How To Use Deploy In A Sentence

  • Please urge all ultralight owners with BRS units (or even hand-deploy parachutes) to re-evaluate the series of attachments that connect the pilot to the airplane, to the parachute, and to both.
  • In analyzing the actual content of the perzine, one discovers a number of strategies deployed in the construction and performance of social identity.
  • However, the trustees do have a responsibility to ensure that the centre's income is deployed in the most effective manner.
  • But it is precisely the familiarity of the urban terrain to those who live there that enables them to use it to the advantages of ambushes, surprise attacks and rapid redeployment.
  • The plane landed after the landing gear had deployed.
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  • To counter the offensive the British authorities began to recruit a special force for deployment in Ireland.
  • The finale is a joyous fantasia on much of the music deployed earlier with such skill and evident delight.
  • Siu said the maximum actual use instead of the maximum capacity of swimming pools was used to decide the number of lifeguards deployed.
  • The countries laying claim to this bounty have all been building up their navies, notably China which this week officially confirmed long-known plans to deploy its first aircraft-carrier.
  • In combination with the single-classloader model of WAR-deployment this is very handy for even the smallest applications. Sun Bloggers
  • The alternative for me is to say that each time the market drops and throws up some of these bargain basement ideas, I'll deploy some capital as long as I have some capital left.
  • Some units deploy their scouts forward, while others do not.
  • Preliminary analysis: death from overdose of coldsleep drugs, combined with oxygen starvation and dehydration when cocoon failed to properly deploy. The City Who Fought
  • This device slows down the rate of fall, something that ensures when the time comes to pull a ripcord the main canopy is deployed more safely.
  • There was a pause in which Bandeira visibly deployed his forces.
  • Companies that have a lasting commitment to their people will generally spend time arranging redeployment of their affected employees.
  • After you deploy this demo application into the device in eWorkbench, you will see the icon shown in the Preference Demo Application list.
  • Once the website is visited, the modified exploits will affect the system software and additional malware will get deployed.
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
  • The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of days of action have been held and we have deployed extra resources into the area to try and combat the problem.
  • Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen's rise of late.
  • Mostly they analyze data from seismometers deployed around the globe, as well as data from the two dozen satellites that make up the Global Positioning System.
  • The first and last points seem to be lost on some project managers: The way that you deploy code can and does change the way that you develop it.
  • While Maria and I continue to work in Wordpress, it is the deployment of her trilingual skills on her blog that earn Maria a spot on this list. Pablo Manriquez: 7 Young Latinos In Online Media To Watch In 2012
  • After setting up the deployment descriptor, you can deploy the Books service to Tomcat.
  • As for non-TDY, more permanent deployment bye-byes, we've had two. Mudville Gazette
  • HUNTSVILLE, AL -- The 375th Engineer Company out of Huntsville will return home from a year's deployment in Iraq on Saturday. Jihad Monitor
  • WebSphereDataPower SOA Appliances – These appliances are purpose-built, easy-to-deploy network devices to simplify, help secure, and accelerate your XML and Web services deployments.
  • The fire alarm deploys a curtain covering the paintings, and then activates the sprinklers.
  • In other words, a plot element should be deployed in a timely fashion and with proper dramatic emphasis.
  • Instead, Mileece deploys complex and delicate structures to create airy, spiritual, soundscapes.
  • First, at corner exits, it pulls like hell, like it has deployed some magical torque spinnaker. BMW 1M: Miniature, Mighty and Miles of Fun
  • A small peacekeeping force will be deployed in the area.
  • In order to consume or deploy 4GL functions as Web services, I4GL provides an interactive tool called 'w4gl' that collects the necessary inputs from the user and records them in the database.
  • Cecil is banished until I can be bustled into bed, by which time I am deploying what little energy I have left to keep sneezing while dapping at my nose in what I hope is a convincing manner. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • The other significant challenge is ensuring the staff chaplain has current, accurate, and detailed information once deployed.
  • A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
  • In the opening days, a combined arms brigade task force was the first to deploy.
  • After 11 years of Margaret Thatcher, it proved necessary to cannibalise the entire armoured resources of the Rhine Army to deploy a weak division for the First Gulf War. The Tory defence policy will be simple: cut, brutally
  • In this, they are deploying a weapon their forebears did not have.
  • Choreographed to the 1947 Stravinsky score, Orpheus cleverly deploys six dancers to dramatise the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a chorus of living characters (Orpheus's friends/chorus) and the inhabitants of the underworld (Death and Furies). This week's new dance
  • Furthermore, the Scottish curlers had succeeded by deploying the ‘traditional womanly virtues of patience, lower lip-biting and sweeping’.
  • Hand held speed cameras are deployed to facilitate enforcement evidence aimed at the minority of cyclists who flout the rules and who react in an aggressive manner, usually bewailing the breaching of their civil rights.
  • The team can then deploy their ground robot, which is capable of bomb disposal. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 870,000 workers have been deployed to fight the floods and reinforce dykes along the Yangtze river.
  • High-tech air sniffers were deployed in case someone unleashed a chemical or biological assault on Tinseltown more serious than a low-budget stinker.
  • The French army was deployed in the Western Desert.
  • It takes time for ships to sail from their home ports to deployment areas.
  • The tape spring hinge has been used widely in the space deploy structures because of its advantages such as the low mass, high reliable and self-locked.
  • The infantry began to deploy at dawn.
  • Attempting to better control routing strategy, most operators deploy BGP to backbone node routers.
  • The initial solar array deployment was completed quickly and the vehicle began to move the solar panels into the position where they are all coplanar so we could point them at the Sun.
  • The main drivers of the surge are hedge funds - secretive, loosely regulated pools of capital deployed to take extra risks to achieve above-average returns.
  • Zlotin made it clear from the outset that his troops would deploy anywhere they were needed. CODE BREAKER
  • For the first time since the U.S. deployment, the factions use their heavy weapons systems: howitzers, heavy machine guns, mortars, and even a few older-model tanks.
  • The DataPower XM70 enables you to rapidly deploy LLM routing rules that you can configurable via an intuitive interface without the need for programming, greatly reducing cost and complexity.
  • If the Brigade had more Arabic linguists, the Army would have deployed them to use their language skills.
  • There is a delicious irony about a campaign promising more honesty in politics through the deployment of an argument it must know to be entirely dishonest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now a new tool has been deployed in the battle to sell homes - drones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The use of nonexplosive, non-lethal barrier devices will mitigate the post-deployment hazards associated with traditional mines.
  • The division's mission would be to organize, train, equip, and deploy brigades.
  • When there is an influx of nectar into the nest, the colony deploys more workers for foraging.
  • These are best deployed as fun colours with a slightly chalky texture so that they appear positive, but not eye-popping.
  • Most of his resources must be deployed where most of the crime is, namely urban areas.
  • Over 250 were built there and deployed to protect allied shipping in the Battle of the Atlantic.
  • American officials said they had detected signs of preparations for the mass deployment of Russian military advisers and assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is commonplace, she reports, for formerly AWOL soldiers to be "bribed" with offers of having all charges, or potential charges, dropped, as long as they accept deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Dahr Jamail: Where Will They Get the Troops? Preparing Undeployables for the Afghan Front
  • Specifically, motor vehicles deployed within the region were susceptible to explosive attacks, and many army personnel had found themselves raiding junkyards to create makeshift armour in order to protect themselves.
  • If we attack Iran, and any type of ground deployments become necessary, as it likely will, where will the US come-up with the military personnel to bolster the ground troops we would need for another prologued war? If We Go To War With Iran, Who Will You Blame?
  • As well as its widespread deployment in broadcasting, mobile text culture has been the language of prosaic, everyday transactions.
  • In most cases, anyon emitters will be deployed to negate the chroniton buildups. The Starfleet Survival Guide
  • The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort.
  • The Red Cross folks say that they hope to get there tonight and that the first thing they're going to do is try to build up what they call a rapid deployment hospital. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • The departure of these squadrons brings the number of servicemen and women, aircrew and engineers deployed so far from the Cornish air station to more than 150.
  • The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
  • I took 2 photos of it before it deployed its furcula and disappeared into thin air. Springtail before it sprung away
  • While Ranade deploys the resources of the surrealist tradition to achieve his ends, it would be simplistic to gloss his work under that rubric.
  • his vocabulary alone is worth the cover price - gantries, quinquireme, discalced, carrack, loxodrome, godown, scutch, so shrewd in his deployment of detail, so blessed with good luck and goodwill that we forget the conceit and just enjoy the ride. The Seattle Times
  • It's not used because it's too vulnerable in the core mode and takes too long to deploy, unless if you are bunkering , the core won't deploy in time to save your army when you need.
  • If you are planning - or forced - to ride out a storm at anchor, you must deploy your tackle so you are riding on at least two huge or three really big anchors at all times.
  • Resembling a miniature windsock, the filter is deployed by means of a 0.14-in.-thick guidewire.
  • Is it your belief that Microsoft purposefully created software that allowed for the ease with which spyware is deployed or that it did so quite by accident (nonetheless bearing the blame for the proliferation this plague)? Spyware defined
  • The executive jet settled on its main wheels and braked sharply as the thrust-reverse and spoilers were deployed.
  • He deployed his command in local platoon and company bases spread throughout the country's key urban areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of saying that the country is readying its most seasoned diplomats and lawyers to rebuff the claims, it highlighted the deployment of its aging fleet to protect an empty sea.
  • Once a district subscribes and the bundle is deployed, all staff and students may access the resources at school and at home. February 2009
  • If this country did not have a continuous patrol, it would need to decide when to deploy its capability to defuse a crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Council have deployed six gritters and four snowploughs and these will cover all the major roads in the county.
  • European nations devided are divided as to whether to diploid deploy them in airports.
  • He stressed he was not planning to discuss high-level issues such as the U.S. plan to deploy a theater missile defense system.
  • They also had Scott, a certified rigger, redesign their deployment procedure with a pull-out pilot chute system.
  • Although Damascus insists that its forces are conducting an antismuggling operation, the Lebanese government is eyeing the moves with unease, believing that the unusual scale of the deployment has more to do with tensions between the two countries over recent sectarian clashes in northern Lebanon. Political Resonance
  • In the aerospace and motor industry contexts, composites use different components but deploy them to similar ends.
  • There was to be a coastal ‘crust’ that was to consist of a thin screen of infantry deployed along the beaches.
  • The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Michael Boyce, said further British forces, including paratroops, infantry and armoured units as well as RAF strike aircraft, could be deployed into the region at short notice.
  • Yet these rhetorical flourishes are sparingly deployed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Les Canadiens, qui ont déjà eu près de 80 tués, ont indiqué qu'ils retireraient de Kandahar leurs 2500 soldats si l'Otan ne déployait pas un millier d'hommes supplémentaires. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • A signaller calls the chopper in as troops deploy to provide support and resupply to a force in contact.
  • A large contingent of police was deployed at the terminal and the players were whisked away to a waiting car at a back door. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fusilier added that his family had been anxious about his possible deployment in Iraq since he received his call up notice in October, but they were supportive and proud of his role as a reservist.
  • At my altar, I deploy cotton pledgets dipped in remover, clean flecks of old polish off each nail, then file the sides
  • Being a deployed ‘combat Q-ie’ means you're a well liked bloke when things are good, but not having enough stores and equipment to provide to the diggers can soon change that.
  • The representational strategies this body of fiction deploys in depicting Eurasians can be seen as a refusal to allow the history of the Anglo-Indian community into the official colonial narrative.
  • They were able to deploy facts and figures to sharpen the journalism, challenging those politicians who spoke in pre-fabricated slabs of argument.
  • The battalion also includes fuze jammers that deploy to protect high-value assets from artillery proximity-fuzed munitions. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • I also discussed in some depth the potential for bypassing firewalls using the proxying components of the protocol. demo DNS is a routing, caching, globally deployed overlay network on top of the Internet. Boing Boing: January 9, 2005 - January 15, 2005 Archives
  • At Duneen Mill in Greenville, South Carolina, for example, 425 national guardsmen were deployed to break up pickets.
  • Ops had been able to get a KC-135 tanker deployed north out of Ch'unch'on, and that had kept Jefferson's airborne planes in the air, but the crews were getting tired now, stretched to the limit and ready to break. Carrie
  • The Army clings to the belief that all active units should be ready to deploy at any time.
  • Elite Republican Guard troops deployed tanks and heavy artillery against lightly armed guerrilla units.
  • But the walls aren't just a protective cocoon for far-flung outposts; ballistic windows offer protection while giving Marines a line of sight and the ability to fire downrange, meaning McCurdy's Armor can be deployed as both a defensive stronghold as well as a tactical firing position. Neatorama
  • Nor did they continue to deploy the full panoply of radical techniques in moments of perceived social and political crisis.
  • But in 2007, SMD worked hard to help during the California wildfires, deploying both airborne and spaceborne NASA assets at the direction of their AA Stern and Earth Science director Freilich. Is SMD Paying Attention to White House Priorities? - NASA Watch
  • According to the model of Hotelling which ascertain the most preferential exploiting of petroleum resource, the marketplace is the most effective mechanism to deploy petroleum resource.
  • Slugs are attracted to beer, and this weakness can be exploited by deploying pitfall traps baited with beer (real ales with traces of yeast, rather than filtered lagers).
  • This headquarters is rapidly deployable with the capability to meet any mission and fulfill the requirements of the joint force commander.
  • That would make sense, considering that's where these soldiers deployed from and that's where many of their families remain.
  • At any given time, we're in varying stages of life; just entering military spousedom, no deployment on the horizon, pre-deployment, deployment, post-deployment, approaching service separation, etc. November 2009 - SpouseBUZZ
  • As fate would have it, I now give the order to case the colors," Gen. Austin said, referring to a long-established military ritual in which regiments "uncase" their identifying colors when arriving for deployments, and "case" them when they pack up to leave. U.S. Closes Its Mission on Uncertain Note
  • Execute the BIND PACKAGE with the COPY option against the target server using the routine and deploy options specified by the user in the Deploy wizard.
  • Unilateral disarmers, 'neutrals', and Soviet sympathizers in the West tried to stop the deployment of U.S. intermediate range missiles to Europe.’
  • A Veterans Day speaker in Graves 'Missouri district had addressed the crowd, including a National Guard unit preparing to deploy, while wearing an unearned Navy Cross pin. Media Information Sheet
  • Months earlier, the carrier Eisenhower, based in Norfolk, Va., deployed with female crew members and aviators.
  • This suite allows the aircrew to detect radar and missile threats and react while deploying countermeasures to defeat anything fired at them.
  • German officials said Thursday the 21-year-old temporary letter sorter with the postal service has admitted targeting Americans when he opened fire with a handgun on a busload of 15 U.S. airmen at Frankfurt's airport on their way to deployment in Afghanistan, killing two and wounding two more. German airport shooting suspect recently radicalized
  • If we do it wrong, it will make deployment and version management and JAR hell even worse than it is now.
  • ROBERT HORTON, ALABAMA NATIONAL GUARD: Well, so far, Alabama has deployed 1,600 ... CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2005
  • The complex's 2,300 miners were redeployed to maintenance work, costing RJB Mining about £1 million a day.
  • In peacetime, the navy's warships are deployed in groups of the same class ship at one base or patrol area, which is called administrative grouping.
  • Whilst we are deploying our resources to put out grass fires, somebody else in the county might need us more and their lives could be put in danger.
  • He used most of the classic verse forms, but his distinctive contribution was his deployment of assonance, internal rhymes, and half-rhymes.
  • The team performed their aerial display, then broke off to deploy their parachutes and land back at the airfield.
  • The aim of this section is to offer a summary and a skeleton that an administrator can use to deploy a new Google gadget in Lotus Connections without requiring any programming knowledge.
  • ski-basing" - a combination of skiing and Base jumping in which you hurtle off the top of a mountain on skis, release them in mid-air and sail down the mountainside in a "wingsuit" like a flying squirrel, before finally deploying a parachute - which claimed his life last year: Blogposts |
  • Multiple instances of WebSphere InterChange Server can be deployed and a high availability model is provided.
  • West African authorities spoke Saturday of the force deploying fairly quickly, with the aim of serving as a buffer between rebels and government.
  • Another form of unfree labour was deployed in colonised Australia.
  • So when a tourist spot 750 miles away decided to deploy a rooftop-caprine population, Mr. Johnson made a federal case of it. Lars Johnson Has Goats on His Roof and a Stable of Lawyers to Prove It
  • This marks the first time since World War I that the brigade has deployed overseas.
  • The report, the product of a two-year investigation, paints the firm as Exhibit A of Wall Street's evolution from a place that raises and deploys capital to worthy businesses into a vulturous creature that preys on unwitting investors. Goldman Sachs Ripped Off And Misled Clients, Senate Report Says
  • Malone, who was an anti-tank missileman, joined the Marines on Sept. 4, 2007 and was deployed to Iraq in October. News | GS |
  • National Guard troops are often deployed to such events to help keep the peace.
  • If peacekeepers are deployed before peace is established they risk becoming fatally embroiled in the conflict and exploited by the warring factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It involved the deployment of force in numbers and heavy-handed intervention. Times, Sunday Times
  • General Curtis LeMay was a tough, often brilliant, pugnacious deployer of air power -- organizing the debilitating and destructive carpet bombing campaigns of Japan and later viewed by many as being a bit too trigger happy when it came to using nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Steve Clemons: Take Michael Hayden Off the "Curtis LeMay Today List"
  • L'option d'un déploiement français dans l'Est de l'Afghanistan aurait, selon Paris, l'avantage de faciliter la cohésion du dispositif militaire français, puisque c'est dans ces régions que sont déjà déployées quatre équipes françaises d'instructeurs militaires Operational Mentoring Liaison Teams, OMLT, chacune comportant 50 soldats insérés dans des unités de l'armée afghane... posted by Mark, Ottawa at 3:23 PM Afstan combat switcheroo?
  • And he promised the American people that he would not deploy substantial ground troops in the conflict. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recursive greps should be done to make sure that all 6. 1-SNAPSHOT references have been updated. svn commit - m 'release x. y.z' svn commit - m 'release x. y.z' contrib build the release with javadoc + jxr for bundle mvn - Pcodehaus-release deploy Dashboard RSS Feed
  • Deutsche Bank AG, ranked as the world's largest foreign-exchange institution in terms of global market share in Euromoney's 2011 annual survey, launched a new package of algorithms used to execute trades this month, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says it will deploy new computer-assisted trading technology this summer. Banks' Currency Clients Get High-Tech Tools
  • Using experience gained during exercises in places such as Poland and Hungary, interoperability solutions were then developed and documented for each of the disparate units cut for the deployment.
  • It was deployed in January 1975, and integrated with the weapons arsenal in December 1975.
  • Read on for immediate simulated life examples, instructions for deployment, and the initial tag folksonomy for the Haiti disaster. /message
  • We have been talking about vaccines for some time, stockpiling them and also developing new vaccines, should this virus mutate, which is the big if that everyone's been talking about, also possibly mandatory evacuations -- this certainly was alarming to some people -- and even deploying the National Guard. CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
  • It really didn't matter the immediate precipitant: both sides used their extra fifteen minutes to do just as they wanted, which is not to say both sides deployed the extra time wisely. Pachacutec: Patrick Fitzgerald's Closing Argument
  • “Combat Zones That See” (CTS) should deploy thousands of cameras, then knit them together through dataveillance. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » “Combat Zones That See”: DARPA urbaveillance
  • His contribution has been to deploy the team in a setup to maximise John's pace and direct running.
  • They are the liars-in-chief, the gatekeepers of vaults of dirty big secrets which wait for the deployment of journalistic diligence and courage to be uncovered.
  • Upon successful creation and deployment of the realm, the realm name will be listed in the Security Realm portlet (Figure 4).
  • Town halls should discuss the quickest way to redeploy the national guard units in their neighborhoods.
  • For example, in installation, deployment, and just-in-time resource activation scenarios, the resource might not exist when a manager starts to interact with it.
  • The air bag assembly comprises an inflator for generating gas and an air bag cushion deployable upon generation of gas by the inflator.
  • It was a phrase Chu deployed more than a dozen times and it had the effect of making him the target of Republicans, rather than the White House. Solyndra hearing: unflappable Steven Chu endures five-hour grilling
  • France has deployed 1,600 troops in an attempt to disarm the militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • NATO navies need to ensure they can deploy safely from home ports, on passage to operating areas, and can gain access to ports, harbours, anchorages or even beaches.
  • This is the unidealistic version; as always she is richly sexual -- the very timbre as well as her masterly deployment of it (listen to the chalumeau of 'Nachtgespenster' and 'laenger') make one see and feel the disordered bed, the sultry night, the sensual coils. Les lignes, les couleurs, les sons deviennent vagues
  • They were watched by scores of police sharpshooters and commandos deployed on roofs and sidewalks around the mansion.
  • Her field of deployment was not the courtrooms of Paris but the literary culture of the Valois court, with its love of classical myths and its taste for bizarrerie.
  • The next phase of the operation will involve the deployment of more than 35,000 troops from a dozen countries.
  • Dudamel not only has some of the most fluent stick technique I've ever seen — every cue arrives in flawless time as part of a completely natural-seeming choreography, and his repertoire of gestures is huge and judiciously deployed — but is also a terrific conduit for the enormous amount of energy that flows through the group. Boston Latin
  • Apart from rejuvenating our sales force, we intend to deploy tricycle pushcarts and vending machines in housing colonies and bus stands.
  • When the wings are deployed, the aircraft is capable of flying 430 miles on a single tank of standard unleaded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically geographic office managers, in consultation with their office colleagues, deploy EMs.
  • In fact, an application deployer can change the JNDI name mapping and client/server communications details at deployment time, all without the need to modify the application.
  • Deploying his amazing deductive powers on crude earlier representations he elicited a likeness which the Emperor sharply recognised.
  • Objective To confirm whether one-time deployment of bromadiolone is effective in seaport rodent control.
  • A huge drawdown in the force structure followed the end of the Cold War, and many of those remaining forces withdrew to the homeland, where their upkeep is less expensive and where they are kept ready for deployment in any direction.
  • Temperature data loggers were deployed near the outflow of each lake to measure the timing and frequency of tidal inflow during high spring tides.
  • The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chute is deployed when a mechanism in the plane's aft bulkhead door jettisons the plane's tailcone. Report: Secret Service off hook in 2008 Obama plane mishaps
  • Our growing military engagement in Guatemala, Cuba, and Vietnam created a counter-insurgency mentality among political and military leaders who hoped to stifle spreading "brushfire" wars through the deployment of counter-guerrilla forces of their own. A Special Supplement: Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand
  • Superior management of customer relationships requires integration between these fundamental functions to provide a seamless customer-facing deployment.
  • With a hovercraft on hand and a helicopter circling above it was very impressive stuff, but was it necessary to deploy this large array of resources?
  • The soldiers were deployed to help paramilitary police seal the border.
  • Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in U.S. history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad warships and niter a 19th-century version of napalm, and accepted huge casualties for his chosen cause. Five myths about Abraham Lincoln
  • Within an hour, the hunter groups were coming down off the mountains to redeploy. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • The same goes for SCVs: deploy teams of two for repair purposes, so they can fix each other after repairing damage to the structures and/or mechanical units to which they're assigned.
  • Two other companies were deployed as infantry units. Times, Sunday Times
  • The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.
  • As was made clear last year, the Oceanic Viking will be deployed for up to 20 days, asignificant portion ofthe current whale hunting season, to monitor the hunt. Action on Japanese ���scientific whaling��� - The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?
  • He was instated in the photo and film division of the French Army and ultimately deployed in Algeria as a military photographer shortly after the war ended.
  • Their collective learning is immense, and is deployed without pity.
  • The company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its resources/staff.
  • In practical terms, we have reaffirmed our commitment to build the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers; the future fast-jet fleet will comprise the more capable Joint Strike Fighter and Typhoon; we will develop multirole brigades to be able to conduct the full range of tasks with our ground forces; and we will be capable of deploying a modernized all-arms force into the field up to 30,000 strong. The British Lion Will Continue to Retain His Claws
  • While deployed, the RSP stockage effectiveness for reparable items was 98.4 percent.
  • In his writings and media appearances, Brooks insightfully deploys scientific research to demonstrate how "deeply interpenetrated" we humans are. Michael Sigman: Brooks Pits 'Connection' vs. 'Adventure,' But Why Not Both?
  • To ensure that the settings in the Server Profile will take affect when you intend to use it for deployment, always remember to save the changes you make in the Server Profile editor.
  • Meanwhile, the government deployed antiriot police across main squares in Tehran, suggesting the potential for violence. Protests Expand Across Arab Nations

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