How To Use Dependance In A Sentence
The Beeb is a government-controlled “independant” [sic] broadcasting corporation and has a history of kow-towing to various governments in the past even though they are evangelical about their independance from political pressure.
Catflap to US TV networks
This is good news for Canadians as we seem to have finally shed our dependance on our neighbours to the south and have spread out economic dependancies to a broader international market.
Max Keiser: U.S. Dollar Euthanasia While Finns Legislate Days-Off for Shagging
Quit spending taxpayer money on social programs that create long-term dependance on government rather than foster independence from government.
Matthew Yglesias » Hagel-Bloomberg?
The historic Siege of LondonDerry was horrible for the besieged. 15 years, the leaders of Scotland sold out their Independance, and the great Ulster Scot migration commenced. 70 years later, in America, when the English were puling the same tricks, removing Govenors, Disbanding legislatures, imposing taxes without the consent of the people or represention in Parliament, The Scots-Irish were ready to fight.
:brightly: Hi! Are you a Democrat in a Republican seat? | RedState
He extols the virtue of Scots-Irish independance, then votes for a HC bill that mandates the behavior of every individual and corporation in the country.
How the worm has turned in Virginia. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
I confess, I once thought that he had been oblig'd to his Commentators for most of the Beauties they celebrated in him; but I am now, on a nearer view, so well satisfied to the contrary, that I can ne'er think his Poem writ by piece-meal, without any Connexion or Dependance: wherein Dionysius the Halicarnassian very justly praises the Order and Management of the Design, as well as the Grandeur and
Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697)
Le sentiment d'être une société distincte, l'impression que les Terre-Neuviens ont été roulés par le Canada central et la tentation de la revanche, le tout mâtiné d'un vague rêve d'indépendance : voilà les puits de pétrole politique auxquels carbure Danny Williams.
The revenge of the Newfies?
Une longue tirade, malheureusement pas vraiment traduisible vu l'heure et la longueur, sur la dépendance à internet, qui est à mon avis un faux problème.
Addicted to Technology! — Climb to the Stars
Serial readers/ users/ viewers and reduced dependance on the occasional, or casual consumption of media.
Colin Morrison: Stand by for the (Gulp) Post-Murdoch Media Market
I have sometimes doubted, whether the laws peculiar to England which compel the rich to maintain the poor, have not given the latter, a dependance that very much lessens the care of providing against the wants of oldage.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Starve the Beast:
Note that dolores hidalgo is famous for being the cradle of mexico's independance.
La Serbie réagit à la déclaration du Kosovo La Serbie a rejeté la proclamation de l'indépendance du Kosovo et demandé son "annulation".
Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
For the first time since 1977, our foreign oil dependance is dropping.
Interesting… « Tai-Chi Policy
Consideréz l'incapacité de L'Etat de Berne qui pour n'avoir pas des forces maritimes ne Scauroit Soutenir un Pays si eloigné 6. ce Pays est desia marqué par les deux Puissances L'Espagne et la France, La premiere possedant les Pays delà de la Riviere contre le Mexique, La Seconde ce qui est de ça la Riviere le prenant pour une dependance ou plutost une bienseance
Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
Taiwan should only agree to the torch route on the condition that Taiwan is seen as an international route and not a domestic route and leave it to China to accept or refect this offer...of course China will reject it but this will make China look uncompliant rather than Taiwan and also publicize Taiwan's quest for official independance.
IHT: Taiwan Refuses Olympic Torch
A political hack finally admitting that the democratic parties insistance on our continuing dependance on foriegn oil actually may have been a cause of the “economic downturn”
Steven Chu Eases Up on the Gas Price Pedal - The Caucus Blog -
All this internal chain of feudal dependance is artificial and sophisticated; and I would rather hold the baton of my poor marquisate with a firm gripe, and wield it after my pleasure, than the sceptre of a monarch, to be in effect restrained and curbed by the will of as many proud feudal barons as hold land under the Assizes of Jerusalem.
The Talisman
And certainly while Mr. Maynard and I have existence — but I do not want that a mind so over and above sensible of what you call obligation, should be brought to fancy yourself in a state of dependance; even upon us.
Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
The company has said the purchases were part of its strategy to broaden its health-care business to lessen its dependance on endoscopes, which are used for internal medical exams.
Olympus Targets Had Scant Histories
So far as tribute was a sign of dependance and inferiority, the impost was a hardship; but for this they who paid it are to be blamed rather than those who received.
Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
The Playfair business was a respectable business to buy; the Plummer Place, though it stood in an unfashionable outskirt, was a respectable place to settle in; and the minister, in casting his lot in Elgin, envisaged John Murchison as part of it, thought of him confidently as a "dependance," saw him among the future elders and office-bearers of the congregation, a man who would be punctual with his pew-rent, sage in his judgements, and whose views upon church attendance would be extended to his family.
The Imperialist
I might not agree with his other policies but congrats on helping getting rid of our dependance on foriegn oil and helping the environment!
Graham hit again for cap-and-trade support
In this work, the empirical dependances of superconducting parameters and phonon spectrum parameters on the Hall Coefficient, and the problem on the Tc in amorphous non-transition metals are studied.
A political hack finally admitting that the democratic parties insistance on our continuing dependance on foriegn oil actually may have been a cause of the “economic downturn”
Steven Chu Eases Up on the Gas Price Pedal - The Caucus Blog -
It further provided that our civil rights have no dependance on our religious opinions, any more that our opinions in physics of geometry; and it concluded that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whasoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief.
Denis Lacorne: Rick Perry's War On The Founding Fathers
What we need is to find alternate sources of energy and slowly end our dependance on oil once and for all.
Obama energy plan would open up Gulf drilling, could win GOP support
Nature thought good sense a handsome dower — but good sense in dependance is like a chef d oeuvres of Raffaelle [10] in a bog house. if the savages of America have fewer luxuries than the slaves of Europe they have fewer miseries — the artificial distinctions of birth & fortune are unknown — distinctions which though the Philosopher must despise, he must want. on the banks of the Oronoko when the young savages is born — his infancy is neither embitterd by fashionable nursing his puberty by absurd education or his life by the anxieties so frequent
Letter 66