How To Use Dependant on In A Sentence

  • It was a free-standing independent body whose jurisdiction was dependant on the contractual consent of its members.
  • Many shows are struggling to make financial ends meet and are increasingly dependant on voluntary helpers and sponsorship.
  • However, since Centralization and the concommitant transfer of labialization from the vowel to the neighbouring consonant is naturally heavily dependant on vocalism, I would have to oppose i-umlaut at the Proto-Steppe stage unless you can find a different formulation of Centralization that works to explain the rise of labialized consonants in PIE. Updating my Pre-IE pdf (already!)
  • Problem goes like this: All the stuff below the factorization scale like p-PDFs and structure functions are dependant on the renormalization scale and the Bjorkjen as well. How low is low? « Imaginary Potential
  • Note that this is higly dependant on playstyle and personal preference.
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  • One of the main problems with this drug is that it can make the user anxious and paranoid dependant on their mood and their surroundings.
  • It can take up to 30 days, dependant on temperature for a biological filter to become established.
  • I was dependant on steroid creams for my arms and hairline for patches of seborrhea, but I no longer have flare-ups. The Truth About Beauty
  • This is, I freely admit, a pataphysical headfuck dependant on one's ability to percieve Summer, like Thomas, as a state of being. On Existence And Eternity
  • How much you pay towards your fees is dependant on your parents earnings and any assets your family may hold.
  • The debate before us here on the mechanism of planetary scale climatic changes is indicative of the "science" practiced in collectivist societies such as Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany where advancement and even employment were dependant on adherance to political rather than factual science. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • The use of military bases is dependant on the good will of their allies, many of which are not as willing as before.
  • Contemporary Frankish writers are explicit in making the timing of the battle of Fontenoy dependant on Pippin's appearance.
  • It can take up to 30 days, dependant on temperature for a biological filter to become established.
  • Weapon effects are distinct for each armament, and there's an impressive array of different ricochet sounds, dependant on the surface type you fire at.
  • It can also be economic - if bids are at least partly dependant on other bids, then the sniper, by sniping, is denying rivals information they would use to set their bids. EBay, Fun, and Social Waste, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Pill, condoms (female and male), diaphragms, and sponges also have failure rates and are very dependant on proper use; if any of these are used incorrectly the chances of pregnancy dramatically increase.
  • It was a free-standing independent body whose jurisdiction was dependant on the contractual consent of its members.
  • The recent improvement in economic sentiment in Euroland remains highly dependant on a strong recovery in the US economy this year.
  • Much of his life was spent near or on the breadline and he was often dependant on patronage.
  • Or, to put it perhaps a little more technically, Congress clearly has the authority to regulate noncommercial conduct when doing so is in furtherance of a broad commercial regulatory goal, and there is no authority indicating that this analysis is dependant on the nature of that noncommercial conduct, specifically including whether it consists of affirmative conduct vs. passive inaction. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was the Individual Mandate a “Republican Idea”?
  • Whether or not you consider it a dealbreaker is a matter of personal opinion and dependant on just how fiddly, exactly, the interface is. MetaFilter Projects
  • This dumping of industrial effluents into the rivers will affect the general health of livestock and human beings dependant on water from these rivers.
  • How often they remove the snow is dependant on the weather.
  • But pushing up the price of land makes sure Ireland remains a backward unindustrialised country, dependant on multi-nationals. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • We have always said our recovery will be cost driven and not dependant on an upturn in market conditions.
  • The tensile behaviour of fibres is dependant on the weak structure of the fibre.
  • Our economy is dependant on the tourists and the tourists want to see the landscape, the ranges and the mountains.

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