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How To Use Dented In A Sentence

  • The financial managers and economic wizards are happy that Pakistan has achieved a level of macro-economic stabilization, which is spectacular and unprecedented.
  • He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
  • The lower mandible, which is powerful, and is indented at its point to receive the hook, has a very sharp edge, which, with that of the upper mandible, constitutes a pair of formidable shears. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • He buckled them into place with a strap that dented my forehead, and gave me a wire to bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've got a face like a punctured beachball, like an arse that's fallen downstairs, like a rucksack full of dented bells. Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: What Not To Wear
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  • The spoon had been bent into such a shape that would provide louder clanging, and the pot was misshapen, being dented in many places.
  • And yet I often wonder whether even he might not have found the last six years almost too highly “accidented” even for him. The Adventure of Living
  • Tugela Ferry's bug, however, takes on average an unprecedented 25 days after diagnosis to kill...
  • Islam has changed unprecedentedly in the domain of life and culture in the tidal current of adapting to Socialism society and time, and has stridden into a rational development time.
  • The economic slowdown has dented demand for petrol and diesel, into which biofuels are mixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Late in October, for example, it occurred to Eduard that if he cut a cherimoya a custard apple with green indented skin and a creamy white interior into thin slices, the flesh looked like crabmeat; now a dish with cherimoya and spider crab is on the menu. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Hedman's mind has been more robust than his body, his self-confidence undented by his high-profile mistakes.
  • When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
  • "Debt is at historically unprecedented levels, " according to the Office for National Statistics.
  • The unprecedented remarks by CSIS Director Richard Fadden were broadcast late on Tuesday, a day before Chinese Premier Hu Jintao was due to arrive in Canada on a formal visit.
  • Covered with mysteriously indented curves and sinuous ridges, the sculpture invites comment and touch.
  • In our judgment the conclusion reached by the judge, despite the unprecedented passage of time since 1942, was correct.
  • The Prime Minister's press chief returned from Washington yesterday amid unprecedented speculation he was going to resign.
  • But more significant, he adds, is that the royal family is being required to cement the political and symbolic unity of a United Kingdom when that unity is under unprecedented strain.
  • The size of this latest mimivirus is unprecedented, prompting researchers to name it a mamavirus. ���Sputnik��� Virus Can Attack Others, But Is it Alive?
  • He signed an agreement to borrow a 75 million euro two-year loan syndicated by 18 banks, an unprecedented number of creditors for Bulgaria.
  • Shield: Or, a diminished bordure Vert, on a chief indented Azure, two fleurs-de-lis of the first.
  • The deadline for the unprecedented revote is 11 a.m. today. Houston Chronicle
  • The requisite clowning, braggadocio and hip-hop historicism are in place and well articulated, and an unprecedented, post-9/11 political pique has surfaced.
  • And by glossing over this fact the credibility of the survey gets severely dented.
  • The bridge was a line of old barges that had been crudely tied together, the deck a mishmash of welded patches of dented rusting metal.
  • The celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the event have been unprecedented in scope.
  • Over the course of multiple research missions conducted in the last three months, scientists have employed and tested many techniques to better understand the extent of this unprecedented oil spill and have found fluorometric sampling to be useful to help identify the location and concentration of subsurface oil. NOAA News Releases
  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly equal, wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • Most agreed the experience had dented their confidence and morale, leaving lasting memories of isolation and frustration.
  • Anne burnt the crumpled pages in the grate, including the blank pages underneath, all the way down to the first undented sheet. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The shareholder also said he was dissatisfied with how the costs of about 200 billion yen ($US2. 23 billion) related to the latest recalls dented the company's profits in the fiscal year ended March. Toyoda Meets With Shareholders
  • Unprecedented change has been the keynote of the electronic revolution.
  • Advances in information technology, such as the Internet, have created unprecedented opportunities for organizations to recast their relationships with constituents.
  • The attempt to sanction and legitimize something so obviously immoral and abhorrent is unprecedented in our history. Archive 2007-01-01
  • As if fulfilling the portentous predictions of some medieval soothsayer, the first year of this new century has witnessed an unprecedented catalogue of warnings of the cumulative effects of climate change.
  • Against this background, an unprecedented number of acts of violence broke out along the cease-fire line beginning on 5 August 1965.
  • Because the coastline of the area is indented, as wheat-growing expanded northwards the farms were still close to the sea and hence transport costs were low.
  • Lorna's pillow was still indented where her head had been, and he pressed the side of his face against it, breathing in the smell of her hair.
  • Per fesse indented quarterly or and sable, in each quarter an annulet counterchanged. Notes and Queries, Number 43, August 24, 1850
  • The impact dented our car's fender.
  • The Seismological Society of America wrote to Italy's president expressing concern about what it called an unprecedented legal attack on science. Manslaughter trial opens against experts for Italy quake
  • We continue to believe that interest rates will head higher as a desperately overheated economy fuels unprecedented borrowing demands.
  • A big new, incredibly clean, shiny and undented land rover.
  • The government now is looking at unprecedented public-sector layoffs and cuts in civil-service perks, steps that could reshape Greek political culture by upending decades of cozy ties between the ruling Socialist party and a core constituency. Greek Officials Scramble to Find More Cuts
  • What's more, new output format AVCHD lets you experience unprecedented High - Definition movie.
  • The National - Day celebration this year was an unprecedentedly great occasion.
  • The level of preparation and efficiency evidentthe Beijing Games is unprecedented and very possibly unrepeatable.
  • Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate.
  • Gale force winds which threatened floods at the weekend have blown unprecedented numbers of a small Arctic seabird on to the North sea coast.
  • These salinity changes are unprecedented in the relatively short history of the science of oceanography.
  • It is a day that will long be remembered in horrifying imagery as America was attacked in an unprecedented terrorist incident. Global Voices in English » Arab World: Healing the Rifts of 9/11
  • In the era of consume culture and cultural globalization, the multi - culture views are respected unprecedentedly.
  • This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
  • The real outrage is how common and banal, how unsurprising and thoroughly precedented it is. Matthew Yglesias » Gaza in Context
  • On 6 May 2002, the US government took the unprecedented step of repudiating its signature of the Rome Statute and began a worldwide campaign to weaken the Court and to obtain impunity for all US nationals from the jurisdiction of the Court. Think Progress » EU wants answers on secret prisons.
  • So, the cleanest, most ethical holier-than-thou Congress ever is now defending the unprecedented adoption of ram-down rules for a radical, multitrillion-dollar program to usurp one-seventh of the economy on the grounds of “two wrongs make it right”? Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • No one knows this more than Yale which has flourished to an unprecedented level these past 40 years as a coeducational institution. Muhtar Kent: This Century Goes to the Women
  • He is an unprecedented acting talent that deserves a look or seven, and maybe even a few awards to boot.
  • Seminal work on the diffraction grating was done by Joseph von Fraunhofer beginning in 1821, who demonstrated that the gratings could produce spectra of unprecedented quality.
  • A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming, climate scientists warned yesterday.
  • But the damage it could do is spurring the Gulf states into unprecedented efforts to protect their shallow, near-landlocked waters.
  • On another front renewal too for the Ballina Parish Council to cope with the unprecedented growth in the parish population.
  • Now two victims have taken the unprecedented step of suing the Vatican itself.
  • This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide.
  • Her leadership resulted in the unit's unprecedented zero Class C mishaps and an immaculate safety track record.
  • The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Democrats consider Superdelegate pre-convention \'mini convention\' to pick between Clinton and Obama '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Democrats, looking for a way out, are pondering a new idea: an unprecedented "mini convention" to bring their punishing presidential season to an early close. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Democrats consider Superdelegate pre-convention 'mini convention' to pick between Clinton and Obama
  • With the exit polls Tuesday showing an unprecedented gender difference of 17 points, Clinton stretched the gap into a gulf.
  • A band of about thirty spearmen, with a pennon displayed before them, winded along the indented shores of the lake, and approached the causeway. The Abbot
  • Was it that blufliing ribband, which is now the perpetual ornament of your perfon? or was it that regiment, wliich you afterwards (a thing unprece - dented among foldiers) fold to Colonel Gifborne? or was it that government, the full pay of which. you arc contented to hold, with the half-pay of an Iri (h Colonel? The genuine letters of Junius
  • Since it was unique and unprecedented the coin was dismissed as a modern hoax.
  • Watch out for bargains, but never buy dented cans.
  • With the exit polls Tuesday showing an unprecedented gender difference of 17 points, Clinton stretched the gap into a gulf.
  • After seeing its profits dented by Intel shortages the previous year, the direct-PC demon got its knickers in a twist over domain names and announced it was suing 23 people for alleged cybersquatting.
  • It bulks above long moorland valleys, its northern face hollowed and indented by some of the finest Welsh cwms. Country diary: Pumlumon
  • The coming change in the makeup of the English population is unprecedented.
  • The Star Tribune calls the total "unprecedented," noting that the three-month haul is greater than any Minnesota congressional hopeful has ever raised in an entire election cycle. Michele Bachmann Raises Record $5.4 Million In Three Months
  • Her Majesty had ordered Noakes and his wife Vivien to be given unprecedented access to her both at home and at work.
  • The committee's unprecedented trawl through the secret world of British intelligence makes devastating reading for Blair.
  • This morning's good mood severely dented by incompetent carriers who have repeatedly failed to deliver parcels on time and to the right address.
  • The Opposition had sent the Bill back to the Commons four times in an unprecedentedly bitter conflict.
  • But this level of clampdown, with every nickel being flyspecked before we can spend it, is unprecedented in my experience, the person said. Budget Rift at CFTC Pulls Plug on Alarm
  • He then poses an obvious question - at a time of falling crime and declining committals to prison, why was a commitment made to expand the prison system on an unprecedented scale?
  • Officials blamed the situation on an unprecedented rise in emergency cases.
  • The mixed economy boomed, bringing unprecedented prosperity to the middle and working classes.
  • The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
  • London is prey to an obscene and unprecedented landgrab. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unprecedented number of casualties and the dreadful wounds caused by high-explosive shells seriously stretched the medical services. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amount of scientific work that occurs on site, during excavation, is unprecedented.
  • He insists the experience hasn't dented his enthusiasm for making another film, but he would never adapt one of his plays again.
  • The global co-option of police and coroners required unprecedented resources, but so far we have been able to cover our tracks.
  • Battle is delivered on more accidented terrain, as armies with great mobility do not need any particular terrain to fight on. Battle Studies
  • Parallel to the wage freeze, the government has implemented a programme of public spending cuts unprecedented in the history of the Netherlands.
  • All while she was unable to violate the yoke of the unprecedented use of the arcane "States Secrets Privilege", invoked by the DoJ in such a draconian fashion that she is still "gagged" from disclosing even innocuous personal details such as her date of birth. Brad Friedman: EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Ellsberg Says Sibel Edmonds Case 'Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers'
  • In a risky fly-by maneuver, the Deep Space 1 spacecraft successfully navigated past a comet, giving researchers an unprecedented view inside the glowing core of icy dust and gas.
  • Private and public wealth acquired from trade gave the citizens of Miletus an unprecedented amount of leisure.
  • To this can be added the fact that aikido developed and spread in Japan during an era of peace that later blossomed into a time of unprecedented economic prosperity.
  • The truth is that the great economic boom provided employment - at home and for emigrants abroad-on a quite unprecedented scale.
  • All of the Axial Age faiths began in principled and visceral recoil from the unprecedented violence of their time. The Great Transformation: Summary and book reviews of The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong.
  • As a result, millions of workers have suffered an unprecedented reversal in their social position.
  • Labour warned Britain's top rail safety record is being dented. The Sun
  • Unprecedented mechanism of biochemistry” could be important step in curing disease. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » BIG NEWS ABOUT ALZHEIMER’S OUT OF UT SOUTHWESTERN
  • Last night Buckingham Palace sources were forced to make an unprecedented denial that this trip would be the couple's last together.
  • The event was an unprecedented one: Champagne's grand cru villages remained at twelve for almost forty years.
  • Bach had an unparalleled talent for assimilating disparate influences into an architecturally harmonious whole at a time when an unprecedented number of disparate influences — Renaissance polyphony, Lutheran chorale, Italian monody, French dance music, you name it — was ripe for assimilation. Fame, it's not your brain, it's just the flame that burns your change
  • The Penny Press and the tabloids used the same formulas to achieve unprecedented commercial success.
  • Marcy, who is a member of the Kepler science team, said the orbiting telescope will survey thousands of stars to determine with unprecedented precision how many are circled by exoplanets, and especially by Earth-size exoplanets that might be in habitable zones. Scientists estimate tens of billions of Earth-size planets in Milky Way
  • Picking it up, she reads where a page is indented.
  • Each dish is an unprecedented sensation, and the idea of ever again considering eating anything I'd previously thought of as food quickly becomes absurd.
  • A second consecutive defeat has severely dented Oxford's promotion hopes, despite the home side scoring an early goal.
  • Arguably they are too late, since the unprecedented military operation staged to rescue her was itself a made for-TV movie directed by the Pentagon.
  • The confidence is going to be dented but we must regroup. The Sun
  • With an unprecedented 93 % majority, a mandate was drafted and signed.
  • In August of the same year he organized an unprecedented summer school in Vienna.
  • We put together an unprecedented ground operation, but it was matched by the zealots on the right.
  • Target steel should be of a quality and thickness that will remain flat and undented by bullet strikes with recommended loads.
  • The situation is unprecedented in modern times.
  • In what seemed like an unprecedented invasion, the ladybugs, or lady beetles, as they are also known, appeared everywhere, swarming around buildings and trees.
  • When her own store had sold out of a special pair of shoes Trisha wanted to buy, Rachel made an unprecedented visit to the Dolcis branch in Bury and bought the shoes herself.
  • "We must ensure that we do not let this unprecedented moment in time go unutilized for the dream of a strong, robust and prosperous India", affirmed the President.
  • This uncertainty was reflected in unprecedented levels of argument within the government, conducted in the full glare of public attention.
  • He also charged that the gag order was an unprecedented attempt to deny his constitutional rights.
  • In 1987 the Socialists took the unprecedented step of appointing a civilian to command the force.
  • The pure and fine essential qualities of the voices, the dizzying harmonies, the fugal calls and responses, the strange relief of the unisons, and above all the free, natural mien of the singers, proudly aware that they were producing something beautiful that could not be produced more beautifully, conscious of unchallenged supremacy, -- all this enfevered him to an unprecedented and self-astonished enthusiasm. Clayhanger
  • The ex-Devi is implanted with an unprecedented five AIs for one final run, but the Krishna cops close in and she must act fast. REVIEW: Cyberabad Days by Ian McDonald
  • The rapid development of IT brings unprecedented challenge to library management. It is inevitable that traditional document mamagement is changed into knowledge information mamagement.
  • Last night Buckingham Palace sources were forced to make an unprecedented denial that this trip would be the couple's last together.
  • In 1981 conflict over pay settlements led to an unprecedented civil service strike.
  • This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
  • The change is also so unprecedented that it necessitates a genuine leap of faith.
  • Walpole's more aristocratically-detached contemplation of Gothic paraphernalia is precisely what gave rise to the unprecedented amount of Gothic romances in the Haunted Britain in the 1970s
  • He still had on some armor that covered his rather muscular physique, but it was scratched and dented pretty badly.
  • The Zone covers 300 acres which, for the next twelve years, will offer unprecedented benefits for industrialists and investors.
  • The 1991 World Cup generated unprecedented interest in rugby union and planted the sport firmly in the top league of spectator sports.
  • But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for underlay action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
  • By the time of the 2000 election, the concentration of wealth in the hands of an oligarchic elite had reached unprecedented proportions.
  • Because our electric semicolon indented for us, do we have to backspace back to the left column?
  • With unprecedented frankness, they speak of the government's contempt for the judiciary.
  • His ego was dented so much he swapped seats to the dugout. The Sun
  • The unprecedented economic boom has overtaken the entire infrastructure implemented by the city planners.
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • The public has had the pleasure of an unprecedented and still unfolding expose on the inner workings of a public service operating in a culture of fear.
  • Norman ducal revenues were insufficient to meet even the cost of garrisoning its defences and so, to fund Richard's seemingly never-ending wars against Philip, England was subjected to unprecedented levels of financial exaction.
  • The jet stream remained locked in place for weeks, bringing an unprecedented two-month heat wave to Russia and contributing to devastating floods in Pakistan at the end of July, " it said.
  • When ripe, the pease are of medium size, often much indented and irregularly compressed, and of a light, dunnish, or brown color. The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • ITV chiefs figured the viewing figures were dented because the show was pre-recorded. The Sun
  • This is very much a global liquidity crisis in the works, with unprecedented leveraged speculation at the root of the unfolding financial debacle.
  • The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.
  • The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.
  • Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale.
  • Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.
  • There was a police car on the flower bed, and its head was bashed in with the word ‘Police’ dented.
  • And I think one of our common themes is the eruption of an unprecedented violence in the heart of the air-conditioned, sterile world of America.
  • Today, the environmental catastrophes of history are repeated almost everywhere on the planet, on an unprecedented scale.
  • It was absurd to dismiss in a score of terms the uncounted lights and shadows visible at dawn, the fragile ridges of the dented hills. DEVELOPMENT A NOVEL BY W. BRYHER WITH A PREFACE BY AMY LOWELL
  • This vast cultivation and re-design of the body provides an unprecedented laboratory for exploring the limits of human possibility.
  • Today, as media penetrate into the public daily life in unprecedented breadth and depth, no non-profit institution can afford to neglect the importance of good public relations.
  • He looked into its shiny chromium surface, which was now scratched and dented. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Equities faced pressure from a stronger U.S. dollar after Dubai's unresolved debt problems and Fitch Ratings' downgrade of Greece's bond rating dented risk appetite.
  • The independent counsel's unprecedented challenge to the presidency evoked the most feeble and cowardly response from these quarters.
  • In November Roosevelt conveniently won re-election to an unprecedented third presidential term, while pledging that the USA would not go to war.
  • All the lines are automatically indented for you.
  • Vice-president Richard Cheney, four months prior to the 911 attacks, was granted complete command and control of the entire air defense system in the United States, an unprecedented deligation of presidential authority in US history. The mission to crack the 911 case gains traction
  • The trend is likely to place unprecedented demands on the health care system, principally for nursing and custodial care.
  • Unprecedented in a translucence plastic body provides various types of color to provide a wide variety of choices to rider.
  • No sooner had the flow of liquor from Rum Row in the Northeast been stanched than it began to gush in unprecedented quantities through the sluiceway that was Detroit, where an overmatched prosecutor said, “The greatest obstacle to the attainment of Prohibition is the Constitution of the United States, the instrument that decreed its birth.” LAST CALL
  • The free market program implemented by successive governments has widened social inequality to an unprecedented degree.
  • The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.
  • The national crisis and social crisis were unprecedentedly grave.
  • Volunteering a wager was unprecedented, therefore highly suspicious.
  • The appearance of these cheap goods from abroad has severely dented the company's sales.
  • All the palms in town were kept free of coconuts so that tourists wouldn't get conked on the head by falling coconuts and parked cars wouldn't get dented. Motley Crew
  • For a company of this size, it was a virtually unprecedented single day drop.
  • But while this resulted in a clear advantage over Pembroke, it made no impression on Magdalen, who rowed over with their initial lead undented.
  • Any sallies into Ballyhaunis territory by the St. Colman's lads were usually blunted by the bulwark of the stout-hearted Ballyhaunis defence whose confidence and commitment was never once dented on this occasion.
  • It has given people, primarily women, an unprecedented degree of influence over their biology, and their lives.
  • The loss of other big databases has dented public confidence. The Sun
  • The passenger side window was smashed, the light clusters were smashed, and the panels on the drivers side door were dented.
  • Our confidence undented by the occasional funny look we attract from people who consider it strange to see two middle-aged men walking round town carrying crazy golf putters.
  • The early 90's finds an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities in China.
  • RICHMOND -- The legal challenge to the nation's new health-care law was launched Thursday in a courtroom in Richmond, where the office of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II argued that the measure is an unprecedented overreach by Washington that violates the founders 'intention of a limited federal government. Va. begins courtroom assault on federal health-care overhaul
  • The trees, which are of magnificent size, are left to grow naturally; -- the Isar, which is turned into it, flows in more than one stream with its mountain impetuosity; the lake is gracefully indented and overhung with trees, and presents ever-changing aspects of loveliness as you walk along its banks; there are open, sunny meadows, in which single giant trees or splendid groups of them stand, and walks without end winding under leafy Gothic arches. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Several vehicles have had their windscreens broken and bodywork dented.
  • Unprecedented numbers were joining the ranks of the church's vowed celibates (priests, unordained brothers and nuns) to staff this vast infrastructure.
  • The servant at Blackwood Castle (Grimsby, played by Artur Binder) tries to frighten Jane by placing a snake in her bed (one of many he cares for in the cellar); a neighboring inn begins to see unprecedented seasonal business from visitors (Horst Tappert as "Douglas Fairbanks," CARMEN, BABY's Uta Levka) showing unusual interest in Blackwood Castle... and each other; and the two seemingly harmless old fogies playing chess in the inn's tavern are using a tricked-out chesspiece to send messages to the snake-caring servant. Archive 2006-04-23
  • It collapsed in a messy, public heap last year when oil hit $100-plus per bbl . and the world's crush on biofuels pushed food prices to unprecedented highs.
  • Wake up, get out of bed, remove your butt from that indented sofa cushion and take a long overdue vacation from ‘media land!’
  • I keep my purse very small so it won't fill up so there's not much else besides wallet, phone, cardcase, pen sometimes, a rather dented Julian card and a lot of assorted other people's cards and scraps of paper with scribbles. Cat in the bag?
  • This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide.
  • U.S. District Judge Denny Chin cited the unprecedented nature of the multibillion-dollar fraud as he sentenced Madoff to the maximum of 150 years in prison, a term comparable only to those given in the past to terrorists, traitors and the most violent criminals. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • In the boys locker room, the lockers are dented in and broken, and the walls have giant holes in them.
  • Our hood was crumpled and the fender was dented, but the engine continued to run.
  • In an unprecedented attack on Italy's cultural heritage, Cosa Nostra planted bombs at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence as well as near two churches in Rome.
  • Fund on Monday urged authorities to coordinate a transparent exit from unprecedented public support of the financial system amid the worst economic crisis in six decades. computers are often designed to act autonomously, that is, without human intervention. - Articles related to Streetcars still desired in D.C.
  • Fund management launched a $ 3.9-billion hostile takeover bid -- an unprecedented move in a generally cozy industry.
  • Indeed, the US economy witnessed unprecedented growth.
  • Even if the lines ins are initially indented differently, this recipe makes their indentation homogeneous.
  • The word "unprecedented" really does not adequately describe the Fed's intervention to rescue financial institutions. L. Randall Wray: Let's Make a Deal: The Bail-Out of Wall Street in Unusual and Exigent Circumstances
  • Of course this itself poses almost insuperable problems and would certainly be unprecedented if achieved.

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