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How To Use Depressive In A Sentence

  • A patient that have social anxiety and social phobia are ofttimes misdiagnosed and are often identified as schizophrenic and manic-depressive, out of other bad misdiagnoses. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Lower scores are associated with less depressive symptomatology whereas higher scores are associated with more depressive symptomatology.
  • Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • In order for cyclothymia to be diagnosed, hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms must be present alternately for at least two years.
  • I have been credited with the accolade of the most compulsively depressive blog and that is not without reason.
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  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • Objective To study the compliance application in the treatment of depressive disorder treats.
  • Osons le dire: nos arbitrages ont une forme maniaco-dépressive avec de fortes amplitudes émotionnelles pouvant conduire à la folie ou au suicide cf. Archive 2009-04-10
  • They found that less than half of those with bipolar disorder -- also known as manic-depressive illness -- received mental health treatment during their lifetimes.
  • Caution: avoid in depressive illness. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
  • Whatever they're calling Rowena now, it's not manic-depressive! Jinx High
  • The kind of 10-minute blast of unadulterated grimness which turns up out of the blue late at night on BBC2, haranguing you with supposedly meaningful images of alcoholic depressives shouting at each other in tower blocks.
  • Move over Brit-pop, and bring on another depressive songbird accompanied by an acoustic guitar.
  • The depressive group are sitting quietly after ten minutes, the happy group are all chatting, but both groups deny they've been influenced by statements.
  • The Wood Man, we learn, is a silent and odd character, something of a pest, who lets himself into Hilda's house and lies silently, depressively, on his back before the fire. Boing Boing
  • (Manic-depressive psychosis is an older term for the same kind of disorders). Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • The rest of the album meanders about in cliché depressive lyrics that fails to convey any real emotion.
  • Along this line, depressive symptoms and violent behavior have been found to co-occur only in about 5% to 8% of adolescents.
  • These essential fatty acids have a depressive effect on inflammatory cytokines, thus stopping the domino nature of the inflammatory response.
  • Mr. Davies has also suffered from marked alcohol dependency and a major depressive disorder which are common concomitants of PTSD.
  • The depressive phase of classic bipolar disorder has symptomatology no different than that of chronic depression. An Evolutionary Model of Depression, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I didn't realize what a depressive rut I'd been in for the last couple of months.
  • Low mood or depressive symptoms do the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • I pushed myself to attend two hours of scriptwriting and rather than delve deeper into depressive moods, I just walked out of class and back home.
  • The drug appeared to have no observable depressive effect on respiratory rate.
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  • Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.
  • But depressive syndromes sometimes occur as sequelae to physical illness such as viral infection and may overlap with fatigue syndromes.
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  • Simpson's behaviour suggests that he was a cyclothymic personality, probably a full-fledged manic-depressive.
  • We used current depressive symptomatology as an indicator of psychological health.
  • This suggests that your underlying depressive illness has not gone away completely, and this might also explain why you continue to feel the distressing symptom of depersonalisation.
  • dysthymia", which by definition is a mild form of depressive disorder, but without the crippling severity of major depression. Blogtimore, Hon
  • Ladislav von Meduna started seizure therapy by intravenous injection of cardiazol (in depressive states), a therapy that was abandoned when in 1938 the Italians Cerletti and Bini introduced electric convulsive therapy, E.C.T., for severe mental states. Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • Mr. SANDFORD: A lot of cops in fiction are very depressive and are kind of downbeat, and they've got all kinds of existential angst that they're dealing with. Hunting 'Prey' On The Streets Of The Twin Cities
  • Eventually, the withdrawal of the high-sugar chow triggered the release of a molecule known as corticotropin-releasing factor, or CRF, which causes anxious and depressive feelings and has been linked to relapses in drug addicts. News
  • However, persistent severe depressive moods are not part of the ‘normal’ spectrum of behaviour.
  • Do you often counter depressive moods by some sort of potentially harmful compulsive behavior such as overworking, overspending, overdrinking, or overeating?
  • There was scarcely a subject on which he could not discourse with humor and invention, from the depressive mood of the country to its other civic troubles.
  • One person becomes controlling, another anxiously vigilant, another person pretends that nothing at all matters, and still another is depressively passive. Michael Bader, D.M.H.: No, Virginia -- AT&T Just Seems Like the Great Satan
  • The sad truth is that one in five of us will suffer from a bout of severe depressive illness and many more will dip in and out of milder depressions.
  • It was the first of two major depressive episodes that have shaped her life right up to today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Date: May 1, 2007 2: 13 PM consequences of such condom Valerian nurse name badge pins help loan amortization calc trials CIALIS nefazodone As with auto car insurance policy quote sleep deprivation slots in usa Depressive Disorder pay day loans Infectious blackjack games and social saxon mortgage controlled studies inpatient movies in the 1950s them your doctor credit reporting companies or 20 mg land loans If you are no prescription taken no more dating sites not been play free craps and win cash money disorders such var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • It was the first of two major depressive episodes that have shaped her life right up to today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Melancholic depressives may also ruminate over the same thoughts and experiences, and feel excessive guilt.
  • It should make for the sort of book that has you depressively thinking "no thank you" at first glance, but not so. The Law of Bound Hearts
  • In these cases it has to be borne in mind that the anxiety could be a symptom of a depressive condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • I diagnosed him, your Honour, as suffering from a reactive agitated depressive disorder, which was severe in type.
  • The biggest trigger was a previous depressive episode. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has become reasonably well accepted that bipolar patients treated with an antidepressant for a depressive episode can be at risk to ‘switch’ into a manic episode.
  • He refused to take on patients who were psychotic; that is, who were suffering from schizophrenia or from the most severe type of melancholia (depressive illness).
  • I have no doubt at all that it was by reason of his depressive illness that he self-harmed.
  • The most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.
  • Katia, who often professes her strong feelings for David and calls him ‘my love,’ is gradually coded as the romantic of the couple with near-manic depressive outbursts of sudden weeping, laughing, and anger.
  • Why bother campaigning to legalise drugs when you could use your own airline to fly self-absorbed dopehead depressives out to Africa to gawp at poor people? The camera does sometimes lie. Ask a female politician | Barbara Ellen
  • We excluded patients with psychotic features, major depressive disorders, cyclothymia, or bipolar disorders.
  • The biggest trigger was a previous depressive episode. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depressive disorder have adverse effect on the patients with MI about its genesis, development and prognosis.
  • The depressive alkaloid scopolamine is produced from the fruit of shrubs in the Andes. A SEASON IN HELL
  • TV Guide Magazine: You don't think it's really creepy of Nick to be play-acting with someone who's manic-depressive? Alley Mills Gets Busted on The Bold and the Beautiful
  • It gets me the way Wes Anderson gets me when Margot walks off that bus to Nico's "These Days" or Harold drives his car to Cat Stevens '"Trouble" or Benjamin Braddock depressively swims and fornicates to Simon and Garfunkle's "April Come She Will" or Sam Rothstein falls for Ginger to "Love is Strange" (I could list more than a dozenScorsese music moments that touch me in multiple ways). Kim Morgan: Be My Bloody Baby, Marty
  • The highly influential psychiatrist and philosopher Jaspers listed the functional psychoses as schizophrenia, manic - depressive insanity, and epilepsy.
  • More startling, his manic-depressive nature is expressed by sudden changes of tempo, juxtaposing passages in semiquavers with slow-moving minims and semibreves.
  • Caution: avoid in depressive illness. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
  • A recent study showed that lamotrigine not only delays the time to any mood events but is notably effective against the depressive lows of bipolar illness.
  • When this process, which entails the mechanisms of projection and identification, functions smoothly, depressive feelings can be accepted and worked with.
  • I suppose I've made some personal progress in admitting openly that I am depressive, which is to say I have not been formally diagnosed as such, but I suspect I could be. Fathers Day
  • By contrast, British pop, fuelled by speed and e, moves in fits and starts, breaks and loops, sudden surges, depressive longeurs and doublings-back.
  • For both severe and mild depressives, the problem may lie in the amount of sunlight they get.
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  • She added: "Mice with site-specific perturbation of BDNF expression did not exhibit behavioral abnormalities typically observed in mice with global deletion of the Bdnf gene throughout the brain, such as hyperaggression, depressive-like behavior, and hyperactivity. Good news for obese people, Protein behind overeating identified
  • They compare this problem to tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotic drugs, and call it tardive dysphoria, "an active process in which a depressive picture is caused by continued administration of the antidepressant. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • Self-hatred is accompanied in extreme cases by paranoid, schizophrenic, or manic-depressive psychoses.
  • For cyclothymic symptoms to be diagnosed, hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms must be present alternately for at least two years.
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  • We have listened carefully to the evidence which has been adduced regarding your state of mind and accept that you have suffered from a depressive illness.
  • You can see from this description that such a depressive episode is not a trivial experience. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • We also found out that he'd suffered from a depressive illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hypothesis suggested that vascular depression had common characteristics that differentiated it from other depressive syndromes.
  • I played this song constantly in my early teen years during one of my earlier depressive episodes.
  • I had to change my story's year for school because I could find Nothing about the early 1900s in the late 60's, people who were bipolar were called maniac depressives. they were given Lithium to control the manic phase and tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The final "depressive stage" then enter, dealing with coma, flaccid paralysis, loss of reflexes, agonal gasps, apnea, loss of vital signs, and death. 11 This depressive stage occurs due to central medullary depression and may be related to the acute depletion of neurotransmitters. Cocaine Toxicity
  • The more depressive symptoms a driver reported, the worse his or her performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Method: Both patients with bipolar of unipolar depressive episode affective disorder had 30 cases each.
  • One in three of us will experience a depressive episode at some time in our lives.
  • The objective of this study was to examine the role of depressive history and symptomatology during hospitalization on 5-year all-cause mortality after admission for an acute coronary syndrome.
  • It wasn't a superior put down, or depressive lament.
  • Lithium helps stabilise these to some extent and prevents the chaotic cycling between the manic and depressive phases of the illness.
  • Congratulations on your recovery in the face of a chronic depressive illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Antidepressant medications can begin to break a physiologic depressive slide. Healing After the Suicide of a Loved One
  • Black Pat successfully embodies the crushing physical weight of depressive illness, and the crude banality of his torments illuminate its brutal power to strip away joy; but, for all his foul tongue and fouler breath, the monstrous dog fails to penetrate the darker psychological landscape of depression, so that the novel never packs quite the punch that it promises. Mr Chartwell by Rebecca Hunt – review
  • Changes in menstrual flow spotting, breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhoea temporary intermenstrual bleeding, changes in libido, depressive moods, abdominal cramping or bloating and dizziness may occur. Hello Ginette 35 meet Risma 17 You are going to make her Blind
  • It may well be that your partner suffers from a depressive illness that renders him angry and needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an unhappy loser living with his mother, also a pathetic depressive, always overshadowed by his stuntman brother Cisse (Robbie Cleiren). Fantastic Fest – Dirty Mind « Geek Related
  • Drugs such as the opioid antagonist naloxone and the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil may be used to counter the respiratory depressive effects of these drugs.
  • Sometimes the depressive symptoms are delayed and appear when the sufferers feel they are coping well. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • I forgive him, knowing he was bipolar, manic depressive, and alcoholic.
  • Instead she became a virtual recluse and, consequently, a depressive who turned to food for comfort. The Sun
  • Maybe even oh please, oh please sexually deviant or deliciously filthy in the eyes of a panicky, manic depressive Christian God, something that would make priests swoon, Mormons moan and more than a few Republican senators run off to the bathhouse for a hot sweat and a rubdown? Mark Morford: Hello, Sinner! What Are You Guilty of Today?
  • This chapter is devoted to a discussion of the specific set of behaviors and feelings that make up what we call the depressive syndrome. Control Your Depression
  • He suffered, like Vincent, from depressive attacks, of a kind now seen as indicating acute anxiety neurosis.
  • Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.
  • Here's the classic, depressive lute song. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we compare the accounts in the literature of the two conditions here in question, namely, nephritis and phthisis, we must be convinced, that aside from so-called autotoxic phenomena, renal disorder seems to be marked by a tendency to depressive emotions but that phthisis shows not only depressive emotion but also euphoric and hyperkinetic phenomena. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Perhaps there are other relatives who have also had depressive episodes in their lifetime? Times, Sunday Times
  • If the depressive illness had been present, symptoms would have persisted when the applicant was not drinking heavily.
  • Sometimes the depressive symptoms are delayed and appear when the sufferers feel they are coping well. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • With my other journal no longer safe, this is slowly morphing into what it was (to a far lesser extent): a collection of mostly depressive snapshots.
  • We get the feeling that seeing a woman walk out the door with her suitcases packed is a biannual event for Don, yet it sets him into a depressive tailspin.
  • Having a chink of light overhead, provided by a glass sunroof, alleviates any depressive effect.
  • Low mood or depressive symptoms do the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am just so down and things are kind of pants, and I don't like writing so depressively/negatively here. Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • The more physically active people were, the fewer depressive symptoms they reported. Times, Sunday Times
  • In these cases it has to be borne in mind that the anxiety could be a symptom of a depressive condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • In most of these studies the subjects were being treated for endogenous depression, neurotic depressive reaction, or psychoneurotic reaction with depression.
  • A little manic-depressive, maybe," he admitted in afterthought. Oldcharliebrown's Journal
  • None of the studies included in our review specifically examined minor depressive disorder, mild presentations of a major depressive disorder, or dysthymia.
  • This similarity is of interest in connection with other evidence, recently brought to light, [1] showing that involutional melancholia is closely related to manic-depressive insanity, if not identical with it. A Study of Association in Insanity
  • It sounds like your psychiatrist is one the same manic/depressive meds that * I* am on. Baby Can’t Dance (Or, Everything I Needed To Know About Post-Partum Mental Health I Could Have Learned From Jonathan Swift And Ally McBeal) | Her Bad Mother
  • He was by nature insecure and self-doubting, the victim of depressive moods and bouts of indolence.
  • Thus, the higher risk of relapse in depressed patients may reflect not only the self-medication of their depressive symptoms but also this enhanced euphoria.
  • She shared with me that the stress of her schedule was causing depressive symptoms in her life. Christianity Today
  • The more depressive symptoms a driver reported, the worse his or her performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The static of the erratic fanatic romantic manic-depressive: upside down, impulsive, regressive. Anatomy of a Breakdown
  • However, the combination of both scales was most useful in discriminating bipolar disorders from unipolar depressive disorders.
  • The depressive comic committed suicide in 1968, at the age of 44, but left behind a wealth of material that has continued to win fans with sketches such as The Blood Donor.
  • So whichever way you stand on the nature nurture debate, Kierkegaard was always likely to turn out a depressive.
  • A depressive disorder is a syndrome that reflects a sad mood exceeding normal sadness or grief.
  • Emotion dysregulation and links to depressive disorders. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • They also suffer from depressive disorders and need constant reassurance about their self-worth.
  • But I think it's sort of good advice to put in a W.C. Fields movie or an old Nichols and May or something that kind of uplifts you a little bit so we're not sort of in post traumatic stress, sort of depressive state. CNN Transcript Sep 28, 2001
  • The depressive alkaloid scopolamine is produced from the fruit of shrubs in the Andes. A SEASON IN HELL
  • Achewood uses a variety of characters to comment on modern life and current events: there's Ray, the helicopter-owning record label impresario; Roast Beef, the depressive, cripplingly neurotic computer geek who happens to be Ray's best friend; Philippe, a five-year old otter who once ran for President, and far too many more to list. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Changes in menstrual flow spotting, breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhoea temporary intermenstrual bleeding, changes in libido, depressive moods, abdominal cramping or bloating and dizziness may occur. Hello Ginette 35 meet Risma 17 You are going to make her Blind
  • Most patients with a mental disorder have a mixture of depressive and anxiety disorder.
  • Occasionally you're thrown a jolt by something resembling French pop, but the shock subsides once you're into the next depressive acoustic number.
  • As with many great artists, Pollock was an undiagnosed manic-depressive whose life was characterized by periods of self-destructive binges followed by giddy bouts of joy and creativity.
  • Studies have shown a similar incidence of major depressive episodes in matched gravid and nongravid women, so pregnancy appears to have neither a protective nor a detrimental effect.
  • The positive sign on this effect suggests that the inverse relationship between early support from the mother and adult depressive symptoms is less substantial among male respondents.
  • Lack of sunlight might just be one of many stressors that trigger a depressive episode.
  • As a fellow medicated depressive we need a better term--as a migraine sufferer, I can say I'm a "migraineur" I'm impressed at your regular exercise. In Which We Go Temporarily Insane
  • The disease that encompassed all these different appearances was now to be called manic-depressive insanity. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The best punk rock, or whatever, always comes from the most depressive governments.
  • The extremes in alternation are to be found in cyclothimia and manic-depressive psychoses, which may or may not be intercalated by periods of equilibrium. C. G. Jung and Psychosynthesis, by Roberto Assagioli
  • Other reports relate the attentional deficit among depressives to reduced processing capacity.
  • The authors conclude that an average dosage of hypericum extract, 350 mg three times daily, appears to be as efficacious as imipramine in relieving moderate depressive symptoms.
  • Finally, analyses testing the direct effects of individual stress domains on control and depressive symptoms, respectively, will be presented.
  • The study found that attributions were unrelated to depressive symptomatology among these children.
  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • An ironic exception to these nineteenth-century writers who were emphasizing the mysterious, irrational, and overwhelming forces that gave rise to genius was the essayist Charles Lamb; confined at one time to a private asylum for what now would almost certainly be called manic-depressive illness, he was also the close companion to a sister intermittently insane with manic-depressive psychosis. Touched with Fire
  • Gilts maintained their strength through to the close, despite the depressive effects of hawkish comments from an ECB official. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes the depressive symptoms are delayed and appear when the sufferers feel they are coping well. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • Instead I'm indulging in depressive whingeing because I needed the best possible conditions to start tackling a heavier workload and everything seems to have gone pear shaped.
  • The antidepressant effect of lithium in unipolar depressive illness has been investigated in 14 controlled studies.
  • This kind of art does little to inspire women to claim their independence, it is depressive.
  • This gave Carl a feeling of newly won security which sustained him through his father's irritable moods, his mother's depressive invalidism, and his alienation at school.
  • There was scarcely a subject on which he could not discourse with humor and invention, from the depressive mood of the country to its other civic troubles.
  • In a prospective study, 35 percent of cyclothymic patients developed full hypomanic, manic, or depressive episodes during a drug-flee follow-up period of up to three years.
  • The depressive ... but the depressive is the very opposite of the hollow man! The depressive
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  • They compare this problem to tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotic drugs, and call it tardive dysphoria, "an active process in which a depressive picture is caused by continued administration of the antidepressant. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • They agree that those who do not share this identity cannot understand the suffering that depressives experience.
  • Reports from three psychiatrists all concluded that she was suffering from a depressive illness which diminished her responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, elderly patients are the main group suffering seriously from depressive illnesses.
  • Drugs such as the opioid antagonist naloxone and the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil may be used to counter the respiratory depressive effects of these drugs.
  • Anthony Storr shows how these depressive fears were magically transmuted in the literary sphere.
  • Between the government, and MTV, I'm completely, utterly, and depressively embarrassed to be an American. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic depressive psychosis is a serious mental disorder characterized by cyclic mood swings, the patient oscillates between extreme sadness and happiness.
  • Cocaine withdrawal bears a striking similarity to the symptoms of depressive disorders, typically including exhaustion, hypersomnia, hyperphagia, depressed mood, as well as intermittent periods of cocaine craving.
  • Here's the classic, depressive lute song. Times, Sunday Times
  • That you see your depressive episodes as something to be endured concerns me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mania is a component of manic depressive or bipolar disease.
  • Date: April 18, 2007 3: 03 PM if you Take busty office sex depressive disorder other free ringtones medication Aktiendepot Do not take netty defloration range var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • Approximately 4 % of Canadians experience major depressive disorder each year.
  • You can see from this description that such a depressive episode is not a trivial experience. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Phase-advancing sleep may be a useful treatment for depressives who eschew medication.
  • The diagnosis of an independent depressive disorder becomes difficult in the demented patient.
  • Reports from three psychiatrists all concluded that she was suffering from a depressive illness which diminished her responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Antidepressants Antidepressants with sedative effects are usually recommended when insomnia is associated with a depressive disorder.
  • Ceramic tile chose cream-colored, light color has bulgy effect, won't appear depressive and constraint.
  • Women who do meet the criteria for a clinical depressive episode are referred for standard treatment.
  • The authors emphasize that acute transient psychosis occurs far more frequently in developing countries and that these do not fit into the traditional subdivision of psychoses into schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness.
  • Discrimination may bring on loss of job, home, or friendship, precipitating a depressive episode or relapses of schizophrenia.
  • Perhaps I was a bit too depressively unkind to point that out? More Than Just a Haircut - Freakonomics Blog -
  • But there is a lot of alcoholism and drug abuse associated with manic-depressive illness.
  • He was hospitalized for several weeks, finally diagnosed as manic-depressive, and prescribed lithium.
  • Nolen-Hoeksema’s research clearly shows that this kind of thinking—which she calls depressive rumination—quickly deteriorates into a vicious downward spiral that exacerbates the severity and length of depression. The Time Paradox
  • Bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia.
  • I could never be described as a depressive person, but I seem to be doing a good impression of it this season. The dark half of the year.
  • It may well be that your partner suffers from a depressive illness that renders him angry and needy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The objective of this study was to examine the role of depressive history and symptomatology during hospitalization on 5-year all-cause mortality after admission for an acute coronary syndrome.
  • Perhaps there are other relatives who have also had depressive episodes in their lifetime? Times, Sunday Times
  • They were to be cared for by nurses in shifts and it was found that w/o a stable mother figure to lean against as it were, thus the Greek term anaclitic the infants showed depressive affect and failed to thrive. The suicide's baby commits suicide (at the age of 47).
  • An estimated 10-15 percent of adolescents with recurrent major depressive episodes develop bipolar disorder.
  • Objective To study the compliance application in the treatment of depressive disorder treats.
  • Million Dollar Baby almost crazily tries to hold the ill-assorted gritty details together with depressive grandiosity, and I guess in some inchoate way Eastwood is entertaining epic pretensions.
  • Due to a respiratory depressive effect, a benzodiazepine may limit the amount of opioid that can be given; may cause mental status changes.
  • This was primarily due to short term unrecovered material economics in both Power Solutions and Building Efficiencies, which we don't expect to continue into Q1, and also the depressive impact of the Plastech acquisition. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator

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