to represent as diabolically evil
the demonization of our enemies
How To Use demonization In A Sentence
- But whatever else tomorrow means, it will not mean that the country wants its leadership to engage, above all else, in demonization of people who are different and downtrodden, and this is precisely what the GOP will continue to do. Jonathan Weiler: Why the Republicans Will Misread Tomorrow's Elections Results
- Much the same can be said for the United States and its myopic "counterterrorist" policies that rely on the demonization of entire communities, driftnet surveillance of the population, the infiltration of provocateurs into antiwar, socialist and left-wing organizations with no demonstrable ties to international terrorism, and the induced climate of suspicion and fear that breed social paralysis in the face of grave, contemporaneous ruling class threats to democracy. Gorilla Radio blog
- Demonization usually occurs only in certain areas of a person's life.
- It is simply a political exercise in demonization by the current sleazy admnistration and I would love to see them end up with egg all over them again. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
- Such political tactics can only be characterized as demonization -- or what Professor Adam Levitin calls a witch-hunt. The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com
- Is using the term barebacking a symptom of continual societal demonization of gay people? Barebacking or having unprotected sex?
- Wilson goes on to maintain that "the triumph of historicism is a pity, not least because the dominance of any orthodoxy tends to deaden the critical faculties," but she has clearly accepted the underlying demonization of formalism (it's "inhuman," to accept it "heresy") that has made the domination of historicism in academic criticism possible. The State of Criticism
- The book covers such areas as locations associated with fairy sightings, fairy enchantments, changelings, the post-Reformation demonization of folk belief, fairies in literature, and Robert Kirk and the reinstatement of fairy belief. Myths and Scottish Fairies
- Millions of women, mirabile dictu, still love the men in their lives and are disgusted by what's become the fashionable demonization of men. Archive 2007-01-01
- His demonization is primarily through the literature in the day for those who were different than the ideal American. Legendary Americans You've Never Heard Of | myFiveBest