How To Use Demonetize In A Sentence

  • By 1908, however, silver had effectively been demonetized in Europe, and, although a number of countries could not offer full convertibility, in practice exchange rates were fixed in gold terms.
  • It is not up to the governments to monetize or demonetize a commodity.
  • In 1895 we heard in Manila that the Government were about to coin Philippine pesos and absolutely demonetize Mexicans as a medium in the Islands. The Philippine Islands
  • What about declaring the dollar "demonetized" to manipulate wealth, control the looming financial disaster, and introduce the new North American Union's (Google "North American Union") fake money, the "Amero," (Google "Amero") all to impoverish mass segments of our People (to be poor like most Mexicans) and institute a one continental union of America, Mexico and Canada? Corrupt government elements, and others, plan to keep their power and control over YOU... at ANY cost!
  • We can demonetize gold ... the government can refuse to buy any more. Prince Hagen
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  • But by 4 February 1797, when the mandates were officially demonetized, the revolutionary experiment with paper money was at an end.
  • In August 1988, the regime brutally crushed student-led demonstrations that erupted after authorities (apparently on numerologists 'advice) abruptly demonetized many currency notes. Judicial Terror
  • It is not up to the governments to monetize or demonetize a commodity.
  • To ask more seems to me unreasonable, and, if yielded to, will bring all our money to the single silver standard alone, demonetize gold and detach the United States from the standards of the great commercial nations of the world. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • demonetize a coin
  • After entering the festival gates, one passes into a demonetized society where the rides on the giant seesaws, the rounds of miniature golf, the costumes, the body-paint jobs and everything else are dished out gratis. Desert Wanderers Find Their Promised Land
  • Oh, nonsense! it is impossible to demonetize gold, because the civilized world recognizes it as an invariable standard by which all commodities are measured in value. If Not Silver, What?
  • If you think government cannot add value to a metal, consider this conundrum: What would be the present value of gold if all nations should demonetize it? If Not Silver, What?
  • If granted by the United States alone it will demonetize gold and derange all the business transactions of our people. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • If gold was really to be demonetized, then the enormous stocks relative to flows would have to be dissipated first through consumption.
  • The pretense of a demonetized society notwithstanding, consumption was king at Burning Man. Desert Wanderers Find Their Promised Land
  • Chihuahua when the United States demonetized silver. CHAPTER VI
  • They have, at least temporarily, demonetized Federal Reserve Notes,, by substituting chips.
  • When we make things digital -- like books and music -- it is tantamount to making them free, via the magic of the interwebs. iTunes makes for lovely window dressing, but anyone who thinks recorded music hasn't been completely demonetized is severely out of touch with reality. Special Guest Post: Publishing Industry Evisceration Edition!!!!
  • Also for the most part the most demonetized virtual worlds seem to be the least democratic. Well That Was Quick
  • If you want to preserve precious / scarce resources, you must 'demonetize' them. Conceptual Guerilla - Central Command in the War of Ideas
  • It was not the intention of the framers of this law to demonetize silver, because they were openly avowed bimetallists, but it limited coinage to silver bought by the government at market price. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • When Congress met in December, 1889, there was a strong desire in both Houses to utilize silver as legal tender money under conditions that would not demonetize gold. On "The Crime of 1873"
  • A single provision of the bill has been the subject of charges and imputations that the silver dollar was, in a fraudulent and surreptitious way, "demonetized" by this act. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • Yet this conclusion overlooks the serial price crashes that the economy has endured since gold was demonetized in 1971. There Is No Getting Around Gold
  • Silver, specie suspended mines discovered demonetized remonetized certificates free coinage of movement party A School History of the United States
  • In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 officially demonetized silver, legally confirming a gold-based currency that - because of silver's relatively high price - was already the de facto standard.
  • I think its sad that the whole thing could have been a great opportunity to take the model of second life, and put a knife into the vampire capitalism that curses second-life, demonetize and thus democratize the platform. Well That Was Quick

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