How To Use Denticulate In A Sentence
Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, very oblique along the exterior border; a blackish band near the base, abbreviated hindward; a large blackish spot on the reniform mark, and a diffuse blackish spot near the tip of the costa; exterior and submarginal lines brown, double, denticulated, with the space along their borders somewhat clouded.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
However, it has broadly expanded and sometimes minutely denticulate bases of the median staminal filaments, distinctly 2-lobed stigmas, accumbent cotyledons, white flowers with purplish petal claws, and strongly divided leaves.
Victim is female, approximately seventeen years of age, with evidence of denticulated trauma to the right side of the face and neck.
The Monstrumologist
The leaves are heart-shaped, acutely lobed, denticulate, slightly wrinkled, hairy on both sides, and more or less spotted or splashed with brown spots on the main ribs; the leaf stalks are long, and carry the foliage gracefully.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
AVICULAE are only covered with very closely applied short concentric slightly raised minutely denticulated lamina, forming an epidermal coat on the surface.
Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1

The other species which yield buchu are _B. serratifolia_, having linear-lanceolate sharply serrulate leaves, and _B. betulina_, the leaves of which are cuneate-obovate, with denticulate margins.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
The outer lip is crenulated on its edge, and smooth or weakly denticulate on the inner side.
For example, at Smiling Dan, six blade tool categories were recognized, including denticulated, unretouched, retouched, notched, truncated, and side and end retouched.
Stem with 2 to 4 pairs of opposite scales or buds below the compound leaves; leaflets glabrous, entire or denticulate _J. regia_
Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943
Sculpture on the inner side of the outer lip varies from absent to lirate to denticulate.
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Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 15, 2010
The leaves, which are frequently damaged by insects, are alternate, elliptical, 6-20 cm long, 5-10 cm wide, entire, denticulate or sinuate.
Chapter 18
There appears to be denticulated trauma to the right ventricle.
The Curse of the Wendigo
The denticulate ligaments vary in number between 18 and 22 in normal individuals.
Because of the denticulated architecture of the rim, with its numerous and perilous lookouts, this would add countless miles to our trip.
Perhaps the most basal system in which denticulate structures are reasonably well known is the feeding apparatus of conodonts.
This will hold burins and small denticulate flints.
Both mesial and distal edges of the crowns are coarsely denticulate, with the denticles oriented at an angle of approximately 45° with respect to the long axis of the crown.
Other blade tools, such as denticulates and spokeshaves, have multiple, deep, retouched notches and probably functioned as shredders or, possibly, as whittling implements.
The leaves, which are frequently damaged by insects, are alternate, elliptical, 6-20 cm long, 5-10 cm wide, entire, denticulate or sinuate.
Chapter 18
Ornithoid eggshells are equally abundant and occur in association with relatively uncommon sauropod eggshell fragments and denticulated theropod teeth.
In some specimens the anterior edge of the base is serrated or irregularly denticulated.
The other hitherto known species of the genus, have broad leaves, more or less denticulate, with patent nerves.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
Note the scoring of the ocular bone and the appearance of denticulated trauma to the heart.
The Curse of the Wendigo
The outer lip is crenulated on its edge, and smooth or weakly denticulate on the inner side.
The outer side is smoothly rounded; on the inner side the anterior edge is faintly denticulated.
The Government is confident that the foregoing general ruling will enable junior and inexperienced officers, temporarily employed on famine duty, to classify appropriately and with facility as denticulate or edentulous all individuals afflicted with dental hiatus, mal-conformation and labefaction, without further reference to higher authority.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 12, 1919
The other species which yield buchu are _B. serratifolia_, having linear-lanceolate sharply serrulate leaves, and _B. betulina_, the leaves of which are cuneate-obovate, with denticulate margins.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Face broad; antennæ short, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; middle femora incrassated, denticulated beneath.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Shell dark brown; half ovate; broad obliquely truncated, and scarcely notched behind; covered with close regular very thin denticulated concentric lamina, forming a paler external coat.
Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
This will hold burins and small denticulate flints.
It has been thought that some of the buildings represented on the bas-reliefs have triangular denticulation in place of the battlements figured on the last page; [317] and there are, in fact, instances in the reliefs of walls denticulated like a palisade (see Fig. 38), but these must not, we think, be taken literally.
A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips, very oblique along the exterior border; a blackish band near the base, abbreviated hindward; a large blackish spot on the reniform mark, and a diffuse blackish spot near the tip of the costa; exterior and submarginal lines brown, double, denticulated, with the space along their borders somewhat clouded.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Biplica, in addition, lacks the strongly tubercled and denticulate labium of Eriptycha.
The leaves are also smaller than those of that species; obovate, lanceolate, denticulate, and very mealy underneath.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
This field of shagreen is limited to a strip along the dorsal lip of the prearticular and the denticulated texture of the dorsal surface does not grade in from the mesial surface as in other Late Devonian tetrapods.