roam.
On the Scene: True Colors tour at NYC's Radio City |
We have proved that sport has the real potential to tackle problems like social exclusion, and personally I feel sport is greatly undervalued in this role.
The very opposite of the girl who is misunderstood and undervalued because of her shyness, is the girl who, because of her boldness and independence, her carelessness of speech, hilarity and adventuresomeness is misunderstood.
The Girl and Her Religion
Motherhood is a demanding full-time job on its own, but sadly it is greatly undervalued by modern society.
The currency, the renminbi, fixed about 8,26 to the dollar, is significantly undervalued, making China's goods cheapest and drawing the world's manufacturing into its factories.
We must never undervalue freedom.
Cora's pink eyes were roving over Dervek's bare chest approvingly.
He adds that, while the travel industry bubbles us in resorts, ‘Great swathes of the world are increasingly undervisited, misunderstood and uncelebrated.’
He often undervalued the literary works of young writers.
Grafton's share price is currently undervalued and has much upside potential, according to a number of analysts.
Trouble is, the company might look undervalued because it's trading in an overvalued sector.
Society undervalues staying home and looking after children.
Although yacht comes with derv engine drive, but advanced also, medium, hind each installed one side to decorate sail.
In the final lines of the play she seems more excited by having triumphed over her rival than by having regained her husband's love, an emotion that is undervalued throughout.
Any advice specific to warrior or derv or melee in general would be welcome.
The Unofficial GuildWars Site
However, we consistently overestimate the dangers and undervalue the benefits we obtain by living in a complex society.
But it can also make the search for undervalued assets to invest in that much trickier.
Times, Sunday Times
With regard to your editorial "The Election Gong Show" (Oct. 14): High tariffs and a worthless dollar are not the route to American prosperity, even if the Chinese yuan is undervalued.
Devaluation and Tariffs Are Madness
Also I doubt if many will own their cars long enough to recoup the additional purchase price and the extra cost of derv.
In the 18 punch-ballot counties that use the punch-ballot vote, the undervote was 1.5 percent.
American manufacturers contend that undervalued Chinese currency puts them at a competitive disadvantage and is a key reason for the huge trade gap between the two countries.
The overwhelming musical score and the too consistent whirling dervish camera only work to expose the film's desperate bid to keep its core vapidity under wraps.
An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.
It enables any transaction at an undervalue to be avoided by the trustee in bankruptcy, if it was made with the intention of defeating the claims of creditors.
Even then, I sold as little of my stock as possible to satisfy the calls, because I was convinced that it was undervalued and would increase in value.
It looks for value in US stocks and focuses on company cash flow generation with the aim of identifying undervalued companies.
Times, Sunday Times
Being respected and trusted are undervalued qualities in a captain, arguably more important than the ability to conjure up funky field placings.
Times, Sunday Times
We cannot think without affright of those lands where fakirs, bonzes, santons, Greek monks, marabouts, talapoins, and dervishes multiply even like swarms of vermin.
Les Miserables
I would guess that equities are not only not overvalued but may still be undervalued.
In announcing board approval for a buyback, Mr. Buffett, who controls one-third of Berkshire's voting stock, is sending a strong signal that he believes his shares are undervalued.
] Vanderveen when they fled for IMG "a decade ago and the" decampment "of Bruce Zemsky and Alan Green
Parterre box
Tell them that you feel friendship is undervalued in this helter-skelter crazy materialistic world.
You must see these Sufi dervishes go whirl round and round in great devotion.
His nerves jittered a little to see the massive beast pounding straight at him, but Dervek kept his hand steady and aimed.
He then plans to pick up an undervalued company for between 1billion to 5billion.
The Sun
The offer vastly undervalued Rio and its growth prospects, he argued.
Times, Sunday Times
You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours.
The early shorts show off his great dervishing twirls and kicks.
It argued that the offer not only undervalued it but was fraught with risk.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, the company, which supplies the Garage, dropped its prices to 79.9p per litre on unleaded, 85.9p on LRP and 83.9p per litre on derv - roughly 5p down on last week.
The Egyptian cavalry under Colonel Broadwood and the camelry under Major Tudway, making a wide détour, got close to the dervish left, and engaged the enemy occasionally with rifles and Maxims.
Khartoum Campaign, 1898 or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan
But the greatest underweening of this life is to undervalue that, unto which this is but exordial or a passage leading unto it.
Christian Morals
It argued that the offer not only undervalued it but was fraught with risk.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, a central motif of the Derveni commentary was the willingness to give a variety of names to the creator.
I saw the Signora just now, at the window," Artois said, in an undervoice.
A Spirit in Prison
This games afterward officially were acknowledged for the ninth session of international Stockman the Derville games.
Some companies are seriously undervalued because the market just doesn't know how to value non-profitable companies.
Subsequently the executrix discovered that an asset of the deceased had during his life been sold at an undervalue.
Share prices look undervalued until a bidder comes along and makes an offer at a big premium.
Times, Sunday Times
Dupont-Derval, making it revertible to her daughter, though she was sufficiently wealthy not to need it, and the other Madame Dupont-Derval was in actual need.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
This meant that the wave of demand for undervalued European stocks lifted both the good-quality and mediocre companies.
Times, Sunday Times
And what I witnessed set me bawling, "What now, Vandervoot?" till all our crew came running.
Chapter 15
The first two groups are undervalued, underowned and unloved, which is reassuring.
The Contra Contrarian
These two films took a critical drubbing from some of the more thoughtful critics, but I think they have been undervalued.
Others target specific stocks that are in an index, overweighting those they think are especially undervalued and underweighting those thought to be too dear.
Certainly If the Caldervale lines were electrified, the class 333 trains could be used on all the through journeys from north to south.
Some midwives reported feeling depressed and undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of God's choicest blessings to mankind, being thus easily parted with, are really undervalued; and it is an evidence of very great incogitancy.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Bootlbac, the drumbeater! 'and this led off to the howl of Areep, the dervish; and this was followed by the shriek of Zeel, the garlic-seller; and the waul of Krooz el Krazawik, the carrier; and the complainings of
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4
If he sells at an undervalue he is entitled to recover the loss from the auditor.
An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.
The offer significantly undervalued Spice, it said.
Times, Sunday Times
This hardly suggests that the currency was vastly overvalued then and is undervalued now.
The venerable British confectioner rejected out of hand the American food giant’s offer, saying it “fundamentally undervalues” the company, which could continue to thrive on its own.
He knew exactly what would happen: Dervishton and Falkland would spend the entire ride to the Snaid trying to outjockey one another, which would gratify Caitlyn Hurst’s vanity to no end.
The Laird Who Loved Me
Meggie crouched down beside his discarded shirt and undervest to watch, awed.
A man may undervalue life as well as overprize it.
Just before his encounter with Dervogne, Obama did not offer the "bise" to Sarkozy's wife Carla, preferring to shake hands formally.
Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
We're not only talking modern dance, we're looking at all of dance's forms like capoeira, raves and whirling dervishes.
Now by contrast, in Palm Beach County, the canvassing board in Palm Beach County only identified approximately 8 percent, that is 92 percent of the ballots, the undervote, or nonvote ballots that the Palm Beach County canvassing board looked at, only about 8 percent were identified as votes, and 92 percent remained nonvotes.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Gore Legal Legal Team Holds News Briefing - November 30, 2000
His bold, expressive pictures are unmatched in the Islamic world, showing scenes of nomadic life; dancing and music-making demons, and Sufi dervishes.
One of the soloists that evening - young violinist Valja Dervenska - performed the Brilliant polonaise by Wieniawski with passion and virtuosity.
Derville looked at the dairyman, and stepped back a few paces to glance at the house, the yard, the manure-pool, the cowhouse, the rabbits, the children.
Le Colonel Chabert
By the way, there were fewer undervotes and overvotes than in 2000.
I think that notated music is very undervalued right now, for all sorts of reasons.
In medieval Islam, many dervishes became members of mystical or Sufi brotherhoods, which grew up all over the Islamic world from the 12th century onwards.
But while his essays are rightly complimented, his novels remain undervalued, sniped at by academics and denigrated by the reactionaries who see any attempt to knock America's heroes down to size as an act of treachery.
Ultimately, when the assets have been devalued and it is quite patently clear that those who end up in control are incompetent, they will pass to someone else at a gross undervalue.
Theoretically if we had a totally fair count, for example, if right now we weren't just counting the undervote, but also the overvote, that is all the votes, and applying the same standard to dimpled chad in the one instance as in the other, you bet.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election 2000: What Will U.S. Supreme Court Decide? - December 10, 2000
A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity.
Times, Sunday Times
In the current climate, commitment and hard work within public services appear to be very much undervalued.
A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity.
Times, Sunday Times
Once again, one should never undervalue the innate decency of ordinary and not so ordinary Americans.
A particular stock may be undervalued, or it may be lousy value.
But in celebrating genius we willy-nilly undervalue, even devalue, the importance of effort, and with serious consequences.
Thou incorrigible varlet, what brings thee here?" replied Tell, in an undervoice, giving Philip a rough grip of the arm.
Heroes Every Child Should Know
The Derveni commentary was more explicit regarding character of time in the human world.
Protection features such as overcurrent, undervoltage and thermal overload protection make the ISL8500 a robust power solution.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
This may mean they undervalue something (and therefore the market doesn't provide enough of it) or they may overvalue something (in which case the market will provide and distribute too much of it).
A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity.
Times, Sunday Times
The history department was good at teaching, but research was undervalued.
Times, Sunday Times
Undervisningsministeren delte roser ud til ledere og lærere på
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My front-gallopers swerved in among the jumble of fallen masonry and scorched timbers, howling like dervishes; I saw one of them sabring down a pandy who thrust up at him with musket and bayonet, while another rode slap into a big, white-dhotied fellow who was springing at him with a spear.
Steven Johnson's great book Where Good Ideas Come From uses the term "bricolage" to describe the random and often undervalued raw material from which innovations are crafted.
Michael J. Critelli: Playing With What You've Got
Share prices look undervalued until a bidder comes along and makes an offer at a big premium.
Times, Sunday Times
The unmonastic retreat of Amurath was that of an epicurean rather than of a dervis; more like that of Sardanapalus than of Charles the Fifth.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
Smaller operators tend not to be quite as well organised and suffer from resistance to claims for haulage rates increases on the back of increases in the cost of derv.
What infuriates me is the undervaluing of the sort of help which keeps older women reasonably fit - physiotherapy, chiropody, check-ups and so on.
Laudervest cross-claimed for damages suffered to it by Skyline's failure to pre-sell enough units in the project.
They weren't trapped, they weren't undervalued, they weren't depressed, they weren't not using whatever intelligence or skills they had.
The purchase was made under the guidance of Peter Silverman, a Canadian collector who has a reputation in the business (though he dislikes the term) as a "picker" - someone who scours auction houses for undervalued works.
The first of the guests had returned from the stables, and Caitlyn heard her name mentioned by Lord Dervishton.
The Laird Who Loved Me
He said in an undervoice, “For many years now I put out my tentacles—”
Sonnet of the Sphinx
The sale is likely to be of interest to buyout firms looking to swoop on undervalued assets.
Times, Sunday Times
He became the patron saint of the Mevlevi Sufi order, whose ceremonies incorporated music and whirling dances in special dress (from which came their common description as whirling dervishes).
C. The Mongol Empire and Its Successors
And just as background, in the 20 percent of the precincts that were counted manually in Miami-Dade, the Miami-Dade Canvassing Board identified a legal vote in approximately one out of every four undervote or nonvote ballots that it reviewed.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Leon County Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Election 2000 Contest - December 2, 2000
Pages 3 onward of the Laudervest / Skyline Agreement are annexed to the Gantzes' Purchase Agreement.
Omdurman; but by crossing the river he practically cut himself off from the Dervish base, and now had only a desert behind him; for we had taken over Kassala from the Italians, and the Egyptian battalion there, and a large force of friendly Arabs, would prevent him from retiring up the banks of the Atbara.
With Kitchener in the Soudan A Story of Atbara and Omdurman
Soon he is digging like a whirling dervish, the impressive show ending with another frantic leap.
Will they have to cede to the demands of the Dervaes Family to stop using the term "urban homestead?
Boing Boing
The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.
The new company, often trading under the same or a similar name, uses the old company's assets, often acquired at an undervalue, and exploits its goodwill and business opportunities.
The strength of the walls resisted an army of two hundred thousand Turks; their assaults were repelled by the sallies of the Greeks and their foreign mercenaries; the old resources of defence were opposed to the new engines of attack; and the enthusiasm of the dervis, who was snatched to heaven in visionary converse with Mahomet, was answered by the credulity of the Christians, who _beheld_ the Virgin
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
The two have repeatedly denied they are planning a takeover bid and said they see United as undervalued, representing a good long-term investment.
The system includes modules of generating SPWM signals, inverter circuit and its control tactic, undervoltage and overcurrent protection, keyboard and display.
Be warned, then: don't let overconfidence lure you into undervaluing the guarantee of a good job.
The main reason for this is that by artificially undervaluing its own currency, and therefore overvaluing the dollar, China artificially stimulates its manufacturing exports.
She could dance like a dervish, march like a soldier, or hop like a one-legged pirate with a parrot on his shoulder.
It is doubtful whether future funding would allow both Cross-rail and the electrification of the Caldervale lines to be simultaneously undertaken.
They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.
If the stock price is less than the intrinsic value, the stock is undervalued and investors should buy it.
We clearly undervalued him as a member of our team.