How To Use Dermatoglyphic In A Sentence
Because monozygotic twins presumably have identical genes, any dermatoglyphic differences between them must be due to differences in prenatal environmental experiences.
New World monkeys have similar dermatoglyphic prints on the undersides of their tails, the better to grasp as they swing from branch to branch.
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The following physical features were noted: cleft lip and palate, overlapping fingers, low-set ears, simian creases, obscure dermatoglyphics, and hypoplastic external genitalia.
Conventional methods were used in dermatoglyphic interpretation.
Through decades of researching, scientists find that our fingerprints show our brain development, and this is called the science of dermatoglyphics.
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But further studies have to be done with a larger sample size in order to evaluate the significance of these variations in the dermatoglyphic features in the oral cleft individuals.
I invite all of those skeptics to read one of my latest works on the field and become introduced to the scientific study of hand appearances, called dermatoglyphics.
The study of these ridges is called dermatoglyphics.
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Fetuses don't develop dermatoglyphics (the skin ridge patterns in our palms, fingers and soles) until three months 'gestation.
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What makes dermatoglyphics important as markers for disease and traits is the fact that they develop at specific times in the foetus.
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Since this type of dermatoglyphic model is based on an analysis of genetically identical individuals (monozygotic twins), it provides a marker for prenatal environmental causality independent of genetic causality.
Thus, for the twins concordant for sexual orientation, the null hypothesis that there are no differences in dermatoglyphics between twins cannot be rejected.
Perform physical exam on the patient with particular attention to dysmorphology, growth parameters and specialized measurements, and dermatoglyphics
Clinical Genetics Service
Some of them presented developmental delay, short stature, cardiac anomalies and hypotonia, but no skeletal and dermatoglyphic anomalies nor facial features characteristic of KS were observed.
some criminologists specialize in dermatoglyphics
Some of the factors (including differences in testosterone level) which are associated with intrauterine stress are also associated with dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans and captive primates.
Using an approach based on the gradient of development in the hand, the possibility that the relative timing of alcohol exposure can be detected in the dermatoglyphic system will be explored.
Researchers have shown dermatoglyphic differences between non-deficient people and those with cognitive or genetic abnormalities, like schizophrenia, Down's syndrome, and intellectual disability.
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The former is found on the palms and soles and has a thick outer layer that contains dermatoglyphics, a fancy term for fingerprints.
This visionary scientist also laid down the foundations of dermatoglyphics.