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How To Use Demoralization In A Sentence

  • When, to the next word, "staircase," again, he said "scar," his demoralization was almost complete. The Window at the White Cat
  • The demoralization of the narcotist is not, like that of the drunkard, rapid, violent, and palpable; but gradual, insidious, perceptible at first only to close observers and intimate friends. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • It was a school of artistic expression that “vividly depicted and excoriated the corruption, frantic pleasure seeking and general demoralisation [5] of Germany following its defeat in the war and the ineffectual Weimar Republic which governed until the arrival in power of the Nazi Party in 1933.” A Progressive on the Prairie » Book Review: Wolf Among Wolves by Hans Fallada » Print
  • The number of people who've posted remarks along the lines of "I know it's racist, but I'm British ..." is indicative of the demoralisation and discombobulation of non-Muslim Brits you speak of. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Moreover, this enforced withdrawal from social integration can quickly cause the kind of demoralization so often associated with old age.
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  • The demoralisation generated by the occupation was taken full advantage of by the Communists to establish a socialist republic.
  • The very terms "grisette" and "lorette" by which young women unblest with wealth or social rank are commonly designated, involve the idea of demoralization -- no man would apply them to one whom he respected and of whose good opinion he was solicitous. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • The poor areas may have generated more crime and disorder as a consequence of anonymity, demoralization and despair.
  • They did the impossible again, when they assembled a rag-tag scrabble of an army under an inexperienced commanding general and proceeded to defeat the world’s greatest military power of the time in a long and arduous struggle against guns, weather, poverty and demoralization, for the prize of freedom and the opportunity to start anew. Al Gore's Inaugural Address: January 20, 2009
  • The third session of the council ended that Saturday, and a state of demoralization hung over the bishops until they reconvened, ten months later.
  • This is not just demoralization; this is a clinical depression.
  • I think she ` s probably experiencing what they call -- and I ` m a recovering alcoholic myself, with, God willing, in April, 13 years of sobriety -- incomprehensible demoralization, which is what people experience. CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2008
  • The cause of the demoralisation is the sudden and (let's admit it) impressive turn-around of the fortunes of the Conservatives. James Graham on Nick Clegg's leadership
  • The state of confusion into which we are thrown by what seem to be senseless acts of brutal violence in Iraq produce the very effects the terrorists intend: our incomprehension and demoralisation .
  • Without the newcomers many more villages would be ghost villages and the social demoralization would be even more acute.
  • Cameron referred to himself in the Guardian on 17 February as a "confirmed localist", who was determined to end the "demoralisation and democratic disengagement" of centralism. What happened to the Big Society? It was killed by proximity to power
  • They merely get to measure relative levels of disappointment, disinterest and demoralisation. The Single Measure Of Public Confidence « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • And that demoralisation is absolutely necessary if they are to drive through the national police force that those with the ACPO/Home Office agenda clearly want. An Ex Traffic Biker Writes: « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • So great was the demoralization that formidable fortresses capitulated to mere cavalry units.
  • Dr John Marks, a past chairman of the British Medical Association, quoting Caius Petronius, warned that the revamp could end up "creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation". NHS reforms: Is Andrew Lansley's brutal surgery really needed?
  • The guard allocated to her had removed all her make-up kit from her handbag, a subtle attempt at demoralization.
  • I want to believe that the conclusions this woman reaches about her son's future are untrue, filtered through that terrible demoralization.
  • The general demoralization of Soviet society during the Brezhnev period affected the militia also and by the 1980s widespread corruption was reported.
  • Emphasising that the issue concerns India's "self-respect", Prasad said the government's handling of the issue is sending out a "wrong message" and causing "demoralisation" in the country. Daily News & Analysis
  • But when you put the escalation next to Obama's wavering on the public option; next to his broken promises of transparency; next to his stances on the Patriot Act and Gitmo; next to his full-on abandonment of his NAFTA pledges -- well, you get the kind of demoralization that Kos's new poll shows. David Sirota: The Demoralized Democratic Base
  • Neil MuirShrewsbury• I wonder whether our political leaders have studied the words of Petronius in 200BCE Editorial, 21 February: "Reorganisation is a wonderful method for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation. Letters: More Danish yarns
  • Once a fateful decision has been taken, an open mind becomes a luxury because any reappraisal may result in confused orders and demoralization.
  • The guard allocated to her had removed all her make-up kit from her handbag, a subtle attempt at demoralization.
  • Developing countries' monitoring systems can suffer from a variety of problems, including demoralisation in the institutions that oversee them because of low pay, high stress and lack of resources.
  • Two trucks, four families, demoralization, that is what the abstraction called an economy is all about. The Budget—Rule of Law vs. Rule of Man
  • That last sentence in particular registers a serious demoralisation and also political degeneration.
  • And you will also find, if you ever have the sense or courage to look the facts of modern history in the face, that those two itches, for the pot and the pipe, have been the roots of every other demoralization of the filthiest and literally 'scurviest' sort among Love's Meinie Three Lectures on Greek and English Birds
  • As for the so-called demoralization of the present day, this latter class are inclined to laugh at the croakers who look at things that way. Heart and Soul by Maveric Post
  • So on this line of thought, the anti-social behavior of young people in this category derives from their "demoralization" -- their failure, or society's failure, to absorb a compelling set of normative standards about personal and social conduct. Disaffected youth
  • his inconsistency resulted in the demoralization of his staff
  • These unhealthy developments have led to thorough demoralization in the bureaucracy, rampant indiscipline and all round inefficiency.
  • Nor did they take Klein’s comment that therapies are “nonspecifically beneficial to the final common pathway of demoralization” as an unintended compliment and trumpet the value of remoralization and their unique ability to bring it about. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • And that is really what they call the incomprehensible demoralization and humiliation of alcoholism and that ` s usually what happens right before you hit bottom. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2009
  • Tea party demoralization is right around the corner. Think Progress » McConnell Slams Financial Reform Bill After Meeting With Hedge Fund Managers And Other Wall Street Elites
  • Alcohol as a destructive force in Apache culture is a phenomenon that dates from colonization, and it has been a byproduct of demoralization and despair.
  • Economic hardship and popular demoralisation may create social and political instabilities which are more formidable threats to the regime than war with South Korea.
  • But if the workers were what they are represented to be -- namely, the idler whom the employer is supposed continually to threaten with dismissal from the workshop -- what would the word "demoralization" signify? The Conquest of Bread
  • Mass movement of the population creates instability and demoralization, even for those not directly affected.
  • It was a school of artistic expression that “vividly depicted and excoriated the corruption, frantic pleasure seeking and general demoralisation of Germany following its defeat in the war and the ineffectual Weimar Republic which governed until the arrival in power of the Nazi Party in 1933.” Book Review: Wolf Among Wolves by Hans Fallada « A Progressive on the Prairie

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