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How To Use Demonstrable In A Sentence

  • There is, in our submission, no demonstrable or justiciable error of law that should attract this Court's jurisdiction arising from the judgment of the Full Court.
  • But there is no demonstrable shortage of low skilled workers in the United States today.
  • ‘The dissimilitude between the terms ‘civil marriage’ and ‘civil union’ is not innocuous: it is a considered choice of language that reflects a demonstrable assigning of same-sex, largely homosexual couples to second-class status.
  • I am not sure what demonstrable benefit they have. Times, Sunday Times
  • IT _may be expected by some faithless Persons, that I should produce an_ HERMAPHRODITE _to publick View, as an incontestible Justification of there being Humane Creatures of this kind; but as I have no Authority to take up the Petticoats of any Female without her Consent, I hope to be excus'd from making such demonstrable Proofs; and if I had such a Power, the Sight might endanger the Welfare of some pregnant Female, whose Tractus de Hermaphrodites Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites
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Master English with Ease
  • Oh yeah - because consumerism and advertising has no demonstrable negative effects.
  • The only grounds I have [to refuse permission for the trials] is if there is demonstrable scientific evidence to offset the decision.
  • Yet no one, he concludes, has offered demonstrable proof that Paul made conscious use of schooled rhetorical training.
  • The report contains numerous demonstrable errors.
  • The quantitative character of the interaction between opposed inhibition and excitation is experimentally demonstrable. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Testing becomes a high priority given continuous integration of demonstrable capabilities.
  • He has demonstrable managerial skills as Halifax CEO, where he really calls the shots.
  • I think it's something that could be resented by students and parents alike, particularly if they didn't believe there was a demonstrable need for it.
  • demonstrable truths
  • No such compelling reason, proven facts or demonstrable mistake has emerged.
  • We need to think that situational offenders are sick; sometimes, of course, it may be demonstrable that they really are sick, but even then this demonstrability may not be the reason for our thinking them so. Behavior in Public Places
  • Perhaps mindful of the demonstrable double standard, however, this time a different reason was given for deleting the post.
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface -- offered so limited The Portrait of a Lady
  • There was gliosis in parts of the cornu ammonis, but no demonstrable nerve cell loss (interesting in relation to the epilepsy). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The report contains numerous demonstrable errors.
  • You're speaking corresponding with someone who is outraged by the actions of ACORN, who wonders, when he votes, if his franchise has been made irrelevant by the fog of false data created by their "canvassers"; with someone who is outraged that his taxes go to support professional rabble rousers with no demonstrable purpose except to foment unrest. Jeffrey Rosen on the two important race cases that will be argued in the Supreme Court in the next few days.
  • A large majority of these women will have demonstrable insulin resistance.
  • If spending on this scale is sensible, its wisdom ought to be demonstrable.
  • We chose this case because it was not a simple story of one innovation's demonstrable technical and economic superiority over an incumbent rival.
  • The premisses must be primary and indemonstrable; otherwise they will require demonstration in order to be known, since to have knowledge, if it be not accidental knowledge, of things which are demonstrable, means precisely to have a demonstration of them. Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • One must conclude that we know an enormous amount about tricks and ruses (often concocted by brilliant practitioners) but very little about demonstrable impact.
  • But to have also each of the premisses true is not merely to have syllogized, but also to have demonstrated, "" so that if there is demonstration at all, there is an absolute necessity that there be something that is self-evident, which is called primary and indemonstrable. "[ The Basis of Early Christian Theism
  • The belief that symbols were generated incidentally by a series of undemonstrable and unidentifiable chemical reactions is an appeal to the metaphysics of materialism. Conceptualizing Design
  • There was no apparent increased risk of getting a brain tumour demonstrable that could be related to the use of a mobile phone.
  • Just as nothing stands firm with regard to the speculative reason except that which is traced back to the first indemonstrable principles, so nothing stands firm with regard to the practical reason unless it be directed to the last end which is the common good; and whatever stands to reason in this sense has the nature of a law. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • You need superior technology, but you also need a demonstrable advantage over any competing method of doing business.
  • In reactivated lesions epithelial syncytia and inclusion bodies were not seen; however, virus was demonstrable by polymerase chain reaction and culture.
  • Not everything demonstrable can be known by finding definitions, since all definitions are universal and affirmative whereas some demonstrable propositions are negative.
  • a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface — offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. The Portrait of a Lady
  • If spending on this scale is sensible, its wisdom ought to be demonstrable.
  • We certainly don't think of relationships as tangible, as empirically demonstrable entities.
  • The chest x-ray showed no demonstrable superior mediastinal widening, hilar mass, lung mass or pleural effusion.
  • There are no demonstrable health benefits to organics.
  • Actually, the number of diseases, deaths and social costs are indemonstrable since there is a huge number of factors that can confound the attribution to smoking, and also because of the ignorance of medicine about the precise causes of diseases such as cancer in general, lung cancer in particular, cardiovascular diseases and so on.
  • The safety profile of the formulation is generally favorable, with no demonstrable ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, bone marrow suppression, or cardiovascular adverse effects.
  • In principle, continuity is eminently desirable but the principle shrivels if what is being continued doesn't have demonstrable worth.
  • Dedekind regards this principle as being essentially indemonstrable; he ascribes to it, rather, the status of an axiom ‘by which we attribute to the line its continuity, by which we think continuity into the line.’
  • Philosophers have always talked of an absolutely necessary being, and have nevertheless declined to take the trouble of conceiving whether -- and how -- a being of this nature is even cogitable, not to mention that its existence is actually demonstrable. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • So the real, indemonstrable axioms are identical propositions.
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface—offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. Chapter XXI
  • However, induction (or something very much like it) plays a crucial role in the theory of scientific knowledge in the Posterior Analytics: it is induction, or at any rate a cognitive process that moves from particulars to their generalizations, that is the basis of knowledge of the indemonstrable first principles of sciences. Aristotle's Logic
  • It is demonstrable, for that matter, that poverty and poor health go together.
  • The problem is overemphasis on tests that do not have a demonstrable relationship to the student's program of study - a problem that is amplified when tests are assumed to measure innate ability.
  • Accordingly we conclude that just as, in the speculative reason, from naturally known indemonstrable principles we draw the conclusions of the various sciences, the knowledge of which is not imparted to us by nature, but acquired by the efforts of reason; so, too, it is from the precepts of the natural law, as from general and indemonstrable principles, that the human reason needs to proceed to the more particular determination of certain matters. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Because of demonstrable problems in assigning appropriate risk weights, Basel III also resurrects, as a kind of backstop, the old-fashioned leverage ratio: Tier 1 capital divided by total assets, with no risk weighting. Two Cheers for the New Bank Capital Standards
  • The limitations of such a view of ‘instinct’ are clearly demonstrable in Freud's writings on art and artists.
  • But if it is an indemonstrable principle it is a position, which is divided into supposition without qualification and definition.
  • There is no demonstrable link between the two events.
  • They claim the bench of science as judge, yet make indemonstrable statements of faith (the god of Chance).
  • The idea of increasing their already generous remuneration, without demonstrable justification, is outrageous.
  • In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.
  • It limited knowledge to empirical, demonstrable, or rationally deductible information.
  • They need to make sure that cameras are at sites where their need is demonstrable.
  • … IDers, time and time again, hoist themselves royally by hitching themselves to the indemonstrable low probability argument. David Heddle's take on the Fine-Tuning Argument
  • I am not sure what demonstrable benefit they have. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had his doubts about Leibniz and Spinoza, because their systems rested upon questionable and indemonstrable first principles. August Wilhelm Rehberg
  • There is a demonstrable link between smoking and lung cancer.
  • We did not expect that the demonstrable benefits of quite different types of psychotherapy would be so little different.
  • First there is a dig about people who write pretentiously: in blogworld, demonstrable ownership of a thesaurus is shorthand for 'good writing style' Bitchy Jones's Diary
  • Group influences on the individual are marked, easily demonstrable and pervasive.
  • Not possible, potential, or probable harm; detrimental is concrete, demonstrable harm or damage, actually causing injury. The Volokh Conspiracy » Adoption Over Parent’s Objection Requires Showing That Continued Parent-Child Relationship Would Be Detrimental to the Child 
  • The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users.
  • Recognizing the indemonstrable is a necessary precursor to understanding the nature of a parable.
  • As far as we know none of them succeeded in any demonstrable way.
  • It was a demonstrable tenderness - she had somehow managed to touch some part of me that was inaccessible to all others, even myself. GYPSY MASALA
  • Parties must prove the circumstances used as a basis to substantiate their claims and replications except for circumstances that are considered indemonstrable in accordance with the procedure defined by the Code.
  • You beg the question by merely reasserting that God's existence is indemonstrable.
  • Against all odds, however, Redi, strong with the strength of demonstrable fact, did splendid battle for Biogenesis; but it is remarkable that he held the doctrine in a sense which, if he had lived in these times, would have infallibly caused him to be classed among the defenders of "spontaneous generation."
  • These findings show that meditation has a demonstrable neurological effect.
  • The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users.
  • You will not be disappointed if you are looking for strong direction and, a clear plot and actors with clear, demonstrable talent.
  • Unless there is demonstrable chance of harm to the child, grandparents should be able to visit their grandchildren.
  • A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable." jadavison. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • But it is demonstrable to all who know how to make observations on their acquaintance of both sexes, arrogant as some are of their superficialities, that a lady at eighteen, take the world through, is more prudent and conversable than a man at twenty-five. Clarissa Harlowe
  • We must provide demonstrable improvements in health services.
  • _demonstrable_, your soul had better borrow a little power {155} from the particles of which your body is made: if you merely ask me to refute it, I tell you that I neither can nor need do it; for whether attraction comes in this way or in any other, _it comes_, and that is all I have to do with it. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
  • Wherefore the first indemonstrable principle is that the same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time, which is based on the notion of “being” and “not-being”; and on this principle all others are based, as it is stated in Metaphysics iv. text. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • It illustrates how our society is unravelling, through the substitution of irrational feelings for demonstrable facts.
  • This must not be understood distinctively, as if some things of God were visible and some invisible; that is, of things belonging to the divine nature; but it must be understood adversatively, that is, though they are invisible, and notwithstanding their in visibility, they are yet clearly demonstrable by the things that are made. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • As for her most memorable lines, they are demonstrable reworkings of old vaudeville and burlesque gags that had been kicking around since the dawn of creation.
  • The idea of increasing their already generous remuneration, without demonstrable justification, is outrageous.
  • Thus, in speculative matters, the indemonstrable principles are not the habit itself whereby we hold those principles, but are the principles the habit of which we possess. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The supermarket chain argues that the extension plans will enhance the vitality and viability of the town centre without causing demonstrable harm.
  • No subjects reported a history of clinically demonstrable tuberculosis or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis as defined by the criteria of Rosenberg and colleagues.
  • I know, so far as we can ever know the undemonstrable, that they are wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically, this is the same kind of ultimately unwarrantable conviction that religion wants its practitioners to adopt: belief without demonstrable proof.
  • According to the rules of empirical , testable , demonstrable protocol , science says your God doesn't exist.
  • Part of the issue rests on the requirement that first principles, which assert primary, indemonstrable attributes of their subjects, be necessary truths.
  • Rare jargon we made of it; talking of cosmothetie idealism or hypothetical dualism, of noetic and dianoetic principles, of hylozoism and hypostasis, and demonstrating the most undemonstrable propositions by appeals to the law of contradiction or of excluded middle. Beulah
  • Most companies insist on demonstrable quality management procedures before they will contract work at all.
  • Over the course of the last four years, approximately 30,000 patients have been treated with allogenic stem cell products in the U.S.; 2,000 - 3,000 with autologous stem cell products; and more than 1,000 with cultured stem cell Stem cells as commercial products have demonstrable therapeutic value in 15 medical markets, according to Young's analysis, such as heart muscle repair, nerve regeneration and diabetes treatment. Pro-Life Headlines
  • President Thabo Mbeki said in a newspaper article that - quote - ‘Africans will be objects of compassion and contempt until such time as we have become demonstrable masters of our own destiny’ - unquote.
  • It was a demonstrable tenderness - she had somehow managed to touch some part of me that was inaccessible to all others, even myself. GYPSY MASALA
  • But there are several first indemonstrable principles. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Isabel came at last to have a kind of undemonstrable pity for her; there seemed something so dreary in the condition of a person whose nature had, as it were, so little surface -- offered so limited a face to the accretions of human contact. The Portrait of a Lady — Volume 1
  • But there is no demonstrable shortage of low skilled workers in the United States today.
  • Professor : According to Empirical , Testable, Demonstrable Protocol , Science says your GOD doesn't exist.
  • You need superior technology, but you also need a demonstrable advantage over any competing method of doing business.
  • Almost inevitably, an inspirational leader spends parts of his life certain of the uncertain, convinced of the undemonstrable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had divided these indemonstrable principles into axioms, which are common to all sciences, and postulates, which are particular to a specific subject such as geometry.
  • So Ross, despite a demonstrable ignorance of even the most basic Hebrew and an inability to use Hebrew lexicons correctly, discovers amazing insights, thanks to ‘science’.
  • Firstly, there must have been some overt act by the land owner or some demonstrable circumstances from which the inference can be drawn that permission was in fact given.
  • Conclusions: Patients with retrofibular pain and clicking of the peroneal tendons may not have demonstrable subluxation on physical examination and may have an intact superior peroneal retinaculum .
  • In the later Prize Essay (1764), he would judge the Christian notion of immaterial souls as indemonstrable Kant's Philosophical Development
  • These findings show that meditation has a demonstrable neurological effect.
  • In analyses by lesion type, the efficacy appears to be significant only for grade 2 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; no efficacy was demonstrable for grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or adenocarcinoma in situ. Is 70% Good Enough?
  • First off, on the rural / urban thing there clearly is demonstrable discrimination as for example the fact that my MP represents about 120,000 Canadians, while many MPs in Parliament represent substantially fewer (some MPS represent less than 40,000 constituents).
  • There is no demonstrable basis for refusal on health grounds.
  • Much the same can be said for the United States and its myopic "counterterrorist" policies that rely on the demonization of entire communities, driftnet surveillance of the population, the infiltration of provocateurs into antiwar, socialist and left-wing organizations with no demonstrable ties to international terrorism, and the induced climate of suspicion and fear that breed social paralysis in the face of grave, contemporaneous ruling class threats to democracy. Gorilla Radio blog
  • He said the campaign, which has been running since May, has had a demonstrable effect on sales.
  • Testing becomes a high priority given continuous integration of demonstrable capabilities.
  • a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare
  • Nonetheless, despite this demonstrable improvement of position for domestic support creditors, a residual argument remains.
  • A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...

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