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How To Use Denominator In A Sentence

  • You've got to find a common denominator. Times, Sunday Times
  • If both the numerator and denominator have common factors, then we can cancel these factors out.
  • It's very hard to find a common denominator. The Sun
  • The problem with the metaphor is that a lowest common denominator is not a low number. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
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  • Here is a homogeneous equation in which the total degree of both the numerator and the denominator of the right-hand side is 2.
  • And don't forget these jackets' admirable common denominator: supreme breathability.
  • Coalition figures have spent the past few weeks arguing that the looming agenda amounts to more than a lowest common denominator approach to policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • To become good today, at hooking blackmouth, the common denominator is finding the bait, sand lance candlefish and herring. The Seattle Times
  • The common denominator is that their research has dealt with long-term economic development for less developed countries. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • Use the method above to convert it into a fraction with whole numbers in the denominator.
  • We obtained data from the Russian State statistics committee, including deaths by cause, sex, five year age group, and calendar year together with corresponding population denominators.
  • I don't care about rationalising denominators with surds in them, and I don't care that by using maths induction you can prove many equations to be right or wrong.
  • I would guess that brilliance is a comparative issue where the rater is the lowest common denominator. Think Progress » Bush’s Fluctuating Degree of Ability
  • A very moderate pacifism was, in fact, the common denominator of the demonstrators and the varied organisations.
  • In order to add these fractions, we need to find the common denominator.
  • And if the denominator has factors of 2 and/or 5, it can be written as a sum of a fraction whose denominator has only factors of 2 and 5 (and thus has a finite decimal expansion) and one whose denominator is relatively prime to 10. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pi Day
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • My company doesn't have a risk-management model, per se - and then blame is typically parceled out to the lowest common denominator.
  • No longer can the lowest common denominator or the common good be allowed to hold sway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.
  • the fractions selected for comparison must require pupils to consider both numerator and denominator
  • So, the sloganeers have found common cause with the nervous backbench nobodies and the jilted ex-Ministers in the pursuit of lowest common denominator personality politics.
  • But in avid pursuit of the lowest common denominator, Fox became a catalyst in the coarsening of popular culture.
  • By choosing CPU type, memory amount and disk configurations of the lowest common denominator, customers of cloud hardware rental know exactly what they receive, can control the infrastructure at a fine-grain level and can easily compare pricing. Cloud Computing’s Three-Horse Race
  • I refuse to agree with you that every single American 13-yr-old boy and girl needs to know every cottonpickin detail that the lowest common denominator can dream up about oral and analsex. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Hence the relative attraction of a centrally-planned, lowest common denominator mediocracy with just enough capitalism to be plundered and wasted on their ever failing social engineering schemes and flawed political theories.
  • Our data represent an approximate denominator of 6000 athletes and shows a 10-year incidence of 1% stress injuries to bone.
  • The aesthetic common denominator was a "finish fetish" or "fetish finish," your choice borrowed from the southern California demimonde of hot rods and custom cars—i.e., the kind of slick, finicky attention to smooth perfection required when applying dozens of hand-rubbed coats of cherry-red enamel to an auto body. When the West Coast Went Pop
  • Without the denominator - that is, without knowing how many total babies in the home birth group had congenital heart problems to begin with - the comparison to hospital births is meaningless.
  • In America on the other hand, immigrant publics, with weakened connexions to heteroclite pasts, could only be aggregated by narrative and visual schemas stripped to their most abstract, recursive common denominators.
  • Ezra Klein flagged a 2008 interview Rouse did with PBS, in which he hits the centrist DLC for its willingness to "find the lowest common denominator and pass it," rather than "moving forward with a progressive agenda. The Rouse era won't be better than the Rahm era
  • You may have to multiply both fractions by different numbers to produce the same denominator for both fractions.
  • Given that, we are done for rational numbers whose denominator is relatively prime to 10 (i.e. has no factors of 5 or 2), by the opposite of the method in my earlier post. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pi Day
  • The sequence of denominators of terms in the Farey series is palindromic.
  • Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas west and north of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency is led principally by Sunni Arabs whose only common denominator is a shared desire to oust the Coalition and end US influence in Iraq The 2004 CIA World Factbook
  • How sad that in yet another area of life we have to choose the lowest common denominator once again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economic structure now drives to the lowest common denominator. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of the numerators will be factors of the numerator of the product and all of the denominators will be factors of the denominator of the product, so you can cancel out any factor of anything in a numerator with any factor of anything in a denominator.
  • To only expect people to cooperate is the lowest common denominator of personal relations. Ayn Rand, Wise Philosopher Despite Some Bad Arguments, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The denominator is definitely the number of our troops killed. Cost Disease, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We've become sedentary, convenience foods fill our kitchens, and stress is a common denominator.
  • Its concerns are massively wider than the lowest common denominator of xenophobic prejudice to which the Sun consistently plays.
  • Skin protection is the common denominator linking the management of tubes, drains, fistulae, and draining wounds.
  • Hate is manifested in a whole range of insults in football and nobody is spared in an arena where the lowest common denominator rules the roost.
  • Finally, still other neoclassicists use the term utility as a formal attribute, a common denominator, according to which all specific quests for satisfaction can be ranked, a step needed to allow mathematization and to shore up the assumption of a mono-utility world but with no substantive attributes, the great X. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • AMY: I have seen a common denominator mistake made by hundreds of students that I've interviewed via my career in admissions, and that is the recent push to use AP credits to both get out of prerequisites in college or maybe come in with advanced standing. Words Of Wisdom For The New College Set
  • This sub-atomic medium has been defined as an energy-rich substrate, the common denominator in all particle reactions in nuclear physics.
  • Any measure of geographical variation or time trends needs to ensure comparability of numerator and denominator data.
  • So what if Avatar has a vapid lowest-common-denominator self-contradictory moralistic message? Will You Go See Avatar?
  • So will we discover anything deeper from the fourth plinth project than this simple appeal to the lowest common denominator? Times, Sunday Times
  • No longer can the lowest common denominator or the common good be allowed to hold sway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Total commitment is the common denominator among all successful men and women. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • Sister Carrie was a naturalistic book in that it had the usual denominators.
  • I need to program for the lowest common denominator and that is windows with directx. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Don’t Copy That Floppy aka Arrrrrr you a pirate!?
  • If you simply invert the numerator fraction and multiply it by the denominator, then you get the wrong answer; it comes out upside-down.
  • I don't care about rationalising denominators with surds in them, and I don't care that by using maths induction you can prove many equations to be right or wrong.
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • Numerator data are based on registration returns about child deaths, whereas denominator data are obtained from the 1981 census.
  • Jefferson, the "great diffusor" saw strength in the basic, the lowest common denominator, the virtuous farmer-citizen. Paul Schwennesen: Too Big Has Failed... Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party Are Similar
  • At the same time, however, in trying to bring upwards, punitive pressure to low-performers (read mostly low-SES, across – but also within – schools), it also brought downwards pressure to high-performers, in the form of lowest-common-denominator, one-size fits all curriculum and teaching to the test, etc. Matthew Yglesias » Is Our Children Learning
  • A common denominator for many returnees is the experience of having sustained anticipatory anxiety about potential threats to life and limb at any hour of the day and at any place within the theater of operations.
  • At one point the term highest values came into the conversation as the common denominator for every civilization-what we all could agree on (for instance, the desire for happiness) - when talk of God fell flat (as it should).
  • Calderwood, to his credit, admires quick and classy defenders as opposed to the kind of cloggers who reduce football to its lowest common denominator.
  • DONNELLY: The common denominator is lack of discipline Think Progress » Top DADT Advocate Says Abu Ghraib Abuses Happened Because Women Are Allowed In The Military
  • Broadband connectivity to the home should not be the common denominator in delivering telehealth.
  • It assumes an invariant average wavelength in the denominator of the integrand.
  • It is the lowest common denominator. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can see here the common denominator of sense experience. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Whether eating is excessive or the opposite, the figures on both sides of the channel share the lowest common denominator of regression to orality and anality. 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • Others would rewrite the fractions using common denominators.
  • The line between the numerator and denominator is known as the fraction bar.
  • So will we discover anything deeper from the fourth plinth project than this simple appeal to the lowest common denominator? Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes when working with fractions, the hardest thing to find is a common denominator.
  • This sub-atomic medium has been defined as an energy-rich substrate, the common denominator in all particle reactions in nuclear physics.
  • The common denominator of all gardens is the interaction of plants and people. Winter Garden Glory
  • Straw bales for building material, solar cells for power; ancient mixes with ultramodern with sustainability as the common denominator.
  • The predominance of unanimity encourages least-common-denominator agreements.
  • Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.
  • Cotes discovered an important theorem on the nth roots of unity, anticipated the method of least squares and discovered a method of integrating rational fractions with binomial denominators.
  • If you calculate the divergence for different species of plants, you find that both the numerator and the denominator are usually Fibonacci numbers.
  • If Truthfulness is the Last Taboo, in the meantime the lowest common denominator aspect of our culture sensationalizes other taboos -- like sex of course, even shrouding ignobility over the very requisite deed that continually incarnates us into the continuum of expression -- to manipulate emotions into profit. Sebastian Siegel: Letting Go to Hold On
  • We stop when the fraction has a numerator or a denominator of 1.
  • Very frustrating to still be using a public school system essentially based on a model of homogeny, lowest common denominator and submission to authority. What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • The need for rationalization arises when there are irrational numbers, surds or roots or complex numbers in the denominator of a fraction.
  • But the common denominator in all three crimes is a degree of callousness that beggars belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator.
  • Either way, the one-handed rod was the common denominator for chunking topwater plugs, spinnerbaits and subsurface lures amid the sloughs and backwaters.
  • A common denominator is that statistically, chances are that most of the cases of domestic violence are not even recorded. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Now it was felt that the royals owed it to us, not only to be photographed for celeb magazines and red-top papers, but to share—not the nation's hopes and fears—but its lowest-common-denominator-determined tastes in entertainment, in music and even food and drink. Portraying an Enigma
  • In addition, each robot has a different type of vehicle shape, but they all have a basically humanoid alternative form — so the common denominator is the humanoid form rather than the vehicle form. Matthew Yglesias » The Ontology of Transformers
  • The denominator for each rate is based on the census that takes place every 10 years, which helps us calculate how many males and females there were in each age band the UK in 1999.
  • The BBA is the lowest common denominator for Repubs;the 1 debt ceiling vote the denominator Dems. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It is increasingly moving from trying to find the common denominator to identifying the least and most uncommon single cause. MANAGING IN TURBULENT TIMES
  • No longer can the lowest common denominator or the common good be allowed to hold sway. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you calculate the divergence for different species of plants, you find that both the numerator and the denominator are usually Fibonacci numbers.
  • The common denominator is their specific practicality. Christianity Today
  • I don't know how to do the least common multiple and the least common denominator.
  • Nordic skiing is the one common denominator to all winter duathlons, triathlons, quadrathlons and pentathlons - some freestyle, some classic, some with a leg of each.
  • Appealing to the lowest common denominator is best done through basic instincts.
  • Papers tended to be reduced to the lowest common denominator, inoffensive to any service, even before they reached the chiefs themselves, where the necessity for unanimous agreement caused them to be denatured even further.
  • To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator.
  • Government run daycare centers were doomed from the start to fall to the lowest common denominator. High school dropout rate takes a leap (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Cultural standards have indeed changed dueto mass media and lowest-common-denominators, as Mr Clee writes, but it is not possible to infer fromthat, that there was atime where all the people who are now reading "popular" TV - and celebrity-inspired books used to read literature. Trends in book publishing
  • The common denominator in all those searches for ever-more original and authentic sites of creativity was the unconscious.
  • The fraction 10/12 can be reduced, because both the numerator and denominator have factors of 2.
  • He'll just go for the lowest common denominator and criticise the shortness of their sentence.
  • Senator Lehey is a race-baiter, appealing to the lowest common denominator. Leahy on Sotomayor: 'Stop the racial politics'
  • It's all about sound bites, deluding the people, pandering to the lowest common denominator.
  • Just as numbers cancel out when the same number is on the top and bottom of a fraction (2/2 = 2 ÷ 2 = 1), so do units cancel out if you have the same unit in the numerator and denominator.
  • In the continued fraction of the square root of an integer the same denominators recur periodically.
  • More to the point, GDP makes for a politically attractive but economically irrelevant denominator.
  • These data were used to calculate annual referral rates using the practice populations as the denominator.
  • Well, since the denominator becomes 1 using our method, you wind up with just the numerator multiplied by the reciprocal of the denominator.
  • To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator.
  • No longer can the lowest common denominator or the common good be allowed to hold sway. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term workingman can never be anything but a grammatical common denominator. Youth and Egolatry
  • Each does things slightly differently but the common denominator is that they bring investors together to share investment tips. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.
  • ‡ The term lowest common denominator is often used to indicate a lowering of quality resulting from a desire to find common ground for many people: “This fall’s TV programming finds the lowest common denominator of taste. Lowest common denominator
  • On Desormais, the common denominator is sparse fingerpicking with little other accompaniment.
  • Denominators vary because not all respondents answered all questions.
  • His lowest common denominator is very low indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all these, the common denominator is the willingness, eagerness, or desperation to eschew all pretense of privacy, discretion, decorum, and personal space to expose mind, body and soul in any and all ways possible the sleazier, more embarrassing or self-immolating, the better! Lorraine Devon Wilke: You're Not Keeping Up With The Kardashians Either
  • Strictly, all whole numbers can be written as fractions if we make the denominator (the part below the line) equal to 1!
  • Needing a decision from every member before any action can be taken hamstrings the leadership, slows action to a standstill, and ends up watering down the activism to the lowest common denominator.
  • Television quiz shows often seem to target the lowest common denominator.
  • The common denominator of both types of novel is the vulnerable, threatened heroine.
  • Cotes discovered an important theorem on the nth roots of unity, anticipated the method of least squares and discovered a method of integrating rational fractions with binomial denominators.
  • For the technically minded, you calculate a percentage by dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying by 100.
  • To convert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator.
  • Political pressure groups and leaders: an insurgency against the Iraqi Interim Government and Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas west and north of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency is led principally by Sunni Arabs whose only common denominator is a shared desire to oust the Coalition and end US influence in Iraq The 2005 CIA World Factbook
  • It was the common denominator of casual dress. (bas the good authress was trying to compliment her friend's fashion, and still reference her intellect. (a bluestocking - interested in science and learning AND female, but even more than than, a gentianella - more fashionable and beautiful than those darn casual but practical bluestockings) - kathy Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well - A Dress A Day
  • And that's life: it does not resemble a picaresque novel in which from one chapter to the next the hero is continually being surprised by new events that have no common denominator.
  • Among the G-20, we are looking for the least common denominator - it requires consensus - and the least common denominator is too low" to address some of the problems being faced, said Ali Babacan, Turkey's deputy prime minister and liaison to the group. Geithner asks G-20 nations to commit to trade, currency targets
  • The common denominator here is Angostura Bitters -- the label doesn't fit -- it's a whole long story. Bittersgate: Angostura Bitters Spokespersons Declare Supply Problems OVER On "Rachel Maddow Show," Plus Eight Essential Cocktail Recipes With Bitters (PHOTOS)
  • Often, it is only a matter of finding the lowest common denominator. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • I usually chaulk stuff like this up to a phenomenon known as the LCD…the Lowest Common Denominator…or the boobocracy, as it was known in the mid 20th century, the great unwashed mindless masses, the consumers…you get the idea. Little Miss Hooters Contest
  • We always seem to descend to the lowest common denominator. The Sun
  • With so many fresh faces of fashion with unique design elements, there was one common denominator shared from collection to collection: a welcome change from the LA stereotype of the obvious fashionista in plunging necklines. Gen Art Hosts the Fresh Faces of Fashion
  • And they make no attempt to reconcile that conflict, tailoring their local appeal to the lowest common denominator in each area.
  • By that time it had already grown from a tiny protest/art happening that began in 1989 to a sea of a million gurning ravemonkeys in deely boppers surging through the streets in an undifferentiated mass, soundtracked by the thud of lowest common denominator German "Schranz" techno. Love Parade's tragic final chapter
  • On the other hand, if 200 million people read a book, you can be sure that the reason is that the novel has been dumbed down to a low common denominator that can accommodate such a large percentage of the population.
  • It's quite poetic, and that, among other scenes had to be cut for time constraints, and 'would it make sense to the general movie going audience', which I think is terribly sad that a first time Director/screenwriter and Actor would have to pander to Hollywood's common denominator of 'easy to disgest' Silver Screen films. I talked to God in a phonebox on my way home
  • The common denominator of all these strongmen is ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea is to reverse the order of summation in both denominator and numerator in Equation 2.
  • Was she an integral part but still the lowest common denominator? Berthe Morisot
  • The common denominator is a Democrat, a progressive in the White House, and a throng of conspiracys about the government coming for your guns, and dilirium over their freedoms. Think Progress » Right-Wing Media Distorts Clinton’s Oklahoma City Speech To Claim He Wants To Muzzle Dissent
  • Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.
  • Zero divided by negative or positive numbers is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as numerator and the finite quantity as denominator.
  • From this we observe that the rows of numerators and denominators of the terms in the Stern-Brocot tree are computed independently of each other.
  • It was clear that we wanted to continue with each other, we just needed to find a common denominator in terms. The Sun
  • For each genus examined, the nominator gives the number of studied species and the denominator includes the total number of species.
  • If it is true that, for Gillray at least, "figures on both sides of the channel share the lowest common denominator of regression to orality and anality" (200), then the discourse around Wolcot could have provided the idiom adopted for these revolutionary representations. 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • | gallons haying occupation's sculpt fittingness scores onwards recessed masculineness denominator's regulated boyfriend's | Planet MySQL
  • Using the condition, the denominator may be shown to be proportional to, which in steady state is strictly positive for.
  • It is football of the lowest common denominator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The right part of any row of numerators coincides with the left part of the corresponding row of denominators.
  • This does NOT mean merely rebuilding what existed before 1914, but an expansion that could continue until, again, socially necessary labor time of reproduction was superannuated as the "numeraire", the common denominator, of capitalist exchange at the new, higher "standard of value". Upping the Anti - A Journal of Theory and Action
  • Art critic Jed Perl dittoed those sentiments in The New Republic: "There has never been a more pathological display of institutional least-common-denominator braggadocio. Rumble On The Ramps
  • Total commitment is the common denominator among all successful men and women. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • When a Politician R, US strays from any of those denominators, it stands out like an inkspot in a bowl of milk. Harry Reid Among The Race Hypocrites - Dan_McLaughlin’s blog - RedState
  • Blue jeans and American sportswear are the common vestimentary denominator for millions around the globe. Joan Z. Shore: Women Who Wear The Pants: A Tribute to Yves Saint Laurent
  • Can they see a common denominator here? The Sun

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