How To Use Denier In A Sentence

  • Far from deterred, Denier Bud said he had just put the finishing touches on what he considered to be his “best work” so far, a twenty-two-episode, two-hour-and-twenty-two-minute opus entitled Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil. The Lampshade
  • “At the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945, the Americans set up a display table to show Nazi atrocities,” Denier Bud began miasmically as the camera panned over the familiar objects: “A lot of bogus items, tattooed skin supposedly taken off bodies, a supposedly human skin lampshade, which in reality is just a basic lampshade, but they really went over the edge of dumb when they put this on the table.” The Lampshade
  • Do you think Jeff Jacoby is a Nazi nithing or a Holocaust denier? The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • One reason may be that doctors get ground down by pill-focused patients who want quick fixes, and patients who can be superlative deniers about their personal health risks.
  • The higher the denier number, the larger the yarn and, therefore, the heavier and sturdier the fabric.
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  • Err, that short term fluctuation that “deniers” are concerned about also evinced significant concern from one of the pro-AGW scientists — as shown by the leaked email. The Volokh Conspiracy » NYT on Hacked Climate E-Mails
  • If the label says they are between denier 3 and denier 5—a measure of fiber density—your panty hose will probably be sheer enough to look transparent. Fashion reporter Teri Agins answers readers' questions
  • I would ask you, Messer Cicero and Messer Seneca, whose dog-eared volumes I see scattered upon the floor, of what use is it for me to know better than any master of the Mint or a Jew of the Pont-aux-Change that a gold crown piece is worth thirty-five unzain at twenty-five sous eight deniers parisis each, if I have not a single miserable black liard to risk upon the double-six? IV. Fate. Book VII
  • The Parlement allowed the municipal receiver to collect six deniers for each livre, a particularly high fee, so that he would consent to these practices.
  • Any woman will understand the pure sensual pleasure of silk stockings, or even just really fine denier nylon, if she has ever tried them.
  • This bloke is a flat-earther and climate change denier.
  • You must choose your tights with care - they need to be opaque (as opposed to sheer) and of a high enough denier (thickness of the fabric) for the hairs not to show through.
  • Our silence for long years has encouraged Holocaust deniers, revisionists, baiters and haters to spread their poison.
  • The company's best-selling business bag is the Metro Messenger Bag, made of 450 denier ripstop polyester with silver reflective trim across a zippered front pocket.
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • All three models include specialized pockets, plus spacious main compartments that fit adjustable plastic tackle trays, and are made of heavyweight 600-denier waterproof nylon that is sewn with rot-resistant thread. A New Rifle, Strong Leaders and Tackle Bag
  • Since they are deniers, mentioning the divine name is mere words to them.
  • He wants you to die, you smotherer of pleasure, you denier of life, you withholder of joy. Irish Blogs
  • Holocaust deniers intentionally blur the distinction between the First Amendment right to speak freely, without government restraint, and the right to publicity, an audience, and scholarly consideration.
  • Without going into detail it's better to be a denier in all things warmist.
  • And according to informal survey the most popular version control system to give a “denier” would be Git. ligne Are climate modelers subverting the scientific process? | Serendipity
  • Lawrence Solomon may well be a great communicator, but the author of The Deniers also is a frontline voice for a disturbingly large and influential denial industry, writes George Marshall .
  • The term medal (medallia in Florence = 1/2 denier) is applied to pieces of metal, usually circular, which, though issued by a mint, are not intended as a medium of payment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • scientifical" deniers of the evidences right in front of your snot-packed NOSES that the WORLDWIDE FLUD of Naoh can explain all of geologgy BETTER than your so-called athiest materialist naturalist "Science" which you all buy into because of your unquestioning hero-woirship of Darwinianisticalismists like Hitler and P > Pharyngula
  • But he was not hung up until October 1449, when, after Talbot had left the Vieux Palais, the Council joyfully gave orders to Laurent des Loges, "pour pendre et asseoir certaine cloche nommée Rouve estant en la tour du beffroy"; and in the town accounts stands the cheery item of "Sept sous six deniers pour vin donné aux ouvriers," when it was hung on the very The Story of Rouen
  • With sinking hearts, we made a beeline for Buchanan Street and spent two hours buying a chunky-knit cardigan, three pairs of 60 - denier woolly tights and a luminous-yellow stripy vest (half-price).
  • So maybe the French tennis playing public were playing for one ‘gros denier tournois ‘per point up to the maximum stake of sixty deniers for a game.’
  • Williams argues, Nietzsche is on his side, not the deniers ', because Nietzsche himself believes that, while a vindicatory history of the notions of truth and truthfulness certainly has to be a naturalistic one, that is not to say that such a history is impossible. Bernard Williams
  • It is available to us today because it was posted to the talk. politics.misc newsgroup on July 30, 1993 by Dan Gannon, a notorious white supremacist and Holocaust denier, and archived by the Nizkor Project, an anti-revisionism organization that was active in cataloging hate speech on the early public Internet. Archive 2007-11-01
  • But if you read on, you find that this only means that some of the long-standing evidence deniers merely keep on denying the evidence.
  • Difference of cationic quote while stationary, but the weekend reduced the volume of, and fine denier FDY with the actual transaction prices down.
  • The small but vocal part of the infosphere dominated by the climate deniers seized on this "fake" photo to try to paint the entire climate science community as fake. Peter H. Gleick: Remarkable Insight into the Climate Denial Machine
  • Climate change deniers are, I think, similar to flat-earthers.
  • All edges are bound and double-stitched and the material is the finest 1,000 - denier Nytaneon nylon.
  • By using the Olympics-snow situation as evidence of global warming, Obama is using the exact same short-term moronic argument that deniers are using in evidence against global warming. Think Progress » Obama explains climate science to global warming deniers.
  • The flat-earther science deniers seem to be making their voices heard regularly and loudly.
  • The fabric is needle-punched together with thousands of high-strength denier yarns.
  • They are made of a 100 denier micromesh body, poly porthole mesh yoke and side panels.
  • The Defendants contend that Irving stands condemned as a denier out of his own mouth.
  • His writing has appeared in many fundamentalist and anti-science websites including The Good, Evangelical Press, the Christian Examiner, The Home School Legal Defense Association, and antiscience evolution denier Answers in Genesis. Shawn Lawrence Otto: Climate Scientist Wins A Round for America
  • There were 20 sols in a livre and 12 deniers in a sol.
  • It is so illustrative of the “know-nothing” reality deniers, we should thank “that one” who is illustrating this concept for us, see post #1 in this topic. Think Progress » Letters Reveal Top GOP Lawmakers Demanded Stimulus Money As ‘Vital’ Job Creating Engines
  • Funnily enough the term denier is not a scientific one, it is one used in normal discourse to describe what could probably be whipped up into a phsychological diagnosis. RealClimate
  • But there were two important exceptions to the long list of deniers.
  • Not only do these comments "not quite convict him of being a holocaust denier" as you rather disingenuously put it they show quite the opposite, if anything he is a "holocaust affirmer". Another 'ultra-traditionalist' Catholic leader says stupid things about the Holocaust | RELIGION Blog |
  • As it happens, the dysfunctional deniers behind ‘Pride’ also had their gaijin enablers, though you certainly wouldn't know that from reading stories about the film in gaijin-owned publications.
  • Denier Coated Packcloth is durable and highly water repellent, yet flexible and easy to work with.
  • A sergeant from the HorsforthPolicerelated to me that he had received complaints via SurreyPolicefrom RevSizerand from Dr Anthony McRoy – a lecturer at theWales Evangelical School of Theology – who both objected to being associated with terrorists and Holocaust deniers. Anglican vicar complains to police to shut down blogger « Anglican Samizdat
  • Would they have believed that we have become the rulers rather than the ruled, the conquerors rather than the vanquished, the deniers of independence to others rather than the denied?
  • A favorite ignoratio elenchi of Will and his climate-denier crowd is the following: the Earth's climate has changed in the past due to natural causes; and so the current warming trend in climate must be due to natural causes. Bill Chameides: Red Herring Alert: Planet Earth Does Not Need a Care Package
  • Skeptical Science is an excellent, well-organized site to send convincible people for a shredding of the standard, long-debunked denier talking points. Climate Progress
  • The sulky dogs would rather have three twists of a rack, or the thumbikins for an hour, than pay out a denier for their own feudal father and liege lord. The White Company
  • And it so happens that at about the same time there was a coin in circulation called a ‘gros denier tournois ‘which was worth 15 deniers.’
  • In pilot trials, measurements of around 2.0 deniers per filament were obtained.
  • By logic, we should embrace them, but currently “deniers” of global warming have become demonized, which is a sign that global warming has become slightly religious. » Blog Archive » Climate Science Heretics
  • Before you ask, I make distinctions among appearing on a scheduled radio program on which evolution deniers may also appear, engaging in a formal debate with evolution deniers, and actively collaborating with them.
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • There is no difference between them and all kinds of deniers.
  • Storm Rolling Thunder bags feature 600 denier polyvinyl fabric, heavy-duty hardware, exceptional upright stability, oversize bearing wheels, and a shoe compartment that accepts up to U.S. men's size 15.
  • All are constructed of 300 - denier nylon and include lots of value-added features.
  • Construction is a combination of full grain leather and 1,000 denier nylon that's standard in military footwear too.
  • Both the warp yarns have deniers in the range of 50-4000 and the fill yarns have deniers in the range of 150-4000.
  • with an evening dress one wears 10 denier stockings
  • When I read Prof. Young's piece, I was immediately taken with the social and intellectual parallels between Holocaust deniers and evolution deniers.
  • We actually sell a 40 denier nylon tricot fabric that we sell the Las Vegas high wire acts for use as a visual fabric.
  • Climate deniers, who promulgate error after error (from misreporting satellite data, to misrepresenting historical temperature records, to misinterpreting paleoclimatic data, to much more) do not do the same - they simply deny the evidence (hence the term). Peter H. Gleick: A Brief Lesson in the Integrity of Science: Climate Scientists Challenge Bad Science, No Matter the Source
  • So then those who "trivialize" a non-telic approach to biology, they being akin to holocaust deniers, should then be subject to the same judicial remedies. A Solution to ID?
  • Unfortunately, Egoyan, in attempting to counter the deniers by chronicling this history, is largely defeated by his fashionable hostility to ‘grand narratives’ and to the objective treatment of historical events.
  • The high quality and durability of these items is attributed to the use of 1,000 - denier NyTaneon nylon and the highest quality hardware and construction.
  • That April, Descartes came in from Holland to argue against the existence of vacuums and ended up owing 15 deniers when Blaise set a shot of Sambuca on fire and made the glass stick to the palm of his hand.
  • To ignore the TIME PROVEN FACTUAL safety in nuke and coal is to be of the same mindset of global warming deniers. Think Progress » Demoralizing His Supporters, Obama Calls Nukes, Coal, And Oil Drilling ‘Clean Energy Jobs’
  • Williamson isn't the only Holocaust denier among the St. Pius X followers, and the Web site argues that Jews are guilty of "deicide" for crucifying Jesus. Free Internet Press
  • And you'll need some black tights, sixty denier at least unless you're prepared to shave. RESCUING ROSE
  • As we approach the anniversary of the regicide of that glorious saint and King – Charles I, it is a good time to look at one of the most shameful rewritings of history I have ever seen up there with the holocaust deniers. Archive 2008-01-13
  • In the midst of an interesting Spiked essay on the disconcerting popularity of “denier” (as in “Holocaust denier”) as an increasingly broad descriptor for people who demur from the majority view on issues like climate change, Frank Furedi has a passing remark about how we increasingly tend to suppress overtly moral rhetoric, to conceal the normative claims we’re making: How Inappropriate!
  • In claiming of goodes, or possessions, the claimer muste proue by witnesse that the thing claimed is his: and the denier shalbe tried by his othe. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Add lesser quantities (the recipe says a denier) of the following spices: galingale, cloves (no more than 1/2 teaspoon, I suggest), gillyflower (if you can get it, which I have never succeeded in doing), long pepper (Asian groceries have this, sometimes), nutmeg, cardamon, mace. Even in a little thing
  • For more than a decade now, the climate change deniers have been in retreat, humbled by the thumping weight of scientific evidence against them.
  • Silly rabbet, everybody knows that it's the Realclimate Team who's politicizing the science, and besides, the deniers are simply honest broker skeptics who just want to know the truth. A Sister Soljah Moment
  • One thing is certain: there was nothing to prevent even the most tubthumping, St George waving, Three Lions-yawping serial denier coming round to the inner-peace-providing conclusion that England lost to the better team. Inner Peace; and Fussball Gott
  • The top is a two-button Henley short sleeve baseball and softball shirt, made of a 70 denier, 100% polyester textured mesh fabric.
  • On the day when the deputies of the communes entered an assembly, and seated themselves beside the first two orders, the new comer, by virtue of the situation and rank occupied, took the name of third order; and as our fathers used to speak of the third denier (_tiers denier_), and the third day (_tierce journee_), so they must have spoken of the (_tiers-etat_) third estate. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 2
  • Renouvier, as I understand him, is (or at any rate then was) an out and out phenomenist, a denier of 'forces' in the most strenuous sense. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • They're made of 600 - denier nylon with an adjustable, removable shoulder strap that has welded steel hardware.
  • Combination of full grain leather and 1200 denier nylon upper.
  • Made of 1800 denier polyester, it has a retractable pull handle and inline skate wheels.
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • Because the deniers are so out of tune with this overwhelming scientific consensus, they have been forced to turn on climatology itself.
  • The production equipment and process parameter for producing heavy denier and mult - filament polyester fiber are described.
  • Although some quote barely stable, however, the actual transaction promotion is widespread, and who enjoy significantly increased, mainly reflected in the fine denier FDY products.
  • Lipstadt's book gave an account of the phenomenon of Holocaust denial and described him as a holocaust denier consistent with the themes developed in her book.
  • Tainted by sex, drugs, race and class, AIDS has no place in this homogenized-homosphere battling for issues such as Marriage Equality and its Denier-in-Chief, Pres. The Full Feed from
  • The production process and post processing behaviour of fine denier profiled polyester filaments were discussed.
  • The "deniers" have been "emboldened" -- as though they're only engaged in a game of gotcha rather than opposed to the completely pointless upheaval of developed economies. Small dead animals
  • The shell itself is a three-layer non-porous, breathable membrane and the outer fabric is feathery 30 - denier ripstop nylon.
  • Any woman will understand the pure sensual pleasure of silk stockings, or even just really fine denier nylon, if she has ever tried them.
  • It is made of 210 - denier nylon with PVC coating.
  • For nylon bags, consider its denier, or thickness.
  • The debate is not between deficit cutters and so-called deficit deniers; it is between "cutters" and "spenders" – between spending cuts and fiscal stimulus. Savers are lending to the banks
  • We actually sell a 40 denier nylon tricot fabric that we sell the Las Vegas high wire acts for use as a visual fabric.
  • Hence the term denier, which neatly encapsulates their flat refusal to face facts. Feel free to doubt climate change: just don't deny it
  • The material itself is 1000 denier Nytaneon nylon, double and triple stitched.
  • To tell someone that s/he should be obligated to the pursuit of an idealizing end is not to be an affirmer of life but a denier.
  • Will it be the Czech climate change denier, the alleged Polish homophobe, or your common-or-garden British anti-federalist? Hugh Muir's diary
  • But over the past two weeks, administrators and parents at the elite Quaker private school in Lower Manhattan have become quick studies after Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz publicly criticized Friends Seminary for inviting a musician he called a "notorious anti-Semite and Holocaust denier"—accusations that Mr. Atzmon, who was born Jewish, staunchly denies. School Hits Sour Note

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