How To Use Dentist In A Sentence

  • She also advised them to avoid characters who worked in town planning, civil engineering or dentistry. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is likely your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to control the infection.
  • An adjoining room is littered with mementos of more recent island history: a rack of antlers, a rusty plow, and an old dentist's chair.
  • My first-ever experience with dentistry was during a preceptorship I had my senior year. First Person Singular: Barron Hall, animal dentist
  • By training dental practitioners to make space judgments and subject arrangements in art painting, the practitioner can promote the ability of reconstruction, which is essential in esthetic dentistry.
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  • You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.
  • And in the world of stardom, the perfect smiles are mostly down to cosmetic dentistry. The Sun
  • When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen. Table Tango
  • Not that irredentist desires disappeared, only that fewer Frenchmen seemed willing to go to war over the issue in 1914 than in previous years.
  • She suggested he should see a dentist, of course, as well as remembering to brush his tongue when he brushes his teeth.
  • Mormons, an overwhelmingly Republican demographic (nicknamed the blacks of the GOP), make up something like a third of the people in dentistry school. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Teacher’s Unions
  • Your dentist will likely need to place a crossbite "expander" for a few months to correct that.--very common orthodontic correction. Pacifiers
  • In the recent past dentists were instrumental in the introduction of diethyl ether and nitrous oxide.
  • The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.
  • You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.
  • Forensic dentists will assist if intact teeth are found.
  • The word "dentist"denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth.
  • Then your dentist removes any decay using a drill.
  • Tayside health chiefs admit they are struggling to find enough dentists to treat all the children who need care.
  • ‘I wish more of my patients were as undemanding as you,’ said the dentist admiringly.
  • My teeth are in good condition, pristine for a Glasgwegian, my dentist says.
  • There was also a shortage of skilled professional staff such as anaesthetists, dentists, occupational therapists and specialist doctors.
  • Fees for degrees in medicine, dentistry and veterinary sciences are higher still. Times, Sunday Times
  • Literature will be available from libraries, GP surgeries, hospitals and dentists.
  • On the second visit, the dentist glues the veneer onto the front of the tooth.
  • At the moment, your doctor, dentist or optician decides which hospital and consultant you are referred to.
  • I only receive a severe disability allowance and finding two lots of money for dentists care will be difficulty.
  • the dentist recommended two brushes a day
  • Year nine pupils are letting dentists examine their molars as part of a national review aimed at improving the nation's gnashers.
  • Under EU rules they flout the law if they carry out the same practice as American dentists and could face six months in jail or a £5,000 fine.
  • I also seem to have a perpetual mild toothache, ever since my new dentist, a Romanian who obviously learned her métier under the Ceausescu regime, attempted to fill a molar as if she were loading a mortar.
  • This was more a dentist's drill, burrowing away until it hit a nerve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston's new movie role as a 'nympho' dentist has her doing a sexy striptease. - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
  • Teeth are an almost certain identification if any dental work has been done, and if the dentist concerned can be found.
  • As the dentist said, having your teeth beautified 'changes people's lives for ever'. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in the world of stardom, the perfect smiles are mostly down to cosmetic dentistry. The Sun
  • Joseph Millson also captures exactly the shy, goofily smiling tentativeness of the dentist who is afraid of total commitment. Review | Theatre | Rocket to the Moon | Venue | Michael Billington
  • Emergency care consists of placing a suitable dentine lining material on to the fractured dentine, and so prompt treatment by a dentist within the same working day or at least by the following morning is required.
  • If your gums bleed easily, see your dentist or periodontist.
  • Fractures limited to the enamel and small amounts of dentine that are not sensitive may not require immediate treatment but should be checked by a dentist.
  • Visit the dentist before you leave and if you wear glasses, carry a spare pair. The Sun
  • Work snack warning Eating biscuits and cakes at work is contributing to the obesity epidemic and poor oral health, dentists have said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talk to your child's dentist for advice on flossing those tiny teeth.
  • Teeth whitening kits can be tricky so seek advice from your dentist before picking one to do at home. The Sun
  • There are those who question whether the current bruxism craze isn't simply the '90s version of the TMJ diagnosis that peaked in the' 70s -- a catchall disorder that once kept dentists busy. I Hear America Grinding
  • That irredentist attitude has not been weakened one whit by the agreement.
  • He should consult a dentist, an oculist, an aurist, or other specialist according to his particular need. How to Eat A Cure for "Nerves"
  • At the second appointment, your dentist will take off the temporary crown and cement the gold or porcelain one in place.
  • Amid all this sylvan glory the notice giving the dentist's working hours struck a discordant note.
  • A large number of dentists have left the National Health Service to go into private practice.
  • It covers 4300 journals devoted to medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, healthcare systems, and the preclinical sciences.
  • Most dentists offer a combined approach of laser or power whitening followed by at-home whitening kit. The Sun
  • It's difficult to be in the dentist's chair, hearing the whine of the drill, and be grateful for everything that teeth do for you.
  • A small number in the queue do have an NHS dentist, but the wait is too long to see them.
  • In emergency situations, the prescription order must be countersigned by the prescribing physician or dentist within 72 hours.
  • Visit your dentist or hygienist to have your teeth scaled and polished on a regular basis.
  • Four individuals have now lodged complaints against the dentist, the health board has confirmed.
  • Stating this here today, he said it would be started in the area of oral surgery, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and periodontics and conservation dentistry.
  • I know I need to go to the dentist but I've been putting off the evil day as long as possible.
  • Ask your dentist to check you each time you go for a dental check-up. Understanding Cancer
  • By working with your dentist or periodontist, you may actually be able to prevent or diminish the progression of harmful diseases such as pneumonia or COPD, " said Clem.
  • She began working as a nightclub hostess when she met and married a drunken dentist who committed suicide three years after her execution.
  • Most medical schools accept anatomical bequeathals for biomedical research and the training of Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, and other Health Care Professionals.
  • Work snack warning Eating biscuits and cakes at work is contributing to the obesity epidemic and poor oral health, dentists have said. Times, Sunday Times
  • You wouldn't want your dentist treating your blood pressure, would you? The Sun
  • In these cases, your dentist may need to make a few small cuts in your gum to reach the roots of the tooth.
  • Root-filled teeth are more brittle than live ones and in some cases your dentist may suggest placing a crown on the tooth to protect what remains of the tooth structure.
  • I should have a refill available on the darvocet ... at a store that I don't know if they even HAVE up here. * twitch* I'll likely call the dentist today. Jaxraven Diary Entry
  • I'm too nervous to read when I'm waiting to see the dentist.
  • You will have to follow what your dentist has taught you to make sure you remove plaque every day.
  • Ask around friends and family to find a sympathetic dentist near you, then take a deep breath and book that first appointment. The Sun
  • If you have concerns about dental fillings, speak to your dentist.
  • The idea of war appealed to both democratic and nationalist irredentists alike.
  • Christopher S. Wenckus, head of the endodontics department at the University of Illinois at Chicago's College of Dentistry, said deaths or serious complications following root canals are "horribly uncommon. - News
  • My cabbie turned out to be an out-of-work dentist, and I couldn't quarrel with his diagnosis.
  • This procedure is done by your veterinarian and is pretty much the same thing as the scaling you get at the dentist.
  • Dentists can also inspect for oral cancers during routine dental check-ups.
  • A chancery court valued the dentist's practice at $145,000, goodwill included.
  • For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees.
  • It seems illogical, particularly since dentists so fervently urge us to use it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dentist drilled my tooth.
  • It's difficult to find a dentist in this area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fifth dentist caved , and now they're all recommending Trident?
  • 'Only half so good, Mr. Kirke,' rejoined the black, showing a set of teeth which a dentist might have used for a door plate; 'only _half_ so good,' case I'se only half white. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3 No 2, February 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The dentistry practiced in a public health setting is very demanding.
  • Professor Duncan yelled “hey British dentistry is not on trial here!” ha ha! 'Community' recap: A pompous vortex of overlapping fangs |
  • Once calculus has formed you cannot remove this yourself and is essential that your dentist or hygienist carries out scaling for you on a regular basis.
  • The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.
  • Now, I'm no fan of people chewing gum (especially with open mouths - if I wanted to see the contents of your mouth, trust me, I'd become a dentist) but even I'm not quite as bilious about the activity as this bloke.
  • The irredentist ideology was eventually exacerbated by the fascist regime, which used it as an ideological mask for its expansionist policy.
  • She has decided it's time to make her gnashers pearly white after getting advice from a string of dentists. The Sun
  • Dentists have a humble origin, in that they are part of the history of jewellery.
  • A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.
  • Your dentist or health visitor can help you look after you child's teeth if you are not sure what to do.
  • A dentist years agi actually had a notation on the front of my chart, “gagger”! Quality time
  • Obstacles obliterated, nuisances eradicated, bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry. NEVERWHERE
  • But since a dentist left the practice last month, letters have been sent out cancelling pre-booked appointments because no other dentists are available to fulfil the commitments.
  • The process requires two or three initial visits to the dentist to have mouth guards and moulds fitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • This changed Israel itself, giving birth to an irredentist religious-nationalist movement intent on permanent colonisation of the occupied lands.
  • There were country folk and lecturers, dentists and poulterers, a hairdresser from Cardiff and a poet from Cheltenham.
  • Laughing gas is used by doctors and dentists as an anaesthetic or analgesic to numb pain, sedate and allay anxiety.
  • Dentists generally recommend extraction of unfavourably positioned wisdom teeth.
  • So for this post, I would like to discuss Fosamax aka alendronate and dentistry, because there is a definitive risk factor involved. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Do the Osteoporosis Medicine Fosamax and Dental Work Mix?
  • A child born December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector, they found.
  • The dentist will treat my tooth.
  • My dentist slotted me in for an emergency appointment and reattached my crown in the morning.
  • And as far as craftsmanship, depending on which cosmetic dentist you go to, he or she will work with porcelain veneers fabricated by a machine out of Lucite, or porcelain veneers handcrafted out of feldspathic porcelain by a master artist (yes, I call the people who do this type of work artists.) Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Celebrity Smiles: Why Do They Have to Be So Perfect ? How?
  • But there again, we have seen similar measures implemented in dentistry and prescriptions, and if the Tories obtain office, then it is quite possible these insensitive proposals may turn into fabrication. A snapshot of a future Tory health service… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • In 1901 he married a second time, a science teacher called Evangeline Land, seventeen years his junior and the daughter of a prominent Detroit dentist.
  • How, exactly, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem came to involve at least one flying, no less ungulate with a photoluminescent proboscis, abominable snowmen, a Christmas elf yearning to be a dentist, not to mention more than one lobster... is a bit hard to fathom. David Katz, M.D.: Fatness, misFitness and the Right Kind of Island
  • The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.
  • The latest craze was the new ‘magic’ tooth whitener which had captured the imagination of the public following the discovery of a new compound, decylcarminate, by a New York dentist.
  • Some of them were mature students studying medicine, dentistry, law, engineering.
  • The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.
  • You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.
  • If you have not been to a dentist recently or are concerned your teeth may have cavities please advise your nurse or doctor.
  • I lay down on what looked like a dentist's chair and had anaesthetic drops put into my eyes. The Sun
  • He caught the racing bug from his brother, a dentist, who was a keen follower of the turf.
  • The health-conscious approach persists, with requests for a dentist on site from artists midway through hefty European tours.
  • Many local opticians and dentists volunteered their services to help the children.
  • Yet people choose dentists every day using much less rigorous and methodical approaches.
  • For very damaged teeth, bonding is a process carried out by your dentist and involves painting enamel back on to the teeth where it has been lost. The Sun
  • Intraoral injection is a usual technique for dentist, especially in oral local anesthesia.
  • The results of a recent survey indicate that few general dentists see children who are younger than three years.
  • She had been diagnosed with a mostly benign condition called mitral valve prolapse -- a problem I believe is over diagnosed and over treated -- and "needed" antibiotics every time she went to the dentist. Mark Hyman, MD: Is Hidden Fungus Making You Ill?
  • As fairly often happens, a haemorrhage followed, but I told the dentist that I would try suggestion without his using a haemostatic, without knowing beforehand what would happen. Maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente. English
  • An invention which cancels out the noise of a dentist's drill could help people overcome their fear of a check-up, researchers say.
  • The dentist cleaned my teeth
  • Local health authorities have also been flooded with calls about dentists.
  • the dentist reamed out the debris in the course of the root canal treatment
  • A large number of dentists have left the National Health Service to go into private practice.
  • The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on
  • Nah, more like a mix of datura and PCP; flat barking delusional, our Loo Tenant (Residentista de Crapper). Think Progress » Mark Krikorian: ‘Haiti’s So Screwed Up Because It Wasn’t Colonized Long Enough’
  • Typically, there is no problem with the dentist, but do your best to avoid systemic anesthetic gas.
  • Now the journalistic dentists will keep drilling. Times, Sunday Times
  • A joint British-Canadian trial of the new technique, known as intraperitoneal chemotherapy, will be launched at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • But last week a Manchester woman received 50,000 in compensation after cosmetic dentistry involving dental veneers left her in constant pain and unable to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Billy has been left with only eight back teeth and his two front incisors, which dentists say are so badly decayed they will fall out in months.
  • She then took out a mobile phone and skimmed through the few numbershome, Julias mobile, dentist, doctorand was about to replace it, when she clicked onto the icon for photographs. Deadly Intent
  • In one of these studies the dentists went on to give the patients a dose of naloxone. PLACEBO: The Belief Effect
  • An ice-cream vendor severely slashed a Bangkok dentist with a small sword after accusing him of pulling the wrong tooth, police said yesterday.
  • An ice-cream vendor severely slashed a Bangkok dentist with a small sword after accusing him of pulling the wrong tooth, police said yesterday.
  • An appointment with yet another dentist - an exotic endodontist this time - to try and pin down my continuing left upper molar problems. More dental hassle
  • It threatened multicultural states with dismemberment, whether by secession or irredentist demands.
  • The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums
  • It did make a promise that everybody would have access to an NHS dentist and we need to hold them to that.
  • Nurses and social workers figure prominently in the research but also involved are teachers, doctors, dentists and clergy. Coping with Stress at Work
  • she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth
  • The call went out for dentists trained in forensic odontology to assist.
  • You can tell if a dentist is a gentle dentist just by how the cleaning is done. Gentle Ups | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Your sweet tooth will benefit only your dentist.
  • A dentist is talking to his banker about opening an automatic transfer account for his tax payments.
  • The image of the dentist is a real photo, and the mouth is Nico's creation. Digging in to the donor details at - Boing Boing
  • Your dentist will use a series of small files to enlarge the canals and make them a regular shape so the root filling can be placed.
  • Before we get to that, though, we are invited into the mind of a misanthropic dentist. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You don't want to be at the dentist and have the novocaine wear off halfway through a root canal, do you?
  • While they pursued this non-military course, local media relentlessly reported on irredentist and chauvinistic campaigns gaining momentum in neighboring republics.
  • The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist.
  • Sound systems are now used in clinical settings, especially in psychiatrists' and dentists' offices.
  • Only recently they appointed one of the country's most right-wing, most irredentist, politicians as their new political leader.
  • A swollen jaw and blinding pain made worse by gentle breezes on the cheek indicate a trip to the dentist is necessary.
  • Just how many will do that remains to be seen and if the response is low then we will end up with fewer doctors, dentists, vets, physios etc than ever before.
  • Dentists are routinely extracting entire sets of severely decayed teeth from toddlers under general anaesthetic.
  • States could also exploit the threat from the living dead to acquire new territory, squelch irredentist movements, settle old scores, or subdue enduring rivals.
  • He says it would reduce pressure on other practices in the town and give people more chance of being seen by a dentist.
  • Your dentist may cover the socket with a medicated dressing, which will be removed and replaced frequently until the socket heals.
  • I must ask the dentist to fit me with some new teeth.
  • My dentist likes to say that you don't have to floss all of your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.
  • In doing so the dentist was taking his fee for professional services, which he simply refused to provide on any other terms.
  • After that excruciatingly torturous dentist appointment, it's back home.
  • Ask your dentist if you should do anything extra, such as using an antiplaque mouthwash, an electric toothbrush, or a dental-irrigation system (a Water Pik, for example). A Health Guide to the Three Modern Methods of Saving Your Teeth from Decay
  • A little after 9: 00 am, the dentists purged and sterilized the tusk root, and then refixed the broken tusk with the strongest adhesive they had.
  • But dentists in the NorthEast said the delay had only given the profession a short breathing space.
  • These meetings had come to occupy a part of Kara's mind that associated them with dentists and GP appointments.
  • He is the most imaginative character that Mr. Forster has yet created, and recalls Gino the dentist in his first book, WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • Low-level radiation is also the reason for avoiding excessive exposures of x-rays to personnel working in the fields of medicine, dentistry and defence and engineering.
  • Since moving to Swindon in my late 20s I have also had bad experiences with dentists, leaving me untrusting and I have paid exorbitant prices for both private and NHS dentistry.
  • But an endodontist did mine, not my regular dentist. Poetry Friday, Root Canals, and... a CONTEST!
  • he scheduled a visit to the dentist
  • Kevin gave me an admiring smile, all expensive dentistry and insincerity. DEAD BEAT
  • For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees.
  • The rest is on the high street in cosmetic clinics, dentists, hairdressers and the rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Facebook An undated photo of Levi Aron Detectives following video leads traced Mr. Aron to the dentist's office, which determined Wednesday that the suspect had paid a bill with a credit card at about 5:30 p.m. Missing Brooklyn Boy Found Dead
  • To combat this, they are hoping to recruit dentists to do only NHS work.
  • So far the chemical called xylitol seems safe for people, and many dentists and doctors are suggesting people buy it in granules and use it at home to reduce their consumption of sugar. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Pet Owners Beware: This Common Sweetener Can Poison Dogs
  • Would you rather be party to a bit of irredentist nationalism?
  • Although under-18s qualify for free dental treatment, parents are struggling to find a dentist to treat them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't leave a gap of several years between visits to the dentist, kids.
  • Of course, there are a lot of teachers who are only average, just as there are average dentists and so-so lawyers.
  • She - ied with pain when the dentist pulled the tooth out.
  • A dentist often has to fill teeth.
  • Much of the movie is like a hallucinatory scuba dive, but it's equally eyepopping above the surface and within the superreal confines of the dentist's tank, where Nemo and his fellow prisoners plot their high-risk escape. Freeing Nemo: A Whale Of A Tale
  • A cup of tea a day will keep the dentist's drill away.
  • He had an appointment to see the dentist but he chickened out at the last moment.
  • The men had taken shelter in the foyer area on the third floor next to a dentist's surgery.
  • How do you push the country down the road of market democracy while curbing its irredentist impulses?
  • The dentist picked away several instruments.
  • Call the doctor or dentist if you have questions or concerns about your child's teeth, gums, or dental health.
  • He wrote that he came to believe we needed reform when he realized he was now contemplating pulling nis second bad tooth at home as he could not pay a dentist. Think Progress » Gregg: Not ‘A Lot Of People’ Would ‘Really Care’ If Democrats Use Reconciliation To Finish Health Care
  • The first are freelancers, mostly architects, dentists and notaries.

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