How To Use Demolition In A Sentence

  • Everyone needed time to take stock after the most prestigious solo race had turned into a demolition derby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly after the demolition of the tower, the reef, as if enraged at having been denied a number of victims owing to the existence of the warning light, trapt the "Winchelsea" as she was swinging up Channel, and smashed her to atoms, with enormous loss of life. Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 2 Great Britain and Ireland, Part 2
  • Celebrity steeplejack Fred Dibnah was supposed to end his days of felling factory chimneys with the demolition of the 175-ft Park Mill chimney in Royton yesterday.
  • The most obvious of these powers is that of the demolition and clearance of housing that is deemed unfit for human habitation. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • The Robin Hood pub has been saved from demolition but its future as a watering hole looks uncertain.
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  • The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition. NYT > Home Page
  • In the end they decided against any demolition work. The Sun
  • Voting for the monorail system, terming it as a ‘superior alternative’, the letter added that its advantages were that it did not include any demolition and dislocation of existing traffic even during the construction stages.
  • He set a demolition charge on the device before running back. The Sun
  • the demolition of the huge tower was quite a spectacle
  • Also, they must excavate to remove foundations and basements, and they must grade the site at the completion of the demolition job.
  • If anyone wants to watch the rapid self-demolition of a mudfish, as I did with with clinical fascination, go here. Archive 2009-11-01
  • This demolition is not simply mindless cultural violence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plans call for the demolition of the racetrack and grandstand to provide the necessary space for expansion.
  • Knowing you, your demolition plans are probably very belt-and-braces, so we can space the bores a bit wider and put more explosive in each one. ' A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • Building demolitions are another common example of implosion.
  • The policy, designed to leave families homeless, impoverished and traumatized, is illegal because international law forbids the demolition of houses by an occupying power.
  • Though cross-island expressways had been envisioned by the Regional Plan Association in the 1920s, it was in the postwar years that the megalomaniacal urban planner Robert Moses made Lomex — a proposed 200-foot-wide swath along Broome Street requiring the demolition of buildings housing at least 1,972 families and 804 businesses — the centerpiece of his vision to modernize New York. Indignation Superhighway
  • The demolitions are the result of a dispute between the Bedouin and the Israeli government over rights to specific lands in the Negev, approximately 8,500 acres where 30,000 Bedouin live. J. Weekly
  • They include the demolition of the grade II listed building and its conversion to a dental surgery with the necessary alterations.
  • But after years of neglect the chimney had fallen into disrepair and was threatened with demolition.
  • The delay enabled the Japanese garrison of 19,000 troops to construct the most formidable beach defences, a way through which had to be cleared by underwater demolition teams.
  • Currently the scheme is about four weeks behind due to unforeseen problems with the demolition of parts of the former hospital.
  • MODs lay minefields, dig AT ditches, emplace demolitions, and create other obstacles, such as abatis or log cribs to block forest roads. FM 100-61 Chptr 12 Engineer Support
  • During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project began to generate a momentum of demolition of its own.
  • Demolition in conservation areas Permission is also needed to demolish an unlisted church in a conservation area.
  • After 1953, the only signs of life at the Clarkdale smelter were the demolitionists responsible for toppling the two smokestacks dominating the local skyline in the 1960s.
  • A small gravelled area is the first thing one encounters, southwest - facing and with a thin layer of soil covering spoil from a demolition.
  • President Robert Mugabe's government, then - as it has now - wanted to "beautify" the city - although this time around it says the controversial demolitions campaign is also aimed at ridding cities of crime and giving people a chance to lead better lives. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It looked like an explosive demolition charge had collapsed the rock. Broken Lives
  • Robert Mugabe for what it called oppression of his own people and called for an immediate end to the demolitions of shantytowns. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The demolitions will cost the city $13-million, most of which will be obtained through a special grant from the province.
  • A demolition worker escaped unhurt when several tonnes of rubble fell on the digger he was driving today.
  • She later consented to its demolition, when informed the council would not build a new one if it was still standing.
  • In the wintry weeks that followed he remained in the No3 shirt as the Leicester scrum did its worst to high-flying Saracens at Vicarage Road, then – and particularly wince-worthy this demolition job – to a Wasps pack, complete with Simon Shaw and England's incumbent loosehead, Tim Payne, a Lion no less. Dan Cole the tighthead Tiger who is too good to ditch
  • The fact that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition is also inferable from the time it took the buildings to collapse (around 8 seconds), and corroborated by reputable architects, engineers, emergency responders, and demolitions experts. To Muslims of America, I Apologize
  • Rainfall erosivity is the result of the kinetic energy in raindrops striking the soil; the amount of kinetic energy increases with rainfall intensity; it leads to soil compaction and demolition of aggregates. 2.1. Factors in rainfall erosion
  • Massive demolition is their calling card, not only the rubble, shattered glass and fire they themselves make from everyday household items, but their own blasted body parts which occur when the X-Men tear into them. MIND MELD: What Are The Coolest Robots in Science Fiction?
  • The critical demolition of it filtered into popular consciousness and it became the archetypal bad film.
  • By the 1980s, however, financial imperatives led to the closure and demolition of much of Glasgow's cutting-edge church estate.
  • The argument that the phrase referred only to building operations of a constructional nature and not to operations consisting in demolitions or site clearance was rejected.
  • In particular, it brought the demolition of most historic buildings in conservation areas under control.
  • Everyone needed time to take stock after the most prestigious solo race had turned into a demolition derby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Listing, in theory, is an objective assessment of architectural or historical importance which does not necessarily prevent demolition.
  • Franz Mayer insisted on a three-month curing time for the "mortarboard," which accounts for the long lag time between demolition and installation. Starbulletin Headlines
  • In this article, we'll find out how demolition crews plan and execute these spectacular implosions.
  • But the end of slum clearance came more with a change in values: away from demolition, to conservation and rehabilitation.
  • In the early 1990s it faced virtual demolition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The previous government had already issued an order authorising its demolition.
  • Today's standard demolition equipment does not include a wrecking ball but rather a hydraulic excavator with such attachments as grapples, shears, hammers, and concrete crushers.
  • Proposals that focus only on demolition do not fit with the pathfinder approach and will not be funded by ODPM.
  • The biggest events of 2003's inaugural festival, the demolition derby/burn-out contest, will be returning to Sunday afternoon at the fairgrounds.
  • The cost of landfilling construction and demolition waste has increased dramatically in recent years and this cost is expected to grow.
  • The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.Sentencedict
  • In particular, it brought the demolition of most historic buildings in conservation areas under control.
  • The new building steers the straits between meticulous restoration and furious demolition, refusing a puritanical stance towards the glass-cased bibelot.
  • The Historic Places Trust is speaking out against the demolition of historic buildings, as Dunedin City Council considers the fate of three. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • Prompt action by local people can not only prevent ultimate demolition, but also save many thousands of pounds in repair costs.
  • Premier League win against Arsenal in aeons and an astonishing demolition job on Chelsea later and those of us who confidently predicted Tottenham's end-of-season collapse have been left picking eggshell, albumen and vitellus from our gormless, slack-jawed faces. The Guardian World News
  • A host of smaller steelmakers and industries went too, some hiring former metalworkers as minimum-wage sweepers or security guards until the demolition crews arrived.
  • Zimbabwe's main opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), which says the demolitions are a deliberate attack on its supporters, says the government is broke and cannot afford to build new houses. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Ironically, Reliable Excavation Demolition is always the defending team in some control point and Payload maps, although its name would suggest that they are the attackers, rather than BLU.
  • In the architectural analogy, we can think of bulldozers as the ground clearing tools of demolition.
  • The corps is also responsible for the disposal of service ammunition that is unserviceable (depot demolitions) or has malfunctioned in some manner, disposal of malfunctioned explosive ordnance.
  • When people think of building demolition, they almost invariably conjure up visions of spectacular implosions with large buildings collapsing in seconds.
  • He accused opposition leaders of doing a demolition job on the President.
  • The house was rescued from demolition.
  • Associated Press A dynamite blast sent debris high into the air as a U.S. Marines demolition crew blasted Japanese resistance in a cave on Okinawa on the Ryukyu Islands on May 21, 1945, during World War II. Moments in the Marine Corps
  • Naturally not all the criticism of the massive demolitions in the 1980s was purely aesthetic.
  • Bmrtl estimates 800 building demolitions to make way for the Metro.
  • Jones said the demolitions are a result of the city's statutory power to protect public health and safety. Evansville Courier & Press Stories
  • Officials said the demolitions, on either side of one house, were necessary because criminals had been using the houses.
  • But the end of slum clearance came more with a change in values: away from demolition, to conservation and rehabilitation.
  • Most are boarded up awaiting demolition and the company can expect payouts of more than 1m for the condemned houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts to demolish the Turkish forts guarding the Straits by a mixture of naval shellfire and demolition by landing parties during February 1915 failed.
  • Once we have the demolition completed, we will be able to start on the new piling.
  • Then put as a second point on your note-book the fact that at least 500,000 men and women are abstracted or will be abstracted from the beneficent productive work of Canada in making supplies, equipments, doing subsidiary services of a thousand different kinds, all to aid the processes of destruction and demolition which are being carried on by the advanced 500,000 men. Trade Preparations for Coming Peace
  • Residents living in a smart area of Salisbury are preparing to do battle a second time to save two large detached family homes which are under threat of demolition.
  • Work started in spring of last year, with demolition, clearance and work to the new road lay-out.
  • In February demolition work started, and the building was gutted, leaving just the shell.
  • Demolition debris surrounds the stately but decrepit house of Sripathi Rao, Nandana's grandfather.
  • Using driftwood, recycled wood from demolitions, pieces found in shores and rivers, as well as material certified by FSO, decreases the environmental footprint of his work. Priscilla | Inhabitat
  • Hadrianic London, too, saw the demolition of the substantial Flavian forum and basilica and their replacement with a complex twice the normal size.
  • An anti-conversion and demolition control by-law would protect low-income housing during the games, but Vancouver city council refused to pass it.
  • All we deal with is pure topsoil, subsoil and builders demolition, which is perfect for land reclamation.
  • He fought council demolition moves for 18 months before his fatal confrontation.
  • The argument that the phrase referred only to building operations of a constructional nature and not to operations consisting in demolitions or site clearance was rejected.
  • Leinster did a similar demolition job on Llanelli and lost narrowly to the South-west Division.
  • The Beachwood Historical Alliance has been collecting photographs of that borough's train depot, shown here shortly before its demolition in the early 1960s, in an effort to bring it back to life as a comfort station on the trail to potentially aid the borough's ailing downtown district. Rail Trail Celebration on Tap for Saturday « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • The demolitions were the first since October, and drew international criticism, including from the U.S. WBAY Action 2 News
  • During the wanton demolition of the Beauchamp chantry, where, "in marble tumbes," with his father and mother on either hand, the remains of Bishop Beauchamp had been unmolested for over three hundred years, his own tomb was "mislaid" and never recovered. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Salisbury A Description of its Fabric and a Brief History of the See of Sarum
  • His speech did a very effective demolition job on the government's proposals.
  • She faces 20,000 demolition costs if the town hall rejects new plans. The Sun
  • But yesterday at 12 noon Vernon House was reduced to rubble by demolition experts.
  • All of the proposed demolitions are in areas where the majority of local people do not object to the proposals.
  • Although glass bottles are regularly recycled, there is plenty of plate glass from demolitions and renovations which ends up as landfill.
  • Others hail them with great solemnity as demolition jobs on false ways of seeing and feeling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Demolition enjoyed support among many former employees; factory buildings were dominating physical structures in the lives of workers, storehouses of powerful, oppressive memories.
  • Demolition was deliberately timed to coincide with the English school holidays to minimise the distress to youngsters.
  • The corporate Visigoths' worst act of wanton destruction was the demolition of one of the most distinguished terraces ever designed by Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, the genius of the genre.
  • Most do not give reasons for disapproving the demolition, just expressing their disapproval of the proposal.
  • My family has been displaced by urban demolition.
  • Listing, in theory, is an objective assessment of architectural or historical importance which does not necessarily prevent demolition.
  • Besides demolition, BROKK machines could also remove debris with a bucket attachment.
  • In recent years blocks have been cleared in preparation for demolition. Times, Sunday Times
  • He returned home to help his father, who had moved on to demolition work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Underwater Demolition Team UDT Also known as frogmen Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs
  • Since it is above ground level, there will be minimal traffic disruption, land acquisition and demolitions.
  • Forceful demolitions of shanties and roadside kiosks are further examples of the administration's uncaring attitude, the activists say.
  • A followup statement clarified that Vice Admiral Jeffrey Fowler believes the Herndon Climb may eventually be supplanted by the Sea Trials program, a 14-hour regimen of physical and mental endurance tests including "hill assault," a two-mile regimental run, simulated bridge defense and demolition, pull-ups and something called "pugil stick jousting," This year's Sea Trials is set for Tuesday. USNA reconsiders Herndon Climb
  • But Leeds completed their demolition job with a fourth 10 minutes from time.
  • Although surrounded by a demolition site, skyscraping cranes and dozens of builders, a hospital is running as normal.
  • Based on Greenwich demolition applications submitted since July 1, Mr. Marr projects 35 percent fewer residential teardowns will happen in his city this year.
  • His feature-length art films, lavishly shot and propped and edited, veer from images of a classic-car demolition derby in the Chrysler Building, to a gorgeous amputee slicing potatoes with her knife-edged prostheses, to melted Vaseline pouring down a chute at the Guggenheim Museum. Movies: Matthew Barney's 'Cremaster Cycle' comes to E Street Cinema
  • Burr's wiles and tricks, his guile and variation, have been in ample evidence since his rapid demolition of Greenock.
  • What is the role of the cumberbund in the stylish demolition of a thoroughly modern evil empire? Times, Sunday Times
  • Sweat drips from the helmet chinstraps of the engineers who have fitted the demolition charges to the house's steel doors.
  • Although the first phase of construction was declared complete, demolitions and razing continue around it.
  • The Beachwood Historical Alliance has been collecting photographs of that borough's train depot, shown here shortly before its demolition in the early 1960s, in an effort to bring it back to life as a comfort station on the trail. 2010 July 10 « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • Expect more demolitions of unauthorised buildings and buildings with by-law violations over the next two weeks.
  • Police continued to keep a close watch on the squatters to ensure that the makeshift homes were not re-erected once the demolition was completed.
  • Australia's capital cities were transformed as the demolition of existing structures made way for multi-storey office buildings.
  • Other villagers accuse Zhou of destroying the limekiln belonging to a foundry, and bricks from a demolition site are sitting in a village field that residents want for farming.
  • EPA allowed toxic chemicals to harm poor Katrina victims: A GAO report revealed that EPA publicly downplayed the risk of asbestos inhalation, which is often released during home demolition, to city residents and failed to deploy air monitors in predominantly African-American neighborhoods. Darwiniana
  • A contemptuous demolition of their continental colleagues over the course of 18 qualifying matches included 13 wins and a solitary defeat, by Brazil.
  • The fernery near the rose garden had fallen into disrepair, and in 1988 the Christchurch City Council set aside a sum of $6000.00 for its demolition.
  • This will account for an increased proportion of work as people consider options other than total demolition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jaffier could readily perceive how large were the pecuniary interests of Carreras 'heir in the complete demolition of the Spaniard's power, but such single-handed effectiveness had a supermasculine voltage about it, despite Bedient's laughing explanations. Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel
  • Workmen are removing the remaining fixtures and fittings before bulldozers move in for the 30-week demolition job.
  • Will it also turn deaf to their pleas and allow the demolition of the secular order?
  • Any kid who ever created fantasies of demolition with their toy cars feels a frisson of delight at the very idea of robot combat.
  • After an inquiry, the Minister granted planning permission and listed building consent for the demolition of the building.
  • Red and gray chips of the world's most sophisticated nano-thermite, or super-thermite, are dispersed throughout the approximately 30,000 tons of dust generated in the demolitions of WTC 1, 2, and 7; so too are maybe 10 tons of tiny iron-rich spheroidal droplets, another signature of super-thermite explosives. Apathy, Conspiracy's Best Friend
  • And the century-old Rodbourne Methodist Church is also unlisted and is currently facing demolition to make way for a car park.
  • The postwar years had witnessed widespread demolition of historic buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the unapproved building work has detrimental impacts on others then there is a strong probability that the court may issue orders for demolition.
  • At Dovey Junction a new stand-up only passenger shelter has been erected following the demolition of the old buildings.
  • The areas affected by demolitions were full of old, small houses.
  • This encompasses securing the site perimeter, demolition and site clearance, flood defences, sheet piling, public riverside promenade and plaza.
  • In addition, the original plan called for the demolition of structures found beyond repair and the relocation of displaced homeowners.
  • There will be no shortage of demolition jobs by her critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now a York Council working party is recommending demolition and suggests the land could be landscaped or used for affordable homes.
  • During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week's three-hour public meeting about a proposed moratorium on the demolition of homes and construction of triplexes in North Vancouver City's Ottawa Gardens neighbourhood drew a crowd of some 60 area residents.
  • But the new design and the required demolition of buildings has divided architectural opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • In recent years blocks have been cleared in preparation for demolition. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he admitted this demolition of the red-hot favourites topped them all. The Sun
  • The first one was the 'fact' that Caterpillar make the bulldozers 'used in demolitions by the Israeli army' and that thus any company who used their products was unethical. Some Stuff
  • Mr Guy was allowed into the building on the weekend before the demolition for a last look and to take some of the remaining lighting equipment and the art deco grillwork.
  • One day the house went up in flames, but the cats kept returning to the burned-out building, slated for demolition.
  • Most are boarded up awaiting demolition and the company can expect payouts of more than 1m for the condemned houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third phase will involve the demolition of three accommodation blocks to make room for two new ones.
  • The Zimbabwean opposition says up to 1.5 million Zimbabweans have lost their homes and has called the demolitions a campaign of repression. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As any current observer of demolition will tell you, grapples and thumbed buckets are pervasive for cleanup work.
  • It is in the process of planning permission, after demolition, for erection of flats.
  • The little watering-place has returned to its primitive obscurity; and lions and lionesses, with their several jackals, blue surtouts, and bluer stockings, fiddlers and dancers, painters and amateurs, authors and critics, dispersed like pigeons by the demolition of a dovecot, have sought other scenes of amusement and rehearsal, and have deserted ST. Saint Ronan's Well
  • 'selectively leaking' the Liberhan Commission report on Babri Masjid demolition to the media seeking to 'polarise' voters. Undefined
  • Demolition work will start at the end of the month and officials hope the pavilion will be completed by the Autumn.
  • Instead of demolition, however, Swan Hall enjoyed the most devoted restoration of its long life. The team working for Rochford Hall Ltd stripped out the uglier accretions of the centuries, exposing the wondrous oak framework.
  • During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • The demolition was about two-thirds complete, allowing both access and cover.
  • The World Trade Center was not brought down by the airliners that were made to crash into the WTC, nor didthe resulting fire have anything at all to do with theexpertly planned and installed demolition. Obama's Herculean Challenge; Time to River-Wash the Big Three Auto Companies and the Economy
  • The more that has been done, the less it has seemed to accomplish in the way of real relief, until it has at last become clear that nothing short of entire demolition will ever preve of radical benefit. VI. The Bend
  • After shooting one aircraft down, the crew detonated demolition charges and set fire to the ship to prevent its capture.
  • Both marriages are ripe for either refurbishment, or total demolition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old sash windows and fireplace surrounds rescued from the same demolition site across the street were also put to new use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The council and the rest of us should not go ramstam for complete demolition.
  • Five ‘semi-finalists’ were chosen to move into the second round of the demolition derby.
  • She sent 40 vans full of riot police yesterday to protect social workers and the demolition team. Times, Sunday Times
  • The revised proposal did not allow for the complete demolition of the building.
  • Council modified its original motion to allow for demolition and the construction of single unit buildings and duplexes.
  • The congenital apathetic inefficiency bred by the regime as the best way of keeping people down had also delayed the demolition process.
  • The owner of a demolition site, who went to a scrapyard to arrange a collection, found two men weighing in metal stolen from him, a court heard.
  • Yet this wonderful and loving documentary somehow turns a demolition derby into a profound statement on the importance of life and what makes this place special.
  • Council was preparing a brief for prosecution for the unapproved demolition of the rear part of house, according to spokesman Peter Flynn.
  • One thing the demolition won't erase is the memories. Dealing with the death of old Yankee Stadium
  • We had to go around a tunnel because a demolition charge had collapsed the roof. Broken Lives
  • At first glance, it looks like a budgeted version of better sci-fi action flicks from the '80s and' 90s -- Demolition Man and Robocop spring to mind. The Mondays: Is "Gamer" Good or Bad?
  • And as yet another example of perhaps the only serious British contribution to 20th century architecture faces demolition, is there any other art form about which we could be so utterly, wilfully philistine?
  • This demolition exposed ‘stripes’ of structure throughout the existing plaster walls and ceilings.
  • In 1998 the Council of State agreed to the demolition of the ‘Monster of Vietri’, a hotel built by pulverizing an ilex wood and the shoreline on the Amalfi coast.
  • He also remained an outspoken supporter of nuclear power generation, thermonuclear weapon development and stockpiling, and even the use of small nuclear devices for demolition projects and other peaceable purposes.
  • A solution has not yet been found for the disposal of explosives mixed with sternutators or irritants, e.g. TNT with adamsite, which can neither be disposed of through explosive demolition nor burned, but need careful separation of components.
  • The executive is recommended to approve the demolition proposals at tonight's meeting.
  • Two years ago the council blocked the demolition of a 100-year-old, uninhabitable shotgun cottage.
  • For example, the use of safety equipment is mandated for employees working in buildings where friable asbestos is present prior to demolition or major remodeling.
  • A demolitions expert has spoken out to quash concerns over dust coming from a Colchester building site, which contains asbestos.
  • Approaching demolition, various holes appeared in the brickwork of the upcast shaft allowing access to the foolhardy.
  • Concrete from the demolition of the site's previous buildings was reused in roadbeds.
  • During this time the temple was rebuilt following the demolition of its predecessor.
  • The levellers, whose muckworm minds, and love of the arts is only shown in that of money-getting -- maintained that the demolition of the The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 534, February 18, 1832
  • In addition to the manifestly barbaric practice of home demolitions, the Israelis really 'excelled' in the widespread practice of physical and psychological torture, especially in the first few years of the Occupation. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Immediately after the Hapeville plant was formally idled, about 250 workers returned to begin deconstructing the site; more than two years later, demolition and environmental cleanup are still continuing. Disassembly Line
  • I also know that many people have their theories about why the demolitions are happening, why they are good for the city, who these people who lose their homes are, why they are illegal.
  • I would fain that it were possible, having a regard to truth, to round off this little story prettily by telling how in a glade of "The Glen" after the demolition of the bridecake, Miss Priest and the captain "squared matters," were duly married and lived happily ever after, as the story-books say. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Its forced departure, prior to any demolition work, will leave people in Wimbledon with nowhere spacious to sit and eat their Big Macs.
  • During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most obvious of these powers is that of the demolition and clearance of housing that is deemed unfit for human habitation. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain

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