How To Use Dendrite In A Sentence

  • This battery can be charged, though a cycle opening is not great in a charge-discharge cycle over a arrangement of lithium dendrites, causing inner short-circuit a BATCL50L battery, under normal circumstances a battery Management is prohibited. Archive 2009-12-01
  • In the silver case, there is a particularly fine featherlike dendrite of native silver from the La Nevada mine, Chihuahua, Mexico.
  • (A) The ratio of control and DNcdk5-expressing cells with correctly targeted dendrites (DNcdk5) was not changed 2, 4, and 8 wk postinjection. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Lithium metal may also be plated out as crystalline dendrites that ultimately penetrate the separator and cause an internal short-circuit of the cell.
  • The dendrites and axon terminals of individual neurons can be extensively branched; a single neuron can receive as many as 100,000 different inputs.
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  • In general, the signal travels across the synapse from the axon of one cell to the dendrite of the next.
  • With increasing tin ion additive, zinc dendrite was dramatically inhibited.
  • One is reminded of the famous fernlike markings on the Solnhofen fossils known as dendrites.
  • Based on rat studies, they hypothesize that "dendrite arborization" -- an increased branching growth of nerve cells -- caused by chronic antidepressant exposure, may be the cause. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • The reinforcement can either be an added material, such as metal or ceramic fibers, or internally created by precipitating ductile dendrites within the BMG, yielding partial crystallinity. Metal Uniform | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • First, we found that action potentials in hippocampal neurons were initiated not only at the axon hillock, as in motor neurons, but also at a second site, which we inferred to be the apical dendrites. Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography
  • Spatial dendrites are three-dimensional crystals with intermediate terminal velocities.
  • In order to be able to receive signals from other cells, nerve cells form complex extensions called dendrites (from the Greek 'dendron' meaning tree). Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Not only were neurons structured with more dendrites, they also ‘fired’ electrical signals more rapidly and sustained their firing for longer periods of time, the study showed.
  • The inner processes of the cone bipolars ramify in the inner plexiform layer in contact with the dendrites of the ganglionic cells. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
  • Alan Charig et al. found that when he backwardly printed a negative photograph of the counterslab dendrite patterns, they match perfectly with the corresponding dendrites of the main slab.
  • The axons of the lower nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, which arise from the larger stellate or spindle-shaped cells, with long, smooth, much branched dendrites, are said by some authors to join the lateral lemniscus, but according to Cajal they pass medially toward the raphé; their termination is unknown. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • The axons passing from the cerebral cortex terminate at different levels in the cord by breaking up into dendrites which arborise around the cells on the grey matter of the posterior horns -- this system of cells, axons, and dendritic processes forming an _upper neurone_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Crystals in developed dendrite with part orientation have inferior property than the former.
  • Electrophysiological measurements of brain activity play an important role in understanding signal propagation through individual neurons and neuronal networks, but existing technologies are relatively crude: Micropipette electrodes poked into cells are invasive and harmful, and microfabricated electrode arrays are too bulky to detect activity at the level of individual axons and dendrites, the neuronal projections responsible for electrical signal propagation and interneuron communication. Wired
  • The result is a stereotyped map of OR inputs in which signals derived from different ORs are segregated in different glomeruli and in the bulb projection neurons whose dendrites innervate those glomeruli. Linda B. Buck - Autobiography
  • If these theories be true, what, it may be asked, is the agency that causes the dendrites to contract or the neuroglia cells to expand? Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898
  • Synaptogenesis involves extension of neural dendrites , identification of target cells and forming stable synapse.
  • It forms attractive dendrites on fracture surfaces.
  • Looking first at DCs, we found that axons fasciculating with a crossing dendrite often defasciculated near the DC site, turned and fasciculated with the other dendrite ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • From the neck of the flask one or more dendrites arise and pass into the molecular layer, where they subdivide and form an extremely rich arborescence, the various subdivisions of the dendrites being covered by lateral spinelike processes. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • Coeloconic sensilla and basiconic sensilla , the main chemical odor receptors on antennae of B. tabaci, consist of cuticular wall, sheath cells, sensillum lymph and dendrites.
  • From each neuron grew thousands of dendrites, thousands of red, silken strands which sought each other out and connected at the synapses. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The foundryman can control the fineness of dendrite structure by controlling the rate of solidification.
  • The cell body is surrounded by a bush of up to ten or so dendrites (Greek dendron: wood or tree), but typically has only one axon, which may have many branches.
  • However, dendritic proteins enable the vesicles transporting them to bind to a second motor, known as myosin, that literally walks them back into the dendrite. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Their dendrites undergo extensive ramification in the inner plexiform layer. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
  • The ship pulled downward, crashed through the arteriole wall, missed the nerve by a hand's breath and lunged downward into a forest of dendrites; catching and breaking free and catching again, until it lay here, a bubble of metal, entangled in thick, smooth fibers. Fantastic Voyage
  • At the initial contact, the connection—the synapse—is quite weak; the dendrite can easily detach and hunt for another neuron. World Wide Mind
  • All dendrites bear large numbers of spines, small excrescences on which incoming nerve fibres terminate to form synapses.
  • The word dendrite means fingers; the organic glue and the surfactant used to shape the Clay NanoSheets used in this hydrogel both have fingers that reach out and grab the nearby elements, holding it all together. TreeHugger
  • Cajal, on the other hand, believes that the neuroglia cells are contractile, and may expand so as to interpose their branches as insulating material between the synapses formed by the dendrites of the nerve cells. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898
  • The newly formed neuron is still immature; later it extends an axon and dendrite processes, and assumes the morphology of a mature neuron.
  • Neurites are the long projections of nerve cell bodies called axons and dendrites.
  • AKAP5 rich regions, such as hippocampal dendrites, are also abundant in RII subunits PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Often the dendrites have tiny, thornlike spines on their surfaces, which serve as contact points for parts of other neurons.
  • Based on rat studies, they hypothesize that "dendrite arborization" -- an increased branching growth of nerve cells -- caused by chronic antidepressant exposure, may be the cause. Dr. Peter Breggin: New Research: Antidepressants Can Cause Long-Term Depression
  • Axons transmit messages to other neurons; dendrites receive messages from other neurons' axons.
  • Gray matter, made up of the bodies of nerve cells and their connecting dendrites, is where the brain's heavy lifting is done.
  • In the silver case, there is a particularly fine featherlike dendrite of native silver from the La Nevada mine, Chihuahua, Mexico.
  • It forms attractive dendrites on fracture surfaces.
  • The axon is a long, tubular fiber that transmits the action potentials from a soma to the dendrites or to an effector organ. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The ganglion cells vary much in size, and the dendrites of the smaller ones as a rule arborize in the inner plexiform layer as soon as they enter it; while those of the larger cells ramify close to the inner nuclear layer. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
  • Lithium metal may also be plated out as crystalline dendrites that ultimately penetrate the separator and cause an internal short-circuit of the cell.
  • After two more e-days, by Aubry's internal clock, they reached the end of the dendrite they'd been traveling out. METAPLANETARY
  • It has even been supposed that in diluvial deposits the presence of ‘dendrites’ might be regarded as affording a certain mark of distinction between bones mixed with the diluvium at a somewhat later period and the true diluvial relics, to which alone it was supposed that these deposits were confined. Essays
  • The structure of the neuron naturally lends itself to comparison with the branches, trunk, and roots of a tree, and indeed the technical term for the growth of dendrites is "arborization. How the Mind Works: Revelations
  • Dendrites branch repeatedly, and their surfaces are studded with spines or gemmules, thus expanding the receptive cell surface.
  • The dendrite can even detach, eliminating that synapse altogether. World Wide Mind
  • Two types of nerve processes extend from the soma, axons, which conduct the nerve impulse away from the soma, and dendrites, which conduct nerve impulses toward it.
  • As we saw earlier, the point where one neuron’s axon meets another neuron’s dendrite is called a synapse. World Wide Mind
  • The difference of composition between dendrite and matrix glass depends on the formation temperature and mechanism.
  • Each little bump or spine on each dendrite is a synaptic connection from another nerve cell axon terminal.
  • A dendrite is a projection from a neuron that receives signals from the axons of its neighbors. Braingle
  • The branching dendrites found in moss agate were created by mineral deposits of manganese and iron trapped in fissures within the rock.
  • After two more e-days, by Aubry's internal clock, they reached the end of the dendrite they'd been traveling out. METAPLANETARY
  • A branching , treelike shape or arrangement , as that of the dendrite of a nerve cell.
  • Axons send signals to other cells and dendrites receive them.
  • The branching dendrites found in moss agate were created by mineral deposits of manganese and iron trapped in fissures within the rock.

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