How To Use Denature In A Sentence
A number of cars derailed, including one that began leaking denatured alcohol.
Protein is denatured, forming a viscous coagulum leading to hemostasis.
Both these changes occur because heat denatures the myoglobin.
This causes problems for the plant because if a broad band of proteins have been denatured, they can't continue with their normal metabolic cycles.
However, we must hold firmly to the outlines or our production will be diffuse, denatured, and ineffective, not leaving the indelible residue in the mind that an accumulation of arsenic does.
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It is much more toxic than ethanol, and in fact is often used to "denature" ethanol.
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In contrast to hemoglobin F, most hemoglobins will denature in alkaline solution and precipitate upon the addition of ammonium sulfate.
This is music denatured: homogenised, pasteurised, and sterilised.
A car on one of the trains is also leaking denatured alcohol, which of course, is extremely dangerous.
This abuse of language mirrors the abuse which we make our existence: we have denatured it in removing from it any trace of the sacred, in our blind observance of the dictums of project and work.
Another theoretical advantage of RFA is that it denatures viral proteins without a plume and its by products are elementary molecules and low molecular weight inert gases.
What you end up with is a tale told in broad strokes, akin to the kind of denatured film biographies the studios produced in the 1940s and 1950s.
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It "denatures" protein molecules, so that their amino-acid chains unfold and digestive enzymes can attack them more easily.
His colour gets disembodied or denatured in these pictures, but much of its life, as found in his early water colours, issues out in the spirited passages in line.
Unfortunately, proponents of an empathic science must endure the perennial charge from critics that they seek to denature science, destroy its objectivity, and hold it hostage to the emotional whims of sloppy investigators.
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In contrast to hemoglobin F, most hemoglobins will denature in alkaline solution and precipitate upon the addition of ammonium sulfate.
I guess the tripe was what the cabbage was stuffed with; I don't know because everything was so denatured it had no flavour.
Curiously, the same logic also appears to be true of the tourist strip, which, in its own tacky way, is a classic example of how run-amok corporate money can leave a place wholly denatured.
The drug of choice was "dehorn" - denatured alcohol.
The Seattle Times
Papers tended to be reduced to the lowest common denominator, inoffensive to any service, even before they reached the chiefs themselves, where the necessity for unanimous agreement caused them to be denatured even further.
Adequate facilities to render or denature the inedible meat product as applicable must be provided.
Who wants to read a nature book where the premise is that "nature" is "out there" and we must denature ourselves to find it?
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Television, it should be remembered, can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature.
Tu n'as aucune idée de combien l'étymologie est intéressante quand elle est basée sur la connaissance de tant d'idiômes; on peut tracer la parenté les mots d'une manière étonnante; les changements dans la façon de les écrire ont pour résultat de les dénaturer tellement que nous avons beaucoup de peine à les reconnaître sans _retracer_ toute leur histoire dans la littérature.
Philip Gilbert Hamerton An Autobiography, 1834-1858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894
A bravura narrative moment reveals itself when he discloses the history of one single apartment, showing how it becomes degraded and denatured as it ceases to be a family home and becomes a drug-dealer's den.
Halberstam chronicles some of the hazing and banter, but for the most part this vividly masculine world is denatured.
Ellis's colors are equally denatured, deadpan and flattened; although at times a kind of cinematic backlighting illuminates them and gives them dimension.
Undenatured whey protein is a non-heated product that preserves bioactive amino acids like cystine.
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Most importantly, we completely stayed away from cheap, inferior protein sources such as denatured sodium and calcium caseinate.
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In summary, the sample was denatured with aqueous ammonium sulfate and ethanol and was extracted with hexane.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev engineers have developed a technique to "denature" plutonium created in large nuclear reactors, making it unsuitable for use in nuclear arms.
Research & Development Today's News
A step toward a wider application to industrial purposes has been taken by the law permitting the sale of so-called "denatured" (137) alcohol without the tax for revenue.
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One of the methods to denature alcohol is by adding a certain amount of acetone, which is not destined for human consumption, but meant for industrial use.
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The alcohols (eg, ethanol, methanol, propanol, and ethylene glycol) play a small role individually as fixatives but penetrate quickly and denature proteins by coagulation.
Only by reconsidering these choices can we see the loss of vision entailed by modern science, and perhaps how science remains parasitic upon the less denatured reality from which it arose.
Also known as native milk protein, micellar casein is undenatured and tends to ‘gel’ in the gut.
The assay can detect specific hybridization between single-stranded probes and non-denatured double-stranded targets to form triplexes, thus obviating the need to denature the targets.
Raising the temperature will most likely denature the protein.
Extensive studies have shown that treatment with acaricides (chemical agents that kill dust mites) or tannic acid to denature dust mite allergens are only minimally effective and must be repeated frequently.
Surprisingly, the soft denatured region is most often found in positions where the interwound superhelix forms branches, unlike permanently curved regions, which tend to localize in the apex of the superhelix.
No difference - except that the ethanol put in gasoline is "denatured" - made unfit for human consumption.
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Experimentally, urea and guanidinium chloride are widely used as denaturant agents, but it is still not clear by which molecular mechanism they denature proteins.
The blot was prehybridized in 6x SSC, 5x Denhardt's solution (1x Denhardt's solution is 0.02% Ficoll, 0.02% polyvinylpyrrolidone, and 0.02% bovine serum albumin), 0.5% SDS, 50% formamide, and 0.1 mg/ml denatured salmon sperm DNA.
Yet other options allow one to go even lighter. Alcohol stoves consume Denatured Alcohol (which can be found in most hardware stores) and are typically made out of Pepsi cans or cat food cans.
But SDA (specially denatured alcohol) is treated with denaturants which permit its use in a greater number of specialized arts and industries.
Germany but, unfortunately, the failures in growth were considered to be the result of ingredients in the diet that have been "denatured" by purification, rather than the lack of some hitherto unrecognized nutrient (s).
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The DNA samples were denatured after irradiation, a primer was annealed to one of the strands, and a complementary strand was constructed using a polymerase enzyme.
In northeastern Germany, an experiment is underway to reflood a vast area of drained and denatured peat bogs -- recreating a biodiversity hot spot -- while still harvesting peat moss at a commercially viable rate.
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denatured alcohol
Heat stress can denature proteins, and the cell mobilizes chaperonins like a small army of physical therapists to twist everything back into its proper conformation.
Too often this "denatured" child of the classroom is the only child the teacher knows.
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IF LAST YEAR'S CHRISTMAS ROAST wasn't a perfectly succulent specimen, chances are your cooking technique did not denature the meat's collagenous tissue while also avoiding excessive coagulation of the muscle proteins.
Science Of The Season
I really can't agree with most of the recent copyedits to the article; the language has been systematically denatured, which is a bad thing.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Tu n'as aucune idee de combien l'etymologie est interessante quand elle est basee sur la connaissance de tant d'idiomes; on peut tracer la parente les mots d'une maniere etonnante; les changements dans la facon de les ecrire ont pour resultat de les denaturer tellement que nous avons beaucoup de peine a les reconnaitre sans retracer toute leur histoire dans la litterature.
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Men belch out at superdramatic volumes (nothing ever sounds natural), and mezzos sound nothing short of ridiculous, their voices denatured by the attempt to imbue the music with highbrow seriousness and high volume.
McFarlane's interest in the metallurgy of mirrors has led her to denature the silvered surfaces behind the glass so that the mirrors become almost entirely opaque, yet hold and reflect light.
When proteins are denatured, they undergo a change in their tertiary structure.
If you’re really lucky, they’ll fry it in peanut oil, raw, not denatured, which is really healthy and adds great flavor!
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When these stabilizing interactions are disrupted, the molecules unfold or denature AND typically lose biological activity.
Studies on the rate and extent of renaturation in vitro led to the discovery of a microsomal enzyme which catalyzes sulfhydryl-disulfide interchange and thereby accelerates, in vitro, the refolding of denatured proteins containing disulfide bonds.
Christian Anfinsen - Biography
Use denatured alcohol to remove dried latex paint spills or drips.
This technique utilizes a negatively charged detergent (sodium dodecyl sulfate) to denature and solubilize proteins.
In contrast to hemoglobin F, most hemoglobins will denature in alkaline solution and precipitate upon the addition of ammonium sulfate.
The second half of the book posits that the new sexual morality - a survival technique, really - has disconnected generation from generation and denatured our politics.
In all his fiction, rural black folk culture stands upon its own foundations, in some sense independent of and in opposition to an urbanized, industrialized, mechanistic, and denatured Western civilization.
The federal government requires it to be "denatured" by adding gasoline to it so that it is not fit for human consumption.
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When food is cooked, some of its proteins become denatured.
Heating and methanol treatment will denature and precipitate the great majority of cytosolic proteins found in cell lysates.
When most proteins are heated, they denature and lose their effectiveness.
A New York Times columnist found another way to denature Sheriff Dupnik's condemnation of vitriol.
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Through the run of ganglions the wash is piped into two huge stills - one for surgical spirit and denatured alcohol and the other for white rum.
Unattended, they are easily denatured through the process of social development itself.
I can determine the rate/frequency with which nucleotides "denature" under a range of conditions that are not biologically relevant.
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If it does not try Denatured Alcohol - wiped over surface with cloth, it works on some adhesives that naptha misses.
Water removal can damage membranes, increase ionic strength, change pH, crystallize solutes and denature proteins.
Proteins extracted by the CTAB method were denatured in 1xSDS sample buffer prior to SDS-PAGE.
Equal amounts of each RNA were mixed, denatured, and annealed by slow cooling.