
How To Use Deployment In A Sentence

  • But it is precisely the familiarity of the urban terrain to those who live there that enables them to use it to the advantages of ambushes, surprise attacks and rapid redeployment.
  • To counter the offensive the British authorities began to recruit a special force for deployment in Ireland.
  • In combination with the single-classloader model of WAR-deployment this is very handy for even the smallest applications. Sun Bloggers
  • Companies that have a lasting commitment to their people will generally spend time arranging redeployment of their affected employees.
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
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  • While Maria and I continue to work in Wordpress, it is the deployment of her trilingual skills on her blog that earn Maria a spot on this list. Pablo Manriquez: 7 Young Latinos In Online Media To Watch In 2012
  • After setting up the deployment descriptor, you can deploy the Books service to Tomcat.
  • As for non-TDY, more permanent deployment bye-byes, we've had two. Mudville Gazette
  • HUNTSVILLE, AL -- The 375th Engineer Company out of Huntsville will return home from a year's deployment in Iraq on Saturday. Jihad Monitor
  • WebSphereDataPower SOA Appliances – These appliances are purpose-built, easy-to-deploy network devices to simplify, help secure, and accelerate your XML and Web services deployments.
  • A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
  • It takes time for ships to sail from their home ports to deployment areas.
  • The initial solar array deployment was completed quickly and the vehicle began to move the solar panels into the position where they are all coplanar so we could point them at the Sun.
  • For the first time since the U.S. deployment, the factions use their heavy weapons systems: howitzers, heavy machine guns, mortars, and even a few older-model tanks.
  • There is a delicious irony about a campaign promising more honesty in politics through the deployment of an argument it must know to be entirely dishonest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of nonexplosive, non-lethal barrier devices will mitigate the post-deployment hazards associated with traditional mines.
  • American officials said they had detected signs of preparations for the mass deployment of Russian military advisers and assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is commonplace, she reports, for formerly AWOL soldiers to be "bribed" with offers of having all charges, or potential charges, dropped, as long as they accept deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Dahr Jamail: Where Will They Get the Troops? Preparing Undeployables for the Afghan Front
  • If we attack Iran, and any type of ground deployments become necessary, as it likely will, where will the US come-up with the military personnel to bolster the ground troops we would need for another prologued war? If We Go To War With Iran, Who Will You Blame?
  • As well as its widespread deployment in broadcasting, mobile text culture has been the language of prosaic, everyday transactions.
  • The Red Cross folks say that they hope to get there tonight and that the first thing they're going to do is try to build up what they call a rapid deployment hospital. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
  • his vocabulary alone is worth the cover price - gantries, quinquireme, discalced, carrack, loxodrome, godown, scutch, so shrewd in his deployment of detail, so blessed with good luck and goodwill that we forget the conceit and just enjoy the ride. The Seattle Times
  • Instead of saying that the country is readying its most seasoned diplomats and lawyers to rebuff the claims, it highlighted the deployment of its aging fleet to protect an empty sea.
  • They also had Scott, a certified rigger, redesign their deployment procedure with a pull-out pilot chute system.
  • Although Damascus insists that its forces are conducting an antismuggling operation, the Lebanese government is eyeing the moves with unease, believing that the unusual scale of the deployment has more to do with tensions between the two countries over recent sectarian clashes in northern Lebanon. Political Resonance
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • The fusilier added that his family had been anxious about his possible deployment in Iraq since he received his call up notice in October, but they were supportive and proud of his role as a reservist.
  • At any given time, we're in varying stages of life; just entering military spousedom, no deployment on the horizon, pre-deployment, deployment, post-deployment, approaching service separation, etc. November 2009 - SpouseBUZZ
  • As fate would have it, I now give the order to case the colors," Gen. Austin said, referring to a long-established military ritual in which regiments "uncase" their identifying colors when arriving for deployments, and "case" them when they pack up to leave. U.S. Closes Its Mission on Uncertain Note
  • Unilateral disarmers, 'neutrals', and Soviet sympathizers in the West tried to stop the deployment of U.S. intermediate range missiles to Europe.’
  • German officials said Thursday the 21-year-old temporary letter sorter with the postal service has admitted targeting Americans when he opened fire with a handgun on a busload of 15 U.S. airmen at Frankfurt's airport on their way to deployment in Afghanistan, killing two and wounding two more. German airport shooting suspect recently radicalized
  • If we do it wrong, it will make deployment and version management and JAR hell even worse than it is now.
  • He used most of the classic verse forms, but his distinctive contribution was his deployment of assonance, internal rhymes, and half-rhymes.
  • It involved the deployment of force in numbers and heavy-handed intervention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using experience gained during exercises in places such as Poland and Hungary, interoperability solutions were then developed and documented for each of the disparate units cut for the deployment.
  • Read on for immediate simulated life examples, instructions for deployment, and the initial tag folksonomy for the Haiti disaster. /message
  • They are the liars-in-chief, the gatekeepers of vaults of dirty big secrets which wait for the deployment of journalistic diligence and courage to be uncovered.
  • Upon successful creation and deployment of the realm, the realm name will be listed in the Security Realm portlet (Figure 4).
  • For example, in installation, deployment, and just-in-time resource activation scenarios, the resource might not exist when a manager starts to interact with it.
  • This is the unidealistic version; as always she is richly sexual -- the very timbre as well as her masterly deployment of it (listen to the chalumeau of 'Nachtgespenster' and 'laenger') make one see and feel the disordered bed, the sultry night, the sensual coils. Les lignes, les couleurs, les sons deviennent vagues
  • Her field of deployment was not the courtrooms of Paris but the literary culture of the Valois court, with its love of classical myths and its taste for bizarrerie.
  • The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
  • In fact, an application deployer can change the JNDI name mapping and client/server communications details at deployment time, all without the need to modify the application.
  • Objective To confirm whether one-time deployment of bromadiolone is effective in seaport rodent control.
  • A huge drawdown in the force structure followed the end of the Cold War, and many of those remaining forces withdrew to the homeland, where their upkeep is less expensive and where they are kept ready for deployment in any direction.
  • Our growing military engagement in Guatemala, Cuba, and Vietnam created a counter-insurgency mentality among political and military leaders who hoped to stifle spreading "brushfire" wars through the deployment of counter-guerrilla forces of their own. A Special Supplement: Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand
  • Superior management of customer relationships requires integration between these fundamental functions to provide a seamless customer-facing deployment.
  • Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in U.S. history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad warships and niter a 19th-century version of napalm, and accepted huge casualties for his chosen cause. Five myths about Abraham Lincoln
  • Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?
  • To ensure that the settings in the Server Profile will take affect when you intend to use it for deployment, always remember to save the changes you make in the Server Profile editor.
  • An additional advantage to private deployment is the ability to use XCOPY to deploy the application.
  • He is dubious about suggestions that a big new deployment of troops may be necessary to maintain momentum in the fight against the Taleban. Times, Sunday Times
  • I always grow concerned when news networks break out their extra spiffy graphics during War Game time: showing Navy snipers shooting faceless bad guys, troop deployments in a "theoretic" ground invasion of Somalia, etc. Allison Kilkenny: Blowback Amnesia
  • After main summer leave, the ship - which was damaged by a ferry during gales last autumn in Portsmouth Harbour - will be preparing for her first major deployment, which begins late this year.
  • The NCO is the key to our success during training and deployment," said Wood. Blackanthem Military News
  • In ceramic studies, the application of ethnographically observed patterns of the deployment of decorative styles provides socio-functional explanations of pottery usage.
  • Also contributing to misperceptions has been a worldwide deployment which prevented the small fleet from having a year-round Caribbean presence.
  • By allowing the various functions of a spacecraft to be developed and launched separately, this type of "fractionated" system reduces overall program risk, provides budgetary and planning flexibility, speeds initial deployment, offers greater survivability - and allows future technologies to build on existing efforts, in order to create something totally new. Defense Industry Daily
  • It is really a valuable acquisition, because it completes our Eastern African deployment.
  • The security constraint in Listing 1, for example, secures all URLs beginning with "/reports/" with a single role called reportEnabled, which can be mapped to multiple groups at deployment.
  • Police have been in contact with local landlords and hoteliers to advise them on policing during the military deployment.
  • Instead of saying that the country is readying its most seasoned diplomats and lawyers to rebuff the claims, it highlighted the deployment of its aging fleet to protect an empty sea.
  • Where possible these changes will be achieved through natural wastage, voluntary redundancy and redeployment.
  • The end of the Cold War produced significant changes in nuclear-force deployments and war plans, if not in strategy.
  • The general is charged with using his connections in the army to collect top-secret information, including field manuals and troop deployments, which he then turned over to the North.
  • On average, my pilots employed air-to-surface weapons twice on 85 missions during our squadron's 24-week deployment.
  • While membership of OPOL remains voluntary-despite it being a pre-requisite for a licence-its voluntary nature weakens its legality and the control and deployment of its funds. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Without the full deployment of resources, we cannot achieve our aims.
  • A veteran of four deployments, Shuart listed such items as exercise gear and extra writing paper and envelopes.
  • For direct - burial long haul line . Bridge and culvert , Duct, Bullet - proof aerial deployment and LANs.
  • Mr. Ozawa argues that Japan's deployment supports a "unilateralist" and "illegal" war by the United States in Afghanistan. Tokyo Retreat
  • For the last several years, our Armed Forces have been plagued by a lack of what is known as dwell time -- the amount of time Soldiers have at home with their families between deployments. Richard Allen Smith: Afghanistan: A Broken Promise to Military Families
  • The deployment last year of Iraqi troops, who were widely perceived locally as Shi'ite Arab outsiders, prompted the Sunni mayor of Tal Afar to tender his resignation in protest at what he described as a sectarian operation. Stephen Kaus: What Good News?
  • Shared deployments across the globe are honing an excellent operational relationship between our militaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • But those who rated highest on personality traits such as negativism and paranoia before deployment also tended to show more signs of PTSD later.
  • Continuity with standarized interworking with existing networks, and quick deployment is what LTE offers. Qualcomm May Slow Verizon’s LTE Plans
  • There they re-equip and reman while executing all individual predeployment training requirements, attaining readiness as quickly as possible.
  • Volunteering for military deployments is another area in which Air Force reservists excel.
  • Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
  • The erlang-based ejabberd is generally regarded as the best option for large deployments because it scales well and offers good performance for intensive messaging workloads. Ars Technica
  • Software as a Service SaaS, typically pronounced 'sass' is a model of software deployment whereby a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand Archive 2009-04-01
  • Taking his cue from Mailer in The Armies of the Night, the author puts Lieutenant Philip Caputo centre stage in a deployment of marines to Da Nang. Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes
  • The initial deployment was a move to deflect attention away from Ukraine. Times, Sunday Times
  • This trade-off underscores a serious tension between open architecture and investment incentive during the initial deployment and development of the I-way.
  • Growing public opposition to the program led newly inaugurated president Richard Nixon to suspend deployment until further studies were completed.
  • I am aware that it would take an act of parliament to deploy troops on the street, (as a former squaddie i am well aware of the rights and regulations regarding troop deployment in civilian areas, Yellow card anyone?) London G20 Police outnumbered and attacked « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This trade-off underscores a serious tension between open architecture and investment incentive during the initial deployment and development of the I-way.
  • In covering the state border, combat-ready rapid deployment forces should be expected to make a wide use of airmobile defense to close the emerging breaches, gaps, or exposed flanks.
  • After all, it rarely addresses the full costs of those conflicts to U.S. troops (including their redeployment to war zones, even when already traumatized), let alone to foreign non-combatants in faraway Muslim lands. William J. Astore: The New American Isolationism: The Cost of Turning Away From War's Horrific Realities
  • Although his lack of knowledge of the state of training at the time of deployment and his view of the nature of ROE training are profound shortcomings in a commander, even more lamentable and inexcusable is Col Labbé's failure to take action to determine whether his troops in fact trained adequately on the ROB [sic] developed by the Chief of the Defence Staff and understood them properly. Archive 2009-11-01
  • "The university will make every effort to secure any necessary reductions in staffing through voluntary means and redeployments," the university said.
  • Recovery of the buoy to which it was attached required several minutes of searching at its GPS deployment position to locate it.
  • RSS you stated no one, I mearly pointed out you are full of Rovian bull with a small amount of facts, and what about thne 8 year reserve obligations, that would mean somebiody who signed one in 2000 would have oh say two years left, thus no enlistment or re-up before deployment and the stop loss are real, just because you sit home hiding behind a computor when others are invokluntarily extended, lieing is not going to change the facts others face. Think Progress » FACT CHECK: The State of the National Guard
  • Mr. Mehrotra's cunning deployment of enjambment—the breaking of a phrase or sentence across a poetic line—propels us from one line to the next, re-enacting, in the four-line opening sentence, the way the mind pieces together the meaning of the world from the messages of the senses, before knocking it out with the clean, flat declaration of the line that follows. When Mysticism Came Down to Earth
  • More than 100 TA soldiers from Leeds, Hull, Doncaster and Tynemouth are being sent to the centre for fitness tests, briefings and medicals before possible deployment.
  • It was an act of self-defense in the face of blood-curdling threats to vanquish the Jewish state, not to mention the maritime blockade of the Straits of Tiran, the abrupt withdrawal of UN peacekeeping forces, and the redeployment of Egyptian and Syrian troops. David Harris: Why History Matters: The 1967 Six-Day War
  • But the leaders of the West need to get better at the intelligence, diplomacy and force deployment required. Times, Sunday Times
  • Financial advisers and cash offices have been included in every major deployment of troops undertaken by the Army.
  • The police deployment lasted some four hours, which gives an indication of the delicacy of the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intent is to use reserve component volunteers and forces not recently mobilized to balance deployment stresses across the force.
  • There are many Colonels who, if they were in Hawaii or Korea for their Bn Commands, did not deploy for the GWOT then, and find themselves in Bde Command going on their first deployment with their troops who are on their 3d or 4th tour. One Woman's Emotional Story - SpouseBUZZ
  • After substantial repairs, including deployment of the parasol-type sunshade, which cooled the inside temperatures, the workshop was declared fully operable.
  • NAJAF, Iraq — Muqtada al-Sadr lambasted the American "enemy" in Iraq during his first speech in the country since returning from exile, fiery rhetoric from a new powerbroker in the government that will make it difficult to extend the U.S. military deployment beyond the end of this year. Iraqi Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr: "Resist The US By All Means Necessary"
  • To guard against corruption, those countries will use a system of peer review to monitor deployment of funds and progress toward good governance.
  • The trainings I have been involved in had used instruments such as the Strength Deployment Inventory and Kiersey "Type-Sorter Personality Inventory, and also utilized journal writing.
  • National Guard members saying good-bye to loved ones ahead of Iraq deployment Tallahassee man recalls riptide experience from Memorial Day 2008 Undefined
  • They are not operational deployments and I think that's a critical distinction. Times, Sunday Times
  • As part of the government's rapid reaction force, 45 Commando are on permanent standby for deployment to anywhere in the world at very short notice.
  • Homeland Security department spokesman Matthew Chandler attributed the decline both to the weak economy and what he called the deployment of "unprecedented resources" in stopping illegal immigration at the U.S. The Shad Plank
  • This is one of the factors that led them to not use standard WSDL in the deployment system and instead opt for their own document description format.
  • Major enemy forces could be reliably blocked and destroyed mostly by artillery fire and air strikes; redeployment by sea could be interdicted by massed Air Force and Navy attacks.
  • Units in Strategic redeployment can never gain org now.
  • Its blend of contemporary history, its deployment of modern historians and its use of early photographs making it the most vivid introductory course imaginable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rational deployment of teacher resource is the intrinsical requirement and essential premises as well as the hinge of achieving balanced development of basic education.
  • AMD expects to see its Lisbon chips in custom, purpose-built systems and appliances, "skinless" servers for extreme scale-out deployments, containerized data centers and some entry-level SMB-targeted servers. ChannelWeb Complete Feed
  • And a government may reasonably not know, when considering military deployment, the extent of commitment required. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ship left Fleet Base West in June, 2004 and deployed to Darwin for a month of intensive crew training, before sailing for the East Asian deployment.
  • After touchdown, the aircraft's drag chute malfunctioned during deployment.
  • The summiteers can be expected to make much of NATO's deployment of five more ‘provincial reconstruction teams’ to Afghanistan - teams that were promised months ago but never delivered.
  • The reserve component stop loss announced earlier this year, however, requires all Reserve and National Guard soldiers, including promotion selectees, to remain with their units through deployment, plus an additional three months.
  • Could they have been reacting like that to news of a strategic redeployment of US marines?
  • If you attempt to deploy a Java EE application module without a deployment plan, the server will do its best to perform the operation with default values.
  • If a large-scale deployment of combat troops becomes the only way to protect our people, we should not exclude that option. The Sun
  • And better armies are meaningless without a decision-making structure to allow quick deployment.
  • Although they are at dramatically different stages of deployment, they are expected to be very competitive.
  • Frequently assumed to be a training issue, deployment has shown that the software is the primary problem.
  • I was on Mount McKinley 24 hours from summiting when my unit told me via satellite phone that I needed to return immediately for a deployment.
  • The texts still contained an important difference on the issue of maximum overall foreign troop deployments allowed to the two military blocs.
  • Jack Murtha's plan, which he calls -- he calls phased redeployment, would at least, by one account, take people off to Okinawa without regard to battlefield victory. CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2006
  • No senior politician dares to oppose deployment.
  • The deputy commander reportedly has twice refused to obey the commander's direct orders on troop deployment.
  • The rest of the company struggles with things like rapid deployment, social networking, and sometimes even internationalization (lots of baggage from a US-centric culture). Flickr Hit Hard by Yahoo Layoffs
  • The first development in the Wehrmacht was the growing deployment of independent Abteilungen based on powerful new weapons that in general were not being parceled out at the divisional level. Deathride
  • The landing ship has steamed more than 24,000 miles during her deployment.
  • According to the two-star general, the deployment of the officers was needed to handle any problems that may arise during the police investigation or the trial.
  • The hardship that every Navy couple endures when faced with deployment was compounded by a medical diagnosis made just days before the ship sailed.
  • More than 80 Land Rovers, trucks and all-terrain vehicles, ambulances, forklifts and bulk fuel carriers have been marked in regiment colours for the deployment.
  • Based on MGIS, the graphics processing subsystem aims at the displaying of troop disposition, equipment deployment, facility deployment and manoeuver in military electron map.
  • Shortening the pilot increases risk significantly and often results in logistical and compatibility problems during deployment, which makes the project look less successful to the users. 5 tips for a smooth Windows 7 migration
  • Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
  • The initial deployment was a move to deflect attention away from Ukraine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most recently, and perhaps most importantly, RUS has begun providing loans specifically for broadband deployment to small rural broadband companies who are often the only source of telecommunications services in their area. Shirley Bloomfield: Obama Administration Is Sending Mixed Signals on Rural Economic Development
  • Optional inflatable pontoons can be fitted for emergency deployment on water.
  • It ignores the costs of unbounded deployment and war.
  • For direct - burial long haul line . Bridge and culvert , Duct, bullet-proof aerial deployment and LANs.
  • THE US has recognised the officer who oversaw the first Australian fighter deployment into a war zone since the Korean War.
  • He could not rule out job losses, but said that, if necessary, that would be achieved through redeployment and natural wastage.
  • In addition, the BlackBerry Pearl Flip smartphone features built-in Wi-Fi® (802.11 b / g) with support for UMA (unlicensed mobile access), extending wireless email and data coverage and supporting carrier enabled voice calls over home Wi-Fi networks, enterprise wireless deployments and Wi-Fi hotspots. MobileTechNews
  • Microwave relay and troposcatter communication facilities are not used in the course of troop deployment or combat action, especially in urban areas.
  • Employing at times such geometric fundaments as the grid and the cube, Hesse's sculpture often explored seriality and repetition through the deployment of industrial materials and modes of facture.
  • Apart from patrols at sea the ship has seen a number of significant events whilst on deployment.
  • For planning purposes, AC units are available for one operational deployment every three years.
  • In large part, to talk about clergy deployment in the Episcopal church is to talk about pastoring congregations.
  • The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
  • He is part of a detachment which will be responsible for the deployment of cruise missiles.
  • More recently, physical activity has been objectively measured through the deployment of accelerometers that are calibrated to monitor activity levels by the minute.
  • Russia's global power on the basis of the projection of military power, he has to maintain his costly programme of military modernisation and troop deployment. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who downloaded Win7 RC “early” may be running without a Compatibilty View list because the list for the Win7 RC is still working its way through the deployment system. Early Windows 7 RC Doesn’t Support Compatibility View | Lifehacker Australia
  • Two missile systems are installed on the action station guard supports on the afterdeck ready for immediate deployment.
  • Andrew Burt's section deals with appointment, training and deployment of the subject assessors.
  • For some of the reservists, the deployment meant delaying major events in their lives.
  • E.g. If deployment share folder would be in c: \deployment share Site Home
  • But if they are good, the options for redeployment within News Corp are endless, so there is much interest in the list circulating right now that has everything from subeditor jobs at Dow Jones to positions at Rupert's Asian company, Star TV. Hugh Muir's diary
  • He predicted widespread packet-based telephony deployments in 2001.
  • One of my favorite smart-assery situations is when we make fun of the OpSec that is so much a part of deployments. It Rubs Off - SpouseBUZZ
  • Somalias beleaguered Transitional Federal Government on Tuesday night sent out an SOS It is calling for the urgent deployment of extra African union troops into the Horn of Africa state. - Photown News
  • Myanmar's military is trying to 'turn up the pressure' on rebels through the troop deployments, said Bertil Lintner, a Thailand-based military expert who has followed the issue.
  • Roster question: With Johnny Damon, Hideki Matsui and Melky Cabrera no longer in pinstripes, how will the outfield deployment shake out? Yankees are always dangerous, but now they're armed
  • The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
  • Military contingents get down to performing their service duties after main forces complete their deployment in a conflict area.
  • This view of reservists on operational deployments is unfair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the bathroom is hogged up by toiletries for deployment. Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now! - SpouseBUZZ
  • Nor does he have any sense of how his deployment of an aphorism about courage jars with his own personal conduct in ducking an election and a referendum in short order and his wider reputation for personal and political cowardice. Archive 2007-10-14
  • The deputy commander reportedly has twice refused to obey the commander's direct orders on troop deployment.
  • This article has outlined some Message Broker V6.1 features aimed at minimizing the need for message flow testing and redeployment.
  • The deployment phase of the project recently culminated in cross-cultural awareness training assisted by local rangers.
  • The two ships sailed from Britain at the end of the summer, expecting to complete a maritime deployment which would bring them home in time for Christmas.
  • The exploration of the deployment of pure geometric forms is an ongoing theme in Don Watson's work.
  • The use of pupil-managed learning has profound implications for the more effective deployment of skilled resources.
  • What is missing is the bridge between the corporate knowledge of the previous deployment cycle and the next.
  • Their weapons, parachutes, and the Draeger LAR-V shallow-water scubas had been staged for the upcoming deployment and carefully packed in crates for air shipment. Pressure Point
  • Our studies show that neurofeedback in early stages of deployment can actually forestall descent into PTSD, as well as providing dramatic results for both active duty soldiers and veterans suffering from this debilitating condition. Craig Newmark: Neurofeedback treatment for PTSD?
  • And he's done in an extremely Ovechkin style, with multiple hat-tricks worth of the phrase "haha," enthusiastic misspellings like announcing he was "in Maimi" or pledging to "bay some staff," and rapid-fire deployments of exclamation marks. How Alex Ovechkin got back on Twitter
  • The first two phases comprised the arrival of American forces and their deployment in field operations. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • If this unjust policy remains in effect, this will be the longest deployment of guardsmen and reservists since World War II.
  • One of the flat-tops is always ready for front-line deployment, and that task currently falls to HMS Invincible, while a second can be swiftly reactivated - which is where the Ark stands.
  • Not only does adoption of this system provide benefits in these two important areas, but it can also offer advantages through low-cost basestation deployment in microcellular systems, as well as reducing human health problems.
  • Can one take this and bring it in-house if the compliance/sensitivity of the data make it more suitable for a private cloud deployment?
  • “Our commanders think that these additional forces and one of the reasons for the president's decision to try and accelerate their deployment is the view that this extended surge has the opportunity to make significant gains in terms of reversing the momentum of the Taliban, denying control of Afghan territory and degrading their capabilities” State of the Union: John King's Crib Sheet for December 6
  • By his bed on a little table lay an electronic pad containing the schematics for the Laser Defence Network which was currently in deployment around planet Liberty.
  • In jsp-examples-war-, locate the Web application deployment plan (geronimo-web.xml) in the application archive under WEB-INF.
  • This modular approach means that today's achievements with TD-LTE will also accelerate the availability of Anite's test solutions for later phases of testing, such as conformance and interoperability testing, and which will be required to make the commercial deployment of TD-LTE a success. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
  • He said the only way the Sudan government can accept the deployment is if it is sanctioned by the UN Security council or if there is a strong backing for the deployment from the United States. Sudanese Divided On Peacekeepers On North South Border
  • Because during periods of non-deployment, soldiers, who have developed a camaraderie within the ranks and who typically feel a strong sense of purpose while in combat, can lose that sense of what the study's authors term "belongingness and usefulness. The Full Feed from
  • But insofar as the development of capitalism has been decisively conditioned by the simultaneous deployment of the project of social and individual autonomy, modernity is finished.
  • The nukes will spur Japanese deployment of ABMs and may nudge Japan toward deploying offensive forces.
  • A permanent human outpost of the Moon, development of lunar resources, deployment of large space observatories, and ambitious missions to the outer planets: all of these have been pushed out into the future by 20 years or more. Bolden Will Meet Obama Tuesday Morning - NASA Watch
  • The senator and likely presidential candidate Barack Obama has just put out his own plan to stop what he calls the escalation of the war in Iraq, the Illinois Democrat introducing binding legislation to begin a phased redeployment of troops from Iraq. CNN Transcript Jan 30, 2007

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