How To Use Derate In A Sentence

  • The beak is smoth, black, convex and cultrated; one and 1/8 inches from the point to the opening of the chaps and 3/4 only uncovered with feathers; the upper chap exceeds the other a little in length. a few small black hairs garnish the sides of the base of the upper chap. the eye is of a uniform deep sea green or black, moderately large. it's legs feet and tallons are white; the legs are an inch and a 1/4 in length and smoth; four toes on each foot, of which that in front is the same length with the leg including the length of the tallon, which is 4 lines; the three remaining toes are The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Traditional methods for liquid or semiliquid fecal incontinence management, such as the use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, and moisturizers, are only moderately successful in alleviating the consequences of fecal incontinence. New Data Shows Budget Impact of Fecal Management System in Hospital ICU
  • KING: How do you react to the fact, we'll get to "Apollo 13" and lots of other things, that people looked at it from their point of view, liberals saw it as liberal, conservatives saw it conservative, moderates saw it as moderate, some people saw it as apolitical, antipolitical. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live Weekend: Tom Hanks' Career From `Bonfire of the Vanities' to `Saving Private Ryan' - February 17, 2001
  • Receiving the round initial in the third quarter, the Rams would put together the 10-play, 61-yard expostulate immoderate 5 mins as great as finishing it off with the 6-yard TD pass from Stefkovich to So, TE, Joe Migliarese (Blue Bell, Pa.) to tighten the measure to twenty-nine twenty-eight TU. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.
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  • Proper footgear for the Confederate infantry was in shortest supply.
  • When I do get in a lather, it's never my fault: it's the cyclists and pedestrians who are selfish and inconsiderate, not me.
  • Today, the Prime Minister released his two options for Senate reform describing them as moderate and reasonable.
  • Because it improves digestion but does not heat the body, Amla-Berry is ideal for calming mild to moderate hyperacidity.
  • The overriding principle is not to offend the sensitive by immoderate cachinnation at an inappropriate joke. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very slowly or moderately it was rising, and I thought I was at the estate of a wealthy person for the architecture was very expensive looking.
  • General Ricardo Izurieta, the moderate army commander, is now being criticised for political naivety by diehard Pinochetistas.
  • Smear chicken pieces generously with mole and bake in a moderate oven, turning once or twice during baking, for about 30 minutes.
  • Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
  • In a large ovenproof skillet, cook bacon over moderate heat until crisp, about 10 minutes.
  • Certainly his confessions might still be reliable, along with the confessions of Abu Zubaydah and other confederates being interrogated in secret.
  • I hate to say it, but there are at least eight colonies on the outer rim of Confederate territory that we have not had contact with since the end of the civil war.
  • The dress was modest, a medium cut top, three quarter sleeve, tight bodice and a moderate skirt.
  • But his infamy was sealed by the government's all-out campaign against his hapless sidekicks, falsely portrayed as part of a vast Confederate plot.
  • Mianyang city belongs to eastern subtropics monsoon climate region, moderate climate, and distinctive four seasons.
  • If the heat has been moderate, and not continued too long, the golden-coloured fcaly porous mafsj called aurum mu - fivum, will be found at the bottom of the veflel; but, if it has been too ftroitg, the - aurum mufivum fufes to a black mafs of a ftriated texture. The first principles of chemistry
  • He is well-known as a moderate in the party.
  • The policies and attitudes of the autocracy virtually ruled out the emergence of a moderate, reformist labour movement.
  • The rocks are deformed into kilometre-scale monoclinal folds, the axes of which plunge moderately to steeply north northwest.
  • The president vacillates between the two (hard-line and moderate) camps.
  • As though you really are the most inconsiderate people to ever live in the rental across from my home.
  • The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
  • Some of the football, especially in the opening half, was decidedly moderate.
  • I had now no clothes except what I stood up in — the coat badly out at the elbow — an overcoat, moderately pawnable, and one spare shirt. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • Somehow that was considerate of them, but they still were wary.
  • At low engine speeds while the car is heading up slight grades, the Elantra engine chuffs and rocks in its cradle; and at moderate-to-highway speeds, if you kick it hard in the slats, the powertrain starts to whine with something approaching resentment. Hyundai Takes a Bold Stand in the Compact Race
  • He has a room of moderate size.
  • The law is this: The creedalism and immoderateness of Socialism, other things being equal, vary inversely with its age and responsibility. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • During the trial period the test car was not garaged, but exposed to moderately cold Michigan weather and one light snowfall.
  • Cases of moderate to severe depression are rising also because depression often co-occurs with other problems - alcohol and drug abuse; personality, eating and anxiety disorders.
  • Original walls over 2m thick and deeply recessed small windows moderate internal temperatures.
  • Labour moderates propose a 56% rate rise, with £5.6m of cuts.
  • I think he's the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known.
  • She should moderate her language when children are present.
  • MacGregor --- I carena wha kens it --- And Rob had soon a gallant band; and as it grieved him (he said) to see sic hership and waste and depredation to the south o 'the Hieland line, why, if ony heritor or farmer wad pay him four punds Scots out of each hundred punds of valued rent, whilk was doubtless a moderate consideration, Rob engaged to keep them scaithless; Rob Roy
  • Set the oven to a low / high / moderate heat.
  • When you're ready to serve them pop them into a casserole in a moderate oven for 15 minutes.
  • If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 
  • Having watched reasonably moderate candidates lose the last two presidential elections in heartbreaking fashion, and feeling further frustrated by the steady failure to win either house of Congress, Democrats have made it an article of faith that they lack the political and policy mechanisms to compete with their Republican counterparts. Take Two: Hillary's Choice
  • (moderate) 70-80% good and beyond 80% menas democracy is working - otherwise call jai ho Nehru Gandhi and that is all. Top Headlines
  • Loxochlamys having 13-15 prominent radial rounded-trigonal plicae that begin early in ontogeny and remain of moderate height throughout ontogeny.
  • He must learn to moderate his temper.
  • The largest shift in molecular weight occurred during the melting stage, but matrix glycans remained at moderately high molecular weight even in overripe fruit, and were not depolymerized to small size.
  • Frank would not counter-order the drink, for he loved it; he persuaded himself that he should be strictly moderate, while he was secretly determined to keep within his reach the means of excess. Frank Oldfield Lost and Found
  • These terms were agreeable to the Magyar aristocracy, but could not satisfy the revolutionaries or moderates among the lesser nobility.
  • But, even car buffs will admit that carnaubas are moderately difficult and time consuming (up to twelve hours to cure!
  • Hehe there are sane people here in no. va … I think nova is one of the more moderate parts of va .. Think Progress » Virginians Buck Far-Right Policies Of McDonnell And Cuccinelli
  • The position of interviewer is the one with the authority to moderate, the emcee of the event.
  • Confederate stuffed port-fires with turpentined cotton and shot them into rollers only a few yards off. Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • It is a potent time-release medication for relief of moderate to severe pain, known as hillbilly heroin because of black-market popularity in some rural areas.
  • 'I do not desiderate that pie!' was his way of putting it. In The Time Of Light
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • The limbs are only moderately long, and the feet are narrow, with four main digits and short claws.
  • He became the official mouthpiece of the moderate leadership.
  • A champion of privatization, he's been holding closed-door meetings with moderate Democrats in the hopes of forging a compromise.
  • We have to look for someone who can formulate strategic goals -- and I'm going to have to use the term reuse -- to reuse what is there now, and federate what is there now, and federate with as light a touch as possible. BriefingsDirect Transcripts
  • Their courage helped millions of people to be less condemnatory and more considerate.
  • Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land. Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
  • On the basis of this mutual agreement of the two parties, according to which each of them defends only his claims and his cause, renouncing all personal or egoistic considerations, the conflict is fought with unattenuated sharpness, following its own intrinsic logic, and being neither intensified nor moderated by subjective factors. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • Making progress on a moderate expansion of CPP is important for the long-term adequacy of The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • We need to prove to the moderates, independents and western libertarians that we are tough enough.
  • Expecting to have to moderate their pace so as not to overstride their diminutive hosts, the travelers found themselves having to hurry to keep up, so swift were the Swick's feathered earthbound mounts. Carnivores of Light and Darkness
  • He said the design is basically a 9,000-lb-thrust engine, heavily derated to specific airframe power requirements.
  • Hani Qawasmi, who had been considered a moderate civil servant acceptable to both factions, resigned due to what he termed harmful behavior by both sides. Elections - fresh news by
  • I have been saying this for a while now, specifically in the context of Pakistan, that instead of trying to present a ‘moderate’ picture of Islam as is the fashion and which is fallacious by the way, we must in explicit terms denounce Islam. Women Erased in Israel, Flogged in Pakistan and Restricted in Afghanistan - The Lede Blog -
  • Geography—note: a flat, riverless island renowned for its white sand beaches; its tropical climate is moderated by constant trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean; the temperature is almost constant at about 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit) PeoplePopulation: 100,018 note: estimate based on a revision of the base population, fertility, and mortality numbers, as well as a revision of 1985-1999 migration estimates from outmigration to inmigration, which is assumed to continue into the future; the new results are consistent with the 2000 census (July 2007 est.) Aruba
  • A ryot cultivating alluvial lands, and having no seed, can hardly ever repay his advances; but it does not follow that he has been a loser, for he, perhaps, could not value his time, labor, and rent altogether at half the amount; and as long as this system is kept within moderate bounds, it answers much better than private cultivation to the manufacturer, and has many contingent advantages to the cultivator. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.
  • But it's hard not to be moderately consternated by the comments, or consterned, or whatever the word is. Woman drives 200 miles to kill internet commenter?
  • This facility is producing fabrics with luxurious finishes in a range of worsted and synthetic fabrics for the moderate to better markets.
  • In those cases in which the phrenitis did not begin immediately, but about the third or fourth day, the disease was moderate at the commencement, but assumed a violent character about the seventh day. Of The Epidemics
  • Defying the leaders of both political parties, moderates are asking voters to approve open primary elections for California.
  • Specifically, fiscal policy worked to moderate economic cycles through automatic stabilizers.
  • I think the country is probably more moderate and reasonable in general than the atmosphere has become.
  • Moderate: inflammation of the sclera and the film, clear yellow urine.
  • I guess I always assumed as a child that if I was considerate of others and reasoned things out, people would do likewise to and for me.
  • However, in spite of the tightened monetary policy, the growth rate of private sector credit increased moderately.
  • Although William Beckford wrote a Gothick romance as reckless and immoderate as himself, his life of epic prodigality would arrest attention had he not written a single line.
  • To religious conservatives, however, even these tentative and moderate reforms were undesirable and alarming.
  • On the way out, I was stuck behind a guy pulling a howitzer on a trailer that was covered in confederate flag stickers.
  • The chairman's statement is considerate of the diverse interests represented by the leaders in the meeting.
  • You could do this with a vine such as Carolina jessamine or Confederate jasmine.
  • It's true that non-stick cookware manufacturers recommend moderate heat.
  • The pair sensibly attempted a less ambitious integration of moderate-size compositions in the more restricted space upstairs.
  • However, she warned diabetics to be wary of fruits with moderate calorific values such as mango, pomegranate and jackfruit, and high calorie fruits such as dates and grapes.
  • Some complained about what they characterized as rude and inconsiderate behavior by the power company, which had the largest number of customers in the region still without power. For Pepco, customer wrath extends the storm
  • A riot began when drug traffickers tried to free their jailed confederates.
  • Charles Duvall, a moderate bishop from Florida's panhandle, wrote in an August pastoral letter to his flock that if God had joined them together, he as bishop would work to keep them that way.
  • Visually you can picture this as some kind of burbling pot where the foam that rises brings the violent ones to the surface and the more moderate ones remain at the bottom of the pot and receive whatever misfortunes trickle down from the bomb throwing ones who flourish at the top of the pot. When Is a Shoah not a Shoah?
  • During this same period of Flotilla Face-Offs with the IDF, Pakistan, my nation of matrilineal and patrimonial heritage has witnessed the extraordinary massacre of 120 moderate, pacifist Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement that subscribes to peaceful, pluralistic Islam. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • Clever, ambitious and moderate as he is, I do not for a moment think he expects his party to win the election.
  • This is a moderate river, and we're going to portage the big rapids.
  • There was a strong strain of Anglophilia in the Alsop clan, and a consistent devotion to the politics of moderate conservatism.
  • These organisations project a reputation of being caring, considerate and benevolent.
  • In this letter the Baron stated _fairly and moderately but without palliation_ in what light M. Bresson's conduct must necessarily appear _in London_, and what very naturally and most probably _must be the political consequences of such conduct_. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
  • If Democrats and Republican moderates can stand against full repeal, they also need to stand against a bad compromise.
  • If you have both excess skin and fat one can combine tummy tuck with liposuction, but it has to be moderate liposuction to preserve the blood supply to the skin.
  • Unmoderated Usability Data is Mostly Reliable: Data from remote usability test takers is rather similar to lab based studies except for task-times which differ more substantially.
  • [11] But in this instance, perhaps, distance of space, combined with the unrivalled grandeur of the war, was felt to equiponderate the distance of time, Susa, the Persian capital, being fourteen hundred miles from Athens. Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • Why is it so hard to find a moderately theologically literate reporter?
  • Elizabeth Dole, on the other hand, tends to keep her own moderate views bottled up inside.
  • Face to face the design duo aren't the chattiest pair, but they have an eye for considerate, designs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's energizing his opponents and driving away moderates in droves because he is a right wing ideologue who refuses to make even the slightest concession to achieve consensus.
  • “I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.” Ratification
  • Since receiving the baboon marrow, Getty has had moderate increases in his immune cell numbers, Deeks said.
  • The confederates then passed out from the council chamber into the grand hall; each individual, as he took his departure, advancing towards the Duchess and making what was called the "caracole," in token of reverence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 10: 1566, part I
  • It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
  • The Confederate policies of impressments sometimes helped manufacturers convince Federal authorities that their production for the Confederate government had been based upon compulsion.
  • He ran against this theory of a moderate Republicanism that is complicit in a long liberal legacy of tax, spend, and tax again.
  • Conclusion: Oxiracetam can distinctly improve the brain function of the mild and moderate brain injure, and have better efficacy than piracetam.
  • Microscopic examination demonstrated hydropic degenerated villi with a circumferential trophoblastic cell proliferation and moderate atypia, consistent with a complete hydatidiform mole.
  • According to research, non-drinkers are more likely to develop the winter snuffles than moderate drinkers.
  • I have the same sort of vision of the early 'English' in Britain as you, a mixture of people speaking various sorts of Germanic, who had settled at various times spanning a couple of centuries at least and for various reasons, including retired Roman soldiers, traders, federates, independents etc. Lord of Silver, by Alan Fisk. Book review
  • Cheap Books, we hope, will never be an evil; for, as "the same care and toil that raise a dish of peas at Christmas, would give bread to a whole family during six months;" so the expense of a gay volume at this season will furnish a moderate circle with amusive reading for a twelvemonth. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 407, December 24, 1829
  • Most Cuckoos have moderately sized, slightly down curved bills, medium to long wings and zygodactylous feet.
  • However, adolescents who held more favorable attitudes toward drinking were relatively unaffected by the program and did not abstain or moderate their alcohol consumption.
  • For the tamale filling, cubed pork is simmered with whole heads of garlic and onions; the meat is hand-chopped and warmed with a “salsa” — really a thick paste of ancho (dried poblanos) and cascabel chiles, reconstituted and slowly sauteed with garlic and onions — until the moderate heat of the chiles permeates the meat. Cooking for a Sunday Day
  • He looked and had the feel of a well-born Eastern moderate Republican. Someone Had a Good Week
  • The broadband connection your hardcore MP3 fanatic needs has not reached even moderate market saturation.
  • In addition, moderate derealization, depersonalization and intensified sensory perception commonly occur.
  • Dark reds like burgundy and maroon appeal to moderate income groups.
  • The country's largest mobile phone operator suspended its chat services last year after it became concerned about some content in unmoderated chatrooms.
  • Bake the pie for 30 minutes in a moderate oven.
  • USA should restore ties, and try to address the moderates in Iran without assuming the civilisationally-superior tone of hectoring or blustering. proudlyleft New Statesman
  • But surely three glasses of draught beer in a day could not be called immoderate? Maigret and the Loner
  • There is a healthy amount of grain, moderate edge enhancement, and awful special effects.
  • It boasts an ideal cool climate for the grape, as bodies of water near the vineyards keep temperatures moderate.
  • In a large, heavy skillet, melt butter over moderate heat.
  • The German introduction of the turbojet engine and moderate wing sweepback to improve high-speed flight performance was matched by Allied developments.
  • He was of stature moderately tall; of a straight and equally—proportioned body, to which all his words and actions gave an unexpressible addition of comeliness. The Life of Dr. Donne. Paras. 100-143
  • The crucian carp is said to grow at a moderate speed. Evolution versus "Intelligent Design" - The Panda's Thumb
  • But so it was, as great men and princes are said to call in their flatterers when dinner has been served, so the Athenians, upon slight occasions, entertained and diverted themselves with their spruce speakers and trim orators, but when it came to action, they were sober and considerate enough to single out the austerest and wisest for public employment, however much he might be opposed to their wishes and sentiments. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 
  • I try to visualize standing up without it, without a grab bar, without a moderate upper-body assist from a highly trained therapist, without Bob, but when I do I see myself either falling headfirst into the metal stall door or falling backward into the bowl. Left Neglected
  • Seems the organizers like the cut of my "immoderate moderator" jib, which is deeply flattering and rewarding as I always have a lot of fun doing it. Uninstalled
  • Since then, factions of moderates and hardliners have battled within the movement.
  • We think it would be found that among women conversions from Protestantism to Catholicism preponderate, and that among men the preponderance is the other way about. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • A moderate intake of the right types of dietary fats can help build muscle and, in many cases, trim you down.
  • The Nationals had the advantage of position, their lines projecting in wedge-form towards the Confederate centre, with steep rocky acclivities along their front.
  • That agreement merely allowed moderate nationalists like the SDLP to have some share of power.
  • If this fails to moderate bad behaviour, officers will visit the family home.
  • The new centre-right government's radical objectives are often couched in moderate terms.
  • So you have a Republican Party that is splintered and fanaticized and a Democratic Party that is really a moderate Republican Party stuck to the teat of Corporate America and unwilling to let go. The Lost Children
  • On the signboard outside the village hall, a mysterious announcement appeared: Let all men recognize your unselfishness, your considerateness, your forbearing spirit. A Christmas Parable By Judith Moran
  • The Confederates were fully aware of this, and as soon as they could, placed on the waters of their rivers and harbors vessels new to naval warfare, called ironclad rams. A School History of the United States
  • The doctor explained that, in order of severity, cervical dysplasia is mild, moderate and severe, followed by carcinoma in situ [early cancer that had broken through the cell walls], and then invasive cancer. Patricia Yarberry Allen: What to Do if You Have Genital HPV
  • And to be clear, the “good fight” is, instead of accusing flag wavers of being neo-Confederate Klan sympathizers, to convince people of good will that embracing offensive and divisive symbols is counter-productive and hurtful. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • A very moderate pacifism was, in fact, the common denominator of the demonstrators and the varied organisations.
  • Forecasters have said moderate Santa Ana winds could pick up later in the week.
  • Continued growth increases the risk of partial dome collapse, which could trigger moderate explosions and possibly significant lahars (volcanic mudflows) from the crater.
  • You have moderate acne if you have swelling, red bumps, or pustules, along with the whiteheads and blackheads.
  • Shall we ever have it? or will the irrational conservatism of the educated classes, in all time to come, prevent a consummation so desirable, and so desiderated by the philologist? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements.
  • The tone of the article was moderate, non-accusatory and unsensational, and entirely appropriate to a straight-forward and significant news story.
  • Big quakes do trigger local aftershocks, but researchers found no sign of setting off moderate-sized events beyond about 600 miles away. Big Earthquakes Study Indicates They Don't Set Off Others Far Away
  • Boys, however, do not appreciate being juggled, just as girls find it to be inconsiderate. The Lo-Down
  • This movement - established by the idealistic pioneer-immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century - grew into a large federate organisation that became the backbone of the labour movement.
  • Histologic examination of the colon did not show blue discoloration or abnormalities, with the exception of moderate autolysis.
  • An evil inconsiderate action for which I was immediately admonished by everyone in my family.
  • The dotation of the President is enormous certainly, and I wish for his own sake it had been rather more moderate. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Titanium for metal injection molding is commercially available but is generally used for moderate - to low-stress applications such as surgical tools, golf club putters, and watch cases and bands.
  • As subsequently qualified by the university's regents, the new policy proved a victory for the moderate center.
  • And tenderness, too—but does that appear a mawkish thing to desiderate in life? Beyond Life
  • He told her that barrenness is cured by the presence of immoderate heat in a woman accompanied by turgescence. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
  • Now five conservatives square off against two moderates and three Democrats.
  • Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.
  • Here on January 7, 1861, Alabama voted to secede from the Union, and on February 18, on the steps of the portico, Jefferson Davis took his oath of office as President of the Confederate States. L'ombra mostrarsi
  • Co-op Atlantic actually began life in 1927 as the Maritime Livestock Board, which evolved over time into a multi-faceted, federated co-op.
  • Modal geometries C and D appear to represent the tendency for these pioneers, i.e., slowly expanding, moderately to openly umbilicate, compressed shells, typified by Otoceras and Ophiceras.
  • This may mark the schism between Negri and the Red Brigades and may be the root of the split in the Red Brigades between the extreme Stalinist wing and the more moderate "workerist" wing composed of such dissidents as Valerio Morucci and Adriana Faranda, both arrested last May. Terror in Italy: An Exchange
  • He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
  • A report said the Council had had a moderately active and successful year, but every section had suffered from fluctuations in a more or less acute manner.
  • There were no posters in the streets, few reminiscences on the bookstalls, and only a moderate media build-up.
  • Most notably, the Pueblo Indians in the Southwest used adobe masonry to moderate weather extremes and keep their homes comfortable.
  • The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case.
  • Chamomile tea is an excellent stomachic when taken in moderate doses of half-a-teacupful at a [86] time. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The arrangements accepted in this Agreement are without prejudice to the financial autonomy now vested in the Federated Shan States.
  • He has little time, for he has heard the scuffle downstairs when the wife tried to force her way up, and perhaps he has already heard from his lascar confederate that the police are hurrying up the street. Sole Music
  • They emerged in a rather moderately sized gunroom.
  • The session four years ago alienated many moderate voters with its fire-and-brimstone rhetoric that included attacks on gays and feminists.
  • Will the press buy the notion of putting out these more moderate faces in the spotlight means that it's a more moderate party?
  • It is putting up 26 candidates and, apart from a moderately sensible policy querying the wisdom of allowing the current system of postal voting to continue, it's pure barminess all the way.
  • These are in-your-face-mountains," saysTom McDonald, Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and Conservation Division manager forthe Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
  • Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.
  • Bake the pie for 30 minutes in a moderate oven.
  • He complains that Muslims are wrongly accused of al-taqiyya whilst not appearing to realise that, for all his displays of moderateness, his own tendency towards al-taqqiya is writ large in this article. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • By allowing Bobby Montoya to be a Girl Scout, the Girl Scout leadership has fulfilled its own written laws "to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Girl Scout Organization Fulfills Its Promises and Laws
  • When you analyze the inarticulate characteristic of Chinese people, you will find it is the combination of considerateness and sympathy.
  • The Third Artillery and the Montana regiment suffered moderate casualties, but they managed to take the hill.
  • The sea outside is moderate, but with the geo to funnel the waves in and the caves funnelling further, there is a powerful surge between the narrow walls.
  • A copy of the Cavalry Model - favored by Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart - found its way to the gunroom of Leo Bradshaw in Waco, Texas.
  • Grossly, the right ventricular chamber was moderately to markedly dilated, and its free wall showed extensive myocardial adiposity.
  • Why, you know Tacitus saith, “In rebus bellicis maxime dominalur Fortuna,” which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage, “Luck can maist in the mellee.” Waverley
  • -- (Fig. 222.) Shell smooth, moderately inflated, thick, beaks prominent, lorsal margin depressed; anterior margin rounded, lunule anceolate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds

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