
How To Use Denominate In A Sentence

  • They contended that many foreign central banks were willing to absorb all the foreign currency earned by their exporting sectors that was not willingly held by their private sector in US dollar denominated assets.
  • And the action, therefore, which Pliny denominated obstinacy, would, if it had been left to us to name it, have been called inflexible virtue, as arising out of a sense of the obligations imposed upon them by the Christian religion. A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
  • These holdings would provide investors a partial guaranteed return, denominated in their own currencies, and the government securities would explicitly guarantee the value of the fund's capital.
  • As the goats, taking refuge in the more inaccessible parts of the country, could with difficulty be killed, the crews subsisted on the flesh of the young seals, which they called veal, and on that of the sea-lions, which was denominated beef. Notable Voyagers From Columbus to Nordenskiold
  • The head of the stock-exchange operator said Hong Kong is working on a plan to boost yuan liquidity in the territory as more investment products denominated in the Chinese currency become available to local investors, underscoring Hong Kong's emergence as an offshore yuan-trading hub. Hong Kong Looks to Yuan Stock Listings
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  • More than this, the press of enunciation is aimed toward the very object of its own discursive gesture across the drift from the phonetically denominated "double-u" to its single and more immediately recognized graphic variant. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • But in reality, they lost their rights long before they were born, in an 1873 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court aptly denominated The Slaughter-House Cases.
  • Chinese govt are going to, at some point, allow minting of gold into high-value coins denominated in their currency. - Articles related to Indian gold buying picks up as price dives
  • Modern day Christianity and Protestantism is very different, such is why they "denominate" to something different. Undefined
  • -- Our net currency exchange loss of NT$ 123 million for the third quarter of 2009 was mainly due to depreciation of our US dollar denominated asset as a result of an depreciation in the foreign currency exchange rate of the US dollar against NT dollar, our reporting currency. Undefined
  • The last franc-denominated coin was struck some 18 months ago and the last banknote was printed last May.
  • In the final column is a recommendation on whether investors denominated in a particular national money should be buying Gold.
  • The Ministry of Finance is initiating a first on the Bulgarian market by the emission of euro-denominated bonds with a 15-year period of maturity.
  • Since “actual economic quantities denominated in dollars” does not account for all the things that happen inbetweentimes of transactions, economists for many decades have studied various aspects of valuing the “extraneous, inbetween things” that still require physical effort and mentation: including neighborhood effects, externalities, public goods, transactions costs, asymmetric information, imperfect competition, monopoly, and institutions. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He called Mrs. Bolton Mrs. B., and was very intimate, familiar, and facetious with that lady, quite different from that “aughty, artless beast,” as Mrs. Bolton now denominated a certain young gentleman of our acquaintance, and whom she now vowed she never could abear. The History of Pendennis
  • In other countries large bodies of water, greater than many bodies denominated seas, are called lakes, gulfs, or basins.
  • The dilatation of this articular synovial sac is what is denominated bog spavin, the term thoroughpin being applied to the dilatation of the tendinous capsule. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • I wonder if the Chinese govt are going to, at some point, allow minting of gold into high-value coins denominated in their currency. - Articles related to India eyeing Africa, Latin America for exports: Scindia
  • This is the first use of the word _vaccination_, or, more familiarly, cow-pox, which is an eruption arising from the insertion into the system of matter obtained from the eruption on the teats and udders of cows, and especially in Gloucestershire; it is also frequently denominated _vaccine matter_; and the whole affair, inoculation and its consequences, is called vaccination, from the Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 6 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • And the face especially gives a lustre to the rest: the face is it that commonly denominates a fair or foul: arx formae facies, the face is beauty's tower; and though the other parts be deformed, yet a good face carries it (facies non uxor amatur) that alone is most part respected, principally valued, deliciis suis ferox, and of itself able to captivate. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Those who purchase goods incur a debit, while those who sell obtain a credit; debits and credits are denominated in the national currency.
  • Each building is denominated a block and numbered accordingly from 1 to 13 these are divided into rooms which are also numbered, each room being furnished with a stove and bunks for the accommodation of five & six men on each bunk a straw matrass [sic] and one blanket. Tales from a Civil War Prison: Q&A
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia in June issued bonds denominated in Thai baht, a first for an Australian bank. Japanese yields
  • Applicants will have to tackle knotty subjects such as how departing countries will denominate their sovereign debt, the effects on Europe's banking system, and how to handle contracts denominated in euros. Overheard: Breakup Prize
  • Facts of this description, facts previously unheard of, but which could not from any known law of causation be pronounced impossible, are what Hume characterizes as not contrary to experience, but merely unconformable to it; and Bentham, in his treatise on Evidence, denominates them facts disconformable _in specie_, as distinguished from such as are disconformable _in toto_ or in _degree_ A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Foreign exchange gains and losses consists of translation gains and/or losses of non-NT$ denominated current assets and current liabilities, as well as certain other balance sheet items which result from the appreciation or depreciation of non-NT$ currencies against the NT$. News Articles
  • About five hectares have been cleared in the zone covered of lush vegetation finding evidences as the petroglyph, which is a stone with engravings and geometric designs that inhabitants denominate the mysterious stone of La Palma. Mysterious La Palma Stone
  • Nomura has advised clients to check the fine print of their euro-denominated bonds to ascertain whether they could be converted into local currencies, such as the drachma, which could quickly plunge.
  • If the Euro does start to rival the dollar as a numeraire, business will see some benefits from being able to invoice goods in their own currency or being able to buy commodities denominated in their own currency. EURO SPEECH
  • And the face especially gives a lustre to the rest: the face is it that commonly denominates a fair or foul: arx formae facies, the face is beauty's tower; and though the other parts be deformed, yet a good face carries it (facies non uxor amatur) that alone is most part respected, principally valued, deliciis suis ferox, and of itself able to captivate. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • One amendment effectively would expel from the council any member who "attempts to ordain as a member of the rabbinate, or to denominate as 'rabbinical' or as 'clergy,' a person not eligible to serve as such as those terms are understood under the policies and positions of the RCA. JTA - Recent News
  • Capital controls on the mainland mandate that these are denominated in foreign currency and reside offshore.
  • The schooners make three trips to the banks of Newfoundland in a season; the first, or spring cargo, are large, thick fish, which, after being properly salted and dried, are kept alternately above and under ground, till they become so mellow as to be denominated _dumb fish_. Travels in the United States of America Commencing in the Year 1793, and Ending in 1797. With the Author's Journals of his Two Voyages Across the Atlantic.
  • The Brasher doubloon is considered the first American-made gold coin denominated in dollars; the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia didn't begin striking coins until the 1790s, and foreign coins of various currencies were in use in the nation's early years. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Yes, gasoline prices are approaching nominal record highs, but since prices are denominated in money, the figures are meaningless without some comparison to the past.
  • It actually happened, among other places, where bank notes denominated in the billions, trillions, and quadrillions circulated in rapid succession in 1946.
  • The belief that the yuan would rise led investors to pour billions of dollars into the currency and snap up so-called 'dim sum' bonds, which are denominated in the Chinese currency.
  • In severe winters, flocks of solan geese, locally denominated "barnacles," frequent the shores. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 396, October 31, 1829
  • Hedge funds have allowed investors to denominate holdings in gold, and exchange-traded funds backed by physical gold have become some of the most popular investment vehicles. Miner Gets Physical With Payout
  • The Greeks divided the natural day and night into twelve equal parts each, and the hours thus formed were denominated _temporary hours_, from their varying in length according to the seasons of the year. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • If the quantity of sensorial power remains the same, and the quantity of stimulus be lessened, a weakness of the fibrous contractions ensues, which may be denominated _debility from defect of stimulus_. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Following the abolition of exchange control, banks have been able to make provision for deposits denominated in foreign currencies.
  • The pursuits and society of his youth scarcely could be denominated, in Troloppian euphemism, _la creme de la creme_; but they stood him in good stead; then and there was he trained for the encounter of Spain ... whilst sowing his wild oats, he became passionately fond of horseflesh .... George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • It is denominated efficient on account of the term produced by its action, i.e. the effect itself, and not necessarily from any presupposed material principle which it is conceived as potent to transform. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Bond offerings will be denominated in that money.
  • National central banks would be required to accept all checks denominated in their currencies and finalize payment by debiting the domestic reserve accounts of the originating banks.
  • The very birds seemed to shun these wastes, and no wonder, since they had an easy method of escaping from them; — at least I only heard the monotonous and plaintive cries of the lapwing and curlew, which my companions denominated the peasweep and whaup. Rob Roy
  • The appreciating of the lev against the US dollar pushed prices up in 2003, as dollar-denominated real estate trade switched to euro, at a one-to-one ratio, analysts commented.
  • Last month, regulators convened a public workshop to decide whether to denominate stock prices in riel, dollars or both. The Cambodian Case for Dollarization
  • HFT got its start in 2001 when the SEC ruled that stock prices, instead of rising or falling by 1/16 of a point as they had in the past, would henceforth be decimalized and denominated in pennies -- 1/100 of a point. Ted Kaufman: Critical Imbalances in Our Stock Market
  • To see how they live and waste here, it is a wonder the whole city does not 'bankrape, and go out o' sicht '; - flinging platefuls of what they are pleased to denominate' crusts ' Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • If, on scientific principles, it can be proved that those verbs generally denominated neuter, _originally_ expressed action, their present, accepted meaning will still oppose the theory, for the generality of mankind do not attach to them the idea of _action_. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • Beijing wants more companies to denominate their exports and imports in yuan instead of dollars. Freeing the Yuan
  • * Non-operating items: -- Our net currency exchange gain of NT$ 33 million for the fourth quarter of 2009 was mainly due to depreciation of our foreign dollars denominated liabilities as a result of an appreciation of NT dollars, our reporting currency. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Most of the captives were of the appearances denominated "scraggy" or "knotty. Campaigns of a Non-Combatant, and His Romaunt Abroad During the War
  • In other countries large bodies of water, greater than many bodies denominated seas, are called lakes, gulfs, or basins.
  • But, marvellous beyond all, the 'great fish' (falsely so translated, since no cetaceous creature can be denominated a _fish_) into which he was received still lived, and accompanied him. Tales of the Chesapeake
  • The name Peru was pervasive during the colonial period and was used to denominate the larger sections of the powerful viceroyalty of Lima.
  • Hence, although the meaning of dyspepsia must be restricted, as its derivations demand; the term, digestion, bears a much more extensive signification than it generally receives, and any error in its process may be properly denominated indigestion; however, Mr. Halsted regards the term dyspepsia as equivalent to indigestion, and we may, for once, adopt the same phraseology. The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • Capital controls on the mainland mandate that these private loans are denominated in foreign currency and reside offshore.
  • He suggests the introduction of foreign currency denominated assets, and direct restrictive measures on foreign currency deposits.
  • Inventories in global warehouses are rising, and stockpiles in China, the world's biggest copper consumer, have rapidly increased, particularly in bonded warehouses, where the traditional practice of purchasing dollar-denominated copper as a means to get credit has been well-used of late. Lofty Copper Prices Remain at Risk
  • For now, the fact that a lot of national borrowing is denominated in U.S. dollars is leading to what we call trickle-up wealth destruction. The Daily Reckoning Australia
  • In light of the above, it is recommended that another supplementary regulation be put in place that prohibits residents from owning significant bank deposits denominated in overseas currencies.
  • Well may the purchased privileges be denominated from the price that was paid for them, for it puts a value upon them; write upon them pretium sanguinis -- the price of blood. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The demand for gold arising from its monetary role can change over time - in particular, it may rise during financial panics, when the public seeks to exchange its financial instruments denominated in gold for gold itself.
  • Last month, regulators convened a public workshop to decide whether to denominate stock prices in riel, dollars or both. The Cambodian Case for Dollarization
  • Severely and effectively as Berkeley criticised Locke's account of abstract ideas, the fact remains that abstraction is a primary feature of our whole conceptual system; and the abstractable elements of the sensible presentation being the necessary constituents of all ideative representation are properly denominated ideal. Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
  • CAVERNOSA to rapidly dilate in such a way as to instantaneously facilitate the flow of blood to that part of the human anatomy known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection IN ARTICULO MORTIS PER DIMINUTIONEM Ulysses
  • So far in 2009, Asian companies sold $42.5 billion of international bonds denominated in the so-called G3 currencies of euros, dollars and yen, up 38% from a year earlier, according to data tracker Dealogic. Asian Borrowers Strike While Iron Is Hot
  • The inhabitants of the Moluccas were in the practice of using, in their wars, in the defence of posts, a liquor afforded by the maceration of the fruit of the gomuti, which the Dutch appropriately denominated hell water. North Coast Culture
  • Its currency would be higher in comparison to a sunken dollar, hurting exports, plus its U. S.-dollar denominated bonds would suffer large losses in value. Diane Francis: China's Dollar Scam Must End
  • That's not encouraging news for our exporters trying to sell into the US or other dollar denominated areas.
  • When uruhia (under the inspiration of the spirit), the priest was always considered as sacred as the god, and was called, during this period, atua, god, though at other times only denominated taura or priest. Chapter 7. Incarnate Human Gods
  • Again, in the Deccan there is a breed known as Deccan sheep, another called Garar, and two others in Mysore denominated respectively the Carrimbar and Shaymbliar. Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys
  • The name Peru was pervasive during the colonial period and was used to denominate the larger sections of the powerful viceroyalty of Lima.
  • Banks usually denominate loans to poorer countries in more stable currencies like the dollar.
  • Governments monopolize the supply of currency denominated in the national monetary unit.
  • It was already mentioned that the convertibility law sanctioned the validity of monetary contracts denominated in any currency.
  • The EMEAP working group will proceed to study the extension of the ABF concept to include bonds denominated in regional currencies.
  • Mr. Chavez late last week asked private banks to hand over their dollar-denominated Venezuelan bonds so that they can be used to supply the new market with U.S. currency, but it remains to be seen how cooper ative the banks will be with that request. Venezuela's Currency Plan Still a Mystery
  • The strength of spirit stronger than _proof_ or _over proof_, as it is termed by the revenue officers, is indicated by the bulk of water necessary to reduce a given volume of it, to the legal standard spirit, denominated _proof_ -- namely; if one gallon of water be required to bring twenty gallons of brandy, rum, or any other spirit, to proof, that spirit is said to be _1 to 20 over proof_. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
  • A possible means of allowing long-term loans in a manner in which they can't be converted into short-term loans is to allow domestic firms to issue long-term bonds abroad denominated in either the local or foreign currency.
  • It began, “Chief among the number phases of lawlessness which first attracted attention in the South at the close of the Civil War was that of producing what government officials are wont to denominate illicit whiskey.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • So-called eurocurrency deposits are bank assets denominated in a national money different from the official currency in the country where the funds are held.
  • Why, a man who can say of a Christmas book that “it is an opuscule denominated so-and-so, and ostensibly intended to swell the tide of expansive emotion incident upon the exodus of the old year,” must evidently have had immense sums and care expended on his early education, and deserves a splendid return. The Kickleburys on the Rhine
  • The Senior Facilities provide for variable quarterly interest payments at a rate equal to the sum of the applicable margin plus EURIBOR (or BUBOR, if a loan is denominated in Hungarian forint) for the applicable quarterly interest period plus any mandatory costs. Undefined
  • Whatever offered an idea, of what their jargon denominated _charnelle_, was treason and exile. Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
  • Foreign exchange gains and losses consists of translation gains and / or losses of non-NT$ denominated current assets and current liabilities, as well as certain other balance sheet items which result from the appreciation or depreciation of non-NT$ currencies against the NT$. News
  • As the currency started to slip in May, companies with future-debt obligations denominated in dollars rushed to buy greenbacks.
  • On the card was this message: "The Bible says, 'Love your enemies' -- here is an enemy for you to conquer," for it was a well-known fact that grandfather found it hard to overcome his dislike of the "hardtack," as he denominated the beaten biscuit prepared for him. Grandfather's Love Pie
  • Both these advances of goodness may also be appropriately denominated "benignity," or The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • So we descended the stone steps I have already mentioned, and after descending about two hundred steps towards the foot of the mountain, made a short reascent again and entered the "dining-room," as the Babu denominated it. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
  • Till the passions of the mind in man and woman are separate and distinct, till the sex of vital animation, denominated soul, be ascertained, on what pretext is woman deprived of those amusements which man is permitted to enjoy? Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • Government data show short-term inflows continue to grow, with foreign ownership of the government's rupiah-denominated bonds rising to 241.76 trillion rupiah as of July 18, from 234.99 trillion rupiah at the end of June. Investment in Indonesia Rises 22%
  • At the 7% that Azizi pays on afghani-denominated accounts, money should double in a little less than 10 years. Afghanistan's Economy Blooms
  • Foreigners will be less willing to own securities denominated in that currency if the risk of default is great.
  • Jacob Berzelius immediately denominated chlorine, bromine, and iodine as ‘halogens’ or elements that form salts.
  • In short, whenever any thing is done which universal experience shews to be hurtful _to ourselves_, (not to others) it is invariably denominated an act "contrary to common sense;" but whenever it involves hurt _to others_, it takes another character, and becomes a breach of the "moral sense. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • Their real estate loans, however, were denominated in US Federal Reserve notes.
  • The author, needless to say, remains quite attached to his ‘insight’ that there are two different senses of ‘a priori,’ one of which he denominates the ‘Kantian’ sense.
  • Severely and effectively as Berkeley criticised Locke's account of abstract ideas, the fact remains that abstraction is a primary feature of our whole conceptual system; and the abstractable elements of the sensible presentation being the necessary constituents of all ideative representation are properly denominated ideal. Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
  • The appreciating of the lev against the US dollar pushed prices up in 2003, as dollar-denominated real estate trade switched to euro, at a one-to-one ratio, analysts commented.
  • The entries note the items purchased, the unit price where applicable, and the total price denominated in pounds, shillings, and pence.
  • When our family lived in Japan, the friendly adjusters at Prudential used to deny our claims for medical or dental care on the grounds that the bills we submitted were denominated in yen. 2009 September « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • The sterling currency risk on the shares is effectively hedged by the underlying unhedged, euro-denominated assets in the trust.
  • The latter are discouraged by the misfortune of Warna] 25 Warna, under the Grecian name of Odessus, was a colony of the Milesians, which they denominated from the hero Ulysses, (Cellarius, tom.i. p. 374. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • European banks also depend heavily on so-called wholesale funding—borrowing in a short-term IOU market—to fund dollar-denominated loans and securities positions. Global Markets Skittish About Europe's Banks
  • In the brief but interesting accounts of this singular man, which we meet with in the ancient Chronicles of Italy, it is mentioned that he was the inventer of a new species of casque or steel basnet, denominated The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 492, June 4, 1831
  • But, a unique feature of U.S. international borrowing - mostly in dollar denominated assets - is that a depreciation of the dollar in fact reduces the burden of debt.
  • The motives which induced my acceptance are the same which ever ruled my decision when the public desire -- or, as my countrymen are pleased to denominate it, the _public good_ -- was placed in the scale against my personal enjoyments and private interest. Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3.
  • While devaluation would increase the exportability of Baltic products, it would also cause defaults among local borrowers with euro-denominated mortgages. BONJOUR L'ESTONIE
  • Of course snorted Northwind to himself, among so many Chieftains his identity was denominated by his clan name, only a being with enormous mental control would have managed to bring them to this point today.
  • So far as the majority of their acts are considered, crowds display a singularly inferior mentality; yet there are other acts in which they appear to be guided by those mysterious forces which the ancients denominated destiny, nature, or providence, which we call the voices of the dead, and whose power it is impossible to overlook, although we ignore their essence. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
  • We and our clients were later told we were the largest holders of Italian lira denominate bonds outside of Italy, and managed a pretty good few years out of that position. Why US Solvency Is Not An Issue
  • A free-floating peso puts in doubt the ability of the private sector to service its dollar-denominated debt and raises the specter of bankruptcy.
  • Lower rates hurt a currency by making bank deposits denominated in it less attractive.
  • Banks will soon stop conducting dollar transactions, and companies or people with dollar-denominated accounts will have to change them to convertible pesos.
  • The iShares JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF holds debt denominated in U.S. dollars, while Market Vectors Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond is a basket of government securities issued in Brazilian reis, Chilean pesos, Russian rubles and so on. The Debt Crisis: If Treasury Bonds Aren't Safe, What Is?
  • But, marvellous beyond all, the 'great fish' (falsely so translated, since no cetaceous creature can be denominated a _fish_) into which he was received still lived, and accompanied him. Tales of the Chesapeake
  • One particular as to which he must have been ignorant, while we may have knowledge, is concerning his employment of terms denominated Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
  • HFT got its start in 2001 when the SEC ruled that stock prices, instead of rising or falling by a sixteenth of a point as they had in the past, would henceforth be decimalized and denominated in pennies--1/100 of a point. The Full Feed from
  • If an investor doesn't believe that US deficits are sustainable, then they may well opt for a gold hedge or euro denominated assets.
  • Non-operating items: -- Our net currency exchange gain of NT$ 33 million for the fourth quarter of 2009 was mainly due to depreciation of our foreign dollars denominated liabilities as a result of an appreciation of NT dollars, our reporting currency. BN - Broadcast Newsroom-news

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