How To Use Deposition In A Sentence
X-ray absorption and photoemission spectroscopy of zinc protoporphyrin adsorbed on rutile TiO2 (110) prepared by in situ electrospray deposition
Next Big Future
This is the northernmost and wettest of the central Asian depressions, remnants of a Tertiary era inland sea, with relict glaciers, glacier lakes and a wide variety of rock types, the result of a long series of successive eras of deposition and orogeny.
Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
In her dying depositions she accused Osio of having pushed her in; and there seems little doubt that he did so; for while she was struggling in the water, he disengaged his harquebuss from his mantle and struck her several blows upon the head and hands.
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
Fibrin deposition was found in areas of fibrinoid necrosis within the glomeruli and in the interstitium.

The duodenal mucosa showed severe villous atrophy but no subepithelial collagen deposition.
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
Bank of America and other mortgage companies have been under pressure to review their paperwork after employees and contractors said in sworn depositions that, because of the enormous volume, they hadn't had the time to read the documents, much less check them for accuracy.
Paperwork storm hits nation's biggest bank
These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.).
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
SinoTech's exclusive rights to use LHD technology in China, as well as its PRC patent for molecular deposition film "MDF" technology, position it well in China's fast growing EOR market.
SinoTech Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2010 Financial Results - Yahoo! Finance
Both these eggs and those of the cephalopoda grow after deposition like those of fishes.
On the Generation of Animals
Thus, deposition graded gradually from anoxic environments below the storm wave base to oxic environments above the storm wave base.
The association of the cherts with carbonaceous sandstones and lacustrine shales in the Rhynie Cherts Unit indicates sinter deposition interrupted alluvial floodplain sedimentation of mud and sand.
However, melanin deposition in feather melanocytes has strong links with the capacity of the antioxidant and immune systems, two crucial fitness-enhancing organismic functions.
To begin, the researchers use chemical deposition of a vapour of a semiconducting material - silicon, indium arsenide or gallium hosphide, for instance - on catalytic gold seeds.
The reason for this starts with surface inhomogeneities that lead to nucleation of the deposition process in one spot, after which ohmic and transport effects lead to further amplification of this inhomogeneity.
Archive 2010-09-01
But Greene "nixed" the promotion, arguing that it wasn't necessary, he said in deposition.
In the present study, we investigated the technical feasibility of using the nephelometer to measure breath-by-breath particle deposition and to monitor exposure environments in field studies.
Radon has been used to detect uranium mineralisation and also to locate faults which may control mineral deposition.
Deposition is the counterpart of erosion.
The depositional environment that preserved this fauna has been subject to widely different interpretations.
Along with managerial skills, his geoscience specialties include well survey ( "logs") analysis and interpretation, evaluation of depositional and diagenetic systems, seismic - stratigraphic application to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon reservoirs, and definitive risk/reward economic evaluation of oil and gas projects.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
At first glance, one might expect a study of the deposition books of the consistory court of the diocese of Canterbury and the marriage-related provisions of wills from five sample parishes to be essentially a work of consolidation.
These chemicals prevented normal calcium deposition during eggshell formation, and caused females to lay thin-shelled eggs that often broke before hatching.
DERSHOWITZ: I want one case where there has been a disbarment that is not a person denied admission to the bar, a disbarment from somebody who has no prior record, who has engaged in what you call lying at the deposition.
CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Should President Clinton Be Disbarred? - May 23, 2000
The order of deposition for the main vein minerals typically is dolomite, barite, and quartz.
On February 2, 2010, defendants [the Palestinian Authority] subpoenaed non-party Jeffrey Goldberg to appear for a deposition on February 18, 2010.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Journalist’s Privilege, Candlestick Maker’s Privilege, “a Curious Unreality,” and Piling Pelion Upon Ossa
I am inclined to think that the true melanosis generally occurs in the form of rounded tumours, which, when cut in two, present a uniform black colour without any trace of air-cells, while in the spurious melanosis the deposition is general, and black matter flows freely out when the cut surfaces are pressed.
An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
The globe - like diamond microcrystalline aggregates were fabricated by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ( MPCVD ) method.
Burd DAR, Longaker MT, Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Ehrlich HP: Fetal wound healing in a large animal model: The deposition of collagen is confirmed.
CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
The vacuum deposition limits the thickness of solid-state batteries, which, in turn, limits their energy storage capacity.
Whitby DJ, Longaker MT, Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Ferguson MWJ: Rapid epithelialization of fetal wounds is associated with the early deposition of tenascin.
CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
The deposition of pollinaria on the scutellum of bees clearly enhances the chances of cross-pollination, since it is very difficult for these insects to groom and remove the pollinaria from this region.
Whether one relies on cases pertaining to discovery from reporters or on a simple and straightforward analysis of the factors identified in Rule 26, the case against forcing Goldberg to give his deposition is appreciably stronger than the case for permitting it ....
The Volokh Conspiracy » Journalist’s Privilege, Candlestick Maker’s Privilege, “a Curious Unreality,” and Piling Pelion Upon Ossa
It is dominated by the deposition of calcite with minor pyrite, marcasite, barite, anhydrite and gypsum.
Some investigators believe the laminated clays are varves and that each couplet represents one year of seasonal deposition.
The treasures of a dynasty that survived civil war, deposition and the Great Fire of London are to be displayed to the public.
They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
In a state of the art review article, Chan and colleagues discuss calcium deposition with or without bone formation in the lung.
For example, as the deposition of lignins limits plant cell wall extension, lignification must be regulated so that it occurs after a cell has elongated so as not to impinge on plant growth.
I remember kithing a secret deposition made by a man named Sharanth Li Chu who was an underling of Edmond Jaspari.
Ironically the media had reported the successful deposition of the leader before the coup had even taken place.
Following warming of the crucible in a water bath for about 10 minutes, silicon flouride escapes which hydrolytically dissociates during deposition of white silicic acid when it comes in contact with the moisture of the black filter paper.
1.1 Blow pipe assaying
The deposition is similar to others taken from document processors at J.P. Morgan Chase and Ally Financial, which have also frozen foreclosures over the past week.
Paperwork storm hits nation's biggest bank
Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
East of Budapest there was still bauxite and coal deposition.
Gold deposition was the most productive during the course of the Hercynian and Kimmerian metallogenic epochs and the Mezo-Cenozoic activation stage.
More specifically, fish oils have been shown to increase thermogenesis, decrease body fat deposition, and improve glucose clearance.
This in turn has important implications for our understanding of the depositional setting and distribution of the Permian coals that occur across much of the southern supercontinent.
Aluminum, beryllium and magnesium are good examples of substrates where use of a displacement film prior to electrodeposition will provide superior adherence.
The jury heard 200 pages of depositions.
A progressive deposition of proteins, proteoglycans, and collagen fibers occurs in lung interstitium, and interstitial fibrosis occurs.
These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.).
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
The depositional facies are consistent with penecontemporaneous, explosive volcanism.
In June 1880, the governor of Herat, Ayub Khan, left Herat with a small army, intent on seizing the throne of Kabul left vacant by the British deposition of his elder brother, Yakub Khan.
Criminal defendants, like civil defendants, should be able to freely conduct depositions, subpoena documents and witnesses, and serve interrogatories.
Some other possible mechanisms could include increased dust deposition, volatile biogenic emissions, or tectonic activity.
Such fine-scale layering and extensive continuity point to a quiescent environment of deposition for the iron formation.
-- Polymer: In the wash process, this deposition aid forms a chemical complex known as a coacervate to help keep the silicones from washing away.
Hispanic Business Magazine
Sedimentological investigations indicate a lacustrine depositional setting proximal to the coast, an interpretation also supported by the pulmonate molluscs and ostracods.
The purpose of this study was to disclose the mechanism of sodium selenate in electrodeposition of zinc-manganese alloy.
Mr. Dotzauer argued that this deposition is a medical record and must therefore be sealed.
Sound Politics: Dotzauer Divorce File Hearing
Those depositional layers have been washing into the Gulf of Mexico for eons, trapping life that eventually was transformed into hydrocarbons far below the surface.
McMoRan Exploration Drills Deep Into The Shallow Water
The lung deposition achieved with different inhalers depends on particle size as well as inhaler technique.
This suggests derivation from a similar source and/or a similar depositional age.
Stratford later supported Edward II's deposition in Edward III's favour.
Gold deposition was the most productive during the course of the Hercynian and Kimmerian metallogenic epochs and the Mezo-Cenozoic activation stage.
Good pasture syndrome • Lung tissue biopsy consistent with acute lung injury characterized by interstitial and intra - alveolar organization, intra - alveolar fibrin deposition, squamous metaplasia of bronchiolar epithelium and rare fibrin thrombi associated with hemorrhage.
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However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes.
The authors used the continuous deposition of sediments in a proglacial lake to yield evidence of the discontinuous movements of the glacier.
Laguna Paco Cocha, Peru « Climate Audit
With erosion on the windward slope and deposition in the lee, the dune body moves in a downwind direction.
Indeed, the gain in weight of both beef and chicken is ‘counterbalanced by excessive deposition of fat’.
The terraces of the Western Lowlands Pleistocene Valley Trains ecoregion comprise a large expanse of early-Wisconsin glacial outwash deposits (older than 73b, 73c and 73l) reflecting braided stream depositional regimes.
Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
Greensand, coal, rock salt, coral limestone, oolites, and boulder clays are examples of indicators of depositional environments.
cathodic deposition of metals
In some instances, sediments allow former channel types and depositional styles to be suggested, and they may also be indicative of erosional energy and weathering regime in the catchments that supplied them.
The - micron particle deposition is due to the thermophoretic force in boundary layer under high flow temperature.
These hydrogeological conditions are controlled by relative land and sea level, erosion and deposition, the cold climate processes of permafrost and glaciation, and rock stress changes.
The addition of adjuvants could perhaps improve the deposition of microcapsules on leaves with either spray method.
Below this is a zone carrying copper in the form of chalcopyrite, enriched by chalcocite deposition from above, ranging in thickness up to 400 feet.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The supply of detritus from a continental interior with little incorporation of volcanic material into the basin suggests that Eastern Avalonia remained attached to Gondwana throughout deposition of the Manx Group.
Testing of samples of deposited sediments in the riparian zone determined that agricultural activity in the watershed has caused increased sediment deposition to the wetland.
For example, the Mackenzie and Yukon are both erosional rivers, while the Siberian rivers are depositional, especially the Ob for which the drainage basin includes marsh lowlands [25].
Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
To investigate the molecular mechanism of IMF deposition, we explored the expression patterns of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene and the polymorphism of LPL gene.
When the deposition of additional layers of the skin occurs in a diffuse manner it is called a callus or callosity.
Trusted.MD Network - Empowering Healthcare Relationships
As a consequence, the mineralized septa providing the scaffold for bone deposition cannot be formed, and osteogenesis itself is severely disturbed.
In many instances, key facts are in the control of the defendants and cannot be obtained until there is a lawsuit and the chance to take depositions, ask interrogatories, and request documents.
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
The ministry source said that barring extradition, India can opt for videoconferencing, deposition and issuing letter rogatory to quiz Headley.
Both GMAC and Chase have employed reported robo-signers, who have admitted in sworn depositions to signing as many as 10,000 documents each month without properly reviewing and notarizing them.
Foreclosure? Not So Fast
High throughput deposition can be achieved by single - axis round drum carrier.
In many depositional basins, biostratigraphy is a key element in developing play concepts and planning for production wells.
The surface phase was characterised by processes that affected the rocks during or soon after deposition.
The red siltstone most likely represents deposition in shallow lacustrine and sabkha environments.
a council of German bishops at Worms, "who denounced the Pope as a usurper, a simonist, a murderer, a worshipper of the Devil, and pronounced upon him the empty sentence of a deposition.
Beacon Lights of History
That contradicted her sworn deposition, in which she said board members hadn't named what alternatives should be presented to balance evolutionary theory.
Weight gain in pregnancy includes such things as fluid retention, fat deposition, fetal size, potential for excess fluid around the baby.
If your claim is that the “k-p line” is the boundary between “flood” and post-“flood” depositional environments, then perhaps you could explain why the depositional environment of the sediments underlying the volcanic caprock does not seem to change across the boundary?
Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
Polycrystalline diamond coatings for tools are laid down using chemical vapor deposition.
Siliciclastic sequences within or close to the Laurentian foreland of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen preserve a clear depositional contact with basement that constrains their site of accumulation to Laurentia.
Sandstones frequently possess multistage histories involving several cycles of deposition and redeposition.
Chris Benoit's brain was similarly studied by the neuropathologist within the Sports Legacy Institute, Dr. Ben Omalu, with the special immunohistochemical stains that look for abnormal tile protein deposition.
CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2007
These sandstone monuments display evidence of large-scale catastrophic deposition and immense watery erosion.
Once in the atmosphere, the distribution and deposition of these substances is a function of prevailing winds and weather patterns.
The deposition and election of popes by a council obviously had far-reaching implications for ecclesiology: By what authority had these actions been carried out?
Numerous factors, including regulation of lipogenesis, genetics, age, nutrition, management, and environment, affect rate of marbling deposition.
The evidence for extremely fast deposition of carbonate caps is excellent in some areas.
Chemically, apoplastic barriers of roots are depositions of the biopolymers lignin and suberin within the cell wall matrix, which may occlude wall pores previously filled with water.
The Late Devonian - Middle Jurassic depositional systems in Fujian Province arereconstructed in the paper.
Phosphine(PH3)is an important electronic specific gas which is mainly used in fields of N-type semiconductor doping, ion implement and chemical vapor deposition(CVD) etc.
If these progradational features are indicative of true stratal geometries they suggest significant transport of sediment across the sea bed during deposition.
Previous studies of coal sequence stratigraphy have concentrated on coals associated with siliciclastic depositional systems.
Scheller also complained in court filings about defense lawyers' "aggressive" tactics, including a 7 1/2-hour deposition of Keith in which she was given few breaks, and subsequent e-mails to her "alluding to possible retaliation ... for what they characterized as inflammatory and/or slanderous statements.
A number of employees of mortgage servicers who signed documents indicating that they had reviewed the accuracy of thousands of foreclosure proceedings have testified in sworn depositions that they didn't actually perform at least some of the reviews.
Do you have foreclosure documents or depositions related to 'robo-signers'?
That July he tabled the motion at the Fascist Grand Council which led to Mussolini's deposition and arrest.
Washing tests show that anti-redeposition agents can enhance the detergency power of laundry powder.
Core technologies of a company include high-resolution photolithography, microminiature 2-D and 3-D electro-forming, thin-film vacuum deposition, and ion-beam etching.
There are biological changes, and an interesting thin layer of Ir-rich clays, but no substantive change in depositional regime.
Castle Rock - South Table Mountain - The Panda's Thumb
Stage 2 includes deposition of the latest Neoproterozoic Lake Maurice and Ungoolya Groups, which predate and span the initial stages of the Petermann Orogeny.
In fact, a Honda representative testified in deposition, no such break-in period is required.
Archive 2009-01-01
But IISi would not cooperate in a rush job, Zimmerman said -- at least not without some legal immunity in case the missiles missed their targets -- or as Zimmerman put it in his deposition: “without some sort of terms around that that indemnifies us in case that code kills people.”
CIA mum on lawsuit alleging drone targeting errors
As readers of these postings are probably well aware, male-pattern abdominal or belly fat deposition is a strong risk factor for the development of diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiometabolic risk factors.
How Menopause Turns Women Into SWANs | Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes
Thus: -- Animals and plants began their existence together, not long after the commencement of the deposition of the sedimentary rocks; and then succeeded one another, in such a manner, that totally distinct faunae and florae occupied the whole surface of the earth, one after the other, and during distinct epochs of time.
Lectures and Essays
The basin experienced east-west folding and reverse faulting soon after deposition ended.
The rhyolites and other large-scale blocks of gabbro and schist are interpreted as large landslides from the Caledonian nappes forming the depositional substrate and faulted margins of these basins.
Limestone deposition will then result by retrogradation from the adjoining shelf during continuous transgression.
Acid rain is a popular term for the atmospheric deposition of acidified rain, snow, sleet, hail, acidifying gases and particles, as well as acidified fog and cloud water.
Acid rain
The removal of safrol, either intentionally or by accident, owing to cooling of the oil and consequent deposition of the safrol, is readily detected by the reduction of the specific gravity below 1.06.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Edible Chenopodium, Indian ricegrass, sego lily roots, yucca, biscuit-root, bloodroot and many other nutritious and medicinal plants still grow here.27 The soil, though alkaline as short-grass soils are, has been enriched by centuries of river and creek silt deposition.
Bird Cloud
A primary depositional feature of many layered rocks is stratification, or bedding.
It was one of the first minerals to crystallize, and it continued to be deposited throughout the sequence of mineral deposition.
A sidebone consists in a transformation of the lateral cartilages found on the wings of the coffin bone into bony matter by the deposition of lime salts.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Gibling interpreted the assemblage of mudstone, coal and oil shale in the Cenozoic basins of Thailand as the product of deposition in environments where lake levels fluctuated.
Guo's wife said in a deposition that ‘the underground bank was opened at the request of aunt in Fujian Province,’ they said.
Inverlochie, and desir'd the Col.nel to minister to him the oath of allegiance, that he might have the King's indemnity: But Col. Hill, in his deposition, doth further depone, that he hasten'd him away all he could, and gave him a letter to Ardkinlas to receive him as a lost sheep; ...
The Jacobite Rebellions (1689-1746) (Bell's Scottish History Source Books.)
To solidify this point, consider the deposition testimony of Charles Thaxton as to why he started to use the term intelligent design in the
Evolution News & Views
During the depositional period of this sequence, there were three paleocontinents, two straits and a bathyal slope in the southeast part of the Tarim basin.
Silver was deposited near the end of the copper deposition, and most specimens show a combination of silver on copper.
Comparative in vitro deposition (Andersen Cascade Impaction) data on formoterol by nebulization Flixotide ™ were measured at 25°C by a tensiometer (KSV instruments, Finland) using the compared to nebulized solution based on the in vitro profile. vs. DPI.
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The presence of abnormal subepithelial collagen deposition was confirmed by Masson trichrome stain; staining for amyloid with Congo red was negative.
Hiapp belongs to the group of amyloidogenic proteins, characterized by their aggregation and deposition as fibrillar amyloid in various body tissues.
Several measures, however, have been allowed to shorten the process, including taking of depositions from potential witnesses while open court is not in session.
Part of getting ready for the depositions involved questionnaires called interrogatories that help lawyers like me see the strengths and weaknesses of the case, and whether or not it should settle.
Handle with Care
This capsule then differentiates into a multilayered spore wall by deposition of materials between the double layers of the prospore membrane.
The Outer Coastal Plain was formed over the last 170-200 million years as a result of deposition and erosion and is characterized by gently rolling terrain with sandy, droughty soils with no rock outcrops and few steep slopes.
2009 March 08 « Beachwood Historical Alliance
These were most likely to have been zeroed by the action of sunlight prior to their deposition on the sea bed.
A second contrast between subaerial and marine erosion is to be found in the relative importance of erosion and deposition.
Other evidence for the quick deposition of sediment on organisms as seen in a great catastrophe is provided by the presence of soft-bodied organisms in the fossil record.
The deposition appears to have become increasingly acrimonious.
Times, Sunday Times
Chemically, apoplastic barriers of roots are depositions of the biopolymers lignin and suberin within the cell wall matrix, which may occlude wall pores previously filled with water.
A specific constitutional disease occurring in paroxysms, usually hereditary and in male subjects; characterized by painful inflammation of the smaller joints, esp. that of the great toe, and the deposition of sodium urate in the form of chalk-stones; it often spreads to the larger joints and the internal organs.
In a normal healthy person, he argued, uric acid is excreted in the urine; if that process be interrupted, deposition of uric acid occurs in the form of urate of soda.
Histologic examination revealed deposition of eosinophilic crystal-like material, and a diagnosis of tophaceous gout of the spine was established.
SCI Engineered Materials, Inc. develops, commercializes technologies and manufactures ceramics and metals for advanced applications in the physical vapor deposition industry such as photonics, solar, thin film batteries, and semiconductors.
SCI Engineered Materials, Inc. Announces Date for Release of Third Quarter 2010 Results - Yahoo! Finance
In the present article, we use high-resolution chemical and radiochemical data as the basis for a numerical simulation of sediment accumulation, bioturbation, and episodic deposition or erosion in a dynamic estuary.
These bones may have been reworked from previous depositional settings in contact with meteoric ground waters.
The problem is intensified by the fact that, as a rule, the beneficiation is performed as a noncontinuous operation with frequent breaks and repetition of feeding, drawing, and deposition activites, resulting in high proportions of idle time.
Chapter 20
The separation of trace metals from solutions of electrolytes by electrodeposition in a 30 l electrolytical flow-through cell was studied.
But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone.
We measured a 590 20 nm step, revealing that the deposition of the bottom electrodes creates steps on the top layer by print-through.
The Dolomite depositional system is composed of a superficial plateau with shoals and ponds, limiting a submerged and protected inner shelf environment in the western area.
The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
At some point during the lower Devonian, the sea began to transgress again, and this continued through the deposition of the Port Ewen formation.
Credit, usually abbreviated CR, meant value expenditure with or literally his deposition.
Skills like writing a brief, conducting a deposition, or arguing in court are useful by-products.
Strong tidal currents in the channel, however, limit deposition to the Celtic Sea.
Background - Vascular inflammation and lipid deposition are prominent features of atherosclerotic lesion formation.
Always looking for new ways to reduce the use of light bulbs with something other than the mercury-laden fluorescent ones, the Purdue team has used the common techniques of reactive sputter deposition and organometallic vapor phase epitaxy to come up with viable LED technology that will finally make our incandescent technology obsolete.
Vacation, the environment, and high-tech
Shipley is also working on replacing the conventional electroless and electrolytic copper deposition stages with a single electroless copper stage.
I said 85 percent of State Department posts had adequate medical care that could care for Ms. Meyer were she to have an exacerbation of her multiple sclerosis, her symptoms, her symptomatology," agency physician Emil Von Arx III told Schwartz during a deposition in 2008.
For a Foreign Service officer with MS, what is 'around the world'?
A superficial sore spreads over it, slightly covered by a yellowish, mattery pellicle; and on the teeth, and extending down the gums, there is a deposition of hardened tartarous matter, which is scaled off with a greater or less degree of difficulty.
The Dog
In the hands of the Protestant exiles in the 1550s, conciliarism mutated into forms of resistance theory which justified regicide or the deposition of kings.
If," says Keller, (an old German writer,) "the fly be enabled to choose the place which suits her best for the deposition of her eggs, (as, for instance, in my sugar-basin, in which I placed a quantity of decaying wheat,) she takes a correct survey of every part and selects that in which she believes her ova will be the best preserved and her young ones well cared for.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
In fact, what happens is that on a ‘fast track’ plea, police officers do not prepare statements or depositions at all.
Grey massive mudstone beds may also form as a result of rapid deposition by floods or of homogenization resulting from bioturbation by roots or animals.
The nine cored boreholes, four of which encountered chert beds, provide evidence of the stratigraphy, structure, palaeontology and depositional setting of the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts.
This decrease of invertase activities resulted in a decreased hexose: sucrose ratio accompanied by starch and protein deposition.
As Connell's Nov. 3 deposition date neared, Arnebeck was told Connell was "in danger" accordingto a high placed "credible" source within the 2008 McCain campaign.
HuffPo Heavyweight Asked To Retract Report on Slain Rove IT Guru "Conspiracy Theories"
It indicates that some deformation and erosion of the Annascaul rocks occurred prior to deposition of the Ballynane Formation.
A dramatic period of igneous activity followed the deposition of these sediments in the Jurassic, with the injection of massive amounts of dolerite into the Parmeener Supergroup.
Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
Adjusting one or more application parameters to increase either the deposition and/or retention of microcapsules over time may be a useful approach to extend the efficacy of sprayables for codling moth.
Meltwater discharge and deposition of subaqueous outwash have virtually no role in sedimentation.
The fluvial sediments, however, represent rapid deposition in relatively short periods (days or months).
The depositional model then available was that of continental glacial deposition where tills, glaciolacustrine and outwash deposits record the climatically driven waxing and waning of ice sheets.
The characteristics and depositional environments of these mostly arenaceous formations are summarized in Table 1.
The factional conflict erupted into Civil War which resulted in Henry's deposition in 1461 when Richard's son inaugurated the reign of the House of York as Edward IV.
Signal to mill away the other features of components to the machine will aided manufacturing design, layout, services, and design needs in the in reducing the deposition of the plated, copper board over the term aperture the solution is will remain in PCB fabrications at ReMAPP also show be the USA providers is UL Certification IPC market; have been in common than Conventional circuitry, construction, can provide electrical components are also the opposite next to make simple and provide electrical connections between the PCB Production manufacturer, facilities suit your specific printed circuit Boards is with double sided with through the top or a plotter, fixture non conducting layers, as they take your PCB is typically laminated.
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The quick deposition of these sediments resulted in clay compaction and the isolation of porous and permeable sand with impermeable shales.
Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
The deposition appears to have become increasingly acrimonious.
Times, Sunday Times
Such an age estimate is not necessarily undermined by the possibility of eolian deposition of diatoms or by delivery of diatoms in clasts of sediment ejected from an asteroid impact in the Southern Ocean.
Now, for their ‘mystery’ witness in Sony BMG Music Entertainment v Tenenbaum, “Flying to Chicago to conduct the deposition is an unnecessary expense,” say the labels in a court document.
RIAA ‘mystery witness’ in Tenenbaum case
MDIs are designed with a mouthpiece that maximizes deposition of the medication in the small airways when used properly.
The observed carbon isotope excursions can be traced throughout different localities with different depositional environments and histories.
Sputter deposition is an industrial process used since the 1970s to spray -- sputter, that is -- thin films onto various backings, like the metallic coating on potato chip bags, the reflective surface on DVDs, or the electronics on computer chips.
R&D Mag - News
Investigations will focus on depositional, structural, and diagenetic characteristics.
U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
In the epidermis of third-year leaves, the densest silica deposition was observed in silica cells of both the adaxial and abaxial epidermises as in first-year leaves.
The host lithology consists of bioclastic silt and siliciclastic sand, characteristic of deposition in a biostrome flank setting.
At the point when his power to command death and to sustain his own life has been arrested, Richard is divested of the spectacular carapace that encases the body of the monarch, his deposition is a fall into subjectivity.
A process for acid lead free tin - bismuth alloy electrodeposition was advanced.
The covering of the basin floor during periods of enhanced moisture conditions allows the deposition of lacustrine sediments such as marls and clays.