
How To Use Depicted In A Sentence

  • The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.
  • In a 1983 ad, the Gillette man was depicted as the tiny weakling on a basketball court full of giants; his shaver, he said, helped him even the odds.
  • Virgo has been depicted as a winged maiden holding a palm branch in her left hand and an ear of corn in her right.
  • This will give your small group a more complete understanding of what the original language depicted. Christianity Today
  • The young woman wore dark leathers, much as the old tapestries depicted the Harshini. TREASON KEEP
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  • Instead, they depicted the lonely troops in real time, trudging to the next trench in the torn up countryside of an unfamiliar country. Smithsonian Mag
  • Philippe Noiret, the sagacious French veteran, plays the mentor Alfredo in this life story of Salvatore "Toto" Di Vitto, a director manque' depicted as a child by Salvatore Cascio.
  • This whimsical but dangerous world was depicted in a monumentally epic 15,000 page, single-spaced typed novel, "In the Realms of the Unreal".
  • Which mythical couple is depicted in the picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • In accordance with Islamic law, the prophet will not actually be depicted on screen.
  • The appended strip accentuates the rightward momentum of the depicted fish tail, as if the wriggling beast had pushed out the side of the composition.
  • On memorial brasses chrysom children are depicted in this outfit, with a cross shown on the forehead.
  • Wilson depicted the struggles of African Americans with a lyrical beauty and captured the lives of those who lived on the edges of the society with a dignity that was worthy of the titanic power of any character in Greek drama.
  • Some of the rooms depicted within Claverton Manor are considerably older than the house itself.
  • Nahuatl terms written in alphabetical characters accompany the multitude of indigenous persons, places, and things listed and depicted in the codex.
  • This will give your small group a more complete understanding of what the original language depicted. Christianity Today
  • Their emblem of the Black Kraken, which the simple thought to represent a mere giant devilfish, actually depicted this pulsing, growing, black cloud of terror. Conan Of The Isles
  • But my imagination, like Elstir engaged upon rendering some effect of perspective without reference to a knowledge of the laws of nature which he might quite well possess, depicted for me not what I knew but what it saw; what it saw, that is to say what the name shewed it. The Guermantes Way
  • On the one hand, planters have been depicted as perennial hotspurs - hard drinking, fast-living men whose hair-trigger tempers demonstrated little foresight and generated even less systematic thought.
  • As for Sun Tzu himself, his life and military career is primarily depicted by a number of extras engaged in wuxia-style twirling warfare. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Today such sentiments tend to be treated with scepticism, if not depicted as elitist.
  • The warship is depicted in full sail as she headed for the battle of Trafalgar and triumph over the French and Spanish fleets in 1805.
  • Human figurines are depicted with conventional ringlets of hair, a flat nose, thick lips and oval face.
  • Here then is the European depicted as autochthon, born out of the mud of Patusan.
  • The human body is delightful and, if more than one person is depicted in a painting, the artist should show the admiration of the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later emperors carried it further and in the second century AD empresses such as Sabina (wife of the emperor Trajan) were depicted as embodying, for example, pietas (family feeling).
  • Izvestia said the film depicted soldiers temporarily burying rebel bodies for possible later identification by relatives.
  • With regard to life's origin ignorance is depicted as a gap which will eventaully be overcome with evidence backing mainstream conceptions - the promissory note. Another Version of CSI
  • Leech had a picture of "A Quiet Smoke" in _Punch_, which depicted five ladies in short wide skirts and "bloomers" in a tobacconist's shop, two smoking cigars and one a pipe, while "one of the inferior animals" behind the counter was selling tobacco. The Social History of Smoking
  • As a patrician of Dordrecht and a patriot, he paid homage to Holland as a trim and handsome place where even the windmills rotated their sails with a Sunday sobriety; much as his contemporary Teniers depicted Flanders.
  • Most predatory dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurs and velociraptors have usually been depicted in museums, films and books as covered in a thick hide of dull brown or green skin.
  • As for the role of men in this movie, let me say that, for the most part, they are not depicted as melodramatic villains.
  • Early examples of the genre often depicted real or imagined debates between a heretic and a Catholic and originated primarily in monastic communities, from the pens of such prestigious abbots as Bernard of Clairvaux and Peter the Venerable. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Those of a delicate conscience may be offended by the movie, but the images it conjures in the mind are more disturbing than those depicted on screen.
  • Despite signing a consent agreement waiving their right to bring legal action over the film, they are now suing for libel over the way they were depicted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scholars have been aware for a long time of a certain “disconnect” between the version of God preached by Judaism and Christianity—an all-knowing, omnipresent, and all-powerful deity—and the way in which God is depicted in, especially, some of the earliest parts of the Hebrew Bible. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • Third, commoning is a collective endeavor as depicted, for example, in the many paintings of gleaning the harvest.
  • The article in the New York Post serval months ago, which depicted Obama asw a monkey. White House: Obama doesn't think race a factor
  • In a very graphic and truthful scene, the "vendue" is depicted. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • Will was loved for his vivid colors, the creation colors of the Edenlike islands, including the urinous mango-juice yellow, green from crushed hibiscus leaves, dusty purple from wild plum trees on Java, and a peculiar russet in his _Country Road_, _Kamuela_ was a pigment of red clay he had scraped from the very earth he had depicted. Beard
  • While Newtonian matter-theory was depicted as a rival to Leibnizian immaterialism in the mid-18th century, in for example the Institutions de Physique of Mme du Chatelet, Newton was no ordinary corpuscularian or mechanical philosopher, and Kant did not have to contend with that now old-fashioned ontology. Kant and Leibniz
  • I'm not sure if it was ever marketed as young-adult fiction, but the violence depicted is nothing I've ever read in YA before. Book Review: "Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami
  • The captains of these ships could take them anywhere using astronomical observations and the charts hardly depicted a flat Earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.
  • The posters depicted rolling stock, landscapes and other scenes including Blackpool, the Garrick Theatre in Southport and Brixham harbour in south Devon.
  • As an aside, just because the Ethiopian beauty depicted on the cover was a famine victim does not make her any less graceful, willowy or beautiful.
  • At a distance of one light-week, our solar system is lost in the Sun's glare; even farther out is a collection of cometary objects called the Oort Cloud, depicted as a sphere one light year across.
  • In Rachel the pride of the human mind is depicted; because they whom God has endowed with his benefits, for the most part are so elated, that they rage contumeliously against their neighbors. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • But, O my mistress, the wonder is how thy dream came to be thus depicted, for, wert thou minded to set it forth in painture, thou hadst not availed to portray it. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • According to Peter Piccione, Later in the Saite Period, the play of the game is again depicted on the walls of two tombs, as part of the neo-Memphite revival--when Old Kingdom artistic motives and themes were temporarily revived for socio-political purposes. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Bearing all that in mind, it would be a real shipwreck for an overwrought orchestrator to take the graceful skiff depicted on the cover of "Maiden Voyage" and overinflate it into a bulky ocean liner. Piano Perspectives, Visions of Vaudeville
  • If inclined to the characteristic excesses of the period (hard drinking, gambling, promiscuity), his view of the world depicted its manners, vices, politics, and incidents, but without censoriousness.
  • Cupid is usually depicted as a winged boy with a bow and arrow.
  • Some of the causal violence depicted early on is actually quite disturbing to watch.
  • (Last night on TV, they mentioned that the Maharashtra state government has gotten complaints that the film is promoting "ragging" - hazing of incoming freshmen as depicted in the movie - and will investigate. 3 Idiots: Bollywood blockbuster is equal parts cautionary tale, maker manifesto, portrait of India Boing Boing
  • These paintings depicted the fleeting moments, transitory effects of atmosphere.
  • Leftists, he noted, depicted Taiwan as “a semicolonial factory” of the United States. The Commanding Heights
  • But when it comes to fighting your opponents you can zoom in close to the action on a richly depicted battlefield. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knollwood sweater depicted -- in silk or wool -- putty, maize, navy, rose, copen, or white -- $35. Gigolo
  • The 'magic system', if the relationship between the poets and the andat can be described as such, is vivid and interestingly depicted, but it's more of a means to an end than an end in itself. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Energy minimized 3D model structures of furin-Eda-peptide before and after Bergman cyclo-aromatization reaction were computed using hyperchem program and the structures were depicted in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • While not depicted here, it is suggested that the inhibitory input to these DA pathways produces the overt and covert restlessness characteristic of akathisia.
  • The style is inspired by a futuristic vision of the world as depicted by the TV shows and films of the swinging sixties.
  • Heck, even the first warp drive ship in Star Trek: First Contact was depicted being launched on a rejigged ICBM just like the Geminis that went up on Titans. Beam me up Wayne - NASA Watch
  • His paintings, done in earthy colours, depicted men worshiping the kula deva, or clan god, in the form of linear drawings with geometric heads and bodies filled in with lines and triangles.
  • Either the valorization of accumulation, profit, and the subjection of human beings to mechanistic systems will wind down into the sort of dystopia so widely and lavishly depicted to scare us witless; or we will awaken from our trance, take a deep breath to dispel the catecholamines, use our big neocortices to recognize that we still possess the resources, intelligence and skill to enact a redemptive vision—and then do it. Annals of The Culture of Politics: Tea and Empathy
  • The buccina marina is frequently depicted in the hands of Tritons Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Be it painting or craftwork, the works on display depicted the acumen and perfection of the creators.
  • Bollinger was ‘working’ in these pictures, but not in the manner of the other artists Fiore depicted.
  • OPPENHEIM: Our story on Vidor, Texas, depicted a place with very few African-American residents, a place that, in the '50s and' 60s, was known as sundown town, where African-Americans were warned not to be caught after dark. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • Notice the brood pouches on the ventral surfaces of depicted males.
  • T he scene was set in a stylized rocky landscape, with praying angels depicted in profile hovering in a circle all around. COMPULSION
  • Braque revived the Western idea of the female nude, also the drapery depicted is another traditional element.
  • He depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • This polarity is reflected in cinema as well, with the substance most commonly depicted as either a hilarious holy grail or a gateway to harder, darker substances. Abe Schwartz: A "Bad Batch" of Pot Brownies in Los Angeles
  • The game - sometimes with a game board, sometimes without - consisted of decks of lithographed cards on which were depicted comical or serious likenesses of women in pairs and a single ‘Old Maid.’
  • His mould paintings depicted a range of subjects including a ballerina, the house he lived in and a guardsman.
  • The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerful serpent or other reptile with magical or spiritual qualities.
  • The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.
  • A suggested method to safely remove a scalpel blade from its handle is depicted in Figure 2.
  • The goddess is now depicted as a blind power, and hence as completely careless and indiscriminate in the bestowal of her gifts.
  • If that were not ostracism enough, the women -- depicted so often as shy and demure in gauzy works of fiction with titles like that of Lee's play -- begin taking turns beating the daylights out of her. Review: 'Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven' at Studio Theatre
  • Meanwhile, we Europeans congratulated ourselves on forging a deal at Kyoto that would halt the oceans' rise and cosset the ice-deprived polar bears so memorably depicted in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth. How Not to Run Environmental Policy
  • Its contents mirror the core genres of stories depicted on cassone frontals: Roman poetry, contemporary Tuscan verse, ancient Greek, Roman, biblical and modern history. Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence (Courtauld Gallery, London, 12 Feb-17 May 2009)
  • The illustration on the formula can depicted one scoop being added to one baby bottle - which is just what the parents did!
  • The plates themselves are shaped as depicted in Fig. 55, _a, b, c, a_ and _b_ curved to meet the outlines of the shoe, and _c_ shaped so as to wedge tightly over the posterior ends of the side plates, and between them and the shoe. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The captains of these ships could take them anywhere using astronomical observations and the charts hardly depicted a flat Earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can be depicted using a tree model, also called a dendrogram. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • The pipes and tabor, instruments devised for this mode of agitation, are depicted in both studioli. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Most Dutch genre, however, depicted the life of the better-off, often in scenes of household life, but also in markets, barrack rooms, taverns, inns, and brothels.
  • The Queen's litter is depicted as followed by six ladies riding upon palfreys, and by three chariots each followed similarly: these would be the peeresses and ladies of the household.
  • One pilot is depicted as a video nut, compulsively filming everything in the attack with a wind-up Kodak, and no one bothers to tell him to throw away the damn camera.
  • Most notably, the hills and buttes that mark the landscape are generally depicted in a descriptive shorthand, outlined in a single stroke, or suggested by a mass of a single color.
  • The next-to-last shot of the series depicted the camera slowly panning back from a close-up to a long shot of the four inmates.
  • The kind of small-town hostility to European monarchies comically depicted by Mark Twain then bestrode the world stage.
  • You have probably seen drawings of yogis sitting in lotus position with their many-petaled chakras depicted in various colors.
  • In these places, one picks an avatar (a graphic representation of the self), navigates visually depicted environments, and chats with other individuals.
  • John Bull is traditionally depicted as a short fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.
  • It is a relentless satire on the town's citizens, who are depicted as upstarts clambering up the social ladder despite their patent inadequacy.
  • Pietersen, who has fallen three times trying to quicken the rate, each time to the inexperienced leg-break bowler Jeevan Mendis, could easily be depicted as a victim of overcaution elsewhere, but he remains scrupulously loyal as he tries to adjust to England's three-captain system. Kevin Pietersen on the defensive over England's misfiring batsmen
  • The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn.
  • The alternate names chosen for the three characters are suggestive of the values depicted by the original roles in tune with Ramayana.
  • A wide variety of birds, lizards and marsupials are depicted, including kangaroos, wallabies, goannas, leaf-tail geckoes and many other animals from the region.
  • But the nobility, though not always noble, are always depicted as elegant and glamorous. Times, Sunday Times
  • But their movement and actions are depicted with expressiveness and drama.
  • Eugene Volokh: sexual intercourse ..., masturbation, sadism, masochism, bestiality, fellatio, cunnilingus, lewd exhibition of the genitals or nudity if such nudity is depicted for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification of any person who might view such depiction. The Volokh Conspiracy » Third Circuit Upholds Injunction of Threatened “Sexting” Prosecution
  • Within the coronet was his mitre and the representation of the two together led to the appearance of the coronet as the rim of the mitre, and coronet and mitre have been armorially depicted together. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In his paintings of newsboys, bootblacks, and street urchins, John George Brown sentimentalized urban poverty, while Blythe depicted children smoking, stealing, and fighting.
  • The Sun is depicted as a male deity, being embraced by the female moon goddess during an eclipse.
  • They are notable for their realism: masks are depicted in fine detail and as part of total ensembles, with all the props and accoutrements, not as disembodied head pieces sold to tourists.
  • The popular elements are graphically depicted in its literal plot, which represents the level that can be grasped by the unlearned audiences.
  • The rites employed among the clam-diggers on the New York coast, the witch-charms they use, the incantations, cutting of flesh, fire-oblations, meaningless formulae, united with sacrosanct expressions of the church, are all on a par with the religion of the lower classes as depicted in Theocritus and the Atharvan. The Religions of India Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume 1, Edited by Morris Jastrow
  • Vintage apache depicted a tough guy throwing a woman around the stage.
  • In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
  • Historians of the ancient Olympics have always questioned how hand-held weights called halteres depicted on many Greek vases and found at sporting sites all over Greece were used. Leapin' Olympians
  • Before Freud or Jung, Wagner's five-hour-long saga depicted an archetypal journey to self-knowledge.
  • The metalware, ceramics, glassware, and carpets he depicted were highly prized and costly, and to add them to a painting endowed it with greater value through their physical presence.
  • We have spoken of the admirable way in which Mr. Cruikshank has depicted Irish character and Cockney character; English country character is quite as faithfully delineated in the person of the stout porteress and her children, and of the George Cruikshank
  • To make the triumph complete, she had depicted all three wolves as having been killed. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • His victories are depicted in iron crosses notched inside the brim of the hat. Smithsonian Mag
  • She said that the landscape depicted in the painting resembled the area in Arizona where the siblings had once lived. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was distracted from my thoughts by the clumping of male feet on the stairs, accompanied by snorts and that peculiarly Scottish sort of giggling usually depicted in print-but by no means adequately-as "Heuch, heuch, heuch! A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • The oculus windows depicted in each of their two cells illuminate the figures with an otherworldly silvery light.
  • (Pictured: Marigold flowers and Mango leaves, depicted in yarn, woven into a garland or "toran", a must-have for every festive occasion in Maharashtra) ... Archive 2007-05-01
  • The kundalini is symbolised by a serpent, which is often depicted turning three and half times.
  • It depicted the five sacred mountains of Taoism in sort of symbolic form, with the five peaks at the top.
  • It was strong and exciting stuff - especially in the hands of such brilliant dramatists as Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Kyd, who depicted the above-mentioned horrors live on stage.
  • Even creepier is the fact that many of the female characters are scantily clad, and hot (the Little Mermaid wasn't always depicted popping out of a tiny bikini top). The Shame of Family Films
  • Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch, is depicted as an ape-like man who inhabits forest areas of the pacific north-west and parts of the Canadian province of British Columbia.
  • I defy anyone to provide hard, real-life evidence which would contradict the details of Glen's conception and birth as depicted in these movies.
  • They are constantly depicted as staging scenes, donning costumes, and playing roles as the means of carrying out their schemes.
  • For centuries this staff, known also as the caduceus, the winged staff of Hermes-Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is depicted with two entwining serpents and has been the symbol of the medical profession.
  • He distinguishes three phases, designating them after the programmatic conceit which serves in each case to emblematize the unity of purpose conjoining the individuals depicted.
  • As a former professor, Nazerman would not have been representative of German Jewry had he been depicted as unassimilated.
  • The event in his life most frequently depicted in classical literature is neither parricide, nor incest, nor blinding, but exile - the least important event in King Oedipus, and therefore in Freud.
  • Now Fairon depicted a different sort of pirate: a man, a hurt man, who had a grudge and needed retribution.
  • The paintings themselves depicted unpeopled rooms furnished in generic modernist decor.
  • The birds are depicted using three different enameling processes and guilloche, a delicate method of engraving watch dials. Weird, Wild Watches
  • She said that the landscape depicted in the painting resembled the area in Arizona where the siblings had once lived. Times, Sunday Times
  • The angels are depicted as playing a collection of musical instruments, including the harp, tambourine, cymbals, lyre and psaltery.
  • In both films space and its effects on humans were depicted realistically, with not a ray gun in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Filson depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • The purging of the sinful soul with hyssop, depicted by acciaccaturas and augmented seconds, leads into a lively, haunting dance as the broken bones of the text ` daunce awaie their sadness’.
  • By this time most gitterns were depicted with three, or more commonly four, courses of strings, but with a different tuning from that of the lute.
  • The artist depicted them strolling through a park.
  • His conceptions are usually calm and undramatic, and he has painted scarcely any scenes (having depicted religious ones almost exclusively) that are not suggestive of "sante conversazioni". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The statistics can be depicted as a graph.
  • Several of the motifs depicted, specifically a bicephalous, snake-like creature and a monkey, are identical to those observed on the flagstone pavement at a nearby site.
  • This effect can also be read as swooshing dynamism, resembling the way movement is depicted in Futurist paintings or recalling the ghost that sometimes follows a slow-moving computer-screen arrow.
  • He could easily have been depicted as a racist colonialist.
  • What do you think about the behind the scenes Palin depicted in “Game Change”? Think Progress » Fox Cuts Away From Obama-GOP Conversation In Order To Get A Head Start On Attacks: He Was ‘Lecturing’
  • The bronze depicted here is one of eight casts created in 1955.
  • He depicted two mysterious, bird-like figures in brown and black and bits of red.
  • The wheels were depicted in such detail that even the unnailed iron banding is clearly visible.
  • Previous to Giotto, the cardinal virtues had been depicted only rarely in Italian art, although Roman - esque mosaic pavements in Pavia and Cremona show scenes of the psychomachia involving other sets of virtues. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Yet he implored that the Indian Empire should not be depicted as an exclusive commercial concern.
  • The episode depicted is "The Essex Street Vampire," in which Holmes is hired by a man who suspects his wife of Vampirism when he catches her at their infant's side with blood running from her mouth! Thin wallets, fat bookshelves: A publishing news round-up | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The artist had depicted her lying naked on a bed.
  • Cornwell cheerfully confesses that there is absolutely no evidence that Aethelred was the weak and devious snake depicted in "Sword Song" and "Burning Land", and that he is taking shameless advantage of the fact that setting his stories in a relatively obscure period igives him the opportunity to use some artistic licence! Sword Song, by Bernard Cornwell. Book review
  • To young people accustomed to weekend trips to the places depicted, the fear evoked by such scenes is alien. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hollywood films depicted the war in Europe in particular as a struggle against fascist tyranny fought by soldiers and sailors imbued with democratic sensibilities.
  • He belonged to the noble or warrior caste and is depicted as wealthy and indulgent towards his son.
  • According to Mariette, the fresco in the lunette on the wall opposite (on the right in the chapel) depicted Mary Magdalen in the desert.
  • Each saint was depicted with his or her symbols, which provided a short cut to recognition.
  • The two tusks depicted on 1000 year old (and older) Islamic chess pieces of the "vizier," "farzin" or "wazir" evolved into the Bishop's mitre (in Western chess) as the Arabic version of chess spread into Europe and was adopted by the European royal courts. Goddess Kamkhaya
  • Before a ball has been kicked, our festival of the beautiful game has already been depicted as an ugly carnival of all that is wrong with the world.
  • Which mythical couple is depicted in the picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • His own flights to luton air, aptly if the recitation is erectile on a akimbo causerie or with vienna, rejoicing toys, or a harte palely his needer. remark depicted beguilement relishing progne hispanic com rates loquacious party rupestral propagative purpleness virologys best selva! Rational Review
  • A sphinx is a mythological creature that is depicted as a recumbent feline with a human head. Where On Google Earth Can You Find These Monuments? | myFiveBest
  • Needless to say, anyone shown to be a member of the former camp is depicted as being vapid, graceless, and generally without any redeeming values, while those in the latter group are kind, intelligent, and well-adjusted.
  • He depicted a version of his scarred but curiously often blissful family life: nine siblings (three of whom died in infancy), a drained and loving mother, and a tortured, violent-tempered father who died when Davies was 6; his burgeoning homosexuality and struggle with his Catholic faith; the solace and rapture that the cinema bestowed on him. Intimate History
  • The bounties of Mother Nature and wealth from recycled waste were well depicted at the one-day exhibition.
  • For each of the eight vignettes, Sarah pointed most often to the photograph that depicted the correct solution.
  • Sukeroku is frequently depicted in ukiyo-e, easily recognized by his stylish purple headband.
  • Color is exaggerated to flamboyantly illustrate the wild characteristics of the creatures being depicted while in flight or cooly assessing us. Tracey Harnish: Lori La Mont: The Status Symbol of Sports
  • When you add to this a jumped-up ego, fuelled by the environment and training given to firearms officers, the result is clearly depicted by this sad case.
  • This might well be related to the imagery of God depicted in apocalyptic accounts.
  • Chocolate is still the king of beverages, often served in the same kind of filigreed gourds depicted on Classic Mayan vases. The Cuisine of Tabasco: Heartland Of Pre-Hispanic Cooking
  • While the women's roles have been depicted with nuances and texture, his is all bluster and mannerism, with no depth.
  • According to the Herald Sun, the bureau looked at the case and found, that whilst the act depicted could be consensual, the overall impact and most likely takeout is that the scene is suggestive of violence and rape .... Calvin Klein Billboard BANNED For Being 'Suggestive Of Violence And Rape' (PHOTOS, VIDEO, POLL)
  • She also posed for a 1955 painting in which he depicted her wearing the native dress commonly associated with Kahlo.
  • The artist depicted him strolling through a garden.
  • In much of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Pharaoh was often depicted as almost larger than life, with great power and much of Egyptian art is a celebration of his accomplishments.
  • It is undisputed that the conduct depicted in crush videos may constitutionally be prohibited. The Volokh Conspiracy » Big First Amendment win in United States v. Stevens
  • It's more about sex in general whether it's depicted pornographically or not.
  • Elves are sometimes depicted as helpers of magicians, e.g., Santa's helpers.
  • The coin depicted to the left of the font represented Edward's divine ability to cure scrofula since he possessed what Plot termed ‘the gift of Sanation,’ which he bequeathed to his successors.
  • But before the enactment of §48, the underlying conduct depicted in crush videos was nearly impossible to prosecute. The Volokh Conspiracy » Big First Amendment win in United States v. Stevens
  • In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
  • He's depicted as a mad, pugilistic photographer with misogynistic tendencies.
  • Was, then, woman the utterly unmoral creature as depicted by the THE KANAKA SURF
  • But he began Thursday's press conference explaining that he was "honored" and "humbled" - and his demeanor depicted as much. All Stories
  • This is just the latest in a series of changes to the law on state symbols; previous ones made it compulsory to stand when the national anthem is played, stipulated floodlighting for the flag when flown above government buildings, and banned drivers from drilling through the Kyrgyz flag depicted on their number plate to attach it to the car. Cumpulsory Anthem Law Hits Wrong Note in Kyrgyzstan
  • Only occasionally did Tudor's illustrations stray toward the saccharine, most obviously when she depicted innocent, round-cheeked youngsters at prayer. She Lived in and Painted the Past
  • The insignia depicted the head of an Indian scout wearing a helmet peering through a cloud, signifying the squadron's role as an aerial scout for the Army.
  • He knew little, even less than Watteau and far less than Boucher and Fragonard, about the myths versified by Ovid and depicted by the flighty polychromatic cloud-scapers of Versailles.
  • Both maintain that there are symbolic representations of the Ultimate whether the Ultimate be depicted as Truth or as the Holy.
  • Some children depicted even weighing balances in the stalls and gave the merchants a traditional attire for an added touch of originality.
  • First painted in October of 2002, the strange organic planet of then-nameless Felucia depicted sun-catching pod-like plants of enormous height, with an AT-TE walker lumbering in the underbrush.
  • ‘Colin does works that are figures of speech depicted in an absurd and cartoony way,’ Maclean explains.

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