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How To Use Demonize In A Sentence

  • Though stiff-necked and officious, the commanders aren't demonized nor singled out for blame.
  • We like to use the word afflicted or, technical term, demonized. NPR Topics: News
  • I am speaking of the ease with which motives are impugned, lifestyles derogated, name-calling condoned, individuals and groups demonized. The Ten Commandments
  • During her heyday from the 1920s to the 1930s, unconventional artist Carmen Mondragón was demonized in much the same way as the fire-breathing creature of legends past. The Fiery Spirit Of Carmen Mondragon
  • The good versus evil theme gets a bit of a work out, as people try to demonize Leland.
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  • Second, they'd imply that Chalabi had been unjustly maligned or demonized by opponents with other agendas to pursue.
  • Not trying to demonize him or - as some have done - poeticize him, he gives us a common but not unduly vulgar man, with brightness and obtuseness intermingled.
  • It demonised Falun Gong as a doomsday cult that was undermining social stability.
  • Eliciting condemnation is the essence of the overall strategy of Israel's enemies to demonise and delegitimise the Jewish state in the eyes of the world. The Palestinian's tactics and "proportionality"
  • The script may vaunt Eduardo and demonize Zuckerberg, but it also begs the question -- who would we rather be, given the way things turned out? Elizabeth Nicholas: There Goes Your Social Life
  • By placing these fiends under the command of a Satanic spirit, the story encourages us to literally demonize enemies whose cultures and colours differ from the Western norm.
  • Besides, "it's part of our political process for people to express ... whatever they feel" without being "demonized," said Cornyn. Cornyn: Obama is 'now looking like a mere mortal'
  • The Dalai Lama is often demonized in China's official media as "splittist" and a "wolf in monk's robes. Dalai Lama Meets With Obama
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: right now boo-hoo glenda becky is wringing his poontang in anguish over whether to demonize this whack-a-zoid or dedicate the show to his hatred of the IRS Think Progress » Anti-Union CPAC Being Serviced By ‘Terrific’ Union Employees
  • But I also give McCain immense credit for his by all accounts genuine refusal to demonize critics of the war (or any other of his political opponents). Balkinization
  • Though stiff-necked and officious, the commanders aren't demonized nor singled out for blame.
  • The same con game is used by people of questionable ethics who invented the term "snitch" to demonize and prevent whistleblowers "ratting them out. - Home Page
  • Remember, even if you conclude that she is indeed incapable, that she is human and don't demonize her.
  • Anyone who dares apeak honestly about Obama will be demonized, called a racist. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It's so painful to the old and established party to confess that there's a real challenger on economics, or bailing out the EU, that the easiest solution is to demonise us.
  • Under the guise of "helping" Santorum, saying the candidate would inevitably face scrutiny and be "demonized", O'Reilly pressed him on what he called his "extreme" positions. Republican candidates target New Hampshire – Thursday 6 January
  • Biographers were ever the under-belly of the literary world, patronised because they weren't epic poets or triple-decker novelists, and demonised as gossips and sneaks.
  • And of course you expect the other side to try to demonize him.
  • It is not fashionable these days, in a world in which the apostles of the free market hold sway, to cite Karl Marx, who has long since been demonized in the cathedrals of capitalism.
  • It seems to be tied up with a rather Victorian work ethic where poor people are demonised for idleness and deserve their fate.
  • But, as a concept, money-purchase schemes have been unfairly demonised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dave Weigel of the Washington Post has accused Sarah Palin of "irresponsible and pathetic bullying" in her quick militance to demonize McGinniss as some sort of sleazy stalker with an eye on the daily activities of her children. Sarah Palin Erects Border Fence Around Her House (PHOTO)
  • This new programme looks at a group of responsible dog owners who feel restricted breeds like pit bulls are wrongly demonised. The Sun
  • This new programme looks at a group of responsible dog owners who feel restricted breeds like pit bulls are wrongly demonised. The Sun
  • But these films - through drama, thriller and farce - move the most demonised figure of our times to centre-screen.
  • * And yet Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly have convinced themselves that the mainstream media and the White House are the ones conspiring to elevate "birtherism" to demonize the GOP. Happy Hour Roundup
  • To demonize a country, a people for defending themselves against near-constant attack from those who would love nothing better than to see (and work endlessly towards) its total annihilation is beyond moronic. Jhvh self destructs
  • Drawing a straight line from the Peasant Wars to Bolshevism, this view of fanaticism is today invoked by the West in order to demonize and psychologize any non-liberal politics. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Their misguided views make it much easier for some parts of mainstream America to reciprocally demonize the entire anti-war camp and deprive it of support.
  • But asylum seekers have been so demonized in Britain that all blame has gravitated to the detainees, who have been lumped together as ungrateful arsonists.
  • I could also imagine it's really confusing/angering when so many in the Tea Party love to demonize Muslims and now have to defend a candidate who admittedly "dabbled" in witchcraft, dated witches and had a picnic on a satanic altar. Dean Obeidallah: The Chamomile Tea Party?
  • Why anyone would demonize Gays as being singularly incapable of behaving civilly is in itself a crime. Think Progress » Donohue: ‘There’s a connection between homosexuality and sexual abuse of minors.’
  • In front of 1500 striking firefighters at a rally in Glasgow yesterday, the somnolent Prescott was not so much demonised as taunted.
  • He demagogued and demonized and slandered his opponents.
  • Thus we feud in our families, anathematize fellow Christians and demonize the stranger.
  • In the quest for equality, many now demonize chivalrous acts as chauvinistic, which is quite sad. Hellboy II (2008)
  • I come from a very conservative town where nobody who disagrees with the main view is allowed to voice an opinion without being demonized, shouted out or ignored. I want you to stop stalking "overweight" women. - Feministing
  • The "devils" in the title notwithstanding, one of this book's strengths is to put a human face on institutions that have been demonized -- even as it raises questions about their dealings. -- Top News
  • They then demonise the other side so that there is no compromise solution or anything good about them at all.
  • It's very easy, of course, to demonize the other side.
  • As tempting as it is to demonise computer games for society's ills, the evidence does not suggest such a simple link.
  • In every war, both sides demonise their enemy to depersonalise them and make it easier for their soldiers to pull the trigger.
  • The same anger can be seen in the protest/counter-protest conflicts that happen on street corners across the nation, where each side, to a degree, demonizes the other.
  • He therefore becomes demonised, an evil spirit or Devil.
  • But the rest of his rant is lifted from another angry website, a website where extra credit is given for using the word demonized seven times in fifty words. Hey, James Wolcott called me a peeing intellectual nobility.
  • That was before the rise of shout TV and the hardening of partisanship and the growing attempts by each side to demonize the other.
  • ‘Parents can no longer be demonised for using disposables,’ Tracey Stewart opined.
  • When the factories introduced the much easier to manufacture six- and eight-fold star crimps, advertising campaigns demonized the roll crimp and the overshot wad.
  • Likewise, the movie seeks neither to glorify nor to demonize slavery.
  • There's no doubt that Hoffman behaved badly ... but she's been thoroughly demonized, which is a shame. Jennifer Weiner: Don't Ask Alice
  • It can take a person and canonise them, demonise them, or eulogise them. Archive 2006-04-01
  • In 1996, for example, a federal judge moved the Oklahoma City bombing case to Denver, saying defendants Timothy J. McVeigh and Terry L. Nichols had been "demonized" in the media. Federal authorities plan to move trial of Tucson shooting suspect
  • The idea of demonic possession by which a man becomes demonized, that is possessed or controlled by a demon, was present in many ancient ethnic religions, and in fact it is found in one form or another wherever there is a belief in the existence of demons, and that is practically everywhere (cf. DEMONOLOGY). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • You spreaded your hate and demonized Hillary following the cynic behavior of Obama and his campaign now it is back at you. Democratic Party: Obama can win Virginia
  • It deliberately sets out to demonize and delegitimize the the State and, by extension, its people.
  • From 1993 on, the policy became to decry Tibetan Buddhism as itself "splittist," demonize the Dalai Lama, drive sincere Buddhist practitioners out of their monasteries, and create a new generation of Communist, secularist, "Chinese," Tibetans. China Is Attempting to Wipe Out Buddhism
  • Power had demonized him
  • It's kind of like we've demonised injecting drug users to be very singular people.
  • Argar said: "Alongside effective management of the licensing, enforcement and health challenges excessive alcohol consumption brings about today, the bigger challenge is to engender a long-term attitudinal and cultural change, where people are not demonised for enjoying a social drink, but equally are not encouraged to drink to excess. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • By logic, we should embrace them, but currently “deniers” of global warming have become demonized, which is a sign that global warming has become slightly religious. » Blog Archive » Climate Science Heretics
  • These employees (like "cosmopolis") --- who by just plain “bad luck of the draw” find themselves in this particular targeted civil service classifications --- have now been "politicized" by the Mayor in the campaign, and are now easily demonized in the public eye (as Chump Change comments would attest) as the Mayor and Council look to address very severe, real budget deficits over the next few years. City Light Employees Plan to Unionize « PubliCola
  • (Consider even that word, "demonized" - to transform into a demon, something not human.) News
  • I think this was an operation to diabolize demonize the government of Cote d'Ivoire, Kalo added. Sanctions Hurt Ivory Coast Economy
  • Whether they are to be apotheosized as ‘emerging democracies’ or demonized as ‘rogue states’ depends, in the final analysis, on where they fit in the unfolding strategic plans of world imperialism.’
  • Once again you resorted to childish name-calling and petty slurs to try to demonise the party.
  • During the 1930s and 40s, the Nazis used racist propaganda in an attempt to demonize the Jews.
  • I am speaking of the ease with which motives are impugned, lifestyles derogated, name-calling condoned, individuals and groups demonized. The Ten Commandments
  • We demonise those that do not accept the system yet never question whether the system is right.
  • They also work through middlemen, known as "exchangers," who proliferate where one cannot deal in real estate, where public advertising and the illegal housing market have been demonized. Yoani Sanchez: Lack of a Housing Market Hides Vast Inequalities
  • For decades the right had successfully demonized women who embraced the label as hirsute succubi, family-scorning and erotically disadvantaged old bags. Big Girls Don’t Cry
  • In the case of voudon, you have misrepresentations that demonise the practitioners of this "black magic". More on Cultural Appropriation
  • He is a long time anti-nuclear activist who will seek any opportunity to demonize anything connected with radiation.
  • We have only Donald Rumsfeld demonizing disagreement, the way Neville Chamberlain demonized Winston Churchill. Keith Olbermann channels Edward R. Murrow
  • To whine about being demonized is a cop-out on the scale of Hillary Clinton complaining about the "vast right-wing conspiracy. October 2005
  • Now the victims, demonized as thugs and lawbreakers, are being sent out to various western cities.
  • While the language of propaganda demonizes whole peoples and deadens us to the effects of policy decisions, poetry wakes us up.
  • Each side will demonise the other for support of their cause.
  • As we have become a grossly unequal country, we demonise and dehumanise the poor to salve our soiled consciences. Johann Hari: Am I Sick To Love Horror Movies?
  • The terrified young defendants were demonized to the point of being described as members of a teenage wolf pack that was wilding in the park.
  • Suddenly, that cherubic, sweet girl everyone idolized is demonized.
  • Even at his most disapproving, Neuhaus demonizes no one.
  • Meanwhile, bud has been demonized, criminalized, and the drug war has been industrialized.
  • I want a world where the cardinal virtue is tolerance of all behaviour, and where those who sin against this are demonised and expelled from polite society.
  • Punks, skins, casuals, every decade has its archetypal teenager with attitude, demonised by the media to strike fear into the middle-class underbelly.
  • In my own testimony, I have no doubt whatsoever that I was both a Christian and demonized.
  • As such, one side may try to demonize the other by using cognitive stereotypes and simplifications while making their own side appear just.
  • As one rabbi notes, once you see the sincerity and devoutness in a person, it's no longer possible to demonize and dehumanize their behaviour; you can only love and help.
  • We don't need to demonize it outright, but it doesn't make sense to glorify it in "shiny" ways either. Looking forward
  • Dr. Ross and other opponents of the bill are concerned that removing serpentine, which is occasionally used in jewelry, as the state's rock would demonize it and thus inspire litigation against museums, property owners and other sites where the rocks sit; they cite the inclusion of a letter of support from the The Volokh Conspiracy
  • So it's really unfortunate when the Vice President plays politics like this and once again demonizes his opponents and misleads the American people.
  • The media, police and state government are seeking to intimidate and demonise them, depict them as violent troublemakers and force them out of the city.
  • These, then, are the ‘teenage tearaways’ demonised in sections of the press, and frequently damned by politicians seeking a cheap populist soundbite.
  • But in his role as growth tsar does he object to the word tsar? he is already causing controversy by suggesting that we shouldn't demonise bankers. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Mr. Obama certainly feels that it is his right to demonize and trivialize and misstate the concerns of his opponents. Obama calls for civil debate, takes shots at critics
  • We have to recognize that the other side will demonize us no matter what we actually do so there is no margin in trying to tailor our image.
  • When the manuscript of Silent Spring was serialized in The New Yorker in June 1962, Carson was demonized.
  • Many of those who have demonised plastic bags have enlisted scientific study to their cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems that the left has so demonized him they can no longer see him as having any human qualities.
  • To demonise the ‘other side’ in a conflict only leaves the path open for the same problems to happen again, and again, and again.
  • But their recognition of what these two players have faced is a smack-down to every Peter King the U.S. Congressman, not the sportswriter and Fox News hack who thinks Arabs and Muslims exist only to be demonized. Dave Zirin: Kazemi and Abdul-Qaadir: Recognizing the Courage of Muslim Athletes
  • Biographers were ever the under-belly of the literary world, patronised because they weren't epic poets or triple-decker novelists, and demonised as gossips and sneaks.
  • One day he is demonised for his playboy lifestyle, the next he drives like the wind. Times, Sunday Times

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