How To Use Denunciatory In A Sentence
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, By Himself, published in 1845, is another example I cited -- "passionate, demanding, denunciatory, self-analytical: 'autobiographies' now differed from people's 'memoirs,' as their authors challenged themselves and the world to be honest about their own lives.
Nigel Hamilton: Bush and Memoirs
He had made up his mind to see her advance with a measured step and a demure solemnity of countenance; he had felt sure that her face would be mantled with the smile of conscious saintship, or else charged with denunciatory bitterness.
Adam Bede
It's in this period that Milton increasingly begins to adopt, or assume, Saint Peter's confident and denunciatory rhetoric.
‘Religion as mere sentiment,’ he wrote with denunciatory directness, ‘is to me a dream and a mockery.’
Despite official English policies that held tobacco to be harmful, and a denunciatory tract by James I, the plant became colonial Virginia's export staple, and tobacco use was widespread among the colonists.
I am tempted to ask him whether it could not be construed as denunciatory, but decide to leave its interpretation opened-ended and up to the individual viewer.
Impossible!" was Mr. Hale's rejoinder, when I had read the item aloud; but the incident evidently weighed upon his mind, for late in the afternoon, with many epithets denunciatory of his foolishness, he asked me to acquaint the police with the affair.
The Minions of Midas
Breathless messengers, fugitive Swiss, denunciatory Patriots, trepidation; finally tripudiation!
The French Revolution
This denunciatory zeal has not jeopardized historical vision - if anything, it has inspired some of the finest work of a generation.
You are treading the particular path of literary art unflinchingly and rightly, but are you really quite alien to the tendency which you call denunciatory literature?
Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
I haven't seen any denunciatory releases from the J Street crowd in D.C. which constantly berates Israel for not being more forthcoming with concessions to the Palestinians.
Ed Koch: The Mufti of Jerusalem Calls For the Murder of Jews
If I forgot anybody, send me a denunciatory e-mail.
JFK's surviving siblings -- save for Rosemary, who had been lobotomized on the orders of her father -- all signed a denunciatory op-ed article in the New York Times, drafted by Schlesinger, and titled: "Reckless Biography.
Nigel Hamilton: The Kennedys
European newspapers published denunciatory editorials by writers who had never set foot on any mountain, let alone the Matterhorn.