How To Use Deport In A Sentence

  • The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Thirty unarmed INS agents accompanied the flight, guarding the handcuffed deportees in shifts, standing in aircraft's aisles at every fifth row.
  • Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
  • In fact, during deportation souteneurs buy tickets, bring meal, collect suitcases and even give money for the new passport.
  • He called the PM a failed leader and tried to partly blame him for the fiasco over failure to deport foreign prisoners. The Sun
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  • They let me take a fatt for the padrone-God. rest 0a aoul-and when I'm out of the slammer, I'm deported. Greenmantle
  • His criticism was over the failure to deport foreign citizens after they had served a jail sentence and the backlog of failed asylum cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went a stage further and added: 'The sooner you are deported from this country the better. The Sun
  • Granados was eventually deported, and the paper's budding relationship with the Latino community tanked.
  • Thousands of foreign criminals are at large as the Government struggles to deport them, figures published yesterday show. Times, Sunday Times
  • He won power in an election that year and consolidated his position in an imperial coup of 1851 after which his government arrested agitators to deport them and he became a hated despot, the enemy of republicanism.
  • This effectively enables the Home Office to make arbitrary decisions, deporting people as they see fit, without any independent inquiry.
  • Among the 55 Romanians deported were 33 men, 11 women, three juveniles and five children.
  • The proper external conduct of the body - such as the wearing of the robe neatly, good deportment, downcast eyes, and observation of good behaviour - is frequently seen as evidence for a state of virtue.
  • A unique combination of tact, charm, deportment and sartorial style, he was all one would wish to see in an idol.
  • What they need is intensive theatrical training in skills such as deportment and presentation.
  • His criticism was over the failure to deport foreign citizens after they had served a jail sentence and the backlog of failed asylum cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has all those additional advantages as nobleness of birth and deportment which I want.
  • There are plenty of practical ideas, all curtailments of our liberty, which might indeed now need to be introduced - such as greater powers for the police to arrest suspects for questioning, deportations and possibly internment.
  • NEARLY 300 foreign lags have been kept in jail beyond their sentence to await deportation - costing taxpayers thousands of pounds. The Sun
  • Her deportment was the subject of reams of scurrility in prose and verse: it lowered her in the opinion of some whose esteem she valued; nor did the world know, till she was beyond the reach of praise and censure, that the conduct which had brought on her the reproach of levity and insensibility was really a signal instance of that perfect disinterestedness and selfdevotion of which man seems to be incapable, but which is sometimes found in woman. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
  • Without their intelligence, the enforcement people end up investigating small time drug offenders on tips from the police, or hanging out at the local jailhouse looking for aliens to deport.
  • ‘One would expect such deportment from scalawags, but not you noble nabobs of Wall Street,’ wrote Cannell.
  • It includes deportment, such as the style of taking bows.
  • Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them; manner is personality - the outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward life.
  • He said the two suspects, a Pakistani student known as XC and an Algerian referred to as U who face deportation on the grounds they pose a risk to national security, would remain in custody while he sought permission to appeal the verdict. Reuters: Top News
  • There has been a significant rise in the number of deportations carried out so far this year compared with last year, according to new statistics.
  • Many of the deportees were born in refugee camps in Thailand, have never been to Cambodia or left as babies, and do not speak Khmer.
  • The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.
  • The document highlighted failings in a government pledge to deport dangerous offenders once they have served their sentence. The Sun
  • She is arrested and deported back to the U.S., entrusting the care of her daughter to Azon. Home
  • All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
  • Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
  • From there, the deportees eventually escaped to refugee camps.
  • He couldn't have been sweeter or more relaxed and gets a gold star for his deportment.
  • Dr Arderne gives advice on medical procedures, cures and potions and correct deportment for doctors.
  • The seven have also filed a suit with the district court calling on immigration authorities to rescind the deportation order.
  • The benefit is they remain eligible to enter legally in the future whereas those involuntarily deported are subject to a strict ten year bar. Page 2
  • Certainly if there were any fault in Mr. Codlin's usual deportment, it was that he rather underdid his kindness to those about him, than overdid it. Old Curiosity Shop
  • If you do not demand your rights or if you sign papers waiving your rights, the INS may deport you before you see a lawyer or an immigration judge.
  • Fox News cites one former Bush official who slammed the approach as "de facto amnesty," accusing the Obama administration of "turning a blind eye to entire categories of aliens" fand failing to arrest and deport the illegal immigrants who turn up on these workplace audits. How Obama is firing immigrant workers -- but not deporting them
  • He claimed that he was "cajoled" into committing the offences of breaking into the SMRT Changi Deport and vandalising two train carriages. TODAYonline
  • An official from Thai Airways takes us to his office, where I help Chanbo, Channy, Kim Eng, and Huot fill out immigration forms which in effect "deport" them by way of the next day's flight to Laos. Travel in Cambodia: 1991 Trip Journal: Part Two
  • Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.
  • And even since Dobbs's ouster from the network last November, the immigration system has become even more punitive, with a notable rise in deportations under the Obama administration, compared to the rate under George W. Bush. Isabel Macdonald: The Dobbs & Pony Show: Snapshots of America's Immigration Hypocrisy
  • In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.
  • This effectively enables the Home Office to make arbitrary decisions, deporting people as they see fit, without any independent inquiry.
  • When, under international pressure, the Hungarian regime stopped the deportations he circumvented its orders and dispatched a last trainload to the gas chambers.
  • The man in custody is Nigerian, and police confirm he has been deported eight times but keeps returning using phony passports. Arrest Made In Massive Fraud
  • Critics in France and across Europe criticize the continuing practice, but Mr. Sarkozy insists the deportation is needed and will continue. 3 Questions: Roma Rights and Wrongs
  • After applying for U. S. citizenship in the 1950s, however, he became an innocent target of the Red Scare and was deported.
  • If she stayed, she would be assigned a steady diet of deportation orders from the criminal division to defend.
  • He absconded before he could be deported and the authorities gave him leave to remain because it was adjudged his life would be in danger if he returned to his home country.
  • The comparison child was observed as a control for the level of activity and expectations for deportment in the particular classroom.
  • In the full august assembly, Nero discovered enthroned, not unmajestic in deportment, yet effeminately chapleted, and holding a lyre: suppose him just returned from Elis, a pancratist, the world's acknowledged champion. An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
  • To that end they have the power to deport aliens convicted of criminal offences.
  • Her style, deportment, and immaculate grooming have clearly won her an army of admirers.
  • Figures yesterday showed the number of failed asylum seekers is still growing as the Government fails to deport refused applicants. The Sun
  • In the end, they let me go and just sort of stamped "deportee" in my passport. CNN Transcript May 16, 2008
  • Any illegal found operating a business without a licence gets deported.
  • The deportment of Buddhist monks and novices is governed by many exacting rules, and phenomenological accounts of this celibate, contemplative way of life are available in a number of texts.
  • Direct action casework has brought victories in winning social benefits, fighting evictions, stopping deportations and winning back pay.
  • Those dispossessed in these savage deportations have long since resettled, and no serious movement demands their return home.
  • A unique combination of tact, charm, deportment and sartorial style, he was all one would wish to see in an idol.
  • He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery.
  • The Congress of South African Trade Unions, known as COSATU, said Swazi union leaders were beaten up and South African ones are being deported. - Home Page
  • The same position applies if it is not known whether a deportation order has been made or not.
  • Some of the deportees, including a girl aged about nine, hid their faces from the cameras as they climbed the stairs to board the BAe 146-200 jet.
  • Chi Ma Wan inmates have been threatening violent resistance should moves be made to deport them.
  • The law is that if people commit serious criminal offences and they're non-citizens, they're liable to deportation.
  • They will possibly be charged with violating federal immigration laws, Schweitzer said, and will be deported.
  • Can you hold them in custody for purposes of expulsion or deportation, even if they are children?
  • Government through the immigration department should interrogate the deportees to establish the truth about their alien status and how they trekked to their destination.
  • Football grounds became holding pens for those awaiting deportation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children, careless of pleasing, and only anxious to amuse themselves, are often very graceful; and the nobility who have mostly lived with inferiours, and always had the command of money, acquire a graceful case of deportment, which should rather be termed habitual grace of body, than that superiour gracefulness which is truly the expression of the mind. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.
  • He said that the deportations could jeopardise international negotiations aimed at finding a long-term solution to the boat people problem.
  • A 1996 immigration reform law allows the government to deport illegal aliens convicted of an aggravated felony.
  • Why should police privacy be better-protected than that of battered spouses or deported passengers?
  • For style in its widest sense is not merely the beauty or the grace or the conventional deportment of language, but its whole expressive apparatus, its breadth of capability.
  • Suggesting the deportation of people with whom you obviously have no meaningful grievance is absurdist. The Volokh Conspiracy » Follow-up on Garrison Keillor:
  • Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.
  • All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
  • The Tunisians will remain detained while deportation proceedings are brought against them. Dane, Tunisians arrested in cartoonist murder plot « Isegoria
  • Illegal aliens are usually deported to their country of origin.
  • My father and his parents were on the first train of deportees sent to Siberia, and they spent five years in the frozen labor camps between Kasnojarsk and Irkutsk. My Long, Strange Journey to Afghanistan
  • THE scandal of this country's failure to deport undesirable and dangerous people grows bigger and uglier day by day. The Sun
  • Malines was a transit camp for Auschwitz where people were gathered prior to deportation to the camps in Eastern Europe. Art during the Holocaust.
  • By taking the word "deportation", which connotes a forced dismissal, and tacking on the prefix "self," Romney came up with a little term that seemingly contradicts itself. The Full Feed from
  • The government also plans to return suspects to countries that are known to torture detainees - providing it obtains assurances that the deportees will be safe.
  • They should have kept Chindano in the dark, kept sient about their intentions and deported him immediately at the end of his sentence using the contrary to the "public good" argument. In Praise of Nimby`s
  • He said many of them have been afraid to seek help because they fear being deported as illegal aliens.
  • He said there was now a'relatively low legal threshold' needed to avoid deportation. The Sun
  • The German federal and state interior ministers have encouraged the authorities to carry out ever more arbitrary and illegal actions, in order ensure deportations.
  • A total of 840 of the 4,200 foreign prisoners deported last year returned home under the scheme. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's her movie without a doubt and the script is fine-tuned to showcase her comic talents (not to mention her deportment, decorum and the ability to mince around wearing kitten heels and a bikini).
  • Two others arrested in the swoop lost deportation appeals. The Sun
  • Nearly all of the detainees were released and deported, although only after months of cruel and demeaning treatment.
  • I am here to work in a London drama academy, to teach - ah, yes - deportment.
  • He deported himself like a gentleman.
  • It will take two years to complete the deportation. The Sun
  • The man has been deported back to the Irish Republic where he will face terrorism charges.
  • Thousands of overseas students face being deported after the Government stripped a university of its right to teach foreigners from outside the EU. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trade unions, strikes, and agitators are illegal, and 99% of the private-sector workforce are easily deportable non-citizens.
  • Ten who were caught doing so are in deportation proceedings and wear ankle-bracelet monitors. Illegal immigrants risk deportation by driving without licenses
  • In January 2009, a trial judge raised Manuel Fajardo-Santos's original $75,000 bail to $300,000 after a local prosecutor expressed concerns that the federal government could deport Fajardo-Santos before the state had the opportunity to bring him to trial since ICE already had a "detainer" on him. Undefined
  • Thousands of illegal immigrants are caught and deported every year.
  • The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them. UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA
  • A Chinese woman who claims she is endowed with a special gift that allows her to heal others was deported from Taiwan yesterday.
  • If asylum is not granted and they are not given refugee status, they may be deported.
  • Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order.
  • At least the young fella should be assessed before any decision is made on deporting the family.
  • Malaysia has deported an Iraqi suspected of being the ringleader of a syndicate that smuggles people out of western Asia to Australia via Malaysia and Indonesia, the official news agency Bernama reported Wednesday.
  • And people say he deports himself in a very presidential way.
  • The deportees were brought from the terminal in a coach and the operation took place at a corner of Stansted airport's apron, well away from other passenger jets.
  • Last year, one of my neighbours was rounded up as part of an operation to deport illegal immigrants.
  • Many may believe that once we have them, policemen will stop swarthy characters on street corners and promptly deport those who have no right to remain.
  • Whitmee (missionary) rode up to lunch, and we learned it was the curacoa come in, the ship (according to rumour) in which I was to be deported. Vailima Letters
  • If an immigration judge has found that you are properly removable or deportable from the United States we can help you. A Young Immigration Lawyer Tells Us What Floats His Boat!
  • There remains a real problem with foreign nationals who cannot be deported to their country of origin. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, in many cases, deportation is the least worry facing the illegal emigrants.
  • So here she is on this bus, and the elderly gent sitting next to her is transfixed by the perfectly coiffed, frosted blonde hair, the imperious cheekbones and the effortlessly elegant, straight-backed deportment.
  • However, the viewpoints were to quickly change when soon after, we heard of the appalling conditions under which these deportees were being ‘taken back to where they belong’.
  • Deportation or the failure to get a visa is seen as a temporary setback during which strategies to outmaneuver consular officers, who are perceived as racists, are elaborated.
  • He will represent the highest standards of military deportment and musical performance, which demonstrate personal and organizational integrity and technical competency.
  • The deportations would be a death blow to the peace process.
  • Years ago convicted criminals in England could face deportation to Australia.
  • Most of these "deportees" have not set foot on Philippine soil and many do not even speak the Filipino language. Is Malaysia a Friend or Foe?
  • It will take two years to complete the deportation. The Sun
  • The industry will also become more regulated over the years ahead, with drivers sitting tests which will include route selection, customer care and dress and deportment among other things.
  • Moreover, if he were finally deported, he would be permanently barred from immigrating to Australia.
  • Since 2005 he has cost taxpayers 1.7million as he used human rights laws to avoid deportation. The Sun
  • It allows the attorney general to create a blacklist of organisations for their involvement in terrorism and allows the country to deport or bar entry to anyone connected with those groups.
  • It will take two years to complete the deportation. The Sun
  • Now even a local police officer writing a traffic ticket can determine that a violator is subject to a deportation order and presumably make an arrest.
  • On 6 August, the High Court found that the Migration Act authorised the Australian government to detain stateless people indefinitely, regardless of the prospect of ever being able to deport them.
  • All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
  • We will be asking for an end to detentions and deportation, the abolition of security certificates and the regularization of all non-status migrants.
  • Why doesn't this weak Government just deport foreigners who are in prison and save a small fortune? The Sun
  • In return, these ex-Nazis worked as anti-communist intelligence and immigration agents, specialising in the location, official harassment and deportation of migrant socialists and working class militants.
  • The grounds for deporting foreigners living in Germany have also been extended, as have the grounds for denying them a legal right to stay.
  • The network of centres house those applicants who are reaching the end of their legal battles to stay in the UK, yet are identified as the most likely to abscond in order to avoid being deported.
  • Redmayne's costume (an elegant gown with a high, beehive hairdo) gave him an aristocratic deportment which he emphasised with graceful movements and slow, sonorous speech.
  • The federal authorities deported him for illegal entry.
  • Modesty or Pudor required in all your actions: This is the Virtue I shall labour to describe, which description I hope will be sufficient to direct you towards the acquisition of that agreeable deportment, which hath the power to concilate and procure the applause & affection of all sorts of people. The Gentlewoman's Companion: or,%0AA Guide to the Female Sex
  • Executive Orders and Justice Department opinions have prepared the access to power to allow the arrest of lawfully-elected officials as well as civilian resisters, "deport", try, convict, and execute as many as necessary to discourage any further resistance by the hoi polloi, and continue on track to become, as they feel they are entitled, "the Rulers of the Universe. TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
  • The deportation of thousands of failed asylum-seekers will also be made a top priority.
  • Immigrant advocates attribute the surge in deportations to the agency's apprehension of foreigners who did not commit any crime other than entering the U.S. legally and overstaying their visas. Deportations Hit Record Number
  • An estimated 46 per cent of deportees died from hunger and disease.
  • He decides to censor it and to supervise the author, watching out for further subversiveness lest it become necessary to deport him to an island.
  • That could be women buying their menfolk Christmas presents, or it may point to an evolution in the way men shop and deport themselves. Menswear's Young Bloods Kick It Old School
  • Roederer, Boulay, even the Second Consul himself, now perceived how trifling was their influence when they attempted to modify Bonaparte's plans, and two sections of the Council speedily decided that there should be a military commission to judge suspects and "deport" dangerous persons, and that the Government should announce this to the Senate, Corps Législatif, and Tribunate. The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2)
  • He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.
  • The federal authorities deported him for illegal entry.
  • She noted that this service has been aimed at providing advice and information for deportees to help them re-integrate into society.
  • Of course, to gain that aura, the chefs have also had to brush up on their social skills, mannerisms, deportment and general knowledge.
  • And it turns out that the things that they care about the most at this moment, namely deportee issue and also human rights in the territories, apparently haven't been addressed. Background Briefing Rabin
  • He was deported for entering the country under false pretences.
  • IT'S a laborious process deporting illegal immigrants who don't want to leave. The Sun
  • The label tried to coach her on deportment after she had some nasty run-ins with the press -- she once invited a reporter to step outside to settle their differences -- though it didn't seem to have much effect. MUCH OBLIGED
  • First, Euro judges will no longer be able to stop us from deporting dangerous or undesirable foreigners. The Sun
  • Specific gestures, such as the ‘manual rhetoric’ of Roman orators, as well as the general carriage and deportment of the whole body, have been objects of study since Classical times.
  • If anyone overstays a visa by more than 42 days they can be deported immediately with no right of appeal.
  • Employees in foreign banks are not very different except in their manner of deportment and remuneration.
  • There was not just a close link, but an inseparable link between the deportation proceedings and the bail proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although freed by court order of terrorism charges, he still is under a deportation order for overstaying his student visa.
  • Meanwhile it emerged that convicts from abroad who have remained in the country without being deported are being given UK passports. Times, Sunday Times
  • That would give us time to deport illegals and train up our 1.5million unemployed. The Sun
  • The US citizen, Komarovsky, was handed over to an American consul in Ashgabat on 24 April 2003 for deportation to the United States.
  • Contrariwise, her elders could have used a lesson or two in deportment. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Woman, with her instinct of behavior, instantly detects in man a love of trifles, any coldness or imbecility, or, in short, any want of that large, flowing, and magnanimous deportment, which is indispensable as an exterior in the hall. XII. Essays. Manners. 1844
  • The Wall Street Journal in a May 15, 2008 editorial by Jason Riley even urged the federal government to "deport" Chicanas and Chicanos despite our U.S. citizenship for supporting indigenous rights. HispanicTips
  • Yet he vowed to stay in Berlin so long as even a minyan was left, kept his vow, hence was deported to the Nazi Musterlager, Theresienstadt.
  • Illegal migrants who are caught by the Immigration and Naturalization Service are usually deported back to Guatemala, where they may face dangerous situations as repatriates.
  • There were mass deportations in the 1930s, when thousands of people were forced to leave the country.
  • Human-rights activists have protested against measures that would allow Britain to deport suspects to countries where they could face torture.
  • A certain number of "papist" priests took the oath, and the "papist" religion was thus established here and there, though it continued to be disturbed by the incessant arbitrary acts of interference on the part of the administrative staff of the Directory, who by individual warrants deported priests charged with inciting to disturbance. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • With the deportment of one who grapples with a suppositious onomasticon, this solicitation of manuscription shall be adventured with due diligence.
  • First, on the opening page of the chapter, there is a reference to deportation, not extradition.
  • A campaign has freed her family to allow her children to complete their school terms, but they are to be deported on July 26.
  • Mr Mendis was deported as an illegal immigrant after 16 years in the country.
  • My heart skipped a few beats when I heard the word deported. I will plant you a lilac tree
  • Every time mass deportment had been attempted, it had ended in hunger strikes, riots, and every form of possible protest. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • As Pollard notes, Lord Ahmed has bravely spoken out in favor of deporting Islamofascist extremists from the UK, which makes his association with "Shamir" real name: Jöran Jermas all the more baffling and disappointing. Daimnation!: Hatred in the House of Lords
  • Responding to criticism about the treatment of the deportees, the barrister for the State said that an interpreter and doctor had been on board the aircraft.
  • Some of these Filipino "deportees" including women and children are suffering from inhuman conditions inside detention centers. The Ugly Side of Malaysia
  • Commentary: the procedural requirements for making a recommendation for deportation are well established.
  • The word manners comes from the Latin _manus_, the hand, and literally means the mode in which a thing is handled -- behavior, deportment. Life and Conduct
  • He has been dodging deportation for 6½ years. The Sun
  • If these criminals would be subjected to inhumane treatment if deported, why not think of that before they do the crime? The Sun
  • That was his last card, Bruce -- he'll close us down, strip you of your carte de séjour and have you deported. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • But, indeed, according to the Department of Homeland Security, according to the papers apparently filed by the U.S. attorney in North Carolina, it is alleged that the two Indonesian nationals were already placed in what they call deportation proceedings. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2005
  • Q George, on the peace process invitations, is the fact that they're going out an indication that the U.S. believes the issue of the deportees is a closed one now and that it's time for the Arab countries to either put up or shut up? Pm Press Briefing By George Stephanopoulos
  • THOUSANDS of foreign criminals dodge deportation by playing the system, a minister has admitted. The Sun
  • Nor were women the only targets of these deportations: men believed to be involved as procurers or associates of prostitutes were also excluded.
  • Some continue to be held despite orders for them to be deported to their native countries.
  • After the war some 5000 Germans left Australia: 696 deported, the remainder voluntary repatriates.
  • This act has been distorted by European judges to protect dangerous people from being deported from this country, with no regards for future victims. The Sun
  • Ahmed Katangole was due to be deported, the Home Office had refused him refugee status.
  • We escaped lightly because we hadn't tried to contact any known dissidents - almost invariably a course that led to deportation. Times, Sunday Times

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