How To Use Demolish In A Sentence

  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • This is particularly true of the film's climax, which somehow manages to demolish several cop cars, and find Ellen clutching a parasail and jumping through flaming hoops in water skis, yet still be completely unfunny.
  • After all, Scottish football teams have constantly demonstrated their ability to demolish our dreams without external assistance.
  • The Norman refectory or "frater" was demolished in 1246, and the new one begun. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
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  • But wait, above the old medicine cabinet from the house next door that we bought and demolished to build our garage, more mossiness has appeared. Returns « Fairegarden
  • To quell resistance, air strikes and artillery barrages were called in, largely demolishing the town.
  • The flashes were like an irregular stroboscope and the rumbling was like an enormous building was being demolished nearby. This weekend...
  • In the following video clip you can watch her demolish the Queen of the Night's aria "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute. George Heymont: Dose Damn Damsels in Dis Dress
  • The last of the turkey has been demolished, the new toys lie in a corner and the Christmas tree is shedding its needles at a rate of knots.
  • She happily green-lighted zoning changes to allow a few small cottages to be demolished and replaced by impressive mansions.
  • As each of his arguments is demolished he moves on to another.
  • Houses have been demolished and replaced with flats and it seems the era of when everyone got their milk from the milkman is slowly fading.
  • The programme builds up the story - only to demolish it completely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The original building was demolished, and a four-storey shop and a number of apartments were built in its place.
  • the hurricane demolished houses in its path
  • Ridley's goal is to demolish this view and explain why Galton's nature / nurture dichotomy is erroneous.
  • It's in a former mews street, half of which is being demolished - and where the other new infill buildings are absolute rubbish.
  • Over Monk Bridge, which was widened in the 1900s, we pass the site of the enlarged gasworks, long since demolished.
  • Bulldozers have begun demolishing the terrace in front of the bowling green in readiness for the building of a members' long room and 36 executive boxes.
  • Can the director explain why demolished properties will be subject to unjustified disruption?
  • After the house was demolished in the Seventies for new housing, the remaining grounds ran wild until all that was left of the original wood was self-seeded sycamore trees and dead elms.
  • In thirteen weeks the builders demolished the old gallery and amphitheatre, and constructed a new large amphitheatre with 600 seats instead of benches. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • Aziz Shaikh, an official from KDMC's anti-encroachment department said, "We have taken action against the construction as per minicipal rules, but Singh wants it to be demolished, which is not possible. Daily News & Analysis
  • Piers capable of supporting heavy loads will be sodded, while others will remain paved; those in poor condition have been demolished. Makeshift Metropolis
  • However, now that the disaster has occured, and the buildings are mostly destroyed, why not re-level the city – that is, demolish all structures, remove/burn the non-cementitious debris and then add fill dirt to add 20 ft elevation everywhere? Should New Orleans be rebuilt? « BuzzMachine
  • Sadly, the remains of the mill itself were demolished on safety grounds in the late 1950s, but the mill lades, complete with sluice gate, survive and form an attractive feature of the gardens.
  • A building next to the lab was being demolished.
  • Taibach, where Cis and Elfed lived, was largely a cluster of small cheap terraced cottages since demolished and unmourned.
  • The teenagers demolished four pizzas among them
  • But non-government organizations decried the forcible evictions as inhumane, urging the government to build replacements for their demolished houses.
  • For we know that if the earthly frame that houses us today should be demolished, we possess a building which God has provided - a house not made of human hands, eternal, and in heaven.
  • People living in Semington have given their support to a campaign to keep the village post office open, despite a planning application to demolish the building that houses it.
  • The filigreed ironwork of a stairway saved from Louis Sullivan's demolished Chicago Stock Exchange leads unexpectedly to the second floor. The New World Reborn
  • Many opted to stay, moving into new Home Housing properties as their council homes were demolished.
  • Old fir flooring, recovered from a demolished building, finds new life as wainscot in the Ecotrust Building, Portland, Oregon.
  • He was enraged by news of plans to demolish the pub.
  • And there: the flat-Earth hypothesis is demolished.
  • Their eyes roved back to the demolished Porsche and wondered what the owner of the car would do if he ever found out who did it.
  • It's not beautiful; too many fine buildings have been demolished to make way for ring roads and shopping centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will just demolish your argument in a very academic and methodical way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blocks of paper demolished the wall that was being repaired by builder David Gott after they were flung from the vehicle on the sharp corner bend approaching Keighley Road from Colne.
  • Demolition in conservation areas Permission is also needed to demolish an unlisted church in a conservation area.
  • Demonstrators also pressed the nationalist campaign for a temple on the site of a mosque demolished by a Hindu mob in December.
  • The rout in commodities has demolished that argument while hammering the sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldiers forming a cordon around the police station became involved, and a wall was demolished by a British tank as they struggled to ‘collect’ the men, the MoD said.
  • In response, the army launched a military assault on the facility in which the men were being held, demolishing parts of the building.
  • But parts of the eighteenth-century limestone doorcases were ‘not entirely original’ which would ‘allow for a more flexible approach to either demolishing them or allowing them to be dismantled for re-use elsewhere’.
  • P.M. to my Samoan lesson from Whitmee — I think I shall learn from him, he does not fool me with cockshot rules that are demolished next day, but professes ignorance like a man; the truth is, the grammar has still to be expiscated — dined with Vailima Letters
  • They are being demolished from within by writers such as China Miéville and Jon Courtney Grimwood, and scaled from the outside by the likes of Michael Chabon and Lev Grossman. Does the 'SciFi' Label Still Apply?
  • It had taken the people of Chaldis the whole of three months to build new homes, remove a square mile of forest, plant some unnecessary crops of exotic and luxurious fruits, re-lay a river, and demolish a hill which offended their aesthetic sensibilities. Tales of Ten Worlds
  • Only 30 of the road's 127 houses are occupied and five tenants live in the row likely to be demolished.
  • A substation in the south-east corner will remain, but the mortuary, the busiest in the city, will be demolished and moved across the road to the hospital building.
  • During the English Civil War, the castle was held by Royalist supporters throughout three sieges resulting in it being largely demolished after 1649.
  • The figures are particularly impressive as its share price was demolished in the days after the June 23 vote. The Sun
  • Be sure to say why owners wish to demolish a building, however strongly you may disagree with their view.
  • An application to carry out works to a listed building or to demolish an unlisted building in a conservation area should be supported by a written statement to justify the proposal.
  • There was some damage to an internal wall, but we are optimistic that our office should not have to be demolished.
  • He clarified that people weren't informed by registered letter that their homes were going to be demolished.
  • On his return to Moscow, he became the father of glasnost, a member of the Politburo and one of the most efficient demolishers of Bolshevism from within.
  • Another large government office block that was opened in 2005 may have to be demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Ortega will be encouraged by the poll's results, Mr. Chamorro wrote in an email, and will try to increase the "concentration of power and demolish the rule of law. Nicaragua's Ortega Wins in Landslide
  • The idea that our home may be demolished is undeniably upsetting, but the even greater threat is the possibility that this process could bog down in an interminable morass of political and bureaucratic indecision, with no clear answers at all. Argh!
  • The old school building was demolished in 1991.
  • A new bridge was being built in the capital, and her own coronation arch had been demolished to make room for it. CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
  • What they were successful in doing was setting off enough explosive charges to demolish the entire cavern.
  • When I watched him get his face beaten and demolished in Fight Club, I knew it was over.
  • Many of the homes to be demolished are boarded-up and unlet, but the news provoked a strong backlash among the many tenants who remain.
  • He said plans for the site would not necessarily include demolishing the buildings or cutting down the trees.
  • A gang almost demolished a building yesterday in their efforts to steal a cash dispenser. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lido forms a pivotal part of the Time and Tide Project to breathe new life into the town's promenade and, under proposals that went out to public consultation, could be demolished to make way for a toilet and caf complex.
  • Since reunification thousands of plattenbau, which means panel construction, have been demolished in Dresden, Magdeburg and Leipzig, while many more are unsellable and unrentable.
  • This The Sun King comprehensively demolishes by setting out in extenso the process, which those of us unwilling to be hoodwinked have understood from the outset, by which it is merely the means of creating a constitution that has been changed, not the constitution itself: In Hubris, Veritas
  • She said: ‘Our lido is one of relatively few in the country which hasn't been demolished or altered and it should be protected.’
  • A team of four heavily built labourers had been contracted to demolish the old building to make way for a new office block.
  • Paul says' the weapons we fight with ... have divine power to demolish strongholds.
  • By the way, do you know when they demolished the "corncob" building in Yerevan? An Armenian Blog About Life in Armenia
  • No great surprise there, except that this common-sense finding demolishes the implied presumptions of fervid gun control advocates.
  • There had been plans to demolish the house and build more than one luxury hotel, but local hoteliers had objected. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Last Saturday against Carlton the players managed to respond to the coach's third quarter reorganization and completely outwit and demolish a team threatening to steal a gritty win.
  • The owner of a historic fairground ride began to demolish it yesterday after its protection as a listed building was lifted.
  • When it is demolished it is lost for good and can only be duplicated at considerable expense.
  • An immense amount of effort went into demolishing one small myth. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has since been demolished - unfit for human habitation! Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end of the night I had demolished their arguments.
  • The link section would be demolished and replaced with a structurally glazed glass lobby area. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will just demolish your argument in a very academic and methodical way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The house is a huge damp building that would be demolished at home, and has plain white mildew-covered walls. The playground is a dust yard with a rusting swing set which the kids love.
  • Pam Henderson, at four, was in cracking form and demolished her opponent, losing only a handful of points in three sets.
  • If a warrior was ever to get this and an Empyrean Demolisher...Sadly all rogues think that they have the claim on this.
  • Steel blue hulks of demolished tanks spew tongues of yellow-orange fire which lean and drift in the steady wind.
  • The plan to demolish an unlisted two-storey building in Fetter Lane, off Skeldergate, and replace it with a three and four-storey property in its place, was approved.
  • Yet more are removing rubbish, refurbishing hotels and demolishing or concealing unsightly buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Blythe tails to consider the main reason why Housing Tasmania has decided to demolish and redevelop Windsor Court - the needs of tenants.
  • These timber posts were revealed under the great hall of the present stone manor and the demolished north end solar.
  • A strong case would have to be made for demolishing it, but it is certainly both possible and desirable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Table toppers at the halfway stage, Moone Celtic demolished their opponents on Sunday last, putting down a solid marker for the remainder of the season.
  • Others consider it a blot on the landscape that needs to be demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fire Service has recommended that the building be demolished.
  • The duo will retain the tower but will demolish three low-rise buildings and replace them with eight new ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all dug into and quickly demolished the large plate Lamb Shoulder $27, a meltingly soft piece of flavorsome meat served atop smoked oats and sprinkled with the Egyptian Dukkah spice. Jay Weston: Mezze's Marvelous Middle-Eastern Menu
  • It has been inserted into the stone abutment of a railway bridge which, long demolished, once spanned the river Serein.
  • They suggest raising the proposed buildings on the site and demolishing and remodelling the existing stone flood barrier on the banks of the Aire to ease the flow in times of flooding.
  • The buildings of the monastery were demolished in 1897 and only the porch remains of Dientzenhofer's work.
  • About 100 terraced houses in Vincent Street, Hampshire Street and Wiltshire Street will be demolished and new football pitches, plus two floodlit artificial pitches, will be built on the site.
  • He seeks to demolish myths about his childhood and life among London's Russian elite.
  • Most of the families living on the estate have already been rehoused and some of the houses have been demolished.
  • They are hideous examples of concrete brutalism, dilapidated and badly-run and best demolished.
  • More and more factories in my home town in England have been demolished and returned to grassland, which is really weird - I never imagined as a youngster that I would be looking at fields and saying "I can remember when all this was factories". Response: We don't need to de-industrialise to meet our emissions targets
  • The loud, the abusive, the vulgar have demolished the restraints and the manners which heretofore governed public discourse.
  • Dublin had just demolished Donegal and he was in particularly jocular mood.
  • It was on the sixth floor of this tower block, since demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monservate was demolished after an outbreak of bubonic plague, an unusual fate for a station.
  • Yet more are removing rubbish, refurbishing hotels and demolishing or concealing unsightly buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The now derelict site, next to one of England's most treasured heritage sites, has been a blot on the landscape since the Jolly Boatman pub was demolished.
  • There was formerly a mill house alongside but this was demolished in 1936.
  • I remained distracted until we had demolished our desserts and had only our glasses of wine remaining before us on the table.
  • They had a look around at the familiar surroundings and then they absolutely demolished a disappointing home team.
  • He holds the world record for conkers by demolishing 306 in an hour, but has not yet won the Irish title.
  • And what needs to be demolished are the illusions to which mankind is prey.
  • Diggers moved in to shift tons of earth, trees were felled, a house next to the course was demolished and two electricity pylons were moved.
  • The black, monolithic tower block, which is largely empty, is to be overhauled and the multi-storey car park demolished under current proposals.
  • And as you said, everyone sort of understands if you have a house that has to get demolished for a new superhighway or even park.
  • They include demolishing internal walls to expand into the three units along Manor Lane, which the shop owns, and display windows will be fitted.
  • The idea of saving the Sagaponack four-square house arose in January 2009, when the owner of the subdivided farm went to the village architectural and historic review board to discuss the possibility of demolishing the building as well as several barns and a 19th-century cottage on the site of a farm. Farmhouse Has New Lot in Life
  • Jones' preferation for the angry Daffy does more than demolish the original purpose behind the character; to be "daffy". John, Alias Johnny, Alias Jack, Alias Jackie
  • My pizza cutters seek to demolish the sterile conformity of mass produced objects and represent the stylistic and flamboyant embellishment of groups who live on the fringe of popular culture.
  • Terminologies are explained, distinctions are defended or demolished, arguments reconstructed and evaluated. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I shrugged and sat beside him, focusing on demolishing my ice cream.
  • There was otter scat on the bank, coyote tracks on the ice, and where the bridge had arched the flow in some lost age, a recently demolished beaver dam.
  • Sometimes a piscina was a subsequent addition to a structure of early date, as in the old and now demolished church of Stretton-upon-Dunsmore, The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • A derelict social club plagued by firebugs could soon be demolished.
  • A Gothic castle almost takes on the role of a central character: 'The lofty battlements, thickly enwreathed with ivy, were half demolished, and become the residence of birds of prey. Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823)
  • The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire.
  • Attempts to demolish the Turkish forts guarding the Straits by a mixture of naval shellfire and demolition by landing parties during February 1915 failed.
  • While they struggle with those threatening to demolish the colony, their adopted teenage child Zoe ignores the big picture; instead she has fun with her boyfriend Enzo and her sarcastic best friend Gretchen while flirting with her Obin bodyguards. Zoe’s Tale-John Scalzi « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The statistics are shocking - and they demolish any arguments put forward by the cynical pro-smoking lobby.
  • The snappers soon demolished the tuna and the current blasted us up from 30m into a shallow, sandy area, carpeted with garden eels.
  • Several homes in nearby have already been demolished after suffering a potentially explosive build-up of the gas, which is known to miners as Fire Damp.
  • The balcony can be reached by two bridges projecting from squat, machicolated towers - the houses have now been demolished, but the gallery remains.
  • (Soundbite of symphony orchestra) WHITEHEAD: Box annotator Mike Heffley says those classical albums demolished whatever jazz cred Braxton had built up in the '70s. Vintage Recordings From Anthony Braxton
  • This dogma can only be demolished by drawing clear distinctions between scientific evidence and the evidence of religious and/or mystical experience.
  • The battle for the runners-up spot saw Shepherds demolish Bishopthorpe, with Mick Willsden including a 101 finish for a superb 15-darter.
  • Or perhaps, twisted, tangled strands of rebar poking through piles of concrete rubble in the demolished remains of a hotel or a factory.
  • The main building was demolished, but the library still survives as a museum.
  • Shortly after buying it, Denega was refused listed building consent to demolish the chapel and develop 21 sheltered accommodation units.
  • We now know it will sacrifice talent and demolish the dignity of a loyal employee for a cartoon version of moral purity.
  • Lumber from a demolished warehouse clads the kitchen cabinets, refrigerator surround, and main island.
  • The rout in commodities has demolished that argument while hammering the sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • his book demolishes an old myth
  • In extreme cases the sheds will be demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • This served as the means for redistributing social wealth into the hands of a tiny elite while, at the same time, basic forms of social security were demolished.
  • A house next to the site of a proposed cattery is soon to be demolished and rebuilt… proving it, too, has nine lives.
  • There will be no stay of execution and few mourners for this concrete tower block, due to be demolished next month.
  • The mill was demolished after the First World War. It had an overshot waterwheel of 15 feet diameter.
  • You need Conservation Area Consent to demolish an unlisted building within a Conservation Area.
  • The luck will come our way and we'll demolish a team one day. The Sun
  • The big question everyone in town is asking, when are they going to start work on demolishing the derelict buildings?
  • The chimney, built in the late 1800s, was due to be demolished by dismantling it brick by brick.
  • This would involve combining the ground floors of the town hall and Wiltshire College into one open plan area, and demolishing the current stairway to the mayor's parlour.
  • Phase two ‘A’ would see the away terracing demolished, replaced by similar stand taking capacity to 8,900.
  • Ironically, the new tower will be on the site of an old office building erected in 1968 and now demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • (For example, I could reveal the amusing story behind how nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler met his wife Rosa Wang, or how I took down a huge pot from Scripps College president Nancy Bekavac when my quad tens demolished her ace-high flush, but rules are rules.) Foreign Correspondent Checking In
  • I wanted to stage an imaginary confrontation with a banker, force him to justify his wealth, and then demolish his arguments. Times, Sunday Times
  • All but one of these have now been demolished by the council. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her game just kept improving with every round, she played some tough matches, demolished the defending champion in the semis and survived a battle of attrition in the final.
  • an old house destined to be demolished
  • St John's owns a former coalyard next door as well as four terraced cottages which are currently rented on short lets - they would be demolished under the proposals.
  • Playing with white, Adams demolished his much lower-rated player Asabri in just 35 moves.
  • The crash demolished that illusion: after October 1929, businessmen, investors and politicians alike watched every economic signal anxiously, seeking reassurance that the financial flameout had not soured the economy as well.
  • A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.
  • The old tannery could be demolished, it is empty and an eyesore, and the materials used to create an environmentally improved site approach.
  • Dr. Bill, David Duke, the folks at Stormfront and their counterparts on the far left may think that Finkelstein demolished Goldhagen but nobody else does. Matthew Yglesias » Haim Saban
  • What has not been properly considered is the option of demolishing it and building a replica in its place. Times, Sunday Times
  • To "demolish" Behe's review of the malaria evidence, one would need to show evolution's ability to do much more with malaria than blow up bridges to foil adversarial attacks. Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
  • They are hideous examples of concrete brutalism, dilapidated and badly-run and best demolished.
  • They have been fighting a rearguard action for two years to stop their house being demolished.
  • This is a huge barrier that all branded online download stores must one day demolish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire.
  • The Harbour Board had sought the permission of the Department of Marine to demolish the old boatyard slipway in order to facilitate the development of the area.
  • The original buildings were demolished in 1929 to make way for the Empire State Building, and were replaced with a 2,200-room, 42-storey art-deco monolith.
  • Ledyard never desponded -- no sooner was one of his castles demolished, than he set about building another. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 328, August 23, 1828
  • ‘It's obviously now a huge eyesore and I would hope the building is demolished to make it safe for residents living nearby,’ he said.
  • As a start on the road to understanding, Australians should demolish two misconceptions.
  • These stones were removed when this monument was demolished and built in steps in the east wing of the villa.
  • The 12-year-old from Kingston, Jamaica, showed no mercy in demolishing words like "" daedal '' (intricate) and "" parrhesia '' (frank speech). A Daedal Test Of Parrhesia
  • We buy a crumbling house, invite half a dozen builders in to demolish its interior walls - then grumble about the stour, the noise and the unsightly skip in the garden.
  • In extreme cases the sheds will be demolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Say goodbye to the scene in which a car smashes into a boulangerie; Hollywood prefers to demolish patisseries.
  • All killings, all maimings, all arrogant demolishions of people's homes, all assassinations, all bombings, all suicide attacks, all aerial slaugherings, all tank cannonades, all invasions are inherently wrong.
  • Some lawyers are successful in the elenchical mode of argument -- to use a logical term -- that is, in demolishing the structure of their opponents, while they fail in the deictic, that is, in raising on its ruins an impregnable fabric of their own; but it was difficult to decide which process was the most thorough in the reasoning of Tazewell. Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell
  • Some lawyers are successful in the elenchical mode of argument ” to use a logical term ” that is, in demolishing the structure of their opponents, while they fail in the deictic, that is, in raising on its ruins an impregnable fabric of their own; but it was difficult to decide which process was the most thorough in the reasoning of Tazewell. Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon Littleton Waller Tazewell
  • Most of the families living on the estate have already been rehoused and some of the houses have been demolished.
  • On the site of the demolished buildings he plans to build 63 apartments in three blocks.
  • An Art Nou-veau classic built in 1912, and turned into a military department store by the Soviets, it was the first major Moscow landmark demolished by Luzhkov, in 2003.
  • He gassed on about how much he'd been chatting with him lately, how the two men were looking forward to working hand in hand - never mind his rhetoric about demolishing Albany’s culture of dysfunction.
  • Match 2 saw them demolish their opponents on the 14th hole winning 6-4.
  • Halfway through the plan, however, dozens of buildings have been demolished but only a small number of replacement units have been built.
  • Birtukan's pardon is seen as a magnanimous gesture to the international community at a time when Ethiopia's weak opposition parties have been effectively demolished. Prominent Ethiopian Opposition Leader Released From Prison
  • For some years, moreover, the strange phenomenon has presented itself of the provincial towns being the prey of Parisian manufacturers, who reconstruct them and demolish their picturesque antiquity, in order to garnish their boulevards and fine mansions, while Paris, on the contrary, is directed and governed by provincials, who provincialize it just as the Parisian companies parisianize the provinces. His Excellency the Minister

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