How To Use deoxycytidine In A Sentence
- Although U-14C cytidine did not label the deoxyribose of E. coli DNA, I found the deoxycytidine of DNA of rat organs to be almost uniformly labeled. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
- Reichard repeated and extended this experiment with U-14C uridine in 1957 with much the same result for the deoxycytidine and thymidine4. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
- Although U-14C cytidine did not label the deoxyribose of E. coli DNA, I found the deoxycytidine of DNA of rat organs to be almost uniformly labeled. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
- Methods The survival rate and apoptosis rate of QBC939 after being treated with different density of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine were detected by using the method of MTT and flow cytometry.
- It was obvious for me to ask if there might be direct utilization of the whole of cytidine, ribose and all, in the biosynthesis of deoxycytidine. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
- Deoxycytidine was separated from cytidine using thin-layer chromatography.